Opinions are indeed like assholes: everyone has one... and that's okay. Each individual is rightfully inclined to his or her thoughts and feelings. Where I have issues with my fellow humans is this desire we all have... to be heard and listened to, but when it gets to the point of anger and violence, it's gone too far.
Opinions are like assholes, but the line gets drawn when others are constantly trying to indoctrinate others into that belief system. Also, I've realized that each individual, in his or her mind, BELIEVES that he or she is correct in logic, reasoning, and belief structure, above others, and occasionally above logic or common sense. "Expert" opinions are often taken for fact, without proof or evidence of validity. Yet the masses believe nonetheless.
Opinions are like assholes, shoved down our throats, often against our will; it's no wonder people shut down when they hear contrary points of view... because everyone has a different point of view: THEIR OWN. It is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to see things from someone else's point of view because we've only ever known our own perspective. This is one of the great challenges of adulthood: to look beyond our own personal needs, beliefs, and desires and to then put others needs, beliefs, and desires over your own. Most of us learn this in parenthood, but many more have failed to learn the lessons of life that we should have learned in kindergarten... the GOLDEN RULE:
If you want to be listened to... listen more to others.
As a human species we really need to get over this concept of trying to convert others to our personal viewpoints on life, religion, politics, spirituality, etc.
For example, when I write this blog, with the over 300 postings I have written, I'm not trying to sway anyone's opinions to my way of thinking. That would be futile and impossible. Instead I am attempting to reach out to those who are already awakened to the ideas, concepts, and solutions I have shared. I do this not to change others, but to show the change in myself. I am evolving as a human and spiritual being, ready to transcend into a higher plane of consciousness. I am not fearful, except for those so narrow minded to be locked into a vicious cycle of the need for violence, bigotry, ethnocentrism, racism, sexism, and other forms of hate against fellow human beings... all for money, greed, power, and control of the masses.
Even though opinions are like assholes, we as humans share a lot of common ground, especially our desire to seek out love, companionship, and fellow humans with similar interests and belief systems. I truly believe it is the diversity of the human race that makes us great. If only we could focus on the positives of life and the similarities we have together versus the world we currently live full of greed, hatred, prejudice, inequality, and violence.
Alas, c'est la vie, this is life. I alone cannot change the world. I can only change myself and how I respond to stimuli from the world around me. As Michael Jackson said: "... if you want to make the world a better place, better look at yourself and make a change." - Man in the mirror
This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.
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