Saturday, November 17, 2012


When did we get here to this? What has become of foregone concepts and ideas? Namaste and welcome my friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers to the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to allow me to share a message, however brief, so let's jump right in.

It doesn't seem to matter to most Americans that the money well is drying up from corruption, greed, endless wars on everything from drugs to women and on to "terrorism". How can we end these things when we are PART OF THE CAUSE of these things, as a nation. Yes, on one hand there is the individual element of responsibility that is being abused by some, but the real root of the problem lies on a societal level.

Society is made up of millions of individuals, each with their own personalities, problems, and ambitions. It is this collective mindset, however, of always looking out for #1, this greed and selfishness that has led us to this point of no return in America. People KNOW deep down that the selfish efforts of the few are bleeding out the hard work of the majority. This can be said accurately for bankers, corporations, politicians, and illegal immigrants who latch onto the system with anchor babies that are welfare wards of the state FOR LIFE. There are multiple generations now who know no other life than to live off of food stamps, unemployment, welfare, WIC, HUD, and any other number of government assistance programs that were meant to be a temporary solution, not an alternative lifestyle... but what are the other options? What do people do when there are just TOO MANY OF US (mainly due to over-fucking by stupid and poor people who cannot feed or take care of their many children, often with multiple partners) and there aren't any more jobs being produced? Jobs are being lost EVERY SINGLE DAY because of unfair tax laws on small businesses, computers replacing the work of hundreds if not thousands, and the all too familiar OUTSOURCING to foreign lands where the indigenous can be exploited for pennies on the dollar for what it would have taken to pay a hard working American employee. Just saying...
So instead of actually CREATING jobs and new opportunities, the "wealth" of a nation is being hoarded in the hands of a small few leaving the masses to scramble and often hold a hand out to those looking down on us from above in their ivory towers, thinking they are better than the rest of us... BUT THEY ARE NOT.
NO ONE, not even the rich and famous, down to the poorest of the poor is actually entitled to ANYTHING AT ALL. The Constitution only guarantees us LIFE, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. Life may be guaranteed, but it says NOTHING about how that lifestyle should be. We are NOT all going to be millionaires. Our liberties are being actively sought after by the ruling global elite, we no longer have freedom of speech, we're basically guilty until proven innocent, and with un-Constitutional laws like the Patriot Act and the NDAA, you can be stripped of rights, citizenship, indefinitely detained without formal charges, tortured, and even murdered on foreign soil like Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (which by the way, Obama said in 2008 he was going to shut down but is still open). All that is left is the pursuit of happiness. The ironic thing about happiness is that Americans have been deluded over many generations to believe that happiness can only come from "ownership" of THINGS, MATERIAL POSSESSIONS.

This idea of "OWNERSHIP" leads me to the second half of this blog. Take a moment, please, and indulge me with a thought I would like you to ponder... what in your life do you ACTUALLY OWN?!? Take your time and think about it, I will be right here when you return

Got it? Shibby! So what did you figure out? Your house and land? NOPE. The military-petrochemical-industrial-war machine-government has this little thing called IMMINENT DOMAIN where they can legally take away your land and possessions. ALSO, the gov't FORCES you to pay ILLEGAL TAXES (THEFT) to keep your home and your land, but it really isn't yours... it belongs to UNCLE SAM!!! And they CAN and DO take it away from you if you don't buy into their illegal pyramid scam.
How about your car? NOPE. Same as above, if you don't pay more fees and illegal taxes, your car will be impounded and taken away from you until you pay their RANSOM.
I could keep going, but I believe you probably get the point I am making that THINGS can be taken away. What many don't have, sadly, are things that CANNOT ever be taken away such as UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, EMPATHY, RESPECT, DIGNITY, HONOR, COURAGE, et al.
The ONLY thing that we own is our own personal body, this shell for our soul, the human machine. And yet so many people are freely willing to give that away too. In fact, I will go one step further and tell you honestly that most of the things you and I THINK are real... well, they're really just all in our heads. Like the idea of money. People think these little neat green pieces of interwoven fabrics we like to call money are so real, but have you actually looked at the money? It isn't really worth anything except for what YOU believe it is, consumer confidence. We trade around all these little IOU's and think that they are WORTH SOMETHING, but they are not. HUMAN LIFE HAS VALUE, but yet many do not see this and only covet those little green bills and the THINGS they can "buy" with them. It is easy to say that money does not and cannot buy happiness... just look at my past blog "Only the good die young" and you will see so many "celebrities" and well-loved people that money just didn't make them happy, but actually quite the opposite as many of them were isolated, alone, and fearful of those seeking to exploit them for their money.
We wage all these wars and send our children to die in foreign lands but hold a hand out to the very SAME GOV'T that is fucking us over and holding us down. We hear the anthem and the Pavlovian response of ethnocentrism and American pride swells, forgetting the obviousness of the truth. It is a sad state of the world when we murder one another so freely over shiny metals, pieces of paper, and "precious" stones... and then we THINK we own a little piece of the fat cat's hustle... NOPE. The REALITY is that if you are in the bottom >90% - 99%... YOU DON'T OWN JACK SHIT!!!
I know that many people voted for Obama based on the ideas of entitlement and change... but I fear that the only change we are going to get is further away from the dreams of our founding fathers, and closer to a world government owned by the banking clans like the IMF, FED, and the Rothschild's, among others.
A wise man once told me the true definition of character is summarized in one easy question...
"If your home was on fire and all you could take with you is what you could carry in two hands... what would you grab?"
Good people will grab (besides their children) pets, family photos or heirlooms, precious memories...
Corrupt people, often the same ones with the greed and entitlement feelings will grab possessions and things of selfish interest like their jewelry, TV or PlayStation first and foremost...

I'm not trying to bum you out or make you feel bad. I just want to open people's eyes to see that WE have value more than the petty possessions we think we own. If we could only look past our own selfish interests of what we think we are owed just by our mere existence... well the world would start to look like a better place. Life is difficult to say the least. We are owed NOTHING, and for the few things we do get, we have to work our asses off. This will never change. But don't stress out too much along this journey of life... you'll never get out alive. Enjoy it while you can with respect for yourself and others, empathy, unconditional love, and dignity... there are a LOT of things that just AREN'T WORTH their fake ass monopoly money they call FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES. This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse. Aloha.

Monday, November 5, 2012


Tomorrow is election day and it is the proverbial bad vs. worse, basically a turd sandwich vs. a giant douche. If the last 4 years have taught the American people NOTHING, it SHOULD HAVE been to NOT trust corporate bought politicians that have ZERO ALLEGIANCE to the American people. It seems to me that not enough of us have learned the necessary lessons, so yet AGAIN we are doomed to repeat this same cycle of politics as usual, which ultimately boils down to the people at the bottom constantly being fucked over for the opulence and avarice of the few, already wealthy individuals, leaving the majority of the burden on the dwindling middle class.

I thought that with the occupy movement that real progress was being made in the right direction and I even bought into the jargon of Obama in 2008 with the idea of "change" that has turned out to be the ultimate disappointment. I never wanted it to be about re-structuring the wealth, per se, although I DO think that wealthy should pay MORE TAXES and whatnot than those with less income. The change I was hoping for was that of equality, job creation, and ending the wars on everything from "terrorism" (which our gov't funds BOTH sides of), the war on drugs (which our gov't funds BOTH sides of... see Fast and Furious scandal), down to the equal rights of women and homosexuals. Never before in the history of this nation have we so much responsibility and yet have failed so monumentally. We have the opportunity for drastic change, but there is so much fear of changing the status quo, that no one will actually do it, so instead we would rather just keep on like nothing is wrong patching the holes on the Titanic with duct tape and bailing wire. Trying to get out the recession by printing more money and bailing out banks and large corporations completely backfired and now our children's children will be riddled with this imaginary debt owed to globalist bankers with NO END IN SIGHT. But rather than face the real issues it seems we are a nation divided squabbling over petty issues as if it were as simple as Republican vs. Democrat. BOTH of the major political parties support and hold up the top of the pyramid: large multi-national corporations, the petro-chemical industrial war machine, big PHARMA, and the banking "elite" JEWS from Israel (who own the FEDERAL RESERVE), rather than "WE THE PEOPLE...".
The truth is that both Obama and Romney are the SAME. They both support more wars, indefinite detention of American citizens, globalist agendas (like the UN small arms treaty and CFR). These two jokers are BOTH funded by Goldman Sachs and other banks. Neither has a clue as to how to stimulate the economy because they are so far removed from the streets and the struggles facing the everyday families that just want honest decent work at a wage that can afford them a decent lifestyle.
Americans don't want to hear the truth that the good old glory days of our grandfathers is OVER and that from here on out we WILL have to cinch our belts a little tighter and live WITHIN our means... this will happen regardless of if we want it to or not, because sooner or later the American petro-dollar WILL COLLAPSE which WILL lead to HYPERINFLATION and a devalued currency that won't buy jack shit... it's just monopoly money, folks...
So I'm not here to tell you how to vote tomorrow. I would only encourage you to remember this small notion. If you like the way things are going, you like having your rights stripped away and you WANT to be forced to get the RFID chip under Obamacare... by all means keep voting for the millionaire politicians and see where that gets you... there is no secret well of "I'm gonna get mine from the gov't" because they can only rob Peter to pay Paul... and soon they won't even be able to do that because there is NOTHING but the faith of the American consumer... and if YOU don't keep buying into THEIR system... it fails. IT CAN BE BETTER. But you ARE NOT going to get better or any REAL change (except moving closer and closer to a fascist kleptocratic dictatorship) from the JACKASS or the GRAND OLD ELEPHANT.
This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse. Be careful who you vote for. There ARE other candidates besides Obama and Romney...

American Conservatism

Once we recognize that Libertarianism is essentially neo-feudalism, and that it is now the dominant conservative philosophy of the Republica...