Monday, April 29, 2013

Oh, How MY Mind May Wonder

Namaste and welcome friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers to the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back!

Today is April 29th, 2013. I had my 34th birthday yesterday and as usual my mind tends to wonder. A lot of topics in my brain, so I'm gonna just jump in and tackle a few.
1) "College Football Playoff"
As if it weren't a big enough hustle that college sports make a ridiculous amount of money for their prospective universities while the student athletes are NOT PAID... well, the BCS system sucked, let's face it. Many such as myself probably agree that organized sports in general kinda seem like a hustle these days; kinda rigged, sort of like the elections in this nation... as it is above, so it is below... just saying. After a long anticipated end of the BCS, we are now stuck with yet another antiquated sounding tedium. Perhaps to get interest in lost fans or those who never were fans, I think they should have called the new playoff system something cool like "Tournament of Titans" or the "I'm about to get paid on Sundays" bowl. Either way it is extremely depressing that many of today's youth believe that they can only either be an athlete or an entertainer in order to be "successful". Sad.
2) Intent of Thought
What is not important to me may indeed be important to someone else. I might personally perceive the thoughts and actions of others at times futile and idiotic, but it is not my place to judge. I realize that the world NEEDS those people too, even if they are sometimes dumb sheeple. Again, the world NEEDS them too, as we are ALL here to learn and serve some greater purpose. THEIR PURPOSE is to enlighten me so I may have epiphanies and further my journey to an enlightened soul. Actually I change that. I AM an enlightened soul, I must journey to find my way back to the source.
I'm not trying to be prejudiced, so understand that now, please before you read the next part.
Only in this country do we placate to the "minorities" of the population. Why shouldn't immigrants BE REQUIRED to speak ENGLISH?!? If I immigrated to France, I would have to speak French. If I immigrated to China, I'd have to learn Chinese. I just makes sense. Only in America do I have to dial a special number to reach someone who speaks the DOMINANT LANGUAGE. I shouldn't have to need a translator to get lunch at a fast food restaurant either. And the sad part is that nearly ANY TIME you speak up about this you are called prejudiced or racist against, namely HISPANICS. You can look back through American history and see that this nation was founded on the exploitation of brown people... the Hispanics are not new to this game that rich WHITE people have been playing for thousands of years.
Another thing is that "entitlement programs" such as WIC, welfare, medicare, etc. belong to actual CITIZENS, first and foremost. It is to help people GET BY UNTIL GAINFUL EMPLOYMENT IS FOUND... it is NOT A CAREER OPPORTUNITY for lazy, greedy freeloaders that get on from ANCHOR BABIES. ONLY IN THIS COUNTRY.
Also, only in this country are we TRILLIONS IN DEBT (to the kabbal of globalist bankers who print money out of thin air) and still giving out foreign aid to terrorist nations like Israel. WTF?!? If we cannot even afford to take care of our own citizens, then we have NO BUSINESS giving away money off the hard working broken backs of the American WORK-force. Funny that word cause it sounds like people are being forced to work. AHA! Further proof of our enslavement to the bankers. Work to get money so you can afford to drive back to work... HUH?!? Sounds like some bull shit to me.
Only in this country do we have sick care instead of health care. Only in this country do the criminals have more rights than the victims. Only in this country can a congress with an 8% approval rating continue to pass legislation that takes away rights and destroys the Constitution.
ANYWHERE ELSE these fascist pigs would see the gallows and swing by their necks. But hey welcome to the DIVIDED STATES of 'MERICA. Citizens can't agree on anything or even unite to preserve this nation from being absorbed into the NWO. So the corrupt bankers, corporations, and politicians plot to enslave us all. But keep watching those sports... after all, part time athletes get paid WAY MORE than the ACTUAL CORNER STONES OF SOCIETY like teachers, nurses, military, police, fire fighters, and industry workers, et. al.
Ladies and gentlemen, I hope this has been thought provoking and an interesting read for you. As always, I welcome any comments. Please look back and read some old blogs, if you will. Share with others. Namaste and good day.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Am I Awake or Still Dreaming?

I awoke from my dream
Unsure if I was awake or still asleep
Everything seems so surreal
I don't know what to believe
What I am told us reality
Seems more like a nightmare
I want to go back to sleep
The world of dreams is real
This material world is fake
I feel contaminated by this refuse
This artificial, illogical bunch of lies
Where to go, What to do
When everything feels wrong inside
Wishing I could fall asleep or run away
But there is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
Medicated into a stupor
Afraid to live
Wary of the future
No heart left to give
Wake me, shake me, break me
Help me find release
So I can dream in peace
In a better reality. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Treat EVERYONE Like a Criminal

Namaste and welcome to a short blog. I am gonna jump in and keep this simple. Thanks for joining me. Let's get started.

It is really a shame and a tragedy that things have gone down this slippery slope in America. Each day I see the news and hear the reactions of those around me, many of whom are flat out SHEEPLE. The authority figures who are in charge have manipulated the system AROUND the constitution, that was once meant to safeguard the rights of the individual over the establishment. You were once NOT-GUILTY until proven guilty, but this is no more. Now you are guilty until proven innocent and the "evidence" will only be molded to prove your guilt. Hell, that's if you even make it to trial as the para-military police now are gunning down suspects in the streets in incredible numbers. You won't hear this too much on the media because the "need-to-know" info is controlled by the Illuminati puppets who believe people like you and I DON'T NEED TO KNOW. "WE THE PEOPLE..." are NOT part of the fraternity, if you will, that has all the real power, knowledge, and control. The sheeple stare blankly at the television looking for answers, where quite frankly there are none to be found. Television is for a couple different purposes and these few purposes only. 1) To distract you from the truth that is out there. 2) To fill your mind with lies and propaganda so you will keep following and buying into the very same system that has been purposefully created to FUCK YOU AND I OVER!!! 3) To create divides between people, who all share commonality if even on a very simple, basic level. This keeps people fighting over gender, race, social status, religion, color of skin, etc., etc., etc.
Just keep watching the endless sports, criminal un-constitutional lies referred to as "news", and endless rhetoric and debates over irrelevant topics... it just makes it that much easier for the real power structure of the so-called "illuminated ones" to stay in their places of power over the weak minded.
Meanwhile, martial law drills are being practiced in your very hometown. The Department of Homeland Security keeps buying more and more ammunition, enough to put at least 5 bullets in every man, woman, and child in this nation, but don't you worry... Big brother has plans for you too. TREAT EVERYONE LIKE A CRIMINAL... then it seems like justice when they find the "bad guy", whom they drugged up on psychedelics and anti-depressants, most likely recruited by an alphabet agency for the game of "pin the tail on the scapegoat". Meanwhile congress and the president get together and form ideas on how to subvert the Constitution to take away your SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS... which in truth is the ONLY thing that is keeping the evil from taking complete control and having martial law and full-fledged dictatorship everywhere across this nation.
Keep your eyes closed if you want. Call the truth-seekers "conspiracy theorists". Baaaah like one of the sheeple. It makes little difference to the plans that have already been laid out intricately FOR you. Just wait. Obama wants to have drones spying on you 24/7. He and his puppet masters want you to be RFID chipped so they can keep you in the global "corral" tagged like cattle, a constant slave to THEIR whims, as your freedom drifts away into something of a fairy tale, a once forgotten ideal of our founding fathers, who would be rolling in their graves at the atrocities taking place on American soil.
Will it not be enough for these power hungry war-mongerers until they rape, pillage, and destroy the planet and all it's inhabitants? As generation after generation sits idly by doing NOTHING to stop the tyranny, the injustice, and the rape of innocence.
It is not just enough to be informed. It is not just enough to be alive. It is not acceptable to just follow the crowd even when in your heart you KNOW that what is going on is WRONG... when nature is made illegal and over half the population is on pharmaceutical drugs that KILL, but smoking an herb is illegal?!?
What is even sadder to me is that there are so many people deeply ingrained in this matrix that they will fight and die to defend the shackles that bind them into submission. STOP THE INSANITY!!!
I can go on and on for days. I pray my fellow knowledge seekers, friends, and family to WAKE UP!!! If you are awakened then it is your DUTY TO AWAKEN OTHERS!!! This is not a joke. This is not a game. There is a global one world government, often referred to as the NWO or Illuminati, in development. YOU and I are meant to be SLAVES to the oligarchy of bankers, corporations, and media lies. Keep watching those sports. Ignore my rants. One way or another they will figure out a way to get their global fascist dictatorship and when they are shipping you and your family off to the CONCENTRATION CAMPS for RE-EDUCATION... remember the words written here by the Quite Mouse. May peace and happiness be with you while it still can be.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Dating Advice for 2013

I remember a time when life seemed simpler. Dating didn't seem as complicated and interpersonal relationships didn't seem as strained as they are these days. Namaste and welcome.

Now I'm no expert, but I'm a student of life and I do happen to  notice things from time to time. For example I don't really think that people should be allowed to get married if they are under 25. This is the age of maturity for most "adult" males. For some it takes longer. Also, I don't think it's a horrible idea for those seeking a relationship to try online dating. It is often easier to weed out potential psychos, mama's boys, crazy bitches, and all around fruit-cakes... unless that's what you are looking for... they are online too, let's agree.

To be certain, however, the old standby of meeting a male or female in a bar or club is outdated and will often lead to not-so-nice eventualities like roofies, date rape, and waking up next to an ugly person like "UGH!" or "WTF DID I DO LAST NIGHT?"
To avoid any unpleasantness as such listed above, there are a few simple things to keep in mind.
1) Don't YOU be the psycho that everyone is warned about.
2) Keep an open mind. Hope for the best, but plan for the worst. Being single is the time to work on SELF. When you become the best person possible, the opposite gender will gravitate toward you and you will have no trouble finding the right person.
3) If in doubt, double date... there is ALWAYS safety in numbers.
4) It doesn't hurt to have a back up plan while dating, however, once you are IN the relationship, you must let the other potential partner GO.
5)If you want your relationship to work, avoid social media websites like Face Book and Twitter. They are relationship killers. You don't want your personal life to become fodder for the rumor mill drama.
6) It is NEVER a good idea to date people at school or work. If or when the relationship fails it creates an awkward scenario that is no good for either person having to socialize, learn, or work around the EX.
7) If you aren't willing to take that person to meet mom and dad, he/she is NOT the one... keep looking. Most people would rather be let down at the beginning after one or two dates than to be in a relationship and then find out the ugly truth. There is no shame in admitting you made a mistake and the person you are with is NOT "the one". There is a thing called TACT, however, that allows you to let others down without coming off like a tool, bitch, psycho, or an asshole.

I could probably think of more good advice, but I'll save that for another day. I sincerely hope all who read this are able to find love and happiness from this life to the next. Peace be with you. This is the one and only Quiet Mouse.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Nasty Sons of B!#@hes

Welcome friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers to another exciting edition of the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back.  Namaste. I don't want to waste any time so let's jump right in.
Recently I decided to follow my passion for cooking and return to school to study culinary arts. I must say that this has been a life changing event for me and not exactly in the most positive ways either or really in ANY way that I previously imagined it going. I have since LOST my passion for cooking...

This blog isn't about my loss of passion... I'll get to that soon enough in another blog. This blog is about the revelations and epiphanies I have attained in the last seven+ months. In dealing with children and ALLEGED ADULTS (children posing as adults,  I should say) I have come to the understanding that there are some SERIOUSLY NASTY SONS OF BITCHES in this world, namely in the USA.
I'm not saying every single person is nasty, so don't go all getting butt hurt... yet.
All I am saying is that I'm going back to school I have now a better understanding having seen a wide cross-section of people. This happened when I joined the Navy as well. When you are around such a wide variety of persons it is easy to see just how funky some individuals are. It is bad enough when some cannot even take care of simple basic cleaning. Now I don't mean the scrub the baseboards kind of deep spring cleaning, no... I'm talking about something simple like throwing trash away, washing dishes, not being content to live in your own filth... I don't think that is too much to ask for.
Apparently I am once again wrong. I see it again and again though and I believe that smokers are the worst. THE WORLD IS NOT YOUR PERSONAL ASHTRAY!!! Just sayin'.
I hear all the time this idea that '"THEY" pay someone to do that (meaning cleaning up after their lazy ass, like with the cigarette butts)'. I have bad news. "THEY", whoever they are, shouldn't have to be paid to clean up your shit... especially if you are an adult. Like seriously, how the FUCK do people grow up into adults and not know how to do ANYTHING for themselves? Is the population really so deeply ingrained into the matrix that simple THOUGHT for self and others is too difficult? If so, my readers, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I am befuddled. Are we so blinded by all the shiny, flashy, bling, television; all the materialism to fill the mental voids of hollow, shallow people, only interested in the opinions of others, but have no mind or personality of their own, vapid and vain...
I could be wrong. I know not everyone is like this, but as I have gotten older, it is more obvious of the paradoxical times we are living in. We live in an age of communication, but interpersonal relationships have NEVER been WORSE. People bitch and complain about how broken they think things are, but do they lift a finger to change? It is always the expectation that someone else clean up their own messes. This is not just a physical problem of trash, garbage, or dirty dishes, but a psychological problem, which in MY OPINION is caused by severe MENTAL CLUTTER. I believe that our society is OVER-STIMULATED by television and the internet... all of which are controlled and monitored by the gov't and their spies... but that's for our protection, right?
Yeah, I hate this one too. Nasty bitches be using the men's room and then fuck it up, don't even spray some air freshener or crack a window and shit... damn...
I digress, I got off subject a little. Nasty bitches. Douche. Lol.

Again off topic. Ah fuck it... I do all I can to try to inform the people I see bumbling through life, unconsciously incompetent of their own undoing, constantly in need of rescue and cleaning up for the messes they endlessly create. I KNOW my tact is often wrong. I should just shut up and not say anything. I'm often a fuck up myself and I can only give advice to others on matters that I personally have experience. I just hate to see others make mistakes that I know I have the ability to help them fix. I blogged about this before, so I'm not going to run on about it...

I hope this has been interesting and you will share my blogs with others. Peace be with you my friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers.

American Conservatism

Once we recognize that Libertarianism is essentially neo-feudalism, and that it is now the dominant conservative philosophy of the Republica...