Sunday, April 22, 2012

Earth Day

Happy Earth Day everyone! On what should otherwise be a happy day, I am feeling somewhat pessimistic about my fellow men and women. For the record, I love Earth and I admire it's continual beauty despite what humans have continued to pollute, deforest, irradiate, set on fire, and destroy once great fields, mountains, valleys, swamps, streams, and rivers.
A very high percentage of all the species of living creatures that have EVER lived are already extinct, including plants and animals. The landscape is forever changing, everywhere is prone to natural disasters, and there is clear evidence to support global warming, although it COULD just be that the sun is warming up (which it is), even though the human impact from carbon emissions is pretty disturbing as well to the over-all well-being of the environment.
It's nice to go out on days like today and plant trees and flowers... even though the MOST GREEN PLANT OF ALL: HEMP, is STILL illegal for consumer growth and production... even though it COULD rightfully assist us with ending the dependence on foreign petroleum, which keeps us in an inevitable downward spiral into further international conflicts and wars over a dwindling pool of natural resources that have already hit peak for EVERYTHING and are quickly fading away... all with billions of starving mouths to consume the scarce resources. Of course then again hemp can also provide with clothing, textiles, toilet paper, plastics, food, medicine, and many more things including concrete bricks.
It is sad to care about something so much only to watch it be raped, pillaged, and plundered for every natural resource imaginable.
I am afraid that sometime in my life I will be the one saying... "I remember when there was green everywhere..." Because I am afraid that soon there will not be any left. We currently have over 7 BILLION people of different cultures, faiths, gender, and geographical region living on this rock, together, continually at odds and fighting the petty squabble of sheep.
I would love to be optimistic and say YES, let's go out and save the world, but I fear that this is a message of counter-productivity as saving the planet will NOT do any good if we don't change the basic fundamental flaws that WE have as humans. If we want a planet to live on and enjoy, then we have to STOP polluting it. We have to STOP cutting down all the trees. We have to STOP making plants like hemp illegal!!! We have to STOP reproducing at an alarming rate... I don't like saying that the world is overpopulated and people should STOP BREEDING, BUT IT'S TRUE! We have to STOP cutting down the rain forests and polluting the rivers and oceans with toxic oil, garbage, and plastic trash waste, among other things like sodium fluoride that is toxic to everything it touches, and yet it is allowed to be put into our toothpaste, despite being toxic industrial waste.

I'm going to cut this short because I think it is honestly a waste of time talking about it. If anyone reads this at all, it will be looked over, probably not read in its entirety and then it will be quickly forgotten by tomorrow as the entire society seems to have severe ADD... to present people in my life, no offense by this. Go out and plant your trees, bushes, flowers, or whatever today... you have the prettiest yard in purgatory.

Monday, April 16, 2012


The title is simple, but trying to explain it is difficult. Welcome back my friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers to another edition of the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back.

This blog has been a long time coming and I've been mulling over exactly how to say what is on my mind for a while now. Bear with me here because this is going to come out fast, abrupt, and might offend those of weak constitution, so let's get started.
After nearly 33 years spent on this planet, it is my formal opinion that there is something SERIOUSLY WRONG with most people. I'm not here to pull one person out of the crowd and humiliate or destroy his/her character in a personal attack. Let me explain if you will, but to do this I must bring up the MOST controversial subject of all: RELIGION.

Wow! I can already hear the peanut gallery on this one. Sure everyone is just so defensive of their religion, their faith, their version of "God"... but WHY? If God is so powerful... why does he need YOU fighting his/her battles by proxy?
So I have spent a lifetime investigating different religious beliefs, cultural practices, and philosophical debates. I am now going to sum up some of my findings.
1) Religion is NOT about bringing YOU or I closer to God. It does NOT give you extra spirituality. It does NOT bring you closer to "heaven", but merely confuses, instills fear and subservience to existing cultural and political ambitions of whomever chooses to use religion as a weapon for the political police state, keeping minds locked in submission.
2) If God is all powerful, all knowing, and perfect, then this means that he DID mean to make homosexuals, Muslims, free will, violence and evil, as well as peace, love, humility, sacrifice, compassion, and a Earth of beauty.
3) With all the violence, hatred, murder, genocide, and other evils in this world, I don't think that God really has the time or concern to worry about weather or not you got tattoos, drank caffeine, had sex, ate pork, etc. As long as you are NOT hurting anyone BUT YOURSELF, then what is the fucking problem... oh yeah, it all comes back to the people here, NOT GOD, but HERE on this little rock that want to be the morality police for EVERYONE ELSE.
4) The Bible is JUST A BOOK of morality tales that are meant to HELP serve as a guide to live a good and just life by... it is NOT singularly the teetotal book of how to live your life by, standing on it's own. There are MANY other good books that can help you learn how to be just as good of a good person and live a happy just life closer to the creator. Also, the Bible has been butchered, chopped, edited, hacked, and reprinted DOZENS of times based upon who was the ruler of the time, again for political gain, control over the weak minded sheeple populace, and the real evil... POWER OVER OTHER HUMANS. The Bible was NOT sent down to Earth via FAX or TEXT MESSAGE. HUMAN BEINGS WROTE THE BIBLE. Humans ARE FLAWED! WE make MISTAKES! We ARE selfish, stupid, and arrogant...
5) If we ARE truly made in God's image than what does that say about our God? It obviously means, by using sheer logic alone, that God is both GOOD AND EVIL all at once... kinda like US...
6) If there IS a Satan, or ultimate EVIL... why doesn't God just smite him, kill him, and be done with it? There are only 2 possible answers:
a) God and Satan are equal in power and therefore neither can destroy the other, which would make God NOT perfect NOR the unfaliable entity he is portrayed as... or...
b) God himself is BOTH evil and good at the same time, constantly struggling daily, such as we do to keep the balance in our own lives between the two.
7) Jesus is NOT God. Jesus had a human mother. Just by logic alone, he could NOT have been BOTH divine and a weak, unknowing human. AT BEST... he is a demi-god, half his divine father and half his human mother which would also rule out many of his alleged passages from the New Testament.
8) Why are Christians so quick to forget the lessons of the OLD TESTAMENT that describe our God as being angry and vengeful? In fact, if you read the old testament, it rather seems like HE doesn't really like US much at all, as he has tried to wipe out humanity SEVERAL TIMES. ALSO, I don't really know too many Christians that even follow the 10 commandments any longer, especially here in America where nearly EVERYONE is coveting their neighbor's wives and possessions.
9) In the Old Testament, it states in plain words something about not having any graven images of God, and again in the New Testament for Jesus. So for all you supposed Christians out there with crosses and images of Jesus DYING... according to your own Bible, that is SACRELIGIOUS! Which pretty much makes EVERY church with an image of God or Jesus a SIN!! This is by their own logic, mind you.
10) In 325 C.E. the Council of Nicea got together, with all the religious leaders at the time to revise and put together the New Testament of Jesus Christ. What most Christians don't know is that it wasn't until over 300 years after the man's death did they start to talk about him being of divine origin. Before that he just said he was the Messiah, but NEVER did he say that he was God. By technical definition, I am the son of God, as are YOU and YOU, and YOU. If he IS the ONLY ONE creator in the universe than WE ARE ALL the son's and daughters of God, right? Then that means that ANY ONE OF US may find our OWN relationship with the heavenly father and we DON'T NEED RELIGION ANY LONGER. We don't need some crusty old pedophile telling us how to have a relationship with HIM, because the knowledge we need to have a spiritual relationship with God is ALREADY WITHIN US!! So fuck the priests, pastors, pope, bishops, cardinals, etc... that have NO MENTION in the Bible of necessity or positions of any kind of power spiritually.
11) Speaking of the Pope... FUCK THIS ASSHOLE!! The current pope was a member of Hitler's NAZI YOUTH in Germany during WWII! And now he is supposedly the leader of religion in the "free" world? Religion is NOT the same as spirituality. YOU DO NOT NEED THE POPE OR ANY OTHER CHURCH/FIGURE TO FIND YOUR PLACE AT GOD'S SIDE!! Organized religion is about POWER, CONTROL... AND ABOVE ALL ELSE... FEAR!!!
12) IF God is all powerful and does indeed love everyone equally, then he will give us all a chance for redemption rather than committing us all to a lake of fire to burn for eternity... DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THIS? From an early age, I realized the farce of religion as it has been told that only a small FEW will go to heaven, but EVERYONE else, which is a greater MAJORITY will go to HELL! The fear of going to HELL has kept the churches in power for over 2000 years and has kept stupid people throwing their money into the collection bowl or plate, depriving their own existence HERE on Earth while the Pope and his buddies sit on GOLDEN THRONES, with GOLDEN SCEPTERS, LIVING LIKE A KING... while the MAJORITY of those who worship THIS religion are living in 3rd world POVERTY and STARVATION! How on Earth could THIS be ANYWHERE CLOSE to the idea that GOD or JESUS had in mind for humanity???
13) The Vatican is worth an estimated 74 TRILLION dollars as they have hoarded treasures from Crusades,
WORLD WARS, and priceless treasures from their OWN congregation of religious zealots. With a FRACTION of their total worth, they could FEED EVERYONE... and actually END WORLD HUNGER! But they WILL NOT DO SO, for it is this practice of hoarding the wealth and equality away from the average person that KEEPS them in POWER and it KEEPS the weak minded flocking like sheep to the altar as sacrificial lambs to the slaughter, so the FEW can live the life of KINGS at the expense of the MASSES, who are poor, destitute, and genuinely looking for salvation, which they will NOT FIND here on Earth... at least NOT FROM THE CHURCH!
14) The three religions of the Jewish, the Christians, and the Muslims ALL CLAIM ancestry and ALLEGIANCE to the God of Abraham. So if you call him Allah, Jesus, Jehova, or whatever else... it is STILL the SAME GOD! So the ONLY real difference is that the Jews don't believe in ANY of the books past the OLD TESTAMENT. The Christians don't really follow that book, but follow the NEW TESTAMENT, which is allegedly supposed to like negate the old book or something retarded like that. Then the Muslims, via their prophet Muhamed have the Koran, which is yet ANOTHER testament from a VENGEFUL, HATEFUL God. The Jews and Muslims BOTH believe that Jesus was JUST a prophet, a good person, and a loving teacher of humanity, but BOTH deny his alleged claims of divinity (again which wasn't officially stated until over 300 years AFTER his death). So if ALL 3 of these religions believe in the SAME GOD, really what is all the fighting about?
15) It is ignorant and really flat out STUPID for people to think honestly that Jesus could have possibly been the last prophet on this planet. So let me get this straight... for over 2000 years God hasn't sent ANY kind of missionary or prophet to speak HIS word to humans? This means one of 2 things:
a) He has foresaken us and left us to our own devices or those of his mortal enemy Satan... or...
b) There HAS BEEN prophets among us for the last 2000 years and the church(es) have gone on Crusades and inquisitions MURDERING IN THE NAME OF GOD, ANYONE who would say ANYTHING against the OFFICIAL STORY TOLD BY THE CHURCH (as if they have all the answers since they are yet again, falliable humans)
16) Speaking of MURDER IN THE NAME OF GOD... There has been MORE bloodshed in the name of God, than ALL other conflicts, wars, disease, famine, AND plague PUT TOGETHER!!
17) Christianity is NOT ORIGINAL! IN FACT... the MAJORITY of their traditions, teachings, and celebrations have been STOLEN or outright just ADAPTED from EVERY OTHER previous religion that has been WIPED OUT, CONQUERED, or DESTROYED because they told a different story of the creation of man besides the churches "OFFICIAL STORY".
18) The Bible is NOT an official timeline of humanity. Science has proven that the Earth is much much OLDER than 6000 years, as the Bible would have people believe. What about the dinosaurs? Underground or underwater ruins that have been dated past 12,000 to 20,000 years old? What about EVERY OTHER creation story told by the Sumerians, Babylonians, Persians, Egyptians... and so on and so forth down a list that I cannot even begin to recount as it is too long for just one mere blog.
19) Speaking of the Sumerians... I want to talk about the earliest written creation myth. The Sumerians, along with the Egyptians, among others, believed that our "gods" were aliens that came down from the heavens and genetically engineered humans to be THEIR SLAVES! Even the Christian Bible refers to God in the plural as Gods. It is written in nearly EVERY account, across the globe that there were MANY gods upon the face of the Earth at one point, Giants among men that mated with human women to create mixed bloodlines that are STILL TO THIS DAY KEPT INTACT in the form of "Royal families" and "Royal bloodlines". They are the Annunaki, or Elohim... look it up and come back... I have time.
20) Lastly, if you want to see how big of a LIE and hypocrisy religion really is... THOU SHALL NOT MURDER (or KILL, as it is stated, depending on the version of the Bible you read). There has been so many deaths in the name of religion and God. Why is it OKAY for a religious person to bomb or kill an abortion clinic? Don't we think that God would rather you have an abortion than to have 20 kids that you CANNOT FEED or CLOTHE and will die in some God forsaken 3rd world country? Or how about the assholes that are out with picket signs calling out that "God hates homosexuals"? If god is perfect, then he MEANT to make people that way... if you are NOT that way, okay... don't fuck with the people that are! Also I have seen all too many people and signs that are anti-Muslim in some way. REALLY? No one is perfect and no one has all the answers and MOST PEOPLE generally have the SAME GOAL IN LIFE... to return to the creator. It is the SAME for Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindu's, Buddhists, going all the way down the line to some islander who's NEVER HEARD OF JESUS or MUHAMED... even if some person worships a FISH or an ALIEN... they are STILL trying to get through THIS LIFE and BACK TO THE CREATOR!!

Our human experiences vary from our regional traditions, dialects, and customs, BUT.... we are all born in the same manner, we are ALL suffering from FINITE lives in this plane of existence, we ALL BLEED, WE ALL DIE! The human experience is generally pretty familiar. WE have the ability to CREATE. WE have the ability to DESTROY. We have the ability to experience a plethora of emotions and an infinite number of possibilities throughout this life we have. Just because we have human natures of fear, jealousy, and retribution, much like the Christian God, does NOT mean that we cannot rise above petty human emotions and indeed be closer to divine in our own right. Despite what you chose to label yourself as... doesn't matter... the TRUTH is that you and I are equal and that NO ONE HUMAN IS ABOVE ANOTHER, despite their meager possessions (which humans COVET so much of the time and yet you cannot take them with you to the NEXT life). There is NO REASON to keep up with the Jones's for theirs is also a life of false idol worship. Who you ARE is more than the mere sum of your parent's, church's, friends, and family's teachings. YOU ARE A BEING OF LIGHT, PURE DIVINE ENERGY, NOT just a helpless animal as the church sees you. YOU do NOT need a preacher, pastor, pope, or any other religious figurehead to tell you the PATH TO GOD, because honestly, I don't believe that they know either. THE ONLY WAY TO REACH GOD IS TO DIE. Beyond that, who really knows what awaits our immortal souls. Perhaps we DO reincarnate into a new form on this Earth, stuck in a repetitive cycle of doing the same thing over and over until we learn our lessons: sounds kinda like PURGATORY to me... or perhaps we become divine, angelic beings... regardless, it is still up to US as INDIVIDUALS to live THIS LIFE the BEST we can, to attempt to overcome our attachments to this MATERIAL WORLD, to overcome our fears, jealousies, anger, frustration, and hatred of others.
So what's the fighting really all about? Power, control, fear, and corruption. Read your bible... God can wipe out people if he wants to... it is NOT up to YOU OR I to fight a personal crusade for a being who is all knowing and all powerful. That is HIS job, NOT OURS! So put down your picket signs, your torches and pitchforks, your inquisitions and your crusades are in VAIN! This is NOT the world that God or Jesus or Muhamed envisioned for us, murdering one another over SEMANTICS, INTERPRETATIONS, and DUSTY OLD BOOKS!!!
Ladies and Gentlemen, this has been the ONE and ONLY Quiet Mouse. I hope I have been able to help open your eyes to a world that is REAL and the one that humans have created out of fear to keep others in line following the status quo. BE GOOD TO ONE ANOTHER AND ACTUALLY TRY TO LIVE THE WAY GOD WOULD REALLY WANT YOU TO: WITH LOVE, FAITH, HUMILITY, RESPECT, COMPASSION, EMPATHY, AND FREE OF PERSECUTION, HATRED, APATHY, AND FEAR.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


The late, famous George Carlin once spoke of the "7 dirty words" that people, allegedly, aren't allowed to say. Perhaps this was just for television, but perhaps we really shouldn't be saying these words to begin with. Today I want to sit down and think progressively and discuss my thoughts on what they are, what they mean, and how to we use/misuse these words in a sentence. Buckle your seat belts Dorthy, cause Kansas is fixing to go bye bye. I hate having to do this, but I feel that I must also mention that if you are easily offended... you probably shouldn't be reading my blogs. The intention is NOT personal in hurting YOUR feelings... I just have some things to say and I HOPE that you hang in there and open your mind. That being said, I am the one and ONLY Quiet Mouse.
To begin, we obviously have to know which words are the curse words. According to George Carlin they list as follows: a) cocksucker b) cunt c) fuck d) motherfucker e) piss f) shit g) tits...
I am here today to amend that list because I don't really genuinely believe that all of those words are bad, per se. 
For example, I don't think FUCK is a bad word at all. But then again, ANY word can be "bad" upon interpretation because really this whole life experience is really very subjective. 100 people can look at the same thing and they are each going to have a unique experience to themselves. It is highly likely that each of those 100 people would recount an entirely different, although similar experience even though the subject matter for each was the same. 
Anyway, FUCK is a very descriptive word that can be used for EVERY major part of the sentence, noun, verb, adjective... Even though this is my personal FAVORITE curse word, I have to be honest and say truly that I think it's kinda lost some of it's edge because now EVERYONE wants to cuss, to try to sound cool or something. Here's the thing however, much like many fads and subcultures around us, similar to tattooing, piercing, and forms of body modification... well, it's just NOT AS COOL WHEN EVERYONE DOES IT!!! In fact, if anything, cursing has become so prevalent that now even young school age kids are cussing at their parents like they are on Maury Povich or something... "Whateva, whateva, I do what I want!"
Also, SHIT isn't really that big of a deal to me either. It is what it is. It is feces, excrement, poo, turds, etc. It is also a perfect word, along with FUCK, for when you stub your toe, get a paper cut, and would be REALLY  appropriate if you cut something off accidentally. Incidentally, I don't really think piss and tits should be on that list either. You're either taking a piss or telling someone to "piss off" or you are in fact pissed off. And tits... well, the word is just one among an infinite possibility of words to describe the luscious orbs know as breasts!
Moving on is MOTHERFUCKER... I take no personal offense to this one, because my girlfriend IS a mother and we happen to FUCK often... ergo I AM a MOTHER FUCKER, put simply. 
My NEW list would go as follows for what I personally think are really bad words and really  have NO POSITIVE MEANING and cannot be twisted to mean anything other than something negative. Here goes:
1) Douche bag. It is to clean a dirty vagina. NO POSITIVE MEANING in the context with which MOST people use this word. NOT COOL.
2) Asshole. The part of the body where SHIT comes out. Tada... people don't refer to their OWN butt hole as an ass hole, usually. They refer OTHERS that they don't like or piss them off ASSHOLES! Jerk will suffice, folks.
3) CUNT. Again, NO POSITIVE MEANING. To me this is THE DIRTIEST CURSE WORD that generally comes with a real curse of getting slapped or maybe even an ass whooping for uttering the obscenity. No bueno. Just TRY calling a woman that and see how fast some big ass dude who's probably her boyfriend or brother coming down to kick your teeth in. It is OFFENSIVE and should NOT be used in proper conversation. Just sayin...
4) Cocksucker. This homophobic term is often regarded as childish and crude. It is lame that dudes are so insecure about their manhood that they have to continually make fun of the homosexuals. I think that maybe they are persecuting so much because they are hiding their own latent feelings of liking the other boys. This word should really gotten rid of since women are the real cock suckers... if some gay dudes want to suck each other off... get over it, don't hang out with them... as long as it doesn't harm children and farm animals, I could give a shit less.
I feel the need to segue into this last word because it IS considered offensive to many. I personally am NOT racist and I do NOT like this word in ANY WAY that it is twisted and "supposed" to be cool for only 1 ethnic culture, but anyone else who says it will be interpreted as a racist or a bigot. The word of course is...
5) NIGGER. I really don't care how many black people want to tell me that "NIGGA" is so much different from it's root word nigger. IT'S NOT!!! The word itself means "Ignorant". So when you USE the word, even in alleged slang... what you are really showing people is how ignorant you really ARE. Do you really want to call your friends or be called ignorant... you'd probably offend or be offended, but yet so many of today's youth, primarily black, but sometimes other ethnicity's say it as well. I think that if you are a black person, male or female, you are doing a disrespect to your ancestors which you take pride in calling yourself "African" American, knowing full well you're just black and American. I do NOT want to take away your ethic pride, but calling yourself the name given by a slave master is FUCKED UP YO!!!
Again, as I wrap up here I want to say that I would like it if people started just acting better towards one another. Most often it is that we use these curse words so casually and we are setting ourselves up for failure from our OWN HYPOCRISY. When we curse around our children with the "do as I say, not as I do" mentality, we are only breeding further generations of ignorant and potty mouthed children. We use these words to call names to others out of hatred, resentment, or fear, sometimes in self-defense. When we use these words, though we unleash a REAL CURSE upon our fellow men, women, and children... often unintentionally, but we DO. Sometimes, in order to be a better role model, we need to actually BE the person we are telling our children to look up to, the better example. No one is perfect and anything worth having is worth the effort it takes to get. It is a DAILY struggle to be considerate of others and it is our DUTY to continually keep up the effort rather than lower our own personal standards to the low societal "norms". Personally I DON'T WANT TO BE "NORMAL". "Normal" people suck. They are the SHEEPLE. And even if it means me cursing less... that's fine. Since everyone else is doing it... that has become the norm. NOT doing it as much would certainly be different. It's okay for us to be who we really are. All I am asking is for the change in how we interact and speak to one another. Will we speak with words of anger, fear, and hatred or will we speak with words that show empathy, love, and compassion? The simple choice is up to you as I bid you farewell. Also, I want to say that words themselves are EMPTY of meaning or value but what WE as individuals give power TO THEM. If you do NOT let a simple spoken word affect you, let alone cut you like a sword, then you have dis-empowered it... it no longer has any hold over you or effect. 
Thank you for coming on this journey with me. I hope you will join as a fan to this blog and continue reading next time, and perhaps past blogs as well, as I always have a unique perspective and hope to provide insight.
Peace. Empathy. Respect. Love. Compassion. Wisdom. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spring FEVER!

Namaste and welcome back friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers to another edition of the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. I'm gonna keep this short today, so let's jump in with two feet and get started. As all of you who live in the Northern hemisphere of the planet Earth know, spring is FINALLY here!!

Living in the Pacific Northwest, we have been eagerly anticipating this coming of spring in a major way. For those who don't know, this is one of the rainiest parts of the nation and approximately 6 months or more of the year it is pretty much cold, overcast, and rainy... So when we get to Spring, EVERYONE up here has a major case of cabin fever from being stuck inside all winter... and we don't really even get that much snow here... you have to drive at least 30 minutes towards the Cascade mountain range to get any snow during the winter months.
I suppose what I'm trying to say is that it is ironic to me, being more recently from Texas, as to how the locals act up here in Oregon and Washington. The locals, having been so used to the weather actually think that 1 sunny day of quasi-warm weather above 60 degrees is some sort of heat wave. I personally am hoping that the April showers will bring May flowers. Having moved up here from Texas which is obviously in the South, I got spoiled by the heat there. Granted I do NOT miss some of the summer months there with 30 days of 100+ degree weather that could cook an egg on all the concrete, but I would be more than happy to settle on a compromise.
SPRING... I missed you. I missed your warmth. I missed the color of the flowers and trees. I missed being able to go outside in t-shirts and sometimes shorts (it still doesn't get THAT warm until summer here). I miss bar-b-q's and picnics. I miss road trips.
As for the winter... aint gonna miss you much, even though you'll creep back around the corner sooner than we want you to. I'm NOT gonna miss the cold, dark, rainy days. I don't even mind the rain so much if it were warm rain... but NO... living in the NW, it is generally cold.
Bring on the flowers! Bring back the trees! Bring out the color and the animals... except bugs of course... let them stay OUTSIDE please!
MOST IMPORTANT: Hurry up Spring, cause we want SUMMER!! I would really love to go to the beach, but it's just NOT warm enough for me YET!
What do you like to do during the Spring? Play sports? Go hiking? Anything that get's you out of the house?
Let me know the best thing that YOU like to do with spring! Get out! Have fun! Get in shape to wear your swimsuits! Go to the beach! Did I mention to have FUN!?!
But for now, here's some of MY favorite things about the weather warming up. This has been the Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Warmth. Respect.
 Haha... got you guys there... you thought you were gonna see half-naked women!! lol...

Friday, April 6, 2012


It's FRIDAY!! Welcome ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages... for dozen people or so that will read this blog and the MILLIONS online looking for something groovy to read... let's get ready to STUMBLE!!
So I'm a goof ball... those that know me seem to like me pretty good. This is the Quiet Mouse. It's Friday, you aint got no job, you ain't got shit to do... so you're gonna toke it up and play Wii.

Now I'm sure if you are a follower of my ongoing blog, you will know that I have talked about how potheads are basically the CORNERSTONE of today's American society. Today I am going to further elaborate on this idea for your reading pleasure.
I'm sure that no one can deny the powerful force behind the cannabis movement. It has allowed medical use of this wonderful plant to patients in severe need or pain/anxiety relief. It is natural for non-stoners to look down their noses upon cannabis conoseurs, usually while the judgmental person is usually a cigarette smoker and/or alcoholic. The real problem with being judgmental is that people look past the obvious truths of the cannabis culture. Let me present you with some examples.
See above. The video game genre is pretty much supported by teenagers, young adults, and adult cannabis smokers. The same can be said about the fast food industry, snack food industry, and pretty much any other industry that caters to the above mentioned crowd.
Now I am going to say again this: society needs to STOP harassing potheads and otherwise normal tax paying citizens and go after the REAL problem drugs like COCAINE and HEROINE, ALCOHOL and TOBACCO... the ones that actually really DO KILL PEOPLE!!
Without cannabis smokers, there would be no one to work in the fast food industry (even with the Mexicans... most of them smoke pot, drink, and do coke anyway too).
Back to the subject at hand: video games... "Normal" "adults" generally DON'T play them... but then again "normal" is just a setting on the washing machine. And most people that consider themselves adults are anything but... So why is it such a bad thing to play video games? Well, it really isn't... but like EVERYTHING ELSE, it is only acceptable in moderate amounts. When it's time to have sex with the girlfriend... then it's time to put the Wii'd and the Nintendo down and go get some pussy. I know, I know... ladies don't like video games because their retarded boyfriends prefer the virtual reality of gaming over the REALITY of getting some super-head. I believe there is some middle ground and the severe dorks just need to find it.
Wii'd and video games generally go hand in hand because let's be honest... sometimes these video games are kinda lame and boring... BUT... they become super exciting when you are stoned. For example... when the Japanese came up with the idea of Super Mario, they honestly laughed and thought that NO ONE would play it. I mean who would have thought that an Italian plumber who looks Mexican, is made by the Japanese, runs like a black man and grabs coins like a Jew would EVER be popular especially because he eats magic mushrooms and feels like Super-man. If not for Wii'd this would NEVER have become one of the MOST POPULAR and beloved video game franchises in the history of gaming. In contrast, war games like Call of Duty and Halo are made for tweakers and adrenaline junkies. People that smoke cannabis are generally more peaceful and closer likened to their hippy forefathers from the 1960's, playing more classic games like RPG's and older consoles back from Atari, Nintendo, Super Nintendo, PS1, PS2, etc. with a whole variety of games intently made for cannabis smoking gamers.
Besides, for all the video gamers out there NOT ALL are just horny, hairy palmed dudes with carpal tunnel. Gaming has actually branched out to reach a broader audience now than it had at its inception. Now young women are becoming gamers and giving the geeks a run for their money. So the truth is that a little bit of Wii'd and video games could make you a chick magnet (it would have to be a special girl, of course). So to end this blog, just remember to moderate your time between the Wii'd, the gaming world, and the outside world that is FULL of women. Also, it's FRIDAY, so toke it up and play some Mario, Zelda, Uncharted, or whatever. And since it is Friday... put the console down this afternoon, take a shower, and go out and get some PUSSY!! To all my geeks out there, holler if you hear me!! This has been the Quiet Mouse once again. I'll leave you with some hot picks of video game chicks!!
Peace. Love. Truth. Acceptance. Empathy. Wii'd. Moderation.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

What's That Smell?

Thanks for joining me today. This is the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back, a blog where I attempt to inform and often poke fun at life, piece by piece. So smile, sit back, relax and buckle up.

I realize that many of you, like me, have experienced a variety of aromas, some good and some bad. Right now I am going to talk about some of the bad smells, but throw in a funny story. Any time you are living with many people, especially children, the aroma of some funked up smells will eventually waft into your nostrils for supreme olfactory nausea. There are 3 to 4 main places of funked up aroma in the house:
1) Bathroom. Between kids and adults equally, the monster trucker sized #2's, clogged toilets, diarrhea, and vomiting, the bathroom is notorious for its odoriferous emanations.
2) Kids bedroom. I don't know exactly what it is that makes kids okay with living in their own filth. I generally don't care too much about how the room looks, but I DO care about their being clean clothes hung up, not on the floor with dirty ones, candy wrappers, soda bottles, and a general air of funk about the place. This is NOT acceptable!
3) Kitchen. Not everyone is equally bad about this, I'll admit now, BUT... there are a LOT of people who allow their kitchen to be sources of supreme funk. The easiest place to find festering germs and odor is the sink full of unclean dishes and right next to it, the garbage disposer that is clogged with food debris because the person didn't even bother to wipe off their plate before putting it into the sink. Yum. Then of course there is the waste basket and possible recycling buckets that reek from food waste and/or sticky syrupy beverages stuck to the bottom of the bucket... nice ripe feeding ground for bacteria, I'd say.
4) Cat box. Of course you know. Everyone knows how bad an unkempt box can reek. The amonia smell of cat piss is pretty bad, and I've been a lifelong cat owner. Cats pretty much just eat, drink, piss, shit, play, and clean themselves. They're pretty low maintenance in some ways, but the box MUST be kept clean daily, and sometimes more than once daily if you have multiple pets.

Now, the funny story...
My girlfriend and I have a joke that when we first started going out, you might think she was a ninja or a Navy SEAL with her covert shit operations. It is a pretty well known fact that the majority of women sneak their bowl movements around like the French Underground. I'm sure anyone that has been in a relationship can attest to the fact that people get accustomed to one another and settle into routines and whatnot. We all get used to the idea that... hey guess what? EVERYONE SHITS! Despite how hard we try to hide it, eventually it just has to come out, even if at an awkward moment. The joke basically goes that for months and months, I told my girlfriend that I thought she had vanilla scented shit because that's what the bathroom smelled like after she was finished with business.
Okay, maybe that's one of those you'd had to have been there sort of moments, but I assure you I'm laughing at the recollection of it.
What? You didn't think it was funny? Well shit, that was kinda the hook. Guess you'll just have to tune back again next time for more excitement... or you could read my past blogs... or check your Facebook... or play a game online... watch Netflix...
Well, go on. Have fun.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sometimes kids SUCK!

Does the title really NEED to say much more? I think not. Now this isn't a blog to completely hate on kids, because sometimes they are really fun and cool too. Sometimes everyone has a bad day... this blog is for those days.

Thank you for joining me once again on this trek across the journey we call "life". I'd offer to make you a drink so you can sit back comfortably and laugh your ass off... here's to you friend  \_/ salud!
Now for those who don't have kids... I'm sure that someday your hormones will catch up to you and cause you to have sex without a condom... oops! Or she will "forget" to take the pill, etc.
Kids are definitely a life changing experience. It is a good thing that we cannot remember our own births because quite frankly it's pretty disgusting, the act of child birth. Also, I KNOW for a fact that the majority of women, although they think they want a baby, they are LESS THAN THRILLED about the obvious outcomes: i.e. stretch marks, weight gain, and hormonal imbalances like the ones that cause post-partum depression.
Skipping past the baby stage into toddler age and then school age you have to worry about TEACHING them how to be good people all the way to being competent, capable adults while trying equally hard not to scar them too badly in the future.
All of these things are difficult indeed and it is often you find yourself beating the head proverbially against the wall. I NEVER thought in my life I would find myself saying certain things to another human being... things like: don't stick your finger in the cat's butt, don't stick the fork in the electrical socket, etc. Most of these annoyances usually involve the child putting his fingers somewhere it doesn't belong... especially in PUBLIC. What a nightmare for parents to be out in public when your child decides to fondle his/her private parts or run around naked. Even worse is the near CONSTANT struggle of getting kids to listen as they are generally off in la la land playing with the magical dragons... or something.
In addition, I have gotten to the point where I HATE having the television on anywhere in the vicinity of my children. They are like little zombie moths attracted to a flame. As soon as they see the brilliant lights and colors/sound from the t.v. they lose all track of time and reality. They become detached and unaware of your presence completely oblivious to the fact that you are talking to them. Of course then they want to treat you, the parent, like you are some sort of asshole for reprimanding them. Once again read my blog on how all kids have brain damage...

In fact it is quite often and very common for the kid to treat the adult like he/she is a jerk when in fact it is the little egotistical, self-centered shit that is generally the one who is the main antagonist to the parent's nerves... usually out of boredom or sadism.
Next we have the deplorable act that requires constant attention: cootie control. Have you ever noticed that kids NEVER remember anything really... especially the need to cover mouth when coughing and/or sneezing. It is pretty much inevitable that one parent, if not both will end up with whatever sickness the child has brought home from school, or pretty much anywhere since kids NEVER wash their own hands by their own volition. It is a constant struggle to get kids to wash their hands and KEEP them clean. Lord knows that they touch EVERYTHING... and where is the very FIRST place they stick their fingers... in their nose or in their mouth. If it's the nose first, then it usually goes quickly into the mouth with cootie attached boogers... EWWW, SICK!!
On top of that they are pretty much ALL sore losers, weather it be at Nintendo, board games, or outdoor sports. And forget about good sportsmanship and being a good winner. Nope.
I often wonder what is wrong with the brain of a child... beyond the fact that they are selfish and immature, of course. For example you tell a kid to do something and then they just stare at you like a third eyeball just magically appeared in your forehead. This causes immense irritation.
And I love this one... "Daddy, I'm bored!"

Ladies and gentlemen... I must admit I draw a sense of pleasure during these moments because I WILL find the child something to do... usually involving chores... which is yet ANOTHER source of frustration. Now please tell me if I'm wrong, but I personally think it's pretty cool to offer to PAY your child to do chores. This however comes with a few stipulations, for example:
1) If I have to do the chores FOR YOU... YOU don't get paid... I DO!
2) If I have to tell you to do the chores 100 million times, I'm just gonna do it myself and YOU AREN'T getting paid... I AM!
3) If I pay you to do the chores, they had better be done RIGHT the first time. (This is yet another source of irritation because they NEVER do the job properly and yet still expect to get paid)
4) If you enjoy all the toys and clothes and niceties... PICK THEM THE FUCK UP OFF THE FLOOR... or else I'm gonna assume you DON'T want it and I will give it to someone who IS APPRECIATIVE and WILL WANT IT and TAKE CARE OF IT.
My house is NOT a junk pile for some lazy child to constantly keep making messes. Neither myself or my significant other are SLAVES, MAIDS, BUTLERS, or any other kind of SERVANTS to the child(ren).

Emo kids who think middle class suburban life is just so tough... poor baby, you just didn't get the new X-Box game so "nobody loves me"... boo hoo hoo, cry me a river you fucking pussies. I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. LIFE IS TOUGH... NO MATTER WHAT AGE!!!
In the immortal words of Tyler Durden... "You are NOT a special flower!"
In my opinion, the BEST thing we can do for our young developing minds is this:
These are ALL highly reasonable solutions for bratty kids. ALL kids are gonna go through these phases. Do NOT be afraid to be the ADULT! The child does NOT do most of the work, cooking, cleaning, paying bills, etc. YOU are the adult! YOU set the rules! Post them on the wall so everyone knows what's up! But do NOT let them walk all over you. Give and receive. This CAN be a time of love and sharing, but it must be done carefully. I know as a parent you might often feel like you are tap dancing on egg shells, in fear of fucking your child up... too bad... everyone is pretty much crazy! Everyone needs therapy as an adult! It is far better thing to be strict and have your child in therapy, but at least they will be a good productive adult when they reach the proper age... at least we all hope so. Just do the BEST you can... and expect no less from your kids. This has been the Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. Listen. Patience. 

American Conservatism

Once we recognize that Libertarianism is essentially neo-feudalism, and that it is now the dominant conservative philosophy of the Republica...