Saturday, November 23, 2013

My Apologies

To whom it may concern,

I would like to address my own shortcomings in a brief discourse. I'm sorry for not being just another one of the sheeple who can live their lives in an artificial state of "happy" ignorance. I'm sorry that I see the world for what it IS, rather than what I would idealistically like it to be. I'm sorry for not putting on the "MASK" and artificially smiling for the sake of making others happy. I'm sorry for asking too much from others, KNOWING I will only be let down. I'm sorry for caring when others are apathetic and don't. I'm sorry for trying my best and yet those efforts are NEVER GOOD ENOUGH. I'm sorry for being  broken; if I knew how to fix my problems alone, I would. I'm sorry for giving in too easily to my emotions and allowing myself to become angry over trivial issues. I'm sorry for not acting how others want or think I should. I'm sorry for being a constant source of irritation to those I love. I'm really sorry for saying hurtful things that have made others feel inferior or unimportant. I'm sorry to those I've hurt by just not being there enough. I'm sorry that I should have picked up the phone and called or written a letter. I'm sorry for being self-absorbed at times. I'm sorry for quitting so many jobs when I could have just tried harder. I'm sorry for giving up on myself and others, reluctant to give second (or third, fourth, or fifth, etc.) chances.
I'm sorry that I feel like I have to tiptoe around on eggshells at times because I feel like others do not value the wisdom that I am trying to share. I'm sorry that I'm UNDER-SENSITIVE. I'm also sorry that others are TOO OVER-SENSITIVE. I'm sorry that I daydream often and lose focus easily. I'm sorry that I have to write my feelings down on this stupid blog posting, cause I can't figure out how to say these things aloud without offending or getting angry. I'm sorry for wasting my time trying to teach those that do not wish to learn. I'm sorry for giving unsolicited advice to those who don't want it. I'm sorry if I come off like a know-it-all; I've just made TONS of mistakes and hate to see others make the same ones I have. I'm sorry I just haven't learned my lesson(s),yet, that I came here to learn. I'm sorry that these mere words cannot convey the true message I feel. I'm sorry that I don't have anything else to say...

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Namaste and welcome my friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers to another edition of the
Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. So I'm imagining that a few people will look at the title of this blog and wonder... "WTF?" I'm just gonna get it started and cut through the anticipation. Follow me down the rabbit hole if you will.
- Jess
I'm always thinking. I do that a lot. The other day it occurred to me that these 5 activities are pretty much the basic animal instincts. There could be more, but that's not for this blog. Eat. Sleep. Shit. Play. Fuck. Seems pretty basic and I know there will be a few readers who want to argue this list. YOU, my friend are verging on the state of premature enlightenment and have the beauty of a functional mind. THAT, I suppose is the point of this particular rant of mine... that a human's ability to think, to make choice IS what separates us from our animal companions. There are many humans however, that cannot get past their animalistic nature and are cognitively overridden by their hormones and instinctual behaviors, like having children, for example. It probably comes from the autonomic nervous system, sort of like the fight or flight reflex, except these reflexes are habitual and instinctual behaviors in humans. Just like a farm animal, the reflexive, cognitively dissonant humans are basically sheeple and will forever follow the herd of conformity and apathy, constantly needing to be told what to think and what to do.
I believe that if you are reading this blog that you are the opposite. You are NOT a sheeple. You, my reader have made a choice in your life to THINK rather than being just another follower; a mindless drone for the system. It is sad that there has become this stigma against free thought and free speech and basic human rights. There is so much focus on this false Matrix media of lies and deceptions that has led us away from our potential: which is to be divine once again. We are here on a mission. I don't know what your mission is, but I'm pretty sure I know what mine is, but then that changes everything. Consciousness and awareness help in creating the reality we live in, as it is all relative to the situation and based upon a biased perspective: OURS, individually.

Somehow, despite the chaos of the world, we are able to create music, art, travel, and monuments to the sky, etc. The perseverance of the human spirit is genuinely amazing. I hope to be able to spark that interest in learning and growing with others. With great power comes great responsibility. Knowledge is power. So with great knowledge comes great responsibility? I think so. The sheeple feign away from responsibility the same as they do with knowledge. People who are informed are not afraid. People who are distracted and confused are full of fear. Fear is a choice. There are dangers all around us, but we have the choice to not succumb to the fear, but rather to rise up with courage and bravery, even in our every day lives. There are many thoughts and ideas that are above that blog title list. Everyone will always eat, sleep, shit, play, and fuck... or at least desire to do the last one, but it's those in between times where we have the ability to be more than apes or sheeple and use that energy to heal the wounds of the past and begin to create a better world free from tyranny and oppression. So it basically boils down to animal instinct vs. intellectual, rational thought. We ARE animals, just like the lions, tigers, bears, dogs, whales, bats, etc. Our minds make us different. Our positive actions make us worthy of something greater. This is nature vs. nurture. Are we mere animals or are we meant to be more than to just eat, sleep, shit, play, and fuck? YOU DECIDE...
This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. Honesty. Thought.

American Conservatism

Once we recognize that Libertarianism is essentially neo-feudalism, and that it is now the dominant conservative philosophy of the Republica...