Thursday, May 30, 2013

Mis Amigos Hispanos

Hola my amigos y familia and welcome to another edition of the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back.
Today I want to talk about my observations of my  Hispanic brothers, as I am back working in the restaurant business. Before I get too far along I feel the need to state ahead of time  I am NOT RACIST in any way.  I love Hispanic food  and culture. I respect their work ethic and willingness to do jobs that, quite frankly,  whites and blacks just DON'T WANT TO DO.
That being  said,  today I just want to focus on one issue: speaking English. I know it's a difficult language to learn, hell, I know plenty of Americans that don't even speak the language very well,  let alone a second or third language as many others around the world  have learned to speak fluently.
My point, however, is that when you are working in a place of business (in America, NOT MEXICO) that speaks English  it is both appropriate and expected for employees to speak English,  NOT SPANISH!!!
I know that they think they are being like super-cool  speaking a different language than the white, non-Hispanic employees.  I suppose my problem lies in the fact that those individuals usually refer to speaking their  other language when they want to be a dick and talk shit on someone.  Perhaps living in Washington state,  these guys aren't accustomed to a white dude speaking Spanish, as we are currently pretty far from Mexico.
I  understand a bit of  the language. I took classes for four years, was out of practice for a while, and am amazed how quickly my recollection has returned. What  sucks most is when they don't know or don't think anyone understands them and you can AUDIBLY HEAR these dudes talking shit about YOU. Intiendo que dices. Estoy no stupido guero.

I'm gonna wrap it up now with a final thought...
DON'T BE AN ASSHOLE... you never know who is listening. Not all white people are stupid
gabachos or gringos.
This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.
 Peace. love. respect.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Too Poor to Smoke Cigarettes

 Namaste  and welcome  my friends, family,  and fellow knowledge seekers  to the  Quiet  Mouse  Strikes Back.  I briefly want to talk about a social concern/ pet peeve.
 I'm not sure if it's  just the area I live in. More likely it effects people all over the country,  however,  I'm having difficulty feeling sorry for some of the individuals who I see out  panhandling and begging for money.  I'm not a complete douche. I empathize and understand that people go through tough times.  Sometimes  it's difficult to find a job or to get a leg up...  the economy is shitty and jobs just aren't there the way they once were,  probably never will be.
The problem I personally am having is finding empathy for those individuals who claim to be homeless and in need  and yet they can "afford" to smoke cigarettes.
I need to be really clear about this. If  facing a situation where I would be homeless and begging for someone else's money, I would first cut out the excess spending like pets and smoking cigarettes that are unaffordable when you don't have two nickels to rub together.  If you can afford those things,  then you DON'T NEED TO BE BEGGING FOR SOMEONE ELSE'S MONEY.  PERIOD.
What's really sad is the ever-growing number of people I see out on nearly every corner of every major intersection  begging, often with pets and smoking cigarettes.  I don't want to be insensitive or mean, so I apologize if my opinion came off that way.  I just think priorities should be set like having a job, clean clothes, and a home.  If those things cannot be afforded,  then neither can  frivolous spending on things like cigarettes.
Thank  you for your time. Be safe.  Help those in need of you are blessed. Share those blessings.  But choose wisely where you give out your dollars.  Are you helping someone truly in need,  or are you just feeding an addiction?
Peace. Love. Respect

Monday, May 13, 2013

Bad At Being Good or Good At Being Bad?

Namaste and thanks again for joining me. This blog is for friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers. I'm just gonna jump right into a short(ish) topic that I've been pondering recently.

Reading the above title to the blog, I wonder if we, as human beings are bad at being good or just good at being bad... It dawned on me recently how much fear we live under as humans. This led me to the ultimate conclusion that maybe being "good" is only a product of the fear many of us live under. It is this fear of consequences, retribution, getting caught, in trouble, or even as far as "going to hell" that keeps the masses in line with the rules and laws of society (or at least the laws of the human plantation owners).
I've blogged about fear in the past and I don't want to go over and re-hash a bunch of info again. That being said, is it indeed the ONLY reason people behave with any scope of moral compass, this fear? Do we have to be told that certain things are wrong, or like most parts of this subjective life, are we forced to make mistakes in order to learn?
Who then is the moral compass? The church? Religion is really good at making people fearful, especially those who quote the oxymoron of being "God-fearing Christians". They claim to be holy and yet we frequently hear about pedophile priests molesting little boys while touting a book that claims to have the answers for EVERYTHING, despite the fact that it is confusing, hypocritical, and the Christian God has killed more people than his nemesis Satan... all this after creating us humans purposefully imperfect yet judging us negatively and sending us to hell for our imperfections... right? Who else then? The STATE? Yet another institution that is pretty full of shit. Government is only interested in one thing... keeping the continuity of government alive. Not interested in things like human rights, feeding the poor, healthcare, or any of those other crazy ideas that might be Christ-like. How about then the media? This circus of athletes, entertainers, and snake oil salesmen are here to lie to you, steal your money and freedom of independent thought, and brainwash the masses into submission... hell turn on the tv and you see people actually cheering for their captors, like a global mass Stockholm syndrome, innocents fighting and dying for a not-so-just cause, defending those who seek to oppress them.
Who then in this tumultuous world do people turn to for answers about what is moral and just? In truth, we as individuals must make this decision for ourselves, within the confines of the laws that the criminal mafia governments make FOR US. WITHOUT violence.
"Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are too busy living our fears." Les Brown

Well, that's about all I have to say about that for the moment. Thanks for joining me for my discourse of thought. This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. Thought.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Let's Just Admit It...

 Namaste and welcome to the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. I want to say a quick thank you to all those across the globe  for reading my past blogs,  sharing them with friends and family, and  helping to spread an important message to help awaken our brothers and sisters that are still asleep in the Matrix.  Today I  want to share a simple idea of a simple truth... That  for the most part Americans are pretty much drug addicts...
 Now before you go getting all defensive and pissed off,  please hear me out. I can hear the peanut gallery murmuring... Let's get this going

 It. can be proven that the only real "feelings" of  happiness we get as humans come from two chemicals:  serotonin and dopamine. That being said I'm going to bring it back full circle to the aforementioned topic.  EVERYONE has a vice that releases these two chemicals. We live in a society full of junkies, many of whom are in denial  of their addiction. Why is it so difficult for people to admit that America is the largest user of drugs on the planet? Why can we not just admit that we, as a nation, run the drug game?
 Whether it's cannabis, heroine, cocaine, methamphetamine, Ecstasy, caffeine, crack, alcohol, tobacco, psychedelics, adrenaline,  exercise,  pharmaceutical pills, gambling, shopping, or whatever... Americans have a serious addiction to dopamine and serotonin.

Honestly, there aren't that many straight edge people out there that don't do drugs these days. I hear people claim that they don't, but if you've ever taken a Tylenol over the counter, you've taken a drug. Just because the gov't allows you to do some legal pills (with a SHIT TON OF SIDE EFFECTS) vs. making a more natural substance like cannabis illegal doesn't mean shit really, especially considering oxycodone is now the most abused drug on the entire planet, far surpassing all other "illegal" drugs. On top of all that, our own gov't is fully involved in the drug trade from the pharmaceutical industry (see "say no to pharmaceutical drugs" blog) to the CIA getting busted at countless drug raids selling dope like heroin, cocaine, and crack, especially in inner city areas with higher concentrations of blacks and Hispanics.
So you might think I'm here to bust on the alphabet agencies. You'd be wrong. I honestly think it's natural for us as humans to seek stress relief in the form of the aforementioned drugs. What is wrong is the villainization of decent American citizens as being criminals for buying and using the drugs that our gov't facilitates in the sale of. My question is why can't we, as a nation, reap the rewards and profits from this drug game, since it obviously ISN'T going away any time soon? Why can't we redeem ourselves as a nation and just ADMIT THE TRUTH? Is it because secretly deep down inside we don't want to admit our own hypocrisy by confessing the truth?

I've seen the most devout religious people succumb to the pressures of daily stress, followed by drinking alcohol, smoking, and self medicating on pills, but then want to get all uppity against other individuals who smoke cannabis, in particular. In one way or another it seems our society has a real problem admitting that it needs help. In my opinion, we should take example of nations like Portugal and Holland who have decriminalized drug use, and tada... use actually went DOWN, NOT UP. If it's really a problem then why don't we have MORE options available, besides jail, to help rehabilitate junkies?!? Why can't we treat it as a medical issue, as they have AA to help alcoholics, for those who want help beating their addiction? It HAS WORKED for other nations, so why couldn't it work here? Why do we insist on criminalizing non-violent offenders while rapists and murderers are getting much less jail time and police attention?
The short and simple answer is that there is too much money being made by keeping drugs illegal. The "war on drugs" has hurt this nation as much or worse than the overseas wars waged based on lies. This war is no different, as it is also based upon lies. The TRUTH is that WAR, of any kind, generates HUGE PROFITS for those interested parties that wish to make lots of cash, usually at the expense of tax-payers. The war on drugs keeps supply of the drugs low enough to cause the street price to go UP. The gov't controls the SALE, DISTRIBUTION, and thus reaps the insane profits. LOW SUPPLY + HIGH DEMAND = MORE $$$$. That's simple economics and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to follow the logic. Again, follow the money trail to the rich white men to see how the game really works. The world is a stage and we are its actors.
Marijuana is the United States #1 cash crop, so let's cut the bullshit and just ADMIT it. The demand is ALWAYS going to be high because it ACTUALLY WORKS to alleviate stress, anxiety, and pain. Being one of the most versatile plants on the planet it can be grown anywhere and in abundance... which makes it difficult to control the growth and sale of the plant... thus the reason for it being illegal. If EVERYONE could grow it, then the supply would be high and the price would go DRASTICALLY DOWN. THEY can't have that after all, because then the money trail would dry up and the for-profit prisons would lose money, cops would lose money for policing it, tobacco and alcohol would lose money because pot is safer than those two, and on and on we go. THEN, if hemp were legalized for growing, then dozens of other industries like clothing, oil, cotton, manufacturing, etc. would go belly up.
It is disgusting to me how our society is falling into this downward spiral when the solution is right at hand... and it's so obvious. For THOUSANDS of years before prohibition people used cannabis and psychedelics such as magic mushrooms for many uses INCLUDING religious practices that actually HELP people feel closer to the creator. Instead people are mislead, confused, and outright lied to about the "ills" of a simple plant. Meanwhile the pharmaceutical, alcohol, and tobacco industries continue to reap MASSIVE PROFITS and yet THOUSANDS die every single year from their use and abuse. These substances are kept legal because, like war, it is another means of population control that the rich use against the poor, uneducated masses. CONTROL is the key word there, as the rich believe themselves to be the morality police over the peasants (their words, not mine).

This picture above says it all. Our sons and daughters are fighting across the other side of the world for control of opiates, which the pharmaceutical industry thrives on. Remember they are NOT in the business of creating cures, they are in the business of creating CUSTOMERS. They don't give two shits if people are addicted to Vicodin or Percocet... that's just more profit for them.
LEGALIZE in order to save our culture. We cannot afford to succumb any more to this police state of exchanging freedom for a false sense of security. Drugs are NOT the primary problem in this nation, puppet politicians trying to DESTROY the CONSTITUTION ARE. As I always say, I'm not a proponent of violence and I am not trying to get anyone to do anything irrational. I'm not a terrorist or an enemy of the state, but rather a patriot who sees the flaws and the cracks in the system, this Matrix of lies and deception. Even in a fake democracy, we should get what we want ONCE IN A WHILE... but alas, despite the solutions presented, it is highly unlikely that the situation will change... not until people get outraged and intolerant of the tyranny and oppression. My hope is that we do not get to be like North Korea or China, full blown dictatorship before the veil is lifted and the masses see things for how they truly are: as long as we keep buying into THEIR system, we will forever be slaves to it. Keep thought and questioning alive. It is not only our right to question our leaders and government, but it is our DUTY. Research these issues and form your OWN OPINIONS, please!!!
This has been the Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. Tolerance. Truth.

American Conservatism

Once we recognize that Libertarianism is essentially neo-feudalism, and that it is now the dominant conservative philosophy of the Republica...