Thursday, March 31, 2016

Opinions Are Like Assholes

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Opinions are indeed like assholes: everyone has one... and that's okay. Each individual is rightfully inclined to his or her thoughts and feelings. Where I have issues with my fellow humans is this desire we all have... to be heard and listened to, but when it gets to the point of anger and violence, it's gone too far.

Opinions are like assholes, but the line gets drawn when others are constantly trying to indoctrinate others into that belief system. Also, I've realized that each individual, in his or her mind, BELIEVES that he or she is correct in logic, reasoning, and belief structure, above others, and occasionally above logic or common sense. "Expert" opinions are often taken for fact, without proof or evidence of validity. Yet the masses believe nonetheless.

Opinions are like assholes, shoved down our throats, often against our will; it's no wonder people shut down when they hear contrary points of view... because everyone has a different point of view: THEIR OWN. It is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to see things from someone else's point of view because we've only ever known our own perspective. This is one of the great challenges of adulthood: to look beyond our own personal needs, beliefs, and desires and to then put others needs, beliefs, and desires over your own. Most of us learn this in parenthood, but many more have failed to learn the lessons of life that we should have learned in kindergarten... the GOLDEN RULE:
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If you want to be listened to... listen more to others.
As a human species we really need to get over this concept of trying to convert others to our personal viewpoints on life, religion, politics, spirituality, etc.
For example, when I write this blog, with the over 300 postings I have written, I'm not trying to sway anyone's opinions to my way of thinking. That would be futile and impossible. Instead I am attempting to reach out to those who are already awakened to the ideas, concepts, and solutions I have shared. I do this not to change others, but to show the change in myself. I am evolving as a human and spiritual being, ready to transcend into a higher plane of consciousness. I am not fearful, except for those so narrow minded to be locked into a vicious cycle of the need for violence, bigotry, ethnocentrism, racism, sexism, and other forms of hate against fellow human beings... all for money, greed, power, and control of the masses.
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Even though opinions are like assholes, we as humans share a lot of common ground, especially our desire to seek out love, companionship, and fellow humans with similar interests and belief systems. I truly believe it is the diversity of the human race that makes us great. If only we could focus on the positives of life and the similarities we have together versus the world we currently live full of greed, hatred, prejudice, inequality, and violence.
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Alas,  c'est la vie, this is life. I alone cannot change the world. I can only change myself and how I respond to stimuli from the world around me. As Michael Jackson said: "... if you want to make the world a better place, better look at yourself and make a change." - Man in the mirror

This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Auto Pet Safety

Namaste and welcome my friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers to another posting for the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back.
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Today I want to discuss briefly the dangers of having your pet inside your vehicle. Ideally the pet owner should leave his/ her pet at home, where pets belong, but we all know those folks who can't go anywhere without their beloved pet.
First and foremost is the real danger of dehydration and even death if you leave your pet inside the car or truck on a hot day. It's spring now, but the weather will be quickly warming up and summer will be here soon once again. Pets are family too, so treat them accordingly. 
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Secondly, there is an added risk of injury and/or death to have a pet in the vehicle that is unsecured. If, heaven forbid, you are in an accident... your unsecured pet can become a missile inside the vehicle, especially if the vehicle is rolling, that can seriously injure the other passengers and even cause death. 

Thank you for your time today. Be good to your pets and have a nice day! 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Fluffy Women Need Lovin Too

Namaste and welcome my friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers to another posting for the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. Let's jump right down the rabbit hole, Alice, and see just how deep we can go.

Only in this vain and superficial society do we continually put down one another... especially our beautiful women. One might even go as far as saying our society/economy has been built not only on the exploitation of the citizens, but also on negative self image. I believe this, because at the core, happy people are not obsessed with materialism or about how society feels about them, in general.
How does this relate to the above topic? Women spend billions of dollars per year on things like clothes, makeup, and dieting. Argue all you like, but I'm convinced that the majority of female spending on these, among other beauty items, comes from self esteem or negative self image issues which are only rehashed by the corporate industry in a repetitive cycle.

First let's look at the clothes. Men's clothing is often a fraction of the price of women's clothing. Women are more willing to over-pay based on brand name clothing or to shop at a particular store, failing to realize those clothes were made in an Asian sweat-shop for pennies on the dollar compared to the cost of making them. Another thing about women's clothing is that the less you get, the more it seems to costs, like lingerie, for example. Plus, tiny boobs get all the attention; fancy materials, cute designs, and sexy, lacy cuts which purports the myth that only skinny girls can be sexy. THIS IS JUST UNTRUE!
Accentuate what you've got and simply downplay the parts that make  you feel less confident or self-conscious.

Next let's talk about makeup. Makeup was created for movie starlets to appear as having flawless skin under hot lights in front on a movie camera. It was never meant for the average woman consumer, but was sold under the guise that women NEED this product to be beautiful. Makeup clogs pores requiring MORE chemicals to remove. It ages skin prematurely making the face look leathery which requires the vicious cycle of MORE MAKEUP to cover up (which MOST MEN find incredibly UNATTRACTIVE). Less is more. These products are being sold as a salve to alleviate low self esteem in women who are already beautiful, but fall for the lie of corporations and a FAKE-ASS SOCIETY that tells our women they are ugly. And so many women DO feel ugly on the outside.  AGAIN, THIS IS UNTRUE!
Less is more. This is obviously a personal preference, I just urge women not to go nuts on it; a little lip gloss and some eye liner is all most women need.
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Lastly, I have a big issue with the dieting women do to impress unrealistic societal standards that are PURPOSELY MEANT to keep you feeling bad, because happy people DON'T NEED to buy materialistic products to feel better about self. The key is being HEALTHY. It should be more about health than it is a beauty image. Not every woman is meant to be a size 2. Just saying...
Everywhere you go there are gyms, restaurants, grocery stores, and online ads trying to get you and I to buy into the low self esteem bandwagon and purchase THEIR product or service that will make you happy if you only buy _____________ (enter product here).
Here's the problem. People are lazy, greedy, selfish, and under-educated. Plain and simple. Corporations take advantage of this fact to exploit consumers into buying not just their product, but self-image that is in line with the continual buying of said product(s).
There are hundreds of diet plans out there for you to try, and most likely fail. Failure in dieting is often caused by the food itself, filled with refined sugars, artificial sweeteners, processed carbs, and fake diet ingredients that cause weight gain, not loss. This is especially true in a lot of diet foods, but especially diet soda that causes insulin and cortisol spikes.
You are what you eat. Garbage in equals garbage out. Like most things in life, you get out what you put in. Too many people are looking for a quick and easy fix when there rarely is one. It didn't take overnight to get overweight.

Now, bringing this in full circle, fluffy chicks need loving too. I once was told "beauty is only skin deep, but ugly is to the bone." This means that looks can change. Just go to your high school reunion if you need proof. The jocks are fat and bald and the popular girls all had a bunch of kids and now are fluffy. This is not a reflection of self, but you get the point. Life happens. Sometimes we are in bad relationships or bad routines. Sometimes we eat out of depression. Even so, women can STILL be fluffy AND sexy. Sexy has more to do with self-image, self-esteem, and confidence than physical looks that CAN and DO change with age.
The point is that if you're fluffy or fat, you have two choices:
1) Rock that shit! Shake what your mama gave you. Doll it up, wear some stockings, and be proud of who you are, you sexy ass woman.
2) Lose some weight, but if you're gonna do it... make sure you do it right, not just follow the herd with fad diets that will leave you tired, frustrated, and relapsing into bad habits and weight gain, rather than loss.

Confidence is sexy. Rock what ya got. If you got little boobies, rock them boobies. If they're big 'uns rock them bitches too. Same goes if you got some ass or a tummy. Rock that shit. Guys love it when a woman KNOWS she's the shit and rocks it anyway. Fuck what them skinny bitches think if you're fluffy. Rock that shit. They're just jelly of your peanut butter.
There are plenty of dudes out here that like fluffy women too with those hips, boobs, ass, and thighs that get those boy's eyeballs popping out their heads. It's ironic but true that men ALWAYS cheat on them skinny bitches with fluffy girls too, just saying...

Fluffy girls, in my experience, also give THE BEST HEAD! I personally married the women with the two best blow jobs I've ever had and they are BOTH FLUFFY!
So fellas, this is important too. Get in the game, bros! It's our job as men to build up our women, help them with their self esteem, you know? I promise you that looks change, but a good personality won't. MOST of the skinny women I've ever met are self-obsessed, vain bitches that just lay there during sex, won't give head ("cause it's gross"), but want YOU the man to go oyster diving, and have that "look at me" or "what can you do for me?" attitude.
Fluffy girls often have more love to give, more to prove, and an over-all better attitude about sex and interpersonal relationships toward men.

I KNOW that these issues with society aren't going to change over night. The media and corporations aren't going to stop attempting to sell you and I on their product, their image, their bull shit. We just have to stand up and say NO! Stay sexy all you fluffy women out there. Be a voice of reason to our daughters and teach them self love, not self loathing; self esteem, not self hate; confidence, not insecurity.
Sexy is not just reserved for the young and skinny either.

This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. Confidence. Sexiness.

Thursday, March 17, 2016


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Namaste and welcome once again my friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers to another posting for the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. This blog is R rated and is for ADULTS ONLY, despite the subject matter.
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Everyone has their own personal tastes and likes in this world. That is your prerogative. I grew up in the south, not so deep and dirty south like Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, or the Carolinas, but from the south nonetheless. Southern cooking is a combination of many styles of cuisine that are as unique as the immigrants that populated the lands. The Spanish, French, and German cuisines, among others, significantly influenced the culinary arts across the nation, but had a vital role in the cuisine of the South.
Americans are an amalgamation of many various cultures and our culinary fusion of these culture's foods became an American icon in foods like pizza, chicken fried steak, burgers, and tacos.
The American way of cooking is a slightly bastardized version of the home country's cuisine, as again, the various cultural influences have created a hybrid fusion.
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Now the point of this article is the amazing cuisine known as TACOS. Now, Deadpool might like his chimi-fucking-changas, but I myself am amazed at the variety and imagination that has gone into making the far-from-simple taco into an American icon.
Start with the shell. This may be a soft four or corn tortilla, or a hard, crispy fried corn shell to be stuffed with goodness.
Next we have the meat. Pork carnitas, chicken (shredded or diced), ground beef, barbacoa, shrimps, and fried fish are all common place in tacos. With the fusion of other cultures, I've even seen Asian style tacos recently at a food truck locally. I even saw my kids watching I-Carly on t.v. where they made spaghetti tacos. Just shows the versatility of the ever cravable taco.
After the meat and shell there are soooooo many toppings to add, including but not limited to, lettuce, tomato, onions, cilantro, various cheeses, sour cream, guacamole/avocado, pico de gallo, etc. Sometimes the biggest difficulty is getting all the toppings into the taco shell.
Some folks prefer the soft taco over the crispy taco... and that's okay; there are pros and cons to both sides. Tortillas rip and leak out salsa or taco sauce.
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Hard shells make you eat funny because you have to turn your neck to avoid taco spillage. There is indeed a special technique to keep taco fillings off of your clothing. Some prefer the simple neck tilt, others prefer the New England style of eating standing up, legs slightly spread, leaned forward to get maximized food into mouth with minimal spillage.

The simple joys in life like sex, music, and tacos can bridge any and all cultural gaps. The flavor profile is spot on to appease any and all appetites. They are very affordable to  make and there are as many variations to this diverse creation as there are people making them.

No matter how you like your tacos: crunchy, soft, meat, or veggie there is an endless flavor variety of ways to combine your favorite ingredients into a flavor explosion in your mouth.
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This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. TACOS.

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American Conservatism

Once we recognize that Libertarianism is essentially neo-feudalism, and that it is now the dominant conservative philosophy of the Republica...