Thursday, January 21, 2016

Presidential Politics

Welcome to the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. It's been a whole since I've written a new blog, so thanks for joining me, my friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers.

If you look at the news today, I'm sure it's riddled with political ideology and articles about the current candidates for the November election for President of the United States  (POTUS). Here's a few things you NEED to know...

1) Nearly all of the candidates for this election are career politicians.
2) All of the candidates, Democrats or Republicans, have been bought and paid for by the SAME corporations and no longer represent the will of the average American.
3) All of the candidates are millionaires and are out of touch with the needs of the middle class and poor who they (the career politicians) all swore an oath to serve and protect.
4) You may think with a two party system that voting is fair, but it is NOT. No matter who you cast your ballot for, the corporate military industrial complex that REALLY runs the country WINS, while the people and the planet LOSE, cause no matter who wins, the next day is business as usual. This is why we keep losing as a nation... a Democrat is in office, he fucks up the country, so we vote in a Republican, he fucks up the country, so we vote another Democrat and the cycle goes on and on and on. They win, we lose.
5) NONE of the candidates have the testicular fortitude to stand up against the global corporations, corrupt leadership, and banking cartels like the Federal Reserve, IMF, or world bank let alone England's monarchy or the United Nations (U.N.)

Really when it comes down to it good candidates and representatives are difficult to find. It is easy to be swayed to the dark side because in America money is king. I'm sure it's justified because it's just one vote here or there they got paid off for, BUT, the cumulative effect of hundreds of corrupt politicians repeatedly acting in the best interest of corporations, special interest groups, and PAC's (political action committees) instead of "We the people", the result is catastrophic. And here we are one again faced with the displeasing choice between "the lesser of two evils". Again, let's be honest it's probably going to be Trump and Clinton in the final two.
Trump comes off as a misogynistic racist that will get us as a nation into World War 3, except it will probably be the world against US with him running his mouth and pissing the world off.
Clinton doesn't really seem like a great candidate either. A lot of people think she was running the country when Bill was president, but I'm not convinced she's a real leader when she has all the characteristics of a puppet politician. I'm sure she would love to represent her special interest groups like the CFR and U.N. agendas. I am POSITIVE that if she is elected it will be the same agenda as we have now under the leadership of Obama.

Things could be worse, for sure, but they could also be better. A good way to do that would be to have MORE than just two bad choices that the elite have chosen to represent THEM before us. There are other political parties than just Democrat and Republican and there are good people out there that would love to genuinely HELP the nation and it's citizens within. I don't think, however, that anyone besides the two major political parties gets a fair chance. With the media owned by the elite, they really only broadcast and write about the candidates THEY want to enforce THEIR agendas.

Also, something to think about when researching a candidate to vote for is...
What are the REAL issues you as a citizen SHOULD be concerned with?
1) Is your candidate part of the globalist agenda that desires wars for profit and biased laws that support for profit incarceration of non violent offenders like marijuana?
2) Is your candidate going to support the interests of the citizens or the corporations that slip money into his/her back pocket?
3) What is your candidate going to do about the Federal Reserve and the continued interest rate hikes and devaluation of the dollar? Is your candidate in favor of auditing the Fed and forcing them to have accountability for trillions of dollars of mismanaged money?
4) What is your candidate going to do about getting us off this toxic petroleum and fossil fuel based economy and into renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydro?
5) What is your candidate going to do about companies that poison rivers, destroy forests, and generally fuck up our planet with pollution of industrial wastes?
6) Is your candidate going to be a force of POSITIVE change? Or is it going to be the same old bullshit?
7) Is your candidate going to be for or against the legalization of marijuana, hemp, and the plethora of products that can be made by a highly versatile plant?
8) What is your candidates views on HEALTH care (as opposed to the horrid SICK care we have now that profits off the suffering and illness of people who often cannot afford proper medical treatment when there ARE cures available, just NOT here in the US) which includes preventative medicine, holistic approaches to illness, and weaning the public off of the pharmaceutical pills that cause more deaths than ALL OTHER ILLEGAL DRUGS COMBINED!?!
9) What is your candidate going to do about the war on drugs? Are we going to take responsibility as a culture of sex, drugs, and violence to help our fellow men and women by treating this issue with empathy, medical treatment, and compassion? Or are we just going to turn another generation of young people into tomorrow's prison planet by wrongfully incarcerating non violent minor offenders?
10) Last, what is your candidate going to do about our welfare society? Are we going to find jobs for people? Are we going to we going to embrace our citizens and keep jobs here instead of shipping therm over to China, Korea, and other Asian countries?

There is a lot to think about for sure, but I urge you to vote for the BEST candidate. Please don't just vote along party lines or because your religion endorses a particular candidate or because your family or someone else told you so. Don't believe most of what you hear on t.v. as the network has it's own biases and the candidates have their own agenda that usually changes based upon the audience they are taking to. I'm sure you have to talk to New Yorkers differently than someone from Texas or California...
Do some research and you might find that a green party candidate fits more with a better direction for our nation. I for one do NOT want the USA to be another third world nation as peasants to the elite globalist agendas.

American Conservatism

Once we recognize that Libertarianism is essentially neo-feudalism, and that it is now the dominant conservative philosophy of the Republica...