Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Rebirth of a Saga

Namaste and welcome to my blog, the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back, so aptly named after the Star Wars franchise movie the Empire Strikes Back. Today I want to write about the newest installment into the saga "Rogue One". Don't worry, there aren't any spoilers.
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I want to rewind for a moment back to childhood. The original Star Wars was already an instant classic by the time I was born in 1979, so it was no surprise to grow up through the 1980s as a huge fan of the original trilogy we would later know as episodes 4, 5, and 6 of the epic 9 (now 10) part saga. Honestly, I probably have watched those movies about 100 times each, my favorite being Return of the Jedi.
Unlike a lot of hardcore fans, I actually enjoyed the prequel trilogy, Episodes 1, 2, and 3 with the exception of Natalie Portman, whom I think is a TERRIBLE actress (including her horrible, completely forgettable role as the love interest of Thor, Jane Foster in the Marvel universe), especially since she openly has been quoted about how she thinks science fiction is "stupid". Bitch. Ewan McGregor, Frank Oz, and Samuel L. Jackson kept that trilogy from ruining the entire franchise.
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Last year we got to see episode 7: The Force Awakens, which by its own right was very good. Now, this holiday season we are graced with Rogue One, which by my accounts is actually BETTER than expected based upon recent trailers and Episode 7.
Rogue One has done something amazing that I don't believe fans were expecting... it redefined the original Star Wars saga from being a trilogy into the modern Era as a quadrilogy, ending just before Episode 4: A New Hope. The break away from the Skywalker family drama to explore a much larger universe was a nice transition from the original films that mainly focus on Darth Vader a.k.a. Anakin Skywalker and his estranged children Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa (adopted by and given senator Bale Organa, played by Jimmy Smitts in the prequel trilogy and reprising the role for Rogue One). The emotion of Rogue One felt much more real, even compared to The Force Awakens and a dynamic cast of extras really made the movie credible. Madds Mickelson, Donnie Yen, and Forest Whitaker added a depth to the cast unseen since Episode 1's casting of Liam Neeson, Ray Park, and Ewan McGregor in their respected roles as Qui-Gon Ginn, Darth Maul, and Obi-Wan Kenobi, respectively.
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As a lifelong cinephile, Star Wars fan, and blogger, I officially give Star Wars Rogue One a rating of 11 out of 10. A true MUST SEE of the 2016!

Hate it or love it, one must admit that Disney has done great things with the cash cow that is the Star Wars franchise. And the future looks bright with Episode VIII on the horizon, as well as a Han Solo origins story, among others.
Well, thank you for your time today. This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse. Like always, I'll see you at the movies.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Veterans Day

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Namaste and welcome to another posting for the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. I want to start off by saying that I am a proud veteran of the U.S. Navy serving during the Iraqi war, discharged honorable from injury while serving with honor, courage, and commitment to the American way of life.
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That being said... I live about 20 minutes north of Portland, Oregon where there has been daily protesting and rioting for the last few days since the 2016 presidential election where Donald Trump became our new President elect.
I understand that citizens are upset about the loss of their beloved candidate. I understand that folks are afraid for the future, for themselves and for their loved ones. But here's the thing...
First, Trump isn't the president until January, so all the crime, lawlessness, and civil disobedience is being done on Obama's watch.
Second, what does all this hope to accomplish? We can't go back. All we can do is work together toward a better future, regardless of who is the leader.
Third, what kind of message does this send our children? Acting like whiny, spoiled, entitled jackasses ISN'T helping your cause. In fact, it's actually hurting it.
Destroying property, vandalism, and destruction of middle income businesses only hurts the working class Americans. It does NOTHING to fight against the machine.
I blogged recently about this generation of entitlement and the pussy generation of millennials and I stand by that sentiment. All these "triggered" individuals who are causing these problems need to grow the fuck up. You're complaining about the problem, but then causing a bigger problem in response? That's asinine logic and very childish, to say the least.
I'm gonna spell it out for you here, real simple like...
You don't have to like everything the government does.
You don't have to like or respect our elected officials.
You don't have to blindly follow the crowd, especially in cases like Portland, among others, where rioting and other forms of lawlessness are taking place.
This is how you get martial law, dumb asses.
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Many millions of citizens have made the sacrifice to serve in the military. To serve the greater good. It is disrespectful to ALL the men and women who made this sacrifice of time, family, limb, mental health, and life for ungrateful shit heads to burn our flag and riot over an election.
If you live within the geographical borders of these here United States of America, and you are here legally as a citizen, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING?!?
I don't like or agree with everything that President elect Donald Trump says, does, or has proposed for our future as a nation. BUT, I CHOOSE to be a good citizen and honor the voting choice of the will of the citizens and accept him as our future leader, come January. I choose NOT to act in a manner that is embarrassing to myself, my family, and my nation.
We are ALL AMERICANS FIRST, black, white, brown, red, yellow, man, woman, straight, LGBTQ, or how ever you self identify SECOND.
Veterans didn't serve and willingly sacrifice to come home and see such disrespect from the civilian population. All the "triggered" pussies need to grow the fuck up. This is what happens when everyone gets a participation trophy. In real life there are winners and losers. The measure of a person isn't in how much loss or struggle one must endure. We ALL have our own struggles and demons we must face in our daily lives. No, the measure of a person is in how they DEAL WITH and COPE with the adversity during the trying times. How many times you get back up, dust yourself off, and strive toward a better future is what makes a person great.

Lawless rioting and looting from small business owners and being a problem for others who just want to live doesn't make you cool or special, it makes you an unpatriotic asshole. This is your home. Why would you destroy your home? That's someone's mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, cousin, or BFF that you just beat up, robbed, or murdered. That person did NOTHING to you and you show such disdain against them, your fellow citizens. All because of whom they voted for? Our founding fathers of this nation were proud of the system that they created, a democratic republic founded on the principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Veterans have fought and died for that ideal for nearly 250 years. Show some fucking respect.

Last thing I'm gonna say is that despite the nature of our foreign wars, I'm still proud of the service I gave to my country and fellow citizens. I'm NOT proud of these selfish, disrespectful, assholes treating our nation and it's citizens like shit. We live in a beautiful land of prosperity and abundance. It may not always be easy, fair, or equal, but few things in life ever are. We, however, owe a debt to one another to remain civil and treat others with respect, especially veterans who sacrificed so you could have a better life that you take for granted. This message isn't directed at the hard working class Americans that dutifully and diligently make the backbone of our society.
Want this nation to be great again? Go to work. Participate in your community. Don't riot or do harm unto others. Show respect for those who served to preserve the rights you take for granted. Thank a veteran. Give him or her a hug. Show gratitude. The life you complain about is a dream for so many more. Don't take that for granted.

American Conservatism

Once we recognize that Libertarianism is essentially neo-feudalism, and that it is now the dominant conservative philosophy of the Republica...