Monday, November 5, 2012


Tomorrow is election day and it is the proverbial bad vs. worse, basically a turd sandwich vs. a giant douche. If the last 4 years have taught the American people NOTHING, it SHOULD HAVE been to NOT trust corporate bought politicians that have ZERO ALLEGIANCE to the American people. It seems to me that not enough of us have learned the necessary lessons, so yet AGAIN we are doomed to repeat this same cycle of politics as usual, which ultimately boils down to the people at the bottom constantly being fucked over for the opulence and avarice of the few, already wealthy individuals, leaving the majority of the burden on the dwindling middle class.

I thought that with the occupy movement that real progress was being made in the right direction and I even bought into the jargon of Obama in 2008 with the idea of "change" that has turned out to be the ultimate disappointment. I never wanted it to be about re-structuring the wealth, per se, although I DO think that wealthy should pay MORE TAXES and whatnot than those with less income. The change I was hoping for was that of equality, job creation, and ending the wars on everything from "terrorism" (which our gov't funds BOTH sides of), the war on drugs (which our gov't funds BOTH sides of... see Fast and Furious scandal), down to the equal rights of women and homosexuals. Never before in the history of this nation have we so much responsibility and yet have failed so monumentally. We have the opportunity for drastic change, but there is so much fear of changing the status quo, that no one will actually do it, so instead we would rather just keep on like nothing is wrong patching the holes on the Titanic with duct tape and bailing wire. Trying to get out the recession by printing more money and bailing out banks and large corporations completely backfired and now our children's children will be riddled with this imaginary debt owed to globalist bankers with NO END IN SIGHT. But rather than face the real issues it seems we are a nation divided squabbling over petty issues as if it were as simple as Republican vs. Democrat. BOTH of the major political parties support and hold up the top of the pyramid: large multi-national corporations, the petro-chemical industrial war machine, big PHARMA, and the banking "elite" JEWS from Israel (who own the FEDERAL RESERVE), rather than "WE THE PEOPLE...".
The truth is that both Obama and Romney are the SAME. They both support more wars, indefinite detention of American citizens, globalist agendas (like the UN small arms treaty and CFR). These two jokers are BOTH funded by Goldman Sachs and other banks. Neither has a clue as to how to stimulate the economy because they are so far removed from the streets and the struggles facing the everyday families that just want honest decent work at a wage that can afford them a decent lifestyle.
Americans don't want to hear the truth that the good old glory days of our grandfathers is OVER and that from here on out we WILL have to cinch our belts a little tighter and live WITHIN our means... this will happen regardless of if we want it to or not, because sooner or later the American petro-dollar WILL COLLAPSE which WILL lead to HYPERINFLATION and a devalued currency that won't buy jack shit... it's just monopoly money, folks...
So I'm not here to tell you how to vote tomorrow. I would only encourage you to remember this small notion. If you like the way things are going, you like having your rights stripped away and you WANT to be forced to get the RFID chip under Obamacare... by all means keep voting for the millionaire politicians and see where that gets you... there is no secret well of "I'm gonna get mine from the gov't" because they can only rob Peter to pay Paul... and soon they won't even be able to do that because there is NOTHING but the faith of the American consumer... and if YOU don't keep buying into THEIR system... it fails. IT CAN BE BETTER. But you ARE NOT going to get better or any REAL change (except moving closer and closer to a fascist kleptocratic dictatorship) from the JACKASS or the GRAND OLD ELEPHANT.
This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse. Be careful who you vote for. There ARE other candidates besides Obama and Romney...

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