Monday, March 26, 2018

The Red Scare, A Continued Fight Against Communism

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Namaste and welcome to my blog. Today I want to talk about political ideologies and how they relate to our current American way of life.
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Our founding fathers knew firsthand the struggle against tyranny as they fought side by side to defend a fledgling nation of colonists from the mother land of the British Empire. Each generation of Americans has done their part to defend the Republic for which we stand. Each generation made sacrifices for the next. Amid all the struggles of our nation, it was the individual, the citizen, the militias, that through ideology pressed forward into the future with the goal of individual liberty in mind.
Collectivism, be it socialism or communism have always been the burden and antithesis of individual liberty. There have been many attempts to reconcile the two, but the drain of demand from the central government, wasting the collective labor and resources of the people they were supposed to protect and serve always ultimately becomes too much. The disparity between the upper class and the working poor ultimately leads to revolution, and not always for the good. I do believe that there shouldn't be privatization of resources like water, solar, and wind... that's just silly.

As a veteran of the Navy and a patriot to this nation, I must say how disgusted I am when I turn on the television and hear Millenial's and Gen Y youth touting a dangerous level of speech that could very well be tantamount to communism and treason. These younger generations have grown up on the backs of the labor of their fathers and grandfathers and beyond. They have known NOTHING but prosper and unmatched abundance. On one hand, they have the absolute right to be disgusted by the perversion and debauchery occurring at all levels of our government. They have the right to be upset about gun violence and mass murders, BUT...
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ahem... deep breath...
The perpetual fallacy of youth is lack of knowledge and real world experience. Even the poorest person in the United States of America STILL has access to clean water, food, and shelter, for the most part. The life and liberty that today's youth abhor so much didn't come easily or cheaply. It was paid for by many generations before with blood, sweat, and tears... just for these whiny little communist shits to be given an open microphone and hear them bash our nation and disrespect their elders, the veterans who sacrificed and served, and our Constitutional rights that SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED UPON. The mere thought of taking away individual liberty and freedom for some false sense of security is INSANE. All the laws in the world can be made to take away the rights of the LAW-ABIDING CITIZEN, but one must remember... CRIMINALS DON'T FOLLOW THE LAWS or really even give 2 shits about them. One must also remember that NO system of government has been EVER proven to be perfect. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. This communist bullshit I hear spewing from young mouths sounds real good on paper, and I can honestly understand why this sounds appealing to young people that don't truly understand the concepts of individual liberty or what the true nature of a Republic is. It sounds real good on paper to destroy the class system and let everyone have an equal share of the pie. Sounds good. EXCEPT, it is a governments sole function to consolidate power to said government, and in doing so, lowers the quality of life for every one of the working class citizens, which is the opposite of the said intention from the beginning. The problem comes in loss of individual liberty. A LOT of people don't want to work as hard as others, especially when the payoff came at the loss of freedom for a false sense of security. A false communist utopia sounds good until you realize that while you were disarmed, the government never is. Tyrannical power ultimately leads to things like mass genocide, war, spread of disease, famine, and death of the dream. This turns to revolution, which leads to prosperity, which leads to consolidation of power, which leads to tyranny and on and on and on. If the government is the sole possessor of arms against the people, than that is a dictatorship, not a Constitutional Republic.
We have institutions like the Electoral College, for example, for a good reason. It is so that large urban centers of industry and large populations don't get to make the exclusive laws governing the entire nation. If this weren't the case, New York, Florida, and California would be making the laws for everywhere else, due to their dense urban populated cities. It took me a long time to realize that there is a distinct difference between the mindset and ideologies of the urban citizen vs. the rural citizen. It doesn't really seem to matter where I go, dialects may change, but generally speaking city folk are city folk, and once you get outside of that, there are a lot of rednecks and backwater peoples. Not judging... the world and the USA needs all types. I personally believe it is the diversity of peoples in this nation that makes the United States great from sea to shining sea.
We must not let the actions of the few spread fear into the hearts and minds of the law abiding citizens. We must not let the words and feelings of our youth trigger us into giving up our most basic Constitutional rights. Look around at what is happening. We have a police force that has been trained to spread terror and to treat everyone like a criminal. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Is there even such a thing when a police officer can gun you down in the street or arrest and detain you when no real crime was even committed, based on racial and ethnic stereotypes? I know this all is hard to follow, but it won't be solved by taking away the rights of those who have committed no crime.

What we need in this nation is an open line of communication rather than "free-speech zones".
What we need is adult discussion without people getting triggered, while thinking their emotions and under-educated opinions are equivalent to TRUE, logical facts.
What we need is MORE education for our citizens. In High School, students should be taught about the political process, our central government and how it works, about the political parties (and not just the biased and divisive 2 main political parties: Republicans and Democrats), how to vote, community involvement, civics, etc... and real life skills. But the very last thing we should condone is this hateful speech going on in this nation. Life is actually WAY WAY MORE SIMPLE with the individual freedom movement than with this other socialist/communist shit. And until we find and work together to create a better system, start with fixing yourself. We can't, as individuals of a greater society talk about ending war and violence without first ending the war within our own minds. How can we expect a society to work together and find peace and love if we are forever in inner turmoil, fighting over trivialities like geographical location, gender, skin color, religion, sexual orientation, etc.?
Life is simple...
If you don't like gay marriage... don't get one.
You don't like drugs... don't do them.
You don't like marijuana.... don't smoke it.
You don't like abortions... don't get one. Adopt instead of having more of your own.
You miss someone... call, write, text, e-mail that person.
You're hungry... eat.
You're thirsty... drink.
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Life is simple, but it is also short. Is the legacy we want to leave behind to the next generation the degradation of individual liberty, taking away the rights of law abiding citizens, and the downward spiral to communism? We all know that things suck sometimes, but with simple changes we can all make it better. It's difficult to ever have that Utopian society because 7.5 billion people are all living a life of individual perspective reality, with desires, dreams, and ambitions different from one another, but all together in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Whether we have just this one life, or in an Eastern thought we reincarnate back again, shouldn't we do the best we can to leave the world BETTER than it was before? If we all could just adopt that one ideal, to leave the world better than before... I think that kind of small change could be viral. I urge my readers to just share that one thought and disseminate the knowledge down to future generations.
This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Truth.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The World Doesn't Need Any More Thugs or Gangsters

Namaste and welcome my friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read my post.
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The world doesn't need any more thugs or gangsters.
The world doesn't need any more thugs or gangsters.
The world doesn't need any more thugs or gangsters.
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I said that 3 times to emphasise the point.
Young males have been indoctrinated into a system being reared to believe that violence is the test of proving their manhood. This is represented in a culture that promotes violence, hard drug use, gang banging, and even combat sports like football. Young males think that these behaviors are showing something that isn't actually happening.
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What IS going on is that these individuals are showing immaturity, disrespect, and deflected anger aimed at others, often those who have tried to help and support them.
ATTENTION YOUNG MALES!!! If you want to BE a man and SHOW your manhood, put down your guns, hang up your bad attitudes at the door, and give back to your family, community, and country. You want to be a man? Own those kids with the baby mama you knocked up and ACTUALLY take care of them. Be a good role model by getting a job, paying your taxes and bills, make goals and complete them; actually give a shit about something other than yourself or gang banging, committing crimes, and being shirty human beings. Want respect? Earn it in a positive manner instead of waving your dicks and guns like immature little fools.
The world doesn't need any more thugs or gangsters, it needs HEALERS, ENGINEERS, SCIENTISTS, FARMERS (medicinal AND agricultural), NURSES, DOCTORS, etc...
We have enough criminals that don't follow the law, many of them wearing white collars and making their crimes legal in our government, and others. This isn't just an American issue, but a global issue stemming from this fucked up reality with endless wars and bombings that create new generations of terrorists and violent behaviors.
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Wake the fuck up, humans! 

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Civilian Life After Military Service

Hey there once again, this is the one and only Quiet Mouse coming back with another posting to my ongoing blog. If you've been a follower of my blog or know me personally, then you will know that I am a US Navy veteran. I proudly served my nation and was discharged upon medical injury. This is a little background of why I feel and believe the way I do. Follow me down the rabbit hole and let's see where it takes us, shall we...
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It took being in the military to realize the whole world is run like the shittiest parts of the military, that being the compartmentalization of information. No one seems to know what's going on, but at the highest levels. I must be different. I WANT to know information. I'm not the blindly serve and follow stupid orders type. Needless to say, the Chiefs in the Navy didn't like that. It took me years to figure out that they were pissed off because they didn't know either. This is how the civilian world is ALL THE TIME. We have this naive idea that the President is in charge and that's where the buck stops. But you'd be wrong to believe that. Billionaires, whose faces are rarely seen and completely unelectable by the masses, are the real rulers of this land. NOTHING happens without their approval.
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This brings me to the civilians themselves. If you have never served in the military or had a family member or close friend serve, then you probably don't truly understand the concept of liberty and freedom and most likely take it for granted. You want to know what I saw when I got out of the Navy? Trash. Trashy people. Trashy roads. Trashy beaches. And millions of stupid, selfish people who abused and took those liberties and freedoms for granted. We've had such a long time of prosperity as a nation, where even the poor have access to clean water, food, and shelter, although inadequate and hard to find, it is out there. I've watched civilians throw cigarette butts out their car window and start a fire. I've seen our streets littered with garbage under the guise of " THEY pay someone to pick that up." Lazy people with trashy lifestyles, trashy thoughts, and trashy minds have polluted the landscape of America, believing that their ignorance is equal to that of an intelligent, caring, committed citizen via our broken democracy. But that's kinda my whole point is that our democracy has been hijacked and is now a corporate-ocracy that pumps out media divisiveness to segregate and separate our peoples. It pumps out vanity, materialism, greed, selfishness, laziness, and literal garbage, by the tons.
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Once a person is separated from the military and returns to civilian life, it is often quite depressing. Idiot mouth breathers who don't know jack shit about economics, social order, or foreign politics are constantly weighing on their comments on social media like Twitter and Facebook regurgitating the lies they've been told most of their lives as fact, often purposefully spreading disinformation and venom. Their cognitive dissonance won't allow them to even conceptualize, let alone understand the fallacy and error of their ways of belief after years and years of sheeple herd mentality, which in my opinion is the REAL mental illness in this country.  People aren't depressed, they're struggling in dealing with this bull shit we THINK is realit. And for what?!? Little pieces of fabric and paper we've been told are so important called MONEY.
You want to know why the world is fucked up and insane to a former Navy sailor? Because stupid civilians allow their ignorance, nay, FORCE their ignorance upon us. They don't want to learn and don't want to change, but yet want to enforce their ignorant beliefs upon the rest of us. I for one, am sick of it. All these snowflake pussies need to read a book or 200 and grow the fuck up, get a job, pay your taxes, and shut the fuck up about things you don't understand...
This brings me to my next point: guns. Stupid idiots trying to take away the rights of others to bear arms infuriates me. Ron Paul quoted, "ALL government power is ultimately GUN POWER and serves the interests of those who despise or do not comprehend their principles of liberty. The gun in the hands of law- abiding citizens serves to hold in check arrogant and aggressive government. Guns in the hands of bureaucrats do the opposite."
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Has there been too many mass murders recently? Absolutely. This is again one of my problems with the civilian world. Trying to ban something you don't like and enforcing your will over others, then wrapping your self in a flag doesn't equate to freedom. It's called INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY. Shall NOT be infringed. Stupid idiots trying to give away or steal the freedoms of others for a false sense of security. You want to know what a country is called when only the police and military have guns?!? It's called A DICTATORSHIP!!!!
And all these fucking idiots are BEGGING to bed subjugated, insisting we all must do the same. This is the doorstep of tyranny, not liberty. This is insane!
What we need is MORE education about not only fire arms, but about our government, our society and the role we should play in it, and our duty as citizens to act with a little more integrity by NOT destroying our communities, by NOT rioting or looting and pillaging our cities. Americans need to have more honor and integrity, more courage and humility. Americans need to realize that we live in an interconnected planet where EVERYTHING we do has an impact, for good or bad. And we need to start taking accountability for fixing the problems INSTEAD of creating more. We need to start taking pride in our homes, where all learning should be starting. Parents are failing their children by allowing television to teach and babysit the blossoming young minds of children, by allowing them to be disrespectful little shits. Some kids NEED to be spanked. But some people take this, and other things TOO FAR. It is tantamount to abuse to raise another generation of humans into an indoctrination system of perpetual wars, abuse of one another AND the animal kingdom (which we are STILL a part of), and the systematic rape and destruction of our home, planet Earth.
Schools have failed our young minds when they take away recess, music, art, and sciences from our children leaving American youth at a disadvantage compared to other industrialized youth like those in Japan and most of Europe.
Our system has failed when our POTUS cuts funding to Medicare, CHIP, and renewable energy research.
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I can go on and on about these frustrations, but I'm not sure it'll do any good. I've been in a constant struggle for the last 12 years since exiting the Navy and becoming a civilian again. I took my sworn oath seriously about defending this nation against all threats foreign AND domestic, as did many others. I dislike what I've found once my eyes were opened to the truth  of this land that is a great lie. The enemy is among us, infiltrated into the very core of what was once a great nation, trying to censor free speech, truth, and the transmission of that truth across media (see Alex Jones and InfoWars).
Now there is NO HONOR, NO INTEGRITY, NO COURAGE OR COMMITMENT here, just a free-for-all of savages living on pure animal instinct in a perpetual herd-mentality, consuming endlessly; negative, pessimistic, and part of the problem more than part of the solution. If you're reading this blog, YOU are the resistance. YOU are our hope; the hope that a positive message will reach more youth and break down the barriers that have divided us for so long... and bring about a much needed change.
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Want to stick it to the man? Educate yourself beyond institutional knowledge that is meant more for indoctrination than actual learning. Grow your own garden. This is a huge middle finger to the system. Barter. Share crop. Sew your own clothes. Play an instrument and make your own music. Recycle. Reuse. Repurpose old things. Repair broken gadgets instead of throwing it in a landfill to poison the land and water. E- cycle your electronics and lightbulbs. Invest in alternative energy like wind and solar and hydro. Compost to return nutrients to the soil rather than pollutants like pesticides. Buy hemp clothes instead of cotton. Choose NOT to eat animals, as it is destroying our rain forests and animal populations. Humans have killed over half the animals on the entire planet within the last 60 years. And it's sad.
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I'm gonna wrap it up and say one last thing. NOTHING is permanent. The Earth will be here long after we have driven ourselves and all life to extinction. When we have drilled out all the oil, burned or cut down all the trees, eaten and killed every animal... we will realize that we cannot eat money or gold or diamonds. All our so- called progress and innovating will mean jack shit because we've lost the thing that cannot be replaced... love. If we want to heal the world, we must learn to love again. Not only our selves, but our partners, our children, our family, and our brothers, sisters, cousins from all around the planet. When we love and show forgiveness, compassion, and empathy, the world immediately changes. That is worth defending. That is worth LIVING. That is worth SHARING with others. Instead of spreading hatred, anger, fear, and war, we should be working TOGETHER to spread knowledge and work toward eliminating apathy and selfish greed.
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This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse. Namaste and may the blessings of the universe shine through your inner light, radiant for all to see.

American Conservatism

Once we recognize that Libertarianism is essentially neo-feudalism, and that it is now the dominant conservative philosophy of the Republica...