Thursday, March 28, 2013

Some People Should Be Ashamed

Perhaps it comes with a certain level of maturity. Perhaps it is a lesson that few of us end up learning. Namaste and welcome.
Now that I am 33 and turning 34 next month a lot of things have been brought to the front of my attention recently. I'm sure many of you have read my past blogs and may have an understanding of where I am coming from here.  Needless to say I am frustrated with my fellow males, today especially the teenagers. Boys of that age are so obsessed with getting some pussy that they completely treat young women like an objectified piece of shit. Maybe it takes some mental maturity but a girl or woman is MORE than just a couple wet tight holes or just another random bitch. It really does hurt the circle of order when people selfishly fuck and then fuck over each other in an endless cycle because the next person feels justified because someone treated him or her like crap.
I see all ages of people running around craving sex like a lunatic, lol. We ALL love sex, but there is ALWAYS a time and place for EVERYTHING. It MUST be Easter because everyone is running around here fucking like little bunnies

I guess boys will just be boys after all, no matter how old we get, constantly staring and ogling at boobs. I suppose it only comes with age that we learn to respect the pussy AND the woman as well. I remember being a teenage boy and I guess it would be hypocritical of me to chastise too much. I just wish that boys could understand that sometimes the sex does get better with the same person who loves you and genuinely desires to uphold your best interests, unselfishly and whole-heartedly. I think its just too hard for some people to just look and NOT TOUCH. It's okay to be friends with women, BUT if you are already in a relationship and attached to one person, it is just BAD KARMA to fuck someone else. If you are unhappy, end the negative relationship and find a more positive meaningful one. But don't string along a bunch of random girls for some pussy. Pussy is EVERYWHERE. Boobs are EVERYWHERE... yeah, they outnumber us men 2 to 1, plus there are more women than men to begin with... why that's A LOT OF TITTIES!!!

Well, obviously I went and got boobs on the brain again. You know what, SHAME IS FOR SISSIES, lol...
Be good, readers. Treat women right and the pussy will flow like a river of wine.
Peace be with you. 

Monday, March 25, 2013

Critical Thoughts

Namaste and thank you for taking time out of your busy day and joining me for a few moments. Let's not mess around. Let's jump right in and get started for this short blog.

So today I heard someone taking about Jesus and how he died for all of mankind's sins... so how come there is still sin? Beyond that I am curious about what kind of God would purposefully make us humans flawed and then condemn us to an eternity in hell for our "sins" and natural imperfections that we are born with.

Another thought is how can Jesus or God be portrayed as pasty-faced WHITE dudes?
Now it may just be my brain, but I'm every manner I have ever known,  WOMEN are the ones that give birth and create life,  so shouldn't God be portrayed as a woman?
In biblical times the majority of people never traveled greater than 100 miles away from what they were born in an entire lifetime, so wouldn't Jesus look like an Arab or browned skinned Middle Eastern man?

Since most of my readers live in the United States I wonder why people here think God would pick sides... AT ALL... but especially with US since we have been at war for over 200 years out of our mere 250 years of existence. That being said as we are the new kids on the block... what gives us ANY kind of right to tell ANYONE or any other nation what to do?

When did Americans get moral superiority over anyone else I'm the world? How can we claim to be moral and just when we bomb the shit out of brown people and steal their resources to artificially inflate our economy? Why is it that people will argue with logical facts and they base their argument in a book written 2000 years ago (NO COPIES OF THE ORIGINAL TEXTS EXIST TODAY) that has been butchered, sliced,  and edited over 300 times to fit along with whoever was in power at the time... a political tool to keep the masses in subservience to a small few who CLAIM to hold the keys to the afterlife making SLAVES of their worshippers in THIS LIFE?

What about the priests molesting children? How does that fit into the religious belief system? Or the archaic pagan rituals modern religions are founded on?

These are all just food for thought... not meant to be offensive or scandalous in any way... I've just never met anyone that can logically explain these things without getting defensive or pissed off. THINK!!! QUESTION REALITY!!! It's not as hard as you think it may be.  This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. Truth.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Shut the F#*K UP!!!

Hello once again this is the one and only Quiet Mouse. On this crazy Monday morning I have a few choice thoughts I'd like to share. As no doubt you have read the above title to the blog I'm sure you have no doubt what this blog will be about... let's get started why don't we...
Why do humans feel the need to talk so much? In my opinion it's because people are afraid of silence. Some just want to voice their opinions. Others just enjoy hearing the sound of his/her own voice. Some just lack the mental clarity to actually THINK BEFORE speaking in a CONSCIOUS and intelectual manner.
The mental clutter often leads to misunderstandings and frustration as the INTENT of the message is lost in the clutter of verbal diarrhea, unclear and unconscious. There is a part of the Buddhist philosophy that is about thinking clearly about speech and not just when to speak but also when NOT TO speak as well.
In modern society, however,  it is seen as a sign of weakness if one doesn't choose follow the crowd. Intelligence and forethought are often regarded in a negative regard because of this.
Of course the individuals with diarrhea of the mouth naturally have to talk over others often feeling their thoughts and opinions outweigh those of others in close proximity. Communication is strained because nearly everyone thinks that their opinions are more valid than someone else's. I am just choosing to shut my mouth and not say anything at all as the message is clearly misconstrued and forgotten about being, those choosing to disrespect, talk over me, and answer questions FOR me rather than allowing me, right wrong or otherwise to my own mind. Apparently there are some individuals out there that believe me to be incompetent of mind and body. I am quickly losing respect for these individuals. I don't have to call out names, events, dates, or times to make this point. It is without doubt, in my opinion, that I am not a well respected person and perhaps that is my own fault as I am quick to see the not-so-silver lining on the abhorrent behavior of my fellow man and woman. I am not perfect. I NEVER have attempted or claimed to be such. No one is perfect but this will never stop me from having and holding those around me to a higher level of expectation. Every single day I suffer from trying to understand and deal with people. I have failed because I do not and cannot relate the insane and asinine thoughts and behavior paterns of others. I have failed because despite my best efforts I am no further in my goal of having positive interpersonal relationships with others. Part of me feels defeated and beat down. I feel as if I am unable to speak to others in a positive and meaningful manner without offending others,  mainly because I have NO INTEREST in maintaining the status quo or placating others to make them feel better, often at my own expense of mental wellness. C'est la vie. I cannot change this. I only wish to relieve these feelings of stress and frustration.
So I choose to leave you with this. I hope that others may learn what I know, but likely that will be a futile wish as well. All I can really expect is more of the same old shit and it is difficult to stay hopeful and positive when I see and experience the endless supply of wasted energy fleeting into the universe. My advice... don't speak unless spoken to.  That thought alone might just save a bit of heartache and negativity.  This has beenthe one and only Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. 

American Conservatism

Once we recognize that Libertarianism is essentially neo-feudalism, and that it is now the dominant conservative philosophy of the Republica...