Saturday, July 28, 2012


Hello there and welcome my friends, family and fellow knowledge seekers, I have a short thought I want to share with you today. EVERYONE SEEKS CONTROL. It starts from an early age in life. As children we seek to gain control of our lives, seeing parents as tyrants despite their best intentions, striving for independence and always looking forward to "growing up". Those of you with your own children I'm sure know that it is difficult raising children because they see you as the enemy at times, and some kids try to assert their control OVER the parent.

As adults our personal desire for control over others and situations can lead to indecency and irrational thought processes as it seems to me that a lot of people only see in others what can be done for "me", forgetting the humanity that we all share in common. I've kinda spoken on this before, but I want to re-iterate the fact that regular people who are NOT rich or wealthy only emulate the teachings that have been passed down from previous generations and from above, the poor emulating the wealthy, often with those bad behaviors of greed, selfishness, and over-indulgence, with far less influence being made by positive inspirations, unfortunately. It really does seem that humans are opportunistic, to say the least, and it is sad that when even otherwise good people are put into power over others, there is ALWAYS the real possibility  that power will be abused.
On another note, I am indeed human and I understand the desire to want MORE. I understand the desire to want the BEST things for your family that you never had as a child. My problem is more with the fact that enough is never enough for some and many try to live well above their means. Greed really is a nasty bastard and few seem to know when enough is enough. The further we go down the slippery slide of coveting, materialism, and possessions, along with vanity and avarice... the further the individual slips away into disassociation with the fellow human race. There is no mortal among us who is better than another in the eyes of the creator, so what makes YOU so concerned with keeping up with the Jones's? Rather than constantly comparing ourselves to others in a negative way, counting all the things that you DON'T HAVE (a list that will NEVER END)... why can't we be find comfort in our blessings and be THANKFUL FOR WHAT WE DO HAVE: LIFE, LOVE, HEALTH, and CHOICE? There will ALWAYS be MORE that we want and cannot have, and those that do have all they want and more are NEVER HAPPY... because what we REALLY NEED is love, companionship, and family, along with food/water, clothing, and shelter. That's about it. Every other form of exerting control is generally about pettiness, selfishness, or greed, and unfortunately some people use forms of manipulation to control the ones they claim to love.
Am I saying that it is bad to seek control over things in life? No. I'm just saying that we have to pick our battles and respect positions of authority and not abuse the small amounts of power that we get over others, if any at all. No matter what though, we have to treat our fellow humans with dignity and respect, if possible. I know there are some people who seem stupid out there who do a whole slew of idiotic behaviors for God knows what reasons, but we have to try to understand that there are all types of people, and they are all important to the bigger plan of things. Think about it in another way, the Earth only appears to be flat because it is so big that we cannot see around the curve. Humans are sort of the same way, there are so many of us that we forget sometimes the value of one individual life and/or think that there is no purpose or grand meaning to life. We ALL have a purpose... it's our job to figure out what that purpose is.
Who is in control?
The media seeks to control your mind by telling you what to buy, how to dress and act, and what to believe. The governments seek to control your mind, money and future by brainwashing you and taxing you to death. The banks seek to control you by keeping you forever in debt. Religion seeks to control you by instilling you with fear of eternal reprisal for your "sins" (that EVERYONE does, by the way... including the perverted clergy). Parents seek to control their children, often through fear and discipline. Often control is placed upon people for what is considered the "greater good", even though more often than not, the "greater good" really isn't good at all, and it ISN'T in the best interest of the people. 
In a very Buddhist way, we must seek a middle road, going neither way too far to either extreme of micro-manager in control... or recklessly out of control. Let's DISENGAGE THE AUTOPILOT and plug back into our own lives and take back control of things, but not too much, because we need all the different types of people, and we need to start figuring out ways to communicate effectively and serve the best interests of the majority without stepping on too many toes. There are ways to be tactful and say and do things without being a dick. I know we can all do it, but there are some who are just happy being assholes. Don't get hung up on them. They are important as well and we need them too. If it weren't for them, our own awakenings would never have taken place. Remember, just because we cannot see the results of our actions, doesn't mean that our positive efforts are in vain. Each of us may be small as an individual, but there are a lot of us. If everyone starts with baby steps and progressively works harder to improve the world, every day... I can only imaging how much better things could be. But let's start small... Today just do one random act of kindness and pay it forward just a little bit... Karma always rewards you in the end, if you expend positive energy, you will be rewarded in positive ways. If you expend negative energy, you will be equally rewarded in negative ways. The ONLY thing you have real control of in this life is YOU and how YOU THINK, REACT, and BEHAVE... and when you help others, you find yourself healing your own wounds and building new bridges. Take care of what you can, be aware of a lot, and worry about little. Sounds like the keys to happiness to me and staying in control of the one thing you can control, yourself.
This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Namaste my friends and fellow knowledge seekers, welcome, this blog is for YOU. Today I want to talk about some of the problems that we have as a society and suggest some possible solutions. This will be a short blog, so hang in there and relax...

Do you ever wonder why the near constant problems of the world never seem to end? It doesn't really seem to me that there's really much room for misunderstanding as the fact of the matter appears plain and simple to me. THE PROBLEMS NEVER GET FIXED BECAUSE THE PEOPLE WITH MONEY DON'T WANT THEM TO BE FIXED. Is this such a difficult concept for us as Americans and humans to understand? Think about it like this for me if you will... This country has enough revenue coming in from the United States of America Incorporated machine that it could take care of and feed the entire population of the nation. However, the government spends the majority of it's money on bombs, bullets and bullshit in countless wars that ALWAYS leaves the public on the short end of the stick. EVERY TIME that our government makes ANY kind of budget cuts, it is ALWAYS cut first and foremost from essential public services such as welfare, Medicare, Social Security, education, etc.
Here's the deal... if they wanted the problems of the world fixed... they would fix them. Our education system for our children is BAD. The government WANTS the population to be fat, lazy, stupid, and obsessed with pettiness and greed... the LAST thing the government wants is an informed populace capable of rational thinking and problem solving... that sort of thing leads to REVOLUTION.
If the gov't wanted the economy fixed, the solution would be to simply make the wealthiest individuals pay a higher percentage of the taxes. However, the corporate business world has put the American economy into a choke hold by threatening to lay off jobs and FORCE the economy into a recession if their profit margins are damaged, foregoing their responsibilities to the American public. It shouldn't be a foreign concept for businesses to actually TAKE CARE OF their employees with stock options, medical care, vacation pay, and  bonus incentives. INSTEAD, EVERYONE, from top to bottom is ONLY concerned with getting their portion of the money. NO ONE is willing to sacrifice their little piece of the pie, even if it would drastically effect the greater good of the ENTIRE population, rather than the system we have now that only hoards the wealth of a once great nation in the hands of the few.

So what can we do to fix problems? Well, the first thing we need to do is CHANGE our SELVES. Second is to change our PARADIGM to one of NOT DEPENDING on the government BACK to the time where we are dependent on only our communities and fellow humans, aiding one another with humility, humanity, and compassion. I know that sounds like a foreign concept to many. UNPLUG FROM THE TELEVISION... people have been convinced that the world is full of bad guys, and people want to think that they are so much different. People are just OPPORTUNISTIC! There are NO BAD GUYS AND NO GOOD GUYS... JUST A BUNCH OF GUYS... and EVERYONE is just trying to get some chips and take care of their families and loved ones.
In reality it isn't such a difficult concept to imagine and it isn't out of reach. Like so many things, though, it DOES take EFFORT... often lots of it, and therein lies the root of the problem. There are a lot of people who WANT to be lazy and not put out a lot of effort. It seems to be enough for many to just go to their little rat in a cage job, spin the wheel endlessly for little compensation, and then come home to hide within the 4 walls of the emotional jail cells that many create for themselves, often deliberately separating themselves from the rest of society, feeling inadequate and incomplete for lack of positive human interaction...
So the system is broken. We can give up and let our rights and freedoms go so the nanny state can take care of us in a fascist kleptocratic dictatorship... it's not too far away now. I really believe that "WE THE PEOPLE" CAN CHANGE. But first we have to STOP buying into a broken system that is based on corruption, greed, and lies. If we want a better future for ourselves and for our children then we have to stop this "EVERYONE FOR HIS/HER SELF" BULLSHIT! We are ALL in this voyage through the cosmos TOGETHER. There is NO ONE OF MORTAL FLESH AND BLOOD THAT IS BETTER THAN ANOTHER. STOP WITH YOUR FALSE IDOL WORSHIP OF VAIN, MATERIALISTIC "CELEBRITIES"!!! Hollywood CANNOT and WILL NOT EVER be able to teach you or your children morality, ethics, or how to act as a responsible ADULT in modern society. Everything has been reduced to this huge penis contest where the rich have to show off their avarice to us lowly serfs, as if to tell us and show us what we will never have, for the sole purpose of keeping the general populace unaware and unconcerned with reality around them, so eager to emulate their false idols. So we have a constant void in the souls of Americans filled with STUFF and a constant promise of "you'd be happy if you had THIS new shiny product". But it DOESN'T make you happy. And thus the American people who bought into this easy life idea of the American Dream have been left feeling like they didn't get a fair share of the pie, depressed and over-medicated, lethargic and listless, a pharmaceutical zombie nation...
It would be better if there was more of a FAMILY influence where people cared more about the welfare of others than their own little greedy desires. It would be better if there was more people who would do random acts of kindness and pay it forward, a few seconds out of the day of good karma that would make the whole world a brighter place. It would be better if people would open up their eyes and see just how bad it really is when the government is making NATURE ILLEGAL, for Christ's sake's!!! I have taken it upon myself, at risk of my own safety and sanity to try to help awaken others so that we can change the world for a POSITIVE way, rather than this seemingly endless negative downward spiral that we are currently on. I am not without hope, for I have seen many a silver lining on even the darkest clouds... often it must be looked for, but it is there nonetheless.
Healing the world is NOT about good triumphing over evil, because evil only begets more evil. Also, without evil, strife, and hardship there would be no basis for comparison for individuals to appreciate the good times of this world, the beauty and genuinely wonderful things. What MUST happen is that we have to look inside and learn to ACCEPT who we are as individuals, flawed and frail at times, but also strong and courageous at others. It is our innate duality of being BOTH positive AND negative that makes us special. This trait has assisted our species to become the dominant species on the planet. But with great power comes great responsibility. It is like a yin/yang. It is our duty to find a harmony WITHIN, accepting of our duality and learning to use the duality TOGETHER... only then when we have healed our own inner demons and reconciled the battles that we have with our selves can we break out of this cycle of negativity, depression, and self-defeat. It is NOT out of reach, but again we must actively TRY, each and EVERY DAY to be better people, to NOT let our fears control us and shackle our minds into imaginary prisons. It's a simple choice, but it is a choice nonetheless. Failure to chose is still a choice. Are you going to help fix the problems of the world, starting with yourself? OR are you going to be part of the problem? It's up to you... I know which road I'm taking, the path less traveled. You are on the verge of pre-mature enlightenment... follow the white rabbit... you never know where it will lead you. The answer to 2012 is 1776!
This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Self-respect. Compassion. Solutions. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Namaste and welcome back my friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers. Yesterday I talked about the 2012 Mayan calendar prophecies and went over a short list of fears and possibilities of what may, but is unlikely to happen. Today I want to talk about one of those possibilities that I missed and forgot to mention yesterday... probably cause it needed it's own blog. For all those who have joined me, strap in, get your zombie killing gear ready and let's slay some zombies...

It seems to me that many Americans have done the way of the ostrich and stuck their heads in the ground or just put their fingers in their ears like "la la la la la la la la la la la"! I have spoken before about this generation is supposed to be the "Age of Communications" with the Internet, cell phones, instant text messaging, Skype, etc... however, it truly seems that we have come to somewhat of an impasse as a society. You see the problem is that people DON'T talk to one another. People DON'T know how to communicate effectively. People have LOST the empathy, compassion, and follow through to understand, assist, and help fellow humans to grow and evolve. This is especially important to note as we are coming upon what I'm sure MANY of my readers can attest, but we ALL can FEEL it in our bones that something EPIC is going to happen right around the curve.
Here comes the problem with the whole ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE theory... NO ONE has figured out how to reanimate dead tissues yet... except for Jesus, allegedly... What we have to actually fear is far worse in my estimation. Here is what you THINK of generally when you hear about ZOMBIES...

But this is the REALITY of Zombies in our modern state of geo-political-social affairs...

Personally I am far MORE CONCERNED with the state of our children, as there is a whole generation that has been completely Zombie-fied through the chemicalization of our food into garbage (i.e. junk fast food and HFCS soda), an ENDLESS stream of mind-numbing propaganda and brainwashing on television, and constant distraction from REALITY via cell phones and Internet... Our CHILDREN ARE the ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE that we were worried about, unconscious, disconnected, and ALWAYS plugged into the Matrix of lies and deception. 
It is a sad state for parents because our children have lost the ability to communicate in English without talking in TEXT codes like lol, roflmao, ttyl, bff, etc. Our kids have lost grip with reality because parents AREN'T TEACHING THEIR KIDS!! If the parent's don't know anything, and the system is hell bent on creating a dumbed down populace of fat, stupid, and lazy brain-dead children through the media, and public education system.... then how are we supposed to transform our children from mindless little techno-zombies into competent, productive individuals in society?
I would love to think that an amazing transformative event would happen to Earth that would help usher mankind into a brighter future, the Age of Aquarius... but who is going to help awaken our children to the reality of higher dimensional existence when the only things they believe and worship is MONEY, SELF-ABSORPTION, AND OBSESSION WITH DEATH??? 
We don't have to be light-bringers or indigo children to help wake others up. This techno-zombie generation is pathetic and they NEED our help to break away and re-connect with the EARTH and REALITY. We have done a HUGE disservice to our younger generations by programming them with pre-packaged instant entertainment, and now they have NO CLUE how to use their IMAGINATIONS, COMMUNICATION SKILLS (BESIDES GOSSIP), AND INHERENT TALENTS that God has given them. 
So YOU ALL might be awaiting December 21, 2012 with eager anticipation, but I attest to you TODAY, that the ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE has already begun, but with out children's minds rather than flesh-eating corpses, the former being the much more dangerous, as the human mind is NOT meant to be stuck in this constant epileptic seizure of over-stimulation... kids don't know how to cope with reality and only revert back to the zombie-like behavior staring blankly at the television or computer, unaware of the reality around them.
We need to cut back on the pre-packaged mindless entertainment and help our kids re-connect with the REAL WORLD by helping them get out and play OUTSIDE with sports or good old fashioned imagination play where the kids... entertain themselves... WTF? What a novel concept!!!
Regardless of what you believe, ignoring the OBVIOUS PROBLEM is NOT a solution. What's the point of transcending to a higher plane or dimension of reality if we are going to be there alone without our family? WAKE UP! WAKE OTHERS UP! THIS is our DUTY! It's time to put down the cell phones, turn of the TV, and spend some time together as a family, teaching LOVE, COMPASSION, EMPATHY, and the VALUE OF HUMANITY. Material possessions that so many people COVET is NOT reality... so how bout we change the PARADIGM and start NOW working on REAL CHANGE that will help EVERYONE OF US, NOT JUST A SELECT FEW, as in the system we have NOW. You decide what is important to you... UNLESS YOU ARE ALREADY PART OF THE ZOMBIE SHEEPLE... In that case... I wish you the best of luck. It IS possible to change, but first YOU MUST WANT IT! This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. Evolution. Empathy. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Hello and welcome again to another exciting edition of the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. I want to start by saying a big THANK YOU to all my blog viewers from around the world in places like Botswana, Barbados, Saudi Arabia, Macau, Haiti, Portugal, India, Canada, Denmark, UK, Mexico, France, Malaysia, Russia, Philippines, Australia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Syria, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Slovenia, Germany, and of course the United States, among others, my fellow brothers, sisters, and cousins of Earth.

Moving on... there are many people that I would like to talk about today that believe something EPIC and quite possibly tragic is going to happen on the date DECEMBER 21, 2012. THIS YEAR. First I want to explain to you how exactly theologians and historians, etc. got to this particular date. The story starts with the Mayans in central and south America.
In what we refer now to as "ancient times" (even though on the pimple sized dot of human history it wasn't that long ago...) the Mayans used astronomy to create their famous 3 wheeled calendar using the orbits of the  sun, moon, Earth, and constellations to develop a highly advanced calculation of time and space. To understand the Maya better, you should know that they viewed time NOT as being linear, as modern Western cultures do, but rather as being a cyclical  process. The Maya viewed time and space more like breath, a constant ebb and flow, moving in and out of relationship with the source. 
This year during the December Solstice, the sun (SOL) will pass the dark rift of the galactic plane aligning with the black hole at the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way. This is what the Maya referred to as "the crossroads" or "the sacred tree". As I have explained to my readers before, EVERYTHING in the galaxy moves in cyclic waves. Our solar system is no different. Every 26,000 years our sun crosses that galactic plane, Earth in tow.
Digressing for a moment, I want to show you how the Mayans achieved their calendar dates. Long count Maya calendar goes as follows:
Long Count Period                                 Number of days
1 day = 1 day                                                   1
20 days = 1 Unial                                             20
18 unial = 1 Tun                                               360
20 Tuns = 1 Katun                                           7,200
20 Katuns = 1 Baktun                                   144,000
13 Baktuns = 1 Great Cycle                        1,872,000
The Maya expressed their date system with a 5 column expression OR on the 3 wheels of the Maya calendar, one of which I have seen with my own eyes at the Plaza de las Bellas Artes in Mexico City. 
So to sum up the above diagram, 1 GREAT CYCLE = 5125 years meaning that this cycle we are currently on began on August 11, 3114 BCE (Before Common Era or BC Before Christ).
Does this mean that the world is going to end? I doubt it. The Earth is billions of years old... it'll be fine with or WITHOUT humans to destroy and pillage it.
Now I want to talk about some of the MAJOR theories surrounding the 2012 conspiracy for my readers to understand why all the hubbub.
1) POLE SHIFT. I'm not sure how many people know or understand that Earth kinda wobbles through the galaxy like an egg as we follow in tow of the sun. The axis of the Earth and it's geo-magnetic poles are also not aligned and has been moving steadily since humans have started recording the data. So the poles shift. Is this the end? Well, these things take a LOT of time and I don't think we'll just wake up and we're in the southern hemisphere. It is theorized that the Earth  once had a stable alignment of axis and magnetic poles, but was thrown off somehow causing the GREAT FLOOD of Noah, from Sumerian, Egyptian, and Christian mythology. Geo-magnetic reversal is possible since the magnetic field is weakening and could possibly cause it to shift. This HAS HAPPENED several times before in Earth's history, after all the Universe IS constantly expanding and accelerating. This theory has been confirmed by ancient texts of the Egyptians and Mayans predicting 2012 to be the next global climate change (due to pole shifting).
2) ALIEN or INTER-DIMENSIONAL BEING INVASION. It is my personal belief that we have been visited countless times through the ages of humanity. I also believe that there are indeed aliens, ET's, and UFO's STILL visiting us, possibly seeking to help us through the end of this EPOCH and on to the next. If they come out in public, then at least we'll know who to trust... our government has been LYING to us... I'd trust the aliens BEFORE them... just saying.
3) NIBIRU or Planet X. The Sumerians believed that our creators were separate and below the universal creator and were REPTILIAN aliens. They also believed that Nibiru is the missing 10th planet in our solar system with an eliptical orbit around the sun, that passes through our solar system every 26,000 years. According to the Sumerians the asteroid belt between Earth and Mars was once also a planet. During one of the times that Nibiru came through our system, one of its moons collided with the planet or moon between and part of it became OUR MOON (which is really less than a moon, but more like we have a dual planetoid). Anyway, the Annunaki (or those who from Heaven to Earth fell- also known in Christian mythology as "fallen angels") were there GIANT gods and they prophesized that these Reptilian gods, the Annunaki would return at the end of the Galactic Cycle to usher in a new age for humanity. Have they been here as the WATCHERS over humanity, guiding us all along?
4) SOLAR RADIATION STORM. It has been proven by scientists that the sun has been on a heating cycle, as it too behaves in cyclic patterns and its effects can be seen on ALL planets and moons in our solar system. Solar radiation from massive coronal ejections from the sun can cause what basically amounts to a giant EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) that could potentially knock out all electrical grids for a small to large area, potentially the entire planet, possibly for YEARS... without electricity we'd pretty much go back to the stone age, or at least Medieval times. Changes in the Earth's magnetic fields affect every humans natural electrical energy fields/ the human body will try to keep up with a higher frequency magnetic field pulse.
5) ASTEROIDS. I'm sure many of my readers have seen 2012, Armageddon, and/or Deep Impact, all movies about potential apocalyptic disasters. It has been told to us from school age that a giant asteroid hit Earth millions of years ago and destroyed all life on the face of the planet. Life grows back and returns. We live in a volatile universe... there are just too many what-ifs to worry about every single one.
6) HUMANS. WHEN the human race faces extinction, it will most likely be OUR OWN FAULT as a species. GLOBAL NUCLEAR WAR, FAMINE, and DISEASE are much more likely to happen than any of the other 5 possibilities mentioned above, as well as the PLANNED coup by the mega-elite to destroy about 80-90% of the global population through the means I listed (see Agenda 21, Georgia Guide stones, or any of the globalists publications... they hide their agendas in the best place possible... PLAIN SIGHT!!!)

Regardless of what happens on December 21, 2012, I'm sure people will survive and triumph. Why people don't know about the possibilities and even the realities of what is currently going on with our solar system, sun, and galaxy... well, it's probably because KNOWLEDGE IS POWER... and those in power aren't sharing the important knowledge. They would LOVE for their to be a natural disaster to wipe out millions if not billions, it just would save them the joy of committing genocide on fellow humans.

So my synopsis of 2012...
NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN! This is my official theory. The Mayans really didn't attach a post-it note to their long count calendar saying how the world was going to end... IT'S NOT! The only thing that will happen is just the same as turning the page and starting a new year or new cycle. Also, many people do not know that when the Roman Catholic Church (who is the one spreading the end-days theories, btw... constantly telling each and every generation that this one will be the LAST, always ready with the prophecies that would herald the end of days and revelations) changed over the calendar from using the ancient pagan astrology to using the Julian Calendar, scientists have estimated that they could have been off by their count by as many as 300 years. Technically, we might actually be living in 1712, by scientific estimation. It was German Catholics, after all, as ordered by the church that figured out the calculation using their new calendar matching it up with the dates on the Mayan calendar, kind of in a crap shoot since the hieroglyphics were only translated a few hundred years ago... plus they DID burn a lot of scrolls and other historical artifacts that didn't match up with the OFFICIAL church story of creation.

The next age we are supposed to move into is the AGE OF AQUARIUS, which is allegedly going to be a time where we become a global village, everyone being concerned for one another like brothers and sisters. A vibrational change is going on right now that is going to create a spiritual transformation that will change our perceptions of time and how we relate to it, possibly allowing us to transcend to a higher vibrational level, one step closer to returning to the source of creation. The light-bearers and the indigo children are already preparing for this coming change. Many are prepared to meet with Gods, angels, and other higher dimensional beings, possibly from other planets, possibly from our own. The human mind can only perceive around 1% of the vibrational frequencies and reality that is around us. Perhaps our third eyes will open and we will be able to perceive a higher range of vibration than previously thought imaginable. Perhaps this is our time to cast aside hate, anger, fear, and limitation, and to seek out spiritual guidance, love, compassion, and acceptance of our brothers and sisters as it is OUR DUTY to help awaken others and to assist in shepherding them to the 4th and 5th dimensions and beyond. Who knows. I'm going to be as aware as possible until then, keep an open mind, and live life to its fullest. That's all that we can do, really.
You make up your own mind, read up on the possibilities, do your best to make today count, cause there might be no tomorrow, so lets make TODAY our bucket list day where we live NOW instead of wishing, praying, and waiting for a day that may never come. Keep your head up. Hope for the best and plan for the worst. This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. Hope.

Monday, July 23, 2012


Namaste and welcome to the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. For those who have already been here, welcome back, for those who are new, thank you for sharing your time... Today I want to talk a little bit about corporations, namely, as well as elitists that think that they are above the laws like having to pay taxes.
I'm not exactly sure when it happened, but at some point corporations in America were given the same rights as individuals, but with this minor problem... they get all the rights, but with fewer penalties than an actual person. If corporate executives started receiving the DEATH PENALTY... I bet these crimes against humanity would STOP OVERNIGHT.... OVERNIGHT!!

Those who have read my blog in the past have most likely picked up on my disdain for certain banking clans, government agencies, and massive global corporations, namely the ones that try to poison the populace, destroy the Bill of Rights, and profit from waging wars, often started by false flag terror incidents... all the world is a stage, used to keep innocent minds locked into a state of fear, forever serving the state, often unknowingly or against their better judgment or will.
Are corporations too big for failure? Obviously not if our government had to bail them out... that was just a flat out heist. It just seems to me like EVERYTHING has become blown out of proportion in an unsustainable way, sorta like the housing bubble, except what I am talking about is WAY BIGGER, like think global. I've been doing a LOT of reading lately and researching a vast variety of topics and I think I understand the problem facing the world pretty clearly... and things WON'T change until the PEOPLE CHANGE.
It has come to my attention the severity of the situation with the global markets including our own here in the U.S. It seems that the bankers and corporations have the world in a head lock. There is this constant blackmail treat, because heaven forbid some of these corporations take a pay cut or lose their profit margin... but rather they keep their profit margins and just keep the threat of damaging the economy even MORE by laying of thousands, if not millions of employees. I even read recently that damage reports are estimating another 1 1/4 million American jobs will be gone by Christmas, leaving more and more dependent on the nanny welfare state. So if you raise the corporate taxes, they'll lay off jobs. If you go the other extreme and cut spending (the first place always to be cut is education spending and things like Medicare, welfare, and other social services), then the nanny state goes up in arms and there is civil unrest. Either way you tip the scale you are looking at a GLOBAL RECESSION (or perhaps DEPRESSION) in the near future... and it's only a matter of time.
Are we to find blame in the system? OR is it us as individuals, scrapping around like junkyard dogs, always looking for a fight?
The idea of capitalism is not in itself an evil concept. However, greed and the love of money and avarice IS very evil. We live in a society today where the populace tries ever so hard to mimic the masters at the top of the pyramid scam, everyone ONLY IN IT FOR THEIR LITTLE PIECE OF THE PIE... EVERYTHING ELSE is ADD forgotten and passed over, mindlessly.

The same very corporate entities that have been poisoning us for the better part of the last 60 years with wonderful products like GMO foods, fluoridation of water, harmful pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides, as well as DDT, AGENT ORANGE, and ASPARTAME, among others... if you don't know by know I'm talking about Monsanto, who also owns the drug company Pfizer... they genetically alter the food, poison you with chemicals, and then give you MORE chemicals to treat the depression, pain, and whole slew of physical and psychological maladies caused by this toxic waste being sold as food and medicine.
Now, the FDA is creating a bill to push through the House and Senate called the "Monsanto Protection Act", to grant the bio tech industry GIANT immunity from being sued for their crimes against humanity. WE are human beings, GOD DAMN IT!!! We have the RIGHT to LIFE, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. We're NOT guaranteed to be happy all the time, but my point is that life is STRESSFUL ENOUGH without having to worry about our food and water, the most basic necessities of life being poisoned. It's like we are being fed SOILENT GREEN. This is a movie reference... look it up!
The Europeans have already figured out that these GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS (GMO'S) are a bunch of garbage that should be burned and eradicated from existence. It has been scientifically PROVEN that the genetic modifications that the engineers do to the plants crosses over the blood barrier to the consumer, often with the side effect of CAUSING acidity in the body which in 9 out of 10 cases leads to significant side effects like heart and liver disease, cancers of the entire body... my stomach is turning just thinking of this... and yet this is what is being widely distributed and fed to the populace. Furthermore, the constant spraying of the soil with Monsanto pesticides has started making the ground infertile, completely leeched of all vital nutritional elements in the dirt. In the next 10 years we will be facing a GLOBAL FOOD CRISIS because of these GMO plants destroying the natural land and habitat of ANY and ALL foreign invaders, insect or animal... and that is on top of large entities like the government hoarding food and supplies for what they believe is going to be a complete societal meltdown followed by the restructuring of the American and global economies.
With bills like this being contemplated and passed, with Monsanto executives being appointed by Obama as head of the FDA, and legislation being changed to yet again favor more for the corporations that have hijacked the government FROM THE PEOPLE, bought and sold out from under our very feet, the dream of a once great nation.
There shouldn't be this great divide between humanity. The people who are hoarding the wealth and resources are NOT super-human. They are mortal flesh and blood the same as you and I... the ONLY difference is that THEY sit in a modern day fortress somewhere away from public scrutiny, ever fearful of an uprising of the serfs. I've said it before and I'll say it again, it's kinda like the movie 'A Bug's Life' (if you haven't seen it... check it out with your family) where the grasshoppers are the CEO's, bankers, and politicians... and WE, the populace are the ants. We FEEL like we are small because we are taught to be weak, but there are so many more of us than there are of them. So, you know what I say?!? FUCK THOSE SONS OF BITCHES! FUCK THE KINGS AND QUEENS! FUCK THE CEO'S! FUCK THE GLOBALISTS! FUCK THE BANKERS! FUCK THE WAR PROFITEERS!
Generally it's the SAME people listed above that are doing all the bad shit in the world. I don't recognize ANY of those pieces of shit as being better than me, and neither should YOU. Those of us who are in the lower 90-99%, we need to understand where we are and who the REAL ENEMY is... and it AIN'T some Muslim guy across the other side of the planet... we've got much bigger fish here to fry. But BEFORE we can go change the world, we have to start with our SELF. We have to take a long hard look in the mirror and decide are YOU going to be a stooge in the game just looking out for #1 and only focused on getting MONEY by any means necessary... OR... are you going to become an ACTIVE MEMBER IN SOCIETY, exercising your BILL OF RIGHTS, VOTING, and being active in the WELLNESS of YOUR community?!?
If you feel distanced from humanity, then you need to re-embrace humanity to get RE-CONNECTED. If you feel distanced and distracted from reality, then you need to re-embrace reality by rubbing your bare feet in the grass, taking a walk, or meditating under a tree. The world is shrinking daily as the population grows and humanity becomes more interwoven like a giant spiders web. We CANNOT just act like children and ignore our problems when faced with adversity and strife. We CANNOT just run away or turn our heads or bury it in the sand and believe that things will magically get better. There is only ONE life happening RIGHT NOW, for each of us subjectively. If we do not participate in the effort to make it better than we have NO RIGHT TO COMPLAIN when life hands you lemons... find someone who life gave them VODKA and have a fucking party!!! Let's stop being hypocrites in our own lives and fix us... then we WILL tackle the system... which is going to fail anyway because of THEIR own greed and lust for power and control. EVERYTHING CHANGES. NOTHING STAYS THE SAME. Tomorrow is another chance to re-invent not only ourselves, but our paradigm and perception of our own reality. This world can be heaven, it can be purgatory, and it can be hell for others. Do one random act of kindness and the world will change immediately. If you keep doing it... who knows what will happen.
Oh, and ask your congressmen, president, senators, etc. to vote AGAINST the 'Monsanto Protection Act' and any other pro-corporation legislation that is HARMFUL to the public. This has been the Quiet Mouse. Thank you for your time. Please feel free to add on as a friend and follower of the blog. As always I always encourage and appreciate comments.
Peace. Love. Respect. Truth. Self-Awareness. Compassion. 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Good News!

Hey there folks, it's me, the Quiet Mouse once again. Today I just wanted to share some more positive news. I think that often in our society that is obsessed with sex, violence, and death, as can be seen on our daily news, movies, and television programming. This may be our innate human nature, but today I would like to offer something more positive and meaningful.

I am going to just kinda list off 10 positive things that are happening in the world that rarely, if ever, receive public media attention. These are in no particular order...
1) Silverton, Colorado with a population of 638... the towns inhabitants all chipped together to save their local newspaper, the Silverton Standard, a historic regional paper.
2) Former NBA star and former husband of Carmen Electra, Dennis Rodman is re-united with his father this week after an estranged 42 years of absence.
3) Quadriplegic man fulfills dream of biking across the country. People with whole bodies cannot even do this. I admire the willpower and resolve of a person not letting a personal handicap keep them from fulfilling a dream.
4) A New York City bus driver was walking home from work, heard a commotion and actually ended up catching a woman who fell out of a third story window, making him a genuine hero of the day, the child whom he caught only suffered mere bruises instead of a far more serious fate.
5) Trooper delivers twins on highway in Utah. The highway patrol officer received a call from a mother in distress on the side of the road, already well into labor with the twins. The officer helped deliver the babies and ensured the safety of all three, mother and twins.
6) Boy, 16, set to become youngest helicopter pilot in U.S. This goal was achieved through charitable donations of strangers ranging from $275 per hour of flying time for the boy, racking up a total of $3500 to pay for his flying training. Now he is set for his first solo flight. What a dream come true.
7) 'Payback Painter' thanks town for kindness with mural. After a near-death accident, the town of Bussey Iowa, Todd Spore is painting a mural for the town in thanks for helping him with raising his children after the accident, leaving him a single dad and stuck in a wheelchair. Today he is thanking his community with a large scale mural of the town's people and their kindness, and he is up out of his wheelchair and walking again with a cane thanks to the help of his fellow men and women.
8) Golden Gate Bridge links lovers for a lifetime. Upon the 75th anniversary of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, a story is recounted of two lovers, who found each other via mail as pen-pals, eventually meeting for the first time upon this bridge. They spent the next 48 years together STILL sending one another love notes like when they were 12 years old starting out as pen-pals. Ain't love grand?
9) Cat saves owners lives hours after adoption. In Wisconsin a mother and her son adopted an older cat named Pudding from the Humane Society. The mother, having had diabetes since childhood went into a diabetic seizure, which the cat promptly tried to wake her up by nipping at her face and hands until the woman was able to regain enough consciousness to call out for her son, who then was able to call 911 for emergency help. Good job Pudding!
10) Smiles for the morning commute. "If people think I'm crazy, I don't care." So says Erica McElrath of St. Louis Missouri. Each morning she greets people on the streets with loud music playing on her headphones, just singing and dancing and rocking to the beat. She lost her job recently but is not without hope. She isn't wanting a hand-out or sympathy, just to make others smile, but feels over-joyed to do the thing she loves MOST: dancing. Her message for others is pretty simple: Do something that you enjoy, no matter what your situation or circumstances. So despite no job and no income, she might just be the happiest thing that St. Louis commuters see on their way to work.

I know the world can seem rough and depressing at times. I hope I was able to show others that it isn't all that bad. There are a lot of genuinely good people out there doing genuinely good things. It sucks that these good deeds are often overshadowed by corruption, greed, violence, and death in the modern media. The fact that people will NOT be held down by alleged handicaps, lack of jobs, or whatever... it gives me hope for humanity and puts things into perspective for sure. No one is perfect, but when I see those with physical, emotional, and economic setbacks rise up and do better for self and others... makes me feel like ANYTHING is possible. This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. Good news.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


It is sad to read the news and hear of tragedies like the one that happened at a Colorado movie theater during the premier of Batman: Dark Knight Rises. My condolences go out to the families and friends of the victims of this heinous crime. This blog is NOT meant to disrespect anyone involved that is suffering, only to ask questions and propose a sort of answer for why I believe this happened NOW and why it happened THERE, in Aurora Colorado, just outside of Denver. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Quiet Mouse. Buckle your seat belts, it's about to get bumpy.
I'm choosing to skip the pictures, funny jokes, and usual demeanor of my blogs today because I have spent the last several blogs talking about issues that all pretty much involve and are directly related to one another (with the exception of the breasts blog in between). I have been talking pretty insistently about the globalist agenda, primarily the one about them wanting to destroy, or rather FINISH DESTROYING what is left of YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, after the Patriot Act, NDAA, REX 84, Agenda 21 get done with ya, that is...
The United Nations has already made it a personal attack mission on your rights. They've already limited or suppressed your first amendment, the freedom of speech and peaceful assembly. GONE. They're getting ready to take away your SECOND AMENDMENT rights, the right to bear arms as well now. I take this issue very much to heart because without this amendment there is NOTHING to stop the globalists from taking away EVERYTHING else that we own, including our free will, thoughts, and dreams. It is sad and makes me want to cry.
How does this link to the Batman massacre, you ask?
How convenient is it that merely 2 weeks to the day from when Obama says that he intends to sign this U.N. "Small Arms Ban Treaty" do we have, what looks like a FALSE FLAG TERROR STAGED EVENT.
Get the boos and the skepticism out now... I can feel the air getting dense and the anger rising. I ask you please do not displace this anger onto ME. I am going to try to explain this better, so please stay with me.
In the late 80's, there was a Batman comic book... I'm not sure what the number of the issue was, however, the issue itself involved a man dressed up like Bane (the antagonist from the new Batman movie) who goes into a theater, lays havoc and shoots up the place, but then later the attack is blamed directly on Batman, himself.
Again you are wondering how this relates to the tragedy in Colorado where 12 are dead and dozens more are injured. It could be just mere coincidence that a young man, who was otherwise intelligent, although quiet and reclusive acted out this scenario from a comic book after a month of buying guns and ammunition on the Internet. Why would this man be a reclusive person at all? I have the answer. It is common with those of higher intelligence and/or special knowledge/skills to have few friends. Sometimes it is difficult for highly intelligent people to relate to others of lower intelligence. I am going to go out on a limb and conjecture that perhaps this man KNEW SOMETHING he wasn't supposed to know. There are many "conspiracy theories" out there about how our own government is fucking people over left and right. There is conclusive evidence in the 9/11 case that our government had a part and was negligent in their response, to say the least. Our government has been involved in so many FALSE FLAG terror incidents like the Gulf of Tonkin... I can just keep going. I am NOT the only person who  has woken up to see the horrible reality of a rogue government that has slipped away from the hands of the people and into a fascist globalist agenda.
In addition, those who know are already aware of the underground construction and mobilization of troops and resources into Denver Colorado and surrounding areas. This is to be the staging point and the new capitol of the globalist America, North American Union, NWO... whatever YOU want to call it. They don't really like labels, only money, power, and control.
So recapping for a moment, nearly 2 weeks away from a globalist treaty being signed by Obama to take away YOUR gun rights and this bullshit just SOMEHOW happens?!? Um... let's think... oh yeah, that happened in Nazi Germany too! I know this event is incredibly tragic, but I am BEGGING people to THINK this one through... DO NOT GIVE AWAY YOUR RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS BECAUSE OF THIS!!
Obama had an "emergency rally" after this event where he is affirming his resolve to strip the second amendment away, even if he does NOT get approval from Congress... a basic FUCK YOU to the American people.
Okay, let's just say I'm wrong. In any case, this dumb-ass, just like every other dumb-ass, had to go and fuck this up for the rest of us. Even if the government didn't drug the guy with exotic chemicals, prone to the power of suggestion, this dude was pissed off at a broken system and went vigilante... obviously to prove a point. Is it the gun's fault that people MURDER one another? NOPE. People have been murdering one another since the dawn of humanity. Christians have to look no further than their own Bibles to read the story of Cain and Abel, one brother murdering the other in a fit of jealousy. I've also blogged before about how gun control has only led to increases in other forms of violent murder, namely stabbings.
Digressing for a moment, I wanted to touch back on the idea that the government has been in the business of recruiting people who are disgruntled in society and making them into a patsy to take the fall while the institution gets away SCOTT FREE. Lee Harvey Oswald? They did the same thing to the guy in Portland Oregon too at the Pioneer Square bombing incident, that later came out against the FBI who recruited this dude, promised him bombs and whatnot, and when he showed up, they arrested him, called him a terrorist, even though the dude kept trying to back out of the deal with the FBI... I'm just saying folks... It's ridiculous, but it's actually TRUE. It may or may not be the case for this guy James Holmes, who studied neuroscience... not a dumb-ass. Most likely he was depressed, anti-social, and distant, distracted by a downwards spiralling country, surrounded by an increasingly unaware populace of techno-zombies, humanity and community fading... It just sucks that sometimes people have displaced anger, often at situations and circumstances that feel out of control or a disdain for fellow humanity... and others have to pay a hefty price of their lives... 
 All I'm saying is that the facts surrounding this case are sketchy at best. The irony of an EXACT comic book depiction of the SAME style of mass murder. A secret underground government base under the Denver Airport only mere miles away  from where the suspect lived... And it is certainly ironic how the news media is already reporting this like they have all the information. The SAME thing happened with 9/11, not even hours after the attack, before the buildings even fell, they were blaming the attacks on Osama bin Laden... these bitches are like psychic or something... UNLESS... THEY ALREADY KNOW WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN!!! 
Huh? What? Oh, you always believe what your government tells you right? They WANT you to idolize them, DON'T YA KNOW?!? Obama even came out recently saying something to the effect of that small business owners didn't do anything... the Government did everything... I even read recently that almost 50% of the American populace gets their paycheck or some other benefits directly from the government or through a government/corporate contract.... WTF?!? The government keeps the public under the lure of the carrot and this idea of the American dream with crisis-reaction-solution modus operandi. They create a crisis. There is an INSTANT reaction. Then they come in with a solution as if they are the saviors, even though they created the problem to begin with. This case in Colorado will be NO DIFFERENT. Just wait. Less than two weeks away and Obama is surely going to sign the U.N. small arms treaty...
There is a zombie American populace that is watching the television news and just giving up and giving in... tyranny prevails because otherwise good people sit by idly doing NOTHING... and this is how our rights are taken away. Even if it wasn't a false flag incident, they're sure gonna jump on this issue like fly's on shit and use it to take away your gun rights. And after they register and confiscate your weapons, they will take your family, property, home, etc., put you on a FEMA train and send you to a detention center for re-education to their globalist agenda. If you buy in... you live. If you resist... you die.
That last part is a little dramatic, I realize, but you have to understand that whether or not you choose to accept this as the truth means NOTHING to the globalists who are continuing to progress with their agenda. Your approval and understanding, or even awareness of their agenda is not necessary. It is to your benefit to learn as much as you can and to continue to peacefully resist their tyrannical agendas such as depopulation, taking away your civil rights, and neo-fascist-corporate dictatorship under the U.N. flag of "peacekeeping" where they have the guns and you DON'T.
To all the families in Colorado, again, I am sorry for this tragedy and your loss. It is a painful time, I'm sure, but rest easy, as I'm sure they have transcended to a better place away from this world of pain and suffering. I wish that people would be able to let go, to forget and forgive, but that just doesn't seem to be human nature. I'm sure they'll just blame this whole incident on al Quaida or Iran... definitely call this James Holmes a terrorist... and take away our guns. Trading our freedoms for a false sense of security. This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse. Keep the hope. Resist peacefully. Pick your battles. Keep your rights...
Even though YOU didn't kill anyone... they're STILL gonna take YOUR guns!!!
Peace. Love. Respect. Compassion. Forgiveness.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Namaste and welcome back to another edition of the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. To all my friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers... this blog is for YOU.

Every day, continually, it feels like the state of the world is falling closer to the globalist agenda of citizens suffering and dying while the wealth of the world is being hoarded into the hands of a few powerful elite members of society.
When you peel back the layers of what you are TOLD to believe and begin to see what is REAL unfolding before your very eyes... well, most people don't like what they see. Once your eyes have opened to the reality of an impending globalist agenda... it's hard if not impossible to close them. In the Bible it says that the truth shall set you free... but I'll be the people being bombed by drones in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, and other nations, per Obama's direct KILL ORDER, would beg to differ.
Where does the line start and end for the morality being taken into the hands of ONE MAN- OBAMA? What happened to the Constitutional system of checks and balances? Why are these "KILL LIST" (done with files that look like the stats from baseball cards) meetings held in secrecy with no oversight by Congress or the Senate, let alone Supreme Court? It seems that the preferred way of the Obama administration is plain as day. He failed to close Guantanamo Bay torture and detention center in Cuba as he said he would. Coming from a man who was given the Nobel Peace Prize, even THIS is looking pretty bad. It seems though, as long as the government throws out the "terrorism" label to whomever, whenever they feel resistance to their globalist, New World Order (George H.W. Bush) agendas... it is easier just to bomb them off the face of the planet than to execute a THEORETICAL capture plan, detain and torture the suspected terrorist for information.
Obama has taken a "take-no-prisoners" mentality as he has appointed himself as judge, jury, and executioner in a cowardly manner from behind a desk and the execution by DRONE done via remote control. The problem for me arises primarily in the Un-Constitutional executive powers that the President is wielding as well as the fact that the inhuman drone strikes DON'T see the difference between armed combatants vs. unarmed civilian women and children, who are being MURDERED at a much higher rate than the so called terrorists.
It is also disconcerting how Obama supporters actually BELIEVE that this kind of preemptive attack policy could somehow be causing us to "win" the "war on terror" (which is never actually meant to be won, by the way...). How is it that our two only alternatives are either a long-term occupation of foreign lands with MASS CASUALTIES on both sides OR a long term drone war with MASS CASUALTIES, removed from humanity and the fact that WE are killing thousands of brown people (often innocent civilians) in what is nothing short of genocide... call it war if you want, but it is just plain WRONG! On so many levels!

Going from BAD TO WORSE... upon re-election, Obama would like to see even more of these drones on American soil. Right now there are approximately 4,000 drones flying over U.S. soil, often for the purpose of spying on the public, civilians, non-combatants, and those who are definitely NOT TERRORISTS. If re-elected Obama wants to raise the number of drones from around 4,000 to about 30,000 to be used as surveillance over EVERY major city and town, a total spy network HERE on American soil. Don't take my word for it... look it up! The globalist agenda is now pretty much public record as they hide very little any longer. They WANT you to feel hopeless and powerless to stop the rising tide of global fascism... can't you see? In my opinion it is very Orwellian to see the level of control being exerted by the system, grabbing all the power possible. If it weren't bad enough having cameras on every building and already living in a highly policed techno-web of security that is misappropriately labeled as being "for the greater good" or somehow "for our protection" from the bad guys whom our own government had hand in creating and arming in the first place...
These drones can also be highly technical with infrared heat signature cameras that can see inside of buildings, facial recognition software, as well as being equipped with guns, bombs, and even tactical missiles... all in all making these drones some pretty bad shit that we've come up with as humans to murder one another.
The main psychological effects from someone (Obama, Drone Warrior-in-Chief) being given this much power over others is that the person loses empathy and remorse for heinous actions, seeing the victims as only "terrorists" rather than human, and each step taken higher with more power only blurs the view from above, the smaller and fuzzier everyone else below looks. This is all coming from a man who was once an anti-war Senator, former law professor, defender of Constitutional due process, and a Nobel Peace Prize winner. Now neither the identities nor evidence against against the suspects on his top-secret KILL LIST is available for public scrutiny. He has now ordered over 281 kill strikes from these drones as compared to Bush before who only had just 49... this is in 3 1/2 years of Obama compared to 8 years of Bush... and this is the man who YOU want to defend YOUR freedom? By deploying drones that have the ability to spy on and kill YOU over American soil?!?

There is much debate happening now as foreign nations as well as the US are questioning the effectiveness of these covert drone strikes coming from Obama and the CIA. If foreign relations were not already strained enough, the continued unauthorized use of drone strikes has our relationship with Pakistan, in particular, on the edge of eruption into a full scale conflict... and this is on the eve of their plans to attack Syria and Iran following FALSE FLAG attacks during the Olympic games in London.

Do some homework and look these things up for yourself. You'll find what I have said and undoubtedly so much more. Regardless of what your individual belief system may be, I think that we can agree that the globalist agenda of further turning America into a Nazi police state is NOT in the best interest of the people, whether Democrat, Republican, Green party, Tea party, Independent, or whatever the fuck you align with... we are ALL human first, Americans SECOND!!!
This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse. Keep aware! Wake others up! THINK! Exercise your Constitutional rights NOW! lest they be taken away by greedy crooks and mafia gang members posing as politicians like Obama! And keep your fights and protests PEACEFUL!!! PLEASE!! THEY WANT YOU TO BECOME VIOLENT IN PROTEST OF THEIR CRIMES SO THEY CAN INSTILL MARTIAL LAW!!!
Peace. Love. Respect. Tolerance. Truth. Compassion. Humanity.

Monday, July 16, 2012

UNITED NATIONS "Small Arms Treaty"

Namaste and welcome back. We've been on this journey for almost 2 years now, so thank you for your support. Today I want to talk about the continued erosion upon our civil liberties by the globalist agenda, namely the United Nations, funded by large bankers like the Rothschild's and Rockafellers... the latter of whom donated land in New York city for the United Nations building.

Many Americans have probably NOT become yet aware of the looming presence of BIG BROTHER in the form of the United Nations seeking to impose this globalist agenda through this new effort to BAN firearms from civilian populace, first by FORCING you to register your firearms, then they plan on completely taking them away from you. This sounds familiar... oh yeah, wait, Hitler did the same thing to Nazi Germany, ALL LEGAL, mind you, as the judges have been bought and paid for a long time ago. It also sounds like how they passed anti hemp and cannabis regulations through congress via the stamp act, forcing growers to register their product and then arresting them for being "drug dealers" later on.
During the Clinton presidency then Attorney General Holder called for an open propaganda effort of endless proportions to "brainwash" (his words) the public into foregoing and giving up the Second Amendment rights promised by our forefathers in the Bill of Rights. Currently 4 of the 5 Supreme Court justices say openly that they are going to represent the United Nations law as the supreme law of the land... NOT THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!! These people think we should be under United Nations supreme law and control. The UN commits genocide for the globalist agenda in the Middle East and Africa and we say "As long as it isn't HERE..." BUT IT IS!!

If this doesn't make sense to you, let me explain WHY they don't want for people like you and I to own firearms. Does it have anything to do with gang violence, crime, or terrorism? If you answered YES, then you don't know very much about politics and the BRAINWASHING tactics that they openly employ against an ignorant populace. YOU'VE BEEN DUPED. The government supplies weapons to it's "enemies". It creates these drug cartels (FAST AND FURIOUS scandal), terrorist networks like Al Quaida (pure fabrication of the United States and United Nations comprised of spies primarily), and endless distractions like FALSE FLAG attacks (look for the London Olympic games...) to rally the support of the population around their own globalist agendas, meanwhile foregoing and giving up certain liberties along the way. Our freedom of speech, public assmebly, habeus corpus, right to trial by jury, and many others have already disappeared. The entire body of the United States has been declared as "hostile territory" (again their words) as per the NDAA, the borders have been erased as per the "Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America" signed by the TERRORIST GEORGE W. BUSH. 
The same people that are pulling the strings now have been doing so for a LONG time. In the last 60 years since World War II the globalist agenda has only been reinforced as the SAME bankers and global corporations that profited from the war itself are the SAME ones that are both FUNDING and PROFITING off of our CURRENT wars and international conflicts. They are heavily invested in the globalist agenda, which goes far beyond taking away your firearms and guns. The banks that fund BOTH SIDES of EVERY WAR along with huge corporations like Ford, GM, IBM, Coca-Cola, and the American aviation quartet: Boeing, Northrop, Grumman, and Lockheed. This is not to mention the weapons manufacturers who literally MADE A KILLING... and a fortune too. The Krupp family made a grip selling steel for tank and vehicle manufacturing... There are too many to keep listing, enough I could do a blog view on this topic alone. The point is that war profiteering has been the same agenda FOREVER... just with a few new faces for the modern war machine with Dick Cheney's Halliburton and it's subsidiaries, Blackwater securites, et. al. 

If you want to know what the "PLAN" is, read the Georgia Guide stones. Read Agenda 21. Read REX 84. I'm sure you can find plenty of information freely available from the United Nations, the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, etc.... it's NOT like they're really trying hard to hide their agenda any longer. It's televised in front of millions... but what do Americans do? They just turn the channel, preferring to be IGNORANT AND ENTERTAINED than INFORMED AND EMPOWERED. Those that are reading this most likely have already realized something is wrong with the world and governments in general. While you are busy working like a rat in a cage for some cheese at your J.O.B. the world and the agenda of the globalist United Nations has leaked into the political system of the United States, our very own President Barack Hussein Obama IS a puppet for the United Nations, emphatically pledging his support to this Unconstitutional GUN BAN TREATY, that he is expected to sign America's allegiance to the globalist agenda WITHIN THE MONTH!!!
Bringing this full circle... why do they want to take your guns away? SO THEY WILL BE THE ONLY ENTITY WITH GUNS... TO KEEP YOU AND I LOCKED INTO SLAVERY TO THEM!!! DUH!!! 
AFTER they finish taking the guns away from the public, then the local police departments are NEXT. They will strip the cops of guns as well, leaving ONLY the United Nations "Peace-Keeping" FORCE with the guns, a hired gun squad of mercenaries roaming the streets of America, setting up checkpoints, rounding up citizens for RE-EDUCATION where you will be sent to a CONCENTRATION CAMP that has been built by FEMA by the direction of the Department of Homeland Security...
Oh wait... you didn't get the memo?!? YOU are now a hostile combatant with NO constitutional rights... you didn't know? Well, truthfully right now the men in charge are just mopping up... they'll be with YOU and I in a minute once they finish the middle East with their pre-planned attacks on Iran and Syria.
The goal of Agenda 21 and the United Nations globalist agendas is pretty simple. To reduce the human population by using EUGENICS based techocracy, death panels, continued WARS until they conquer and claim the last of the "wild" hold-out territories like Africa and the Middle East nations, many of whom we already have a strong presence with dozens of bases, the one in Iraq bigger than the entire VATICAN CITY... something makes me think we PLAN on staying. Oh by the way, our military now takes orders from the United Nations as well, thanks to guys like Bush and Obama, but we can go all the way back to the inception of the UN if we need to for guilty parties to hang the ringer on... just saying... there's been well over 60 years of globalist infiltration and corruption at the HIGHEST LEVELS. 
If you don't believe... just wait... they WILL bring the fight to YOUR doorstep. That's the PLAN. If you DO believe, please read my other blog about gun control, because just like the picture above says GUN CONTROL IS LESS ABOUT GUNS AND MORE ABOUT CONTROL. 
It is IMPORTANT to KEEP our RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS folks!! Killing is wrong, but it is entirely different to fight and die to DEFEND your family from TYRANNY and OPPRESSION. The freedom our founding fathers gave us to fight and defend ourselves is the ONLY thing keeping the checks and balances. If the government is NOT afraid of the people, then it loses compassion for the citizens and ultimately growing too large in power seeks to oppress the very citizens that it started out to benefit rather than hurt. This nanny state that we have become believes that the individuals such as you and I are completely incapable of making even the simplest decision, therefore THEY plan on doing it FOR US, rather than with compliance and an educated, informed public. They DON'T WANT THAT!!! Stupid people that are fat and lazy and living in fear are MUCH EASIER TO CONTROL... THIS is the sad reality of the state of America... 
Until the coup is completed and the globalists sink their claws in and FINISH DESTROYING THE CONSTITUTION... I'm going to keep to the oath I made to this nation upon become a sailor in the United States Navy... I'm going to pursue the mission of defending this nation from enemies BOTH foreign AND domestic. I will not resort to violence unless necessary to defend my loved ones, but to take away my right to fire arms... well like the late Charleton Heston, president of the NRA said, "I'll give you my gun when you pry it from my cold dead hands!"

My friends, knowledge seekers, and family... this is NOT OPTIONAL! WE CANNOT GIVE UP OUR RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS AS THIS IS THE ONLY THING KEEPING THEM FROM RULING YOU AND I THROUGH TYRANNY AND OPPRESSION!!! Please just THINK about this! Write to your President, Congressmen, Senators, Governors, etc... someone, anyone!! Just do SOMETHING! We CANNOT just sit idly by watching television while our rights are being stripped away one by one!!! STOP THE GLOBAL GUN GRAB! This has been the Quiet Mouse. Let's keep peaceful. Keeping our rights by peaceful measures is all we can do for now. We just need MORE people to WAKE UP! TV is NOT important. Put down the remote and go outside. Petition your representatives and exercise your rights, lest they be taken away by force. Read about your rights and what you CAN do when they show up at your doorstep armed looking for your guns.
Peace. Love. Respect. TRUTH. Constitutional Rights!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Millionaire Politicians

Namaste and welcome friends and fellow knowledge seekers. Today I want to question why oh why are the only candidates we get to vote for in the Presidential election already millionaires?

How are we expected to believe that either of these two above mentioned men will accurately represent the dreams, foundations, and reflections of our forefathers as well as the current population of American citizens?  I find it to be disgraceful how politics have turned into the dramatic theatrics of professional wrestling and the winner is USUALLY the MAN with the most money. Why can't we have a competent woman like Hillary Clinton in office? Also, why does every continuing presidency have to be WORSE for the country than the one before? Why have our political officials continued to allow the slavery of the American populace to the banking clans like Goldman Sachs and the Federal Reserve? Why is it that Wall Street bankers can get away with stealing billions of dollars from the American public and yet THEY get bailed out? Why are the politicians so worried about policing the rest of the world when we can't even get our shit straight as a country HERE FIRST and FOREMOST... just sayin'!

It has come to be expected in most elections, as the TV show "South Park" depicts that the choice nearly ALWAYS comes down to a turd sandwich vs. a big douche bag. This year, being another election year will be the SAME. When we turn on the television and we see the perspective candidates throwing mud at one another like one was Hulk Hogan and the other Ric Flair back in the 80's and 90's. RARELY do we ever even get to hear about the person's actual belief system, record on voting (or lack thereof [Obama mostly clicked "present" for all of his votes]), or how they intend to make things better for the common American, as the majority of us are NOT corporate CEO's living the high life at everyone else's expense, divided from their own humanity. The President get's on TV and tells everyone it's gonna be okay as he signs bills like the Patriot Act (Bush signed it the first time) and the National Defense Authorization Act, NDAA. Romney is ALL big business and doesn't really seem like the type that would represent the blue collar workers, the unions, teachers, or even cops. The only thing that meglo-maniacal men like these want the police force for is to ABUSE YOU AND I... to take away our Constitutional rights GUARANTEED to us by the Bill of Rights, and by force if they have to.
The system of Washington politics has gotten out of control of the public hand and let's be honest when we can say pretty emphatically that the gloves were taken off the hands of the powerful in 1980 with their puppet Ronald Reagan, who only years before was a paid actor endorsing cigarettes on television. So for over 30 years now the country has been in a downward spiral saved ONLY by having 8 years of Bill Clinton  only then to be negated and worsened from having a budget surplus to 8 years later having the biggest deficit of all time by George W. Bush. When we thought it was as bad as it could be, there was a glimmer of hope on the horizon, a young man named Obama that sought to bring CHANGE. So with a silver tongue and a smile, the public was won over. The man even won a Nobel Peace Prize and has since ordered hundreds of assassinations and drone strikes with cowardice and indifference... the price of blood being foreign oil, fields of poppy to make heroin and opiates, and a permanent military presence in the Middle East poised to attack Iran and Syria next, mark my words. Most likely they will play up the nuclear suspicions about Iran and blame summer terror attacks at the Olympics in London, despite being a false flag attack...
Moving on... Obama and his buddies are already thinking they have this one in the bag, I mean after all Romney seems to be pretty much just as big of a puppet as Obama, both supporting large corporate banking, world domination agendas like Agenda 21, council of 300, CFR, among others, and the continued slavery agenda of the FED. Romney seems to by a hypocrite of epic proportions as he changes his stance on issues to depend on who his audience fits, but never the same show twice, right? Obama talks like he is a common black man, perhaps, but this is not even true as his father was Kenyan... yes, that IS as in African. He is also Muslim, which I do not fault him for, only wish he would be HONEST with the public instead of being yet another greedy lying politician who has gone back on nearly everything  he has said he would do. Even in this fake democracy people still want to believe that we have a choice. People like to have a choice, but NOT between two EVILS. Why does the choice have to be this way? Well the truth is that people don't care until it directly effects them, either physically or in the wallet. People are so distracted even from everyday life, tired of the continual downward spiral, apathetic to the change, only wishing to be left alone like a prisoner in the 4 walls of their home, glued to the endless spew of propaganda from the idiot box, unsure of what to believe, continually growing disassociated from reality, a zombie slave to the system, completely unaware of the chains that bind, or the pen that is built to keep you in line.
This may sound like science fiction but I assure you that it is real. FORCED healthcare will be no short of RFID chip placement by the early part of 2013 if either Romney or Obama get elected. If you don't know what this chip is... I suggest you look it up. It is 1984 Orwellian, it is inhuman, and it is forced slavery, no different from the tattoos that the Nazis gave the Jews in the concentration camps.

My cousin Alan Crisler wrote a posting on Facebook the other day about the need for people to vote. It is sad that less than 50% of the people in this nation vote in the Presidential election. Less than 30% vote for state senators and congressmen, and only about 17% vote for local representatives in city and state offices... sad and pathetic. Is this what our founding fathers fought and died for? An apathetic pharmaceutical drug induced zombie police state resembling something out of their worst nightmares for this nation... and yet we mope on, bitching and complaining about how bad we are being fucked over, praying and begging that the slave masters take it easy on us this year. Did you know that with the current federal tax system you essentially spend about 3 1/2 months of the year working for FREE... just to pay your taxes to DA MAN! Put that in your pipe and smoke it before you think about voting for either one of these spectacular assholes. The continued "DEFICIT" of slavery that has been built with stealing your dreams in mind by the bankers is spiraling out of control because the government has been taken over and is no longer representative of the people. The ONLY way to take back control would be for the Federal Reserve and IRS to go away as well as end our foreign aid to spend on humane social services, NOT HANDOUTS, to those truly in need. We must also end the foreign wars that are being waged for mass profits, but continue to bleed the American nation dry, having sucked the money and souls out of it's inhabitants.

But things COULD be different. We COULD talk to our friends and neighbors in a civil manner with debate and civil discourse. We COULD skip this whole two party crap that both hold up the secret society capstone and just elect a THIRD PARTY CANDIDATE that truly represents the PEOPLE, as in "We the people...", NOT JUST CORPORATIONS that bought off judges to get the priveleges of a person, but not have to actually suffer the consequences involved with issues like toxic waste disposal, fraud, money laundering, offshore accounts (Romney) to forego having to pay taxes, environmental disasters, lawsuits and those pesky old laws... those are for real people.
There is a third candidate named Ron Paul, who seeks to end the FED, IRS, and restore some dignity to this country that has been acting like a global bully since WWII, imposing our will, stifling progress, outsourcing jobs and dreams, and OUR country is looking more and more like one of these third world nations that we see on TV. Read a little about him, as well as the other two candidates. It won't take you too long to figure out that Obama and Romney are the SAME AGENDA, but Ron Paul actually stands for something different: People instead of corporate agendas, America first; Israel and other allies a far second, fixing national infrastructure and strengthening HOME FIRST with a non-aggression policy to pull out of bases in over 100 countries where we flat out DON'T BELONG!! Do some research and find out your OWN OPINIONS, NOT just what you hear from your parents or what you see on TV. Get out and VOTE while you still have the right to, before they take that away too. This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse. Stand up for what you believe in even if it feels like you are standing all alone... you're NOT... I'm with you in spirit. Participate in the system lest you be ruled by it... it was set up FOR YOU, not for the purpose of being used AGAINST YOU. Let's take back Washington FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, so help us
Peace. Love. Respect. Participation. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Breasts are AWESOME!!!

No matter what you may call them, be it fun bags, boobies, bazongas, tits, hooters, honkers, big-uns, ta-ta's, boulders, cajunga's, cantelopes, chi chi's, coconuts, dual air bags, sweater kittens, twin moons of Jupiter, torpedoes, whoppers, puppies, nockers, jumblies, milk jugs, or whatever you call them, ALL men can agree that BREASTS ARE AWESOME!!!
About Common Breast Shapes
Welcome back my friends and fellow horn-dogs. It's been a while since I've talked about boobs, so I wanted to do so again to reaffirm my love for these wonderful creations, truly a gift from God.
The beauty of boobs is that they are all unique like a snowflake, and yet can be put into simple categories for the primitive caveman to understand as well as ogle at. 
Through a lifetime of loving boobs and having seem MANY (including the fact that all women have 2 & I have met a woman with 1...) I have managed to narrow down the categories to what I would say about 5 main types.

I had to start with my LEAST favorite kind. These tiny little mosquito bites often come attached to a tiny skinny little stick figure of an anorexic fashion model or movie starlet. Some boobs are better than no boobs and a woman with no frills and no thrills, miss 6 o'clock with the ironing board backside better get to steppin'. Then again, sometimes girls with no boobs will compensate in other ways like giving great head... not my type... moving on...

2) My second least favorite type of boobs are FAKE BREASTS.
Fake breasts usually come from the women who fit into category 1. I can imagine the lack of self esteem from having a chest that looks like a teenage boy, but SOME women really DO take it a little too far, don't you think. Breasts ARE NOT meant to look like perfectly round basketballs on your chest, there is supposed to be some cushioning and give, and it is especially appalling to see the scars and plastic rippling from the saline bags surgically inserted. I have even done some of these procedures as a surgical tech when I was in the Navy. Pretty gruesome stuff to have to go through for a little self-esteem. The main positive thing I can say about these fake breasts is that they do certainly look nice when you're throwing dollar bills at them from the floor to the stage, lol... and they look good in a sweater or tank top too... sometimes, unless it's a FRANKEN-BOOBIE... aaaaaaaaahhhhh!!! Also, again for models and actresses, not for the main populace of society.

It is understandable how 18+ years of gravity can get things a little weighed down making them look like a sad clown, especially if they started off as large natural breasts. Even the BEST bras that offer support, separation, and lift can only withhold the effects of gravity for so long. It's just a FACT. However, it is sometimes difficult for a man to spot these droopy boobies due to this exact same new lingerie technology as I just mentioned. In fact, thanks to the wonder-where-the-fuck-they-went bra, many men are faced with the real possibility of being sold a false bill of goods... you THOUGHT it was a firm C cup only to find out it's a saggy B... :( These are also women who due to lowered self-esteem will undergo surgery under the knife. Sad.

Usually it is common to find these perky chesticles on younger women or those who have managed to stay in shape, often the athletic type. These breasts are great for men who don't want to hear about the woman's back pain, but they are large enough to play with and fondle. They look good with or without a bra, have a good amount of pointing out of the shirt and will often be spied on with pointy pencil eraser nipples that always seem cold standing up to say "Hey! How YOU doing?"... lol.

EVERY MAN loves to stare at a large set of boobs, thus the entire reason for #2 above. I personally LOVE a great big set of natural boobs that just feel so good with my head in between them. Kids love them too, in fact, even many of the women WITH the boobs love fondling and playing with them. I think IT'S GRRREEEEAAAAATTTT! Big boobs just scream out to men "PLEASE PUT YOUR PENIS BETWEEN US!!" And we as men are generally happy to oblige :) Like most kinds of breasts, it is important to keep the Breast to Waist ratio in proportion, as no one likes it when the gut sticks out further than the boobs... just sayin'. Either way, it is easy to see why these beauties are just wonderful rays of sunshine and happiness... the cause of many a smile, I'm sure ;)

Despite what ever kinds of boobs you have as a woman, or LOVE as a man... there are plenty of equal opportunity boob lovers out there, so don't feel yourself slighted, cause there is someone out there that is gonna love your love orbs EXACTLY the way they are now, without surgery. For all those who love breasts out there... you're in GOOD COMPANY! For YOU... here are some more images of some really great breasts. I hope you like. Sign up to be a follower of my blog, leave some comments, and read some of my past postings, I'm up over 160 of them now. Thanks for your support and I'll see you at the boobies ;) This is the one and only Quiet Mouse. 
Peace. Love. Respect. 

Hope you boob lovers, pervs, and awesome girlfriends liked this blog. 

American Conservatism

Once we recognize that Libertarianism is essentially neo-feudalism, and that it is now the dominant conservative philosophy of the Republica...