Monday, January 28, 2013

Taking the Piss

Brr... it's cold out there. This is the displaced southern man, Quiet Mouse. Thanks for joining me today, namaste. May the fates be with you. You've obviously looked at the above title to this blog. You may be wondering something like: "Hehe, hehe, hehe..." in a Butthead tone of voice. It is a silly subject, but I often choose the topics unspoken by others... that's just how I roll.

I'll keep it short, but basically I was pondering why it is that around nearly EVERY SINGLE MEN'S URINAL there is a puddle of piss on the floor... hmm...
I am ever so curious how this happens. Now mind you it is probably those men with a little less benevolence by the creator in the penis department. However, it is to my understanding that every man has a protruding penis, and with said penis, this man or boy is able to grab his penis and actually FUCKING AIM at the damn toilet. It's kinda big... hard to miss. You don't have to fuck the toilet, however you do need to get close  enough to actually make your urine into the bowl/urinal.
Are these depraved selfish people just getting jollies from this act? Is there some sense of vindication here? Nearly everywhere I go this is the case. There are a few exceptions like the urinals at the strip club are kept spotless... cause they want you to tip MORE. Department stores are often this way too. It's usually at gas stations or restaurants or big box stores to step in a puddle of someone else's piss. Suppose that's about right. Forget the bar, though, for it IS hard to aim when intoxicated. Then again we DO live in a heavily pharmaceutical dosed population, so that theory still works for the pissing on the floor problem. I suppose there will never be a clear answer. I often think that perhaps it is a game to see how far you can stand away and still make the target in a steady stream before you are too far away when it ends and you dribble your piss on the floor. I hope I have left you with something interesting to think about the next time you are aiming your junk at the toilet to piss. Thank you for your time. I hope to have entertained. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

MY Generation

Namaste and welcome. I hope you are doing well on this Wednesday afternoon, evening, night, morning, or whenever you are reading this blog. Glad to have your attention for a few moments. I just wanted to share a short sentiment about generation gaps.

It came to my attention recently as I have gone back to school to pursue my passion for cooking that there is a significant and noticeable generation gap between myself and the teenagers that I am having to associate with on a daily basis. There are a few good young chefs and many who either don't seem to belong there or act like they don't want to be there. I hung out this afternoon with some friends that are around my age and I felt so much more at home with those that are from MY generation. It made me feel more intelligent, more comfortable, and less anxious, as I find myself somewhat annoyed and stressed at having to deal with the immaturity and whatnot that comes with youth. Now mind you we are all supposed to be "adults" after the age of 18, but it seems to me more and more young adults these days, well, they just seem to be less mature and responsible as I remember my generation being at the same age.
Of course it is a perceptional bias as I'm sure that EVERY generation thinks that theirs is the best and the ones after are stupider. My jury is still out making a decision about what I think of the teens these days. Many feel this sense of entitlement, desire of praise for sub-par performance, and very few of them listen to the earned advice from their elders (and that is NOT saying that I am old, just older than them, lol).
I like people my age because we have our own flavors, styles, and vibes, plus a lot better work ethic. It's nice to have a mature conversation whether it is with parents, grandparents, teachers, and even teenagers. I don't want to immediately draw any wrong conclusions because each person is different and has different talents as well as different priorities in life. When you are a teenager sometimes the priorities are partying and sex. Sometimes the priority is school. Some just float aimless living off of parents. Some "adults" do this as well.
Thanks for your time this afternoon. This is the one and only Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect.

Monday, January 7, 2013

I'm A _________. (Fill in the blank)

Welcome back my friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers to the first edition of the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back for the new year of 2013. I'm not going to take up a whole bunch of your time today, so let's just jump in and make this brief.

Apparently I'm uptight, picky, stubborn, moody, demanding, and opinionated. Even more I get angry WAY TOO FAST, I swear A LOT, and I piss off others on a frequent basis. I have too high of expectations from others, I complain a lot, and I think that more than half of people are just plain FUCKING STUPID. Oh, and I'm a huge ASSHOLE, apparently.

On the flip side of that is the other half of me, constantly in struggle with the above. I TRY to be nice, understanding, patient, considerate, loving, and a decent human being. The problem mainly comes for me because I find myself getting upset, nearly daily, about the SAME exact issues that never seem to get ACTUALLY RESOLVED... See, I figured out something a short while back. MOST people simply want to spend their lives just sort of whining and complaining about mostly trivial issues rather than actually FIXING THE PROBLEM. I am constantly told to lower my standards (since when has that EVER solved ANYTHING?!?), cause that works so well. So I find myself in this slow boil of emotions that sooner or later turns into a powder keg of negative feelings towards others and eventually I blow up. I'm sure that you might be able to relate to this idea. Hell, if you know me, you probably have experienced this from me first hand. I would like to think that being around me for the 80-85% of the time that I'm pretty cool would be worth the other 15-20% of the time when I'm acting like an asshole. I know that each and every one of us suffers from our own demons and I assure ALL, that I am actively working on my issues, despite the difficulty to change the things I cannot control and cannot change. It is hard for me. I am intelligent enough to see things past the veil of pretentiousness and lies. So fill in the blank for the title of this blog with whatever adjective you feel is necessary. I might be a lot of things, but you can never say that I'm anything but completely honest, for good or bad... I can give advice because I've made a shit ton of mistakes in my life... I'm equally frustrated at the fact that it has made me a bit jaded and dysfunctional at times, but as stated before, I AM TRYING... which is more than I can say, confidently, for many others...
This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Honesty.

American Conservatism

Once we recognize that Libertarianism is essentially neo-feudalism, and that it is now the dominant conservative philosophy of the Republica...