Monday, March 25, 2013

Critical Thoughts

Namaste and thank you for taking time out of your busy day and joining me for a few moments. Let's not mess around. Let's jump right in and get started for this short blog.

So today I heard someone taking about Jesus and how he died for all of mankind's sins... so how come there is still sin? Beyond that I am curious about what kind of God would purposefully make us humans flawed and then condemn us to an eternity in hell for our "sins" and natural imperfections that we are born with.

Another thought is how can Jesus or God be portrayed as pasty-faced WHITE dudes?
Now it may just be my brain, but I'm every manner I have ever known,  WOMEN are the ones that give birth and create life,  so shouldn't God be portrayed as a woman?
In biblical times the majority of people never traveled greater than 100 miles away from what they were born in an entire lifetime, so wouldn't Jesus look like an Arab or browned skinned Middle Eastern man?

Since most of my readers live in the United States I wonder why people here think God would pick sides... AT ALL... but especially with US since we have been at war for over 200 years out of our mere 250 years of existence. That being said as we are the new kids on the block... what gives us ANY kind of right to tell ANYONE or any other nation what to do?

When did Americans get moral superiority over anyone else I'm the world? How can we claim to be moral and just when we bomb the shit out of brown people and steal their resources to artificially inflate our economy? Why is it that people will argue with logical facts and they base their argument in a book written 2000 years ago (NO COPIES OF THE ORIGINAL TEXTS EXIST TODAY) that has been butchered, sliced,  and edited over 300 times to fit along with whoever was in power at the time... a political tool to keep the masses in subservience to a small few who CLAIM to hold the keys to the afterlife making SLAVES of their worshippers in THIS LIFE?

What about the priests molesting children? How does that fit into the religious belief system? Or the archaic pagan rituals modern religions are founded on?

These are all just food for thought... not meant to be offensive or scandalous in any way... I've just never met anyone that can logically explain these things without getting defensive or pissed off. THINK!!! QUESTION REALITY!!! It's not as hard as you think it may be.  This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. Truth.

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