Sunday, December 8, 2019

The "FUCK" Poem

Hello there and welcome to my blog, the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read my thoughts. I hope you are not easily offended and enjoy my poetry...
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Fuck this and Fuck that
Fuck you and Fuck your red MAGA hat
Fuck you and Fuck you're religion
While there's still starving fucking children
Fuck the pedo priests and all the fucking pedo rape
They are fucking destined for a Hell they can't escape
Fuck the churches and Fuck the banks
Fuck your army with your fucking tanks
Fuck the government(s), fuck 'em all
Shit won't stop while the bombs still fall
Fuck the Left and Fuck the right
I'll say Fuck all fucking night
Fuck the President, Fuck his goons
They're all fucking Looney toons
Fuck the news and Fuck the press
Fuck you if you think like all the rest
Fuck the corporations that don't pay enough
Things like fucking wages, taxes, benefits, and stuff
Fuck Putin, Kim, Ergodon, and even Salman too
Fuck all the fucking despots without a fucking clue
Fuck the CEO's and Fuck their endless greed
Fuck all the people that would deny to those in need
Fuck the apathetic.  Fuck the stupid. Fuck the lazy.
Especially Fuck traffic as it makes me fucking crazy
Fuck climate change and Fuck all the pollution
I wish they'd fucking listen to a positive solution
Fuck the racists. Fuck the cons.
It goes on and fucking on.
Fuck the pushers.  Fuck the smokers.
Fuck the users. Fuck the jokers.
Fucking A... for all this fucking shit I've said
And Fuck ME, for making this poem that you just fucking read.

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Thursday, December 5, 2019

I Miss Drive-in Movie Theaters

Namaste. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to read my thoughts. This is gonna be short, so let's get started.
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If you've read my past blogs you will understand that I am a huge cinephile (lover of film). Some of my favorite movies are the Star Wars saga, MCU, Aliens, 5th Element, etc. I was reared in the middle of the country in Kansas and movies were just part of life growing up. I still remember the speaker box sitting in the car window while my brother and I sat in the back seat seeing Alien at the drive-in. Fast forward to my time stationed in San Diego, during my Navy enlisted service. We'd go down to Imperial Beach and watch the movies on a Friday night where you could see 3 recently released movies for about $5 per person. Those were the days, hanging out in the summer, windows down, getting food from the snack-bar and living up the fading nostalgia of a bygone era.
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Next year will be 2020, so perhaps it is time to bring the drive-in movie theater back into style. Malls are closing, stand alone theaters are expensive to run and maintain. The snacks are grossly overpriced. The novelty is gone... especially due to the streaming video services like Hulu, Netflix, Disney+, On-Demand from cable, etc. HBO, Apple TV, and others are gearing up for their own piece of the streaming revenue pie, but even that has gotten passe.
Families need a family night and I can't think of a way to bring a family together more than watching an exciting film on the really big screen of the drive-in theater. Star Wars would be great... just saying.
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Anyways, that's all I have to say about that. As always, I will see you at the movies. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Star Wars: the FANDOM Menace

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Namaste and welcome to my blog, my friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers. Thank you for joining me today as I talk about one of my favorite movie franchises of all time; in particular the fan base of often cantankerous viewers. Let's jump right in by stating emphatically that I LOVE ALL THINGS STAR WARS...
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As you may be able to tell from the title of the blog, this message is about the haters.
Whether you like the Star Wars franchise or not, the movie series has no doubt been divisive, spread across 42 years, multi-generational, and beyond George Lucas's wildest imagination. There has been every type of marketing and product manufactured with the Star Wars logo and/or character iconography from t-shirts and plush toys to toothpaste and wallpaper... which is part of what I think has led some to Star Wars fatigue.
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Let's be honest and clear here, though... the "original trilogy" of Episodes 4, 5, and 6 came out with "A New Hope" in 1977. There are MANY "fans" of the franchise out there that have not been true fans since the end of the original trilogy in "Return of the Jedi". These same "fans" didn't like the "prequel trilogy" of Episodes 1, 2, and 3. Some claimed the acting of Natalie Portman and Hayden Christensen ruined these movies. Other hater "fans" actually made death threats to young actor Jake Lloyd, who portrayed a young anakin in "The Phantom Menace" and also made death threats to Ahmed Best who played the goofy Jar-Jar Binks. Cause-heads even got offended believing Watto was racially depicting an alien as a Jew. I can't even fathom this...
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These same "fans" hated the holiday specials. They hated the Ewoks. They hated the "Clone Wars" animated movie and the follow on series of the same name. There were even hater "fans" that had to rag on the Clone Wars short episodes from the Cartoon Network. Oh, but the "fans" didn't stop hating there, despite the majority never reading any of the supplemental canon books/novels, graphic novels, comic books, technical manuals, etc.; chasing the dragon of that feeling Star Wars gave them as a youth, even though after 42 years, we've all grown up a bit...
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These "fans" hated Episode 7 "The Force Awakens", they hated "Rogue One", they hated "Solo:A Star Wars Story", they hated on "Rebels" and they especially hated on Episode 8: "The Last Jedi" the MOST. Adam Driver has been compared to Hayden Christensen and Daisy Ridley has been compared to Natalie Portman from the prequel trilogy, but I think that's kind of the point. Seemingly random events have happened throughout the movies to culminate in the finale of the Skywalker saga in Episode 9: "the Rise of Skywalker".
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December 20th, 2019 will see the end of the story come to your local theater and soon to home video after that, yet the saga will live on. The power of the force is strong with this franchise. Shows like The Mandalorian with the Child (baby Yoda) on the Disney+ streaming service are bringing the Star Wars universe to whole new generations of people and breathing a breath of new life into the franchise that will likely lead to other spin-offs including other Disney+ shows like Obi-wan Kenobi, Yoda, and Boba-Fett, to name a few that have been thrown out there on social media... which brings me to my next point: social media.
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The Internet is a blessing and a curse. Endless amounts of information and data at a finger-tip and still a world full of ignorance and hatred. True fans don't go onto social media and trash the movies, video games, and cartoon shows. Those are the FAKE "fans" that haven't ACTUALLY LIKED Star Wars since the original film trilogy: 4, 5, and 6. That's not a real fan.
These fake "fans" have become trolls; online starting fights on Facebook and in their homes.
Everyone has a right to their own opinions about everything, BUT we don't have the right to go around being a jerk to others that don't believe the same as we do...
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It's really simple. If you don't like or no longer like the movies... watch something else. Get a hobby. Get a boyfriend or girlfriend (or whatever, depending how you roll). DON'T, however, feel the need to spread hate across the world about a freaking MOVIE. I wish these "fans" would that emboldened and worked up about something in this world that ACTUALLY MATTERED like equal rights and equal pay; climate change, forest and wild animal conservation; pollution; green technology, freedom, foreign relations, etc.
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Fuck the fake "fans" and haters. Episode 9: the Rise of Skywalker is going to be AMAZING!!! Emperor Palpatine may be back, like WHAT?!? Finn, Poe, Rose, and Rey along with R2-D2 and C-3P0 are going to unite the rebels, kick the Empire's ass, and bring about a new order of force users that are in BALANCE with the Force. Sounds awesome to me. Make up your own mind and don't believe the drivel of online trolls. You are NEVER too old to enjoy the Star Wars franchise. May the Force be with you. Always.

American Conservatism

Once we recognize that Libertarianism is essentially neo-feudalism, and that it is now the dominant conservative philosophy of the Republica...