Wednesday, December 31, 2014

American English

Namaste and welcome friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers to another posting for the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. Today I wanted to briefly write about how bad American English has become. First, however, I want to put it in perspective as many other nations, especially China and other Asian countries are learning two, three, or even four languages by the time they are in college. We, as Americans get all pissed off about the rising number of Hispanics in our country, yet we are still far behind the rest of the world as we cannot even speak our own primary language very well.
I used to not be such a grammar Nazi. Still I try not to focus on the semantics when I know the meaning of what someone is trying to say. It just irritates me nearly every time I go onto social media, be it Facebook or Twitter and people are spelling even the simplest of words WRONG!!! I know my writing style isn't perfect. I like to highlight and capitalize words for emphasis in the middle of my sentences sometimes. I know that this is improper grammar, but I make an exception from the normal because I think my readers might want to know how I feel, thus the reason for reading my blogs, yes?
So back to the subject at hand. I hate it when I read an article or posting on social media and I see someone spell their or there as "thur"; nothing as "nuthin", as well as and becoming just "n". Who doesn't love the auto-correct of "ducking" either. I'm convinced that not only do many people not know how to spell correctly, but they rely too much on dictionaries from their phones and auto-correct that leads to confusion and misspelling.
Folks, we live in the United States where there is a jumbled hodgepodge of cultures mixed together, where we mix together words from other languages into a big soup. What's sad, however, is that this is really our ONLY primary language in the U.S.A., our scrambled up American English, and we're not really speaking it very well. Add in the Hispanic culture and black Ebonics, and now our language is really muddled up. On top of that the media likes to make up new words all the time too, like bootylicious and badonkadonk.
Usually I have ideas on how to fix problems when I write a blog, but this time I've really been tied up on this and have no real ideas, but to just go back to basics and focus on the English roots of our conglomerated language.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Cosplay: Nerdy Girls Are Sexy Part 2

Namaste and welcome back friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers to another spicy posting for the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. If you haven't yet, I encourage you to read past blogs, especially since this is the second part to the Nerdy Girls Are Sexy blog.

I personally admire girls that can step out of the societal "norm" and be herself. I think it's a great thing to not only admit to being a nerdy girl or a geek, but to also let your freak flag fly proudly as you display the cosplay. Last year we went to the Wizard World Comic-Con in Portland, OR. I was astounded by how many people, both men and women that were dressed up as their favorite comic and movie characters. It was cool to see real life celebrities like Adam West and Michael Rooker. The star of the show was the girls that had the chesticular fortitude to wear some amazingly complex, yet skimpy looking costumes for the fanboys to drool over.
Now before I move on, I do want to say this for my male readers: Cosplay or not, these women ARE REAL people too and should be treated with admiration and respect and NOT like playtoys or inhuman sex puppets. That kind of treatment is NOT ACCEPTABLE!!!
I think it takes bravery and talent for these women of cosplay to put together amazingly realistic costumes and wear them openly through the throngs of nerds and geeks. If I could I would lead a standing ovation at the comic-con events to bring credibility and not just sexism toward these women because their CONFIDENCE makes them far sexier than the makeup and/or skimpy costumes. ALWAYS treat nerdy/geeky girls with respect. Despite tattoos or silly dress up outfits, she might be the one to rock your world, so always show them respect.
I didn't plan for this to be a hugely long blog, so please enjoy and admire some of the girls of cosplay.

Sunday, December 28, 2014


Namaste and welcome. Today I wanted to talk about speeding in our automobiles. When did everyone get in such a hurry to go to the job, to go to the store, or to go to our own grave?!?

To the best of my knowledge there is nowhere in the continental United States that allows, legally, a driver to go over 85 miles per hour (MPH). Why then do they make vehicles in this nation that are allowed to go 120 miles per hour or even faster? What's sad is that the majority of my readers could understand when I say that I don't even need to cite a single statistic in this blog to get my point across. You can turn on the news ANY night of the week and hear about auto related fatalities that have to do with speeding and/or alcohol... a deadly combination. I don't really have to talk about the overbearing police presence that should deter speeders, because we can see them every time we hit the roads in mass force.
So why then are people allowed to speed so much? Is it the endless stream of cash revenue for the local and state police? Is it the fatalities to cull the ever-growing population? Or is it some other selfish reason?
As a concerned citizen I don't believe that the speed of the car should be legally allowed to be greater than that of the speed limit allowed legally by law. To me this is not too much to ask for. I know for a fact that the car manufacturers could put a grandfather meter on the speedometer that would stop the vehicle from accelerating past say 85 mph. Why would anyone need to go faster than that? Honestly, I would really like to know?!? We can leave the Nascar professionals to do the speeding in a constant loop... some things just aren't meant to be for the general populace. I think some people have gotten so caught up with the movie sensationalism of speeding like with the Fast and Furious movies, Drive, Gone in 60 Seconds, and Need for Speed. Lovable Paul Walker himself died from the deadly speed. So the ONLY thing I can think of that keeps this madness going is that it is like a drug. People get off on the adrenaline of going fast, just like those who go skydiving or bungee jumping, for example.
I do not seek out to be the morality police on this issue, but we as a culture, have to set limits and maintain our own levels of responsibility to one another, lest we keep down the slippery slope of government control. Cause if we don't self-regulate and chill out, guess what? Uncle Sam steps in and forces us to do by their will, not ours. In conclusion, there really is NO NEED for excessive speeding. Plan your time accordingly and there will be no reason to be late, caught speeding and endangering the lives of your self and others unnecessarily. This is a plea not only to the auto manufacturers, but to my fellow men and women. This is a plea to slow down and take life just a little slower, lest we are speeding forward to our own demise and death. This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse 420.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Jabba The Butt

Namaste. Welcome all friends, family, and fellow knowledge readers to another exciting posting for the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. If you are new to reading this blog, please take time to peruse my back catalog of postings. If you are a seasoned veteran of reading my postings, please sign on as a friend and follower of my blog.

Now today you might have read the title of this blog and been like "WTF?" I wanted to take some time, especially since I've been talking about breasts and whootys lately, to explain the difference between a thick woman whom is sexy and just a flat out obese woman with fat rolls, lower back ass, and a butt that is wide enough for a forklift. Before I get too far along, I need to state that there IS indeed a sexy woman inside every fat chick, but due to depression and/or over-eating it's just flat out been lost, which is a very sad situation. But sexy isn't always just about how you look, mind you. There are plenty of chubby-chasers out there and sexiness has a LOT to do with confidence: I've met some confident fluffy girls in my day... even fucked a few, lol.

Moving on, see above pictures to understand my point. On the left is a fat ass that looks like it is swallowing them jeans. On the right is a PHAT whooty that is curvacious and sexy. Okay, the right one isn't too bad, so let me give you a better example:

This now is what I would call a Jabba the Butt. Very FAT and it is indeed sad to see what otherwise might have been a beautiful woman let herself go to the point of gross obesity. She'd better have a GREAT PERSONALITY if she wants to get herself a man,; staring at dudes like a two piece and a biscuit. On top of the physicality of a super-plus-sized woman, there is the obviousness that many of these women are constantly complaining about their weight, but yet are lifting up Popeye's chicken buckets instead of dumbells. Walking to the refridgerator doesn't count as significant exercise... Either fix the problem or shut the fuck up about your weight. These are the women often seen shopping at Wal-Mart with like 6 kids that make me wonder WHO DONE DID THAT (which is the name of one of my past blogs with the same subject matter).
So let's sum up the message here. It's okay to be PHAT, curvy, and thick, but there is a breaking point when you just eat too much and become OBESE. Then it's not okay to have a Jabba the butt that looks like two sumo wrestlers fighting in the back of your pants. Girl, get off your fat ass and go find that inner beauty. Stop eating so much junk food. Exercise. Do some squats and lunges to shape your ass, but please for the love of GOD, don't fucking complain if you aren't going to do anything about it.
This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse with this public service announcement. Now here is what a real ass should look like...

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Last Minute Christmas Gift Idea

Namaste and welcome to another exciting posting of the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. Thanks for joining me on this wonderful Christmas holiday. I hope all my readers are enjoying their day so far, and I most certainly hope you all have a wonderful Christmas night ;)

In this day and age it is sometimes difficult to find the right gift for your husband, wife, girlfriend, or boyfriend. In the spirit of giving, if you are unable to think of the right gift, or you are unable to afford the finer things in life then I suggest giving  your partner ORAL SEX. Ladies, there is no better present than a blowjob. Now this might require some work ethic, but you'll have a happy man and a great holiday spirit. Fellas, this coin has a flip side that comes around when you decide your gift is going DOWN south to Virginia for the all night pink taco stand. Do  your duty and you might also get some booty, if you feel what I'm saying.
The gift of love is free and doesn't cost you a dime. Your partner will DEFINITELY be getting what he/she wants... a big orgasm. YEP, I said it, an ORGASM. Hey, there's a real reason that September and October have the most births of any other months... someone's been spreading the holiday cheer...
Giving your partner a loving BJ or some tantalizing cunnilingus is the gift that keeps on giving even if you've already brought presents it would just be the icing on the cake. Don't worry about bills and returning gifts, give the one that comes from the heart and tongue: ORAL SEX.
This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse 420

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Human Procreation

Namaste and welcome back to another posting for the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. If you are new to reading my posts or even a seasoned veteran, thank you for showing  your support. Please feel free to read any or all of my past blogs.

Today, I want to talk about human procreation. Even though I have two kids, I am still bewildered by the idea of humans having more children. I've blogged extensively about how I think there is a human over-population problem, but beyond that I really don't know how we've kept our species going this long. I've talked to both men and women about this and I haven't come to a consensus on either side as to who is in charge of sex, let alone who is in charge of procreation.
Does it happen by accident? Of course not. We all know that in order for their to be a child conception there must be two people fucking somewhere. How did they get together? Was this child planned out? Or is it all just an accident when someone gets pregnant? I personally haven't decided because the personal differences between men and women, often resulting in anger and frustration toward the opposite gender leave me baffled as to how they would want to get together to fuck, let alone make a life altering decision to procreate and have children. In my lifetime I have seen the gender gap both widen with communications strained, and yet shorten with the broadening androgyny of today's youth.
The communication gap really perplexes me because we have all this technology, education, and access to information that has never been so prevalent in all of human history... and yet, I feel like people are worse at communicating than ever before.
This leaves me with one simple conclusion, that the ONLY reason we still get together and fuck is because of our animalistic hormones that tell us to breed. These hormones start around puberty and last through our twenties and into our thirties, primarily. We still have the urge to fuck around after that, but that's more for pleasure than for baby making... although I've said many times before that fucking and sex = children. Really though, these hormones must be pretty powerful because it's not like people are actually getting along better. We have an incredibly high divorce rate in this nation of the USA leaving lots of kids stuck in single parent homes or orphaned.
Hormones. If it wasn't for our innate desire to breed, which by nature goes against the logic center of our mammalian brains, there wouldn't be any more of us. These instincts served us well when we were a fledgling species fighting in the raw of nature for our very survival; back when we were tribal and it was the survival of the fittest. Now, however, especially in poor, less developed nations, these old archaic religions and customs have been the main cause of over-breeding the human animal which leads to famine, disease, and low quality of life.
Why is it then, with this mass of knowledge and large brains can we not figure this issue of over-population and over-breeding out? WE are supposed to be smarter than our animal cousins. We are supposed to be more evolved... the supposed pinnacle of evolution, if you will. Yet here we are dawning upon a new year and we are continually facing the same problems as generations ago, if not worse ones.
I want to finish with a familiar idea for this new generation of my fellow humans. If you can't feed them, then don't breed them. Life is precious and it loses value and novelty if those people are lost, unwanted, and broken because they came into this world for all the wrong reasons. I wish my fellow humans would WAKE UP!!! Start using those brains the creator gave us, which were meant for MORE than just our animal instinct to fuck and reproduce.

Lastly, I want to put in a quote...
In Malthus' opinion "... the masses are incapable of exercising moral restraint, which was the only real remedy for the population problem. They were therefore doomed to always live at bare subsistence level. If all income and wealth were distributed among them, it would be totally wasted within one generation due to profligate behavior and population growth, and they would be as poor and destitute as ever. Paternalistic attempts to help the poor were thereafter highly likely to fail. Also they were a positive evil because they drained wealth and income from the higher (and therefore more moral) ranks of society. These people were responsible - either in person or through patronage - for all the great achievements of society: art, music, philosophy, literature, and so on owed their existence to the good taste and generosity of these people. Taking money from them would deprive this world of culture."

"Priding themselves on what they conceive to be a mark of the reach and size of their own understandings, of the extent and comprehensiveness of their views, they will look upon this neglect merely as an indication of poverty, and narrowness, in the mental exertions of their contemporaries, and only think that the world is not yet prepared to receive their sublime truths."

Thomas Robert Malthus, "An Essay on the Principle of Population"

This is a lot to think about so I will leave you with this to ponder. This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse 420.
Peace. Love. Respect. Truth. Thought. 

American Conservatism

Once we recognize that Libertarianism is essentially neo-feudalism, and that it is now the dominant conservative philosophy of the Republica...