Thursday, August 22, 2019

Why Do WE Need __________

Namaste and welcome to my blog post. Thanks for taking the time to read my thoughts today.
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When I was growing up I frequently remember hearing my schoolmates asking why he or she was being forced to learn math, science, reading and language, civics, government, history, home economics, etc. Why do we need ______?
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Fast forward to where I am now 40 and the lessons of my youth (bless some really good teachers along the way) seem more important now than ever, especially as I have to explain certain things to the developing minds of my own children, and I'll explain how...
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Why do we need math and sciences?
America is falling behind compared to the rest much of the world in these topics leaving younger generations unable or at the least, much more difficult to compete in the global job market. Technology is advancing quickly and it's leaving a large gap between those who can be the future leaders in innovation, green alternative fuels, and environmental and economical solutions vs those who are stagnant and believe that learning ends at 18 or 22, if they even cared that long, which sadly many don't. In addition, we need sciences as a nation, because without a proper education in sciences, we have dumb citizens that not only disbelieve science, they have gambled the fate of our species on here say and superstition over the natural world and our home here on Earth; some dip shits believe the Earth is flat and that vaccines cause autism... and don't get me started on environmental sciences and the human impact on climate change...
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Why do we need language, writing, and reading?
It's sad to hear Americans bitch and complain about foreigners that are unable to speak proper English, while all too many people HERE can't read or write properly. At least the person who is speaking broken or bad English has taken the effort to learn another language...
Cursive writing isn't being taught in school and I've seen many adults that cannot sign their own name on a form. I hear words like "expresso (espresso), gooder (better), literately (literally); among a bunch of slang, ebonics, valley girl hybrid  mixed with text message. Everyone staring at their cell phone has led to a degradation of culture where basic human communication is strained to say the least.
On top of that, many ethnocentric Americans complain about other cultures, particularly immigrants, not speaking English. They want to demand that someone else learns a second language while they are unwilling to do the same and learn Spanish, for example. Other nations like China, many citizens know a minimum of 3 different languages, including English. Our unwillingness as citizens to adapt and change to a global economy of interconnectedness is hurting our country, its citizens, and future generations of Americans.
Reading is important because we need to use our minds for greater things than just being a work automation or a hamster on a wheel performing mindless and meaningless tasks. Our minds are a genuinely unique and phenomenal creation; a storehouse of imagination, memories, dreams, and desires. One of the most shameful and disappointing things in this world is a wasted mind. Sadly, in an attempt to fit every child into a mold, the American public education system has become a glorified daycare center, devoid of the real learning potential that could be maximized if given the proper environment and learning style (which there are many,  i.e. tactile, auditory, kinesthetic, visual, etc.) This leaves some of the best and brightest young minds feeling aimless and apathetic towards joining and participating in social and societal functions as young adults or young adults to-be. We as parents of our children must understand that we are NOT raising children, we are raising future adults. The job of parenting is more important now than ever. We, as parents must accept the fact that the public education system was designed a long time ago to get kids ready for work in a factory setting. The climate of the work environment has changed over the last hundred years, relatively speaking, from one of manufacture to more service based industries, environmental services, and fuel technology. We, as parents, must accept that in order to prepare our children for the evolving economic landscape of the future; in order for them to grow up to be happy, well adjusted, law abiding, participative citizens... we have to be able to supplement the education given by the government school and give them the REAL WORLD education that isn't taught in schools.
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Why is civics and history important?
Citizens have a DUTY to be informed and aware citizens. Many fail. Many don't know anything about politics, economics, or the very history of this nation we live in. The most important lesson history can teach us to not remake the same mistakes from the past, yet we can see this cyclical pattern of human behavior repeat over and over again throughout history. Why is civics and politics important? Because of "We the people...". It's because of the need for separation between church and state. It's the need for international diplomacy and foreign relations rather than trying to isolate and build walls of isolation and fear. It's the knowledge that Roe v. Wade should not be overruled for the American version of Shariah law. It's the knowledge that prohibition doesn't work; the drug war has failed. The war on terror has created more violence and terror, yet no one is or feels any safer... History is important so we can create a better world for future generations to live in. Those who fail to read or learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past.
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All the problems in the world can be fixed through education and empathy. That's why there is never enough funding for it. The powers that be only know how to lie, cheat, manipulate, and create war, violence, and discord. Greed is the real ruler and until we can look past the trivial needs of the individual and create a better society that is focused on the betterment of all, not just the few... we're fucked and endlessly doomed to repeat the cycle of war, poverty, and failure as a species.

This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. Empathy.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Electoral College and Why We NEED It...

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Namaste, my friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers. Welcome to my blog. I thank you for taking the time to join me as I discuss my thoughts on the Electoral College.
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As I'm sure you may have read from my past blogs, I have voted on both sides of the party lines as an adult. I voted for whom I believed was the best candidate, based on an INFORMED opinion after researching and reading on all candidates. I voted for Al Gore (DEM), George W. Bush (REP), Barack Obama (DEM), Dr. Ron Paul (REP), and Bernie Sanders (IND/DEM), in that order.
I plan to once again vote for Senator Sanders based upon his ideas of universal healthcare buy in option, his consistent record of advocacy for patient rights, his stance on the deregulation of cannabis and hemp on a federal level, his stance on immigration reform and forming a better path to citizenship so we can get illegals legal and paying taxes INTO the system, as well as his stance on education and how massive student debt is hurting the U.S. and its workers from creating more jobs and innovation.
Partisan politics are trying to divide our nation and its citizens, but we cannot give in to fear and undo our founding fathers principles of liberty, democracy, and justice.
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Our country was much smaller at the time of its inception, yet our founding fathers had  immeasurable foresight. They KNEW from their own history, the violent power of mob rule and the powerful rule of tyrants. The United States of America was meant to be different, giving every registered adult voter the power to affect the general election process through the voice of the people.
They knew not everyone would agree. They knew in the future there would be challenges with bribery, corruption, and dishonesty... so they devised the electoral college system to give a fair result of the general election of ALL 50 states. Our founding fathers KNEW that large urban areas had greater populations than rural areas, so they created the electoral college to give a voice to people in places like Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, the Dakotas, etc. Because they knew that every election, if decided by "POPULAR VOTE " would be decided by states and cities with the largest populations. Ergo, places like NYC, California, Florida, and Ohio would decide EVERY election.
I am moderate, but I admittedly lean a little bit left on certain issues like reproductive rights, immigration, healthcare, national "defense", and human rights. I also admittedly lean a little bit to the right on the 2nd Amendment, Constitution, and death penalty.
That being stated and as a Navy veteran, I feel the need to lay it all out there for the preservation of liberty and justice so I am gonna put it out there in as plain of English as possible... ending the Electoral College is a far left agenda that I don't agree with. Certain powers that be, are busy trying to convince poor rural communities to give up their voting power to the centralized government and highest populated states like Florida, New York, and California who, coincidentally, traditionally lean Democrat.
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I think the system is flawed in some ways as we have had not 1, but 2 elections in my lifetime where a candidate won the popular vote, but lost the electoral college vote. We saw this in Al Gore vs. W. Bush and again this last time in HRC vs. Donald Trump. The main flaw of this political system, as I mentioned many times in previous blogs, is forcing the American people to choose between the lesser of 2 EVILS, instead of a caring qualified candidate. Until we figure out a better system than the electoral college, we should not change it... that is unless we really don't want our voices heard and our votes to matter.
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This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse Strikes Back.
Peace. Love. Respect. Education. Empathy. Vote. 

American Conservatism

Once we recognize that Libertarianism is essentially neo-feudalism, and that it is now the dominant conservative philosophy of the Republica...