Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What IS "Money"???

Namaste and thank you for joining me once again. How have you been? Fantastic.
Today I want to talk about money. Everyone THINKS they know what IT is, but do they really? Do you really? Follow me, Alice, as we journey down this rabbit hole once again to Wonderland.

When most people think about money, they think about large stacks of freshly printed dollar bills, green and with a particular smell like no other. Many people fantasize about rolling around in large piles of money they would hypothetically spend on fancy cars, homes, jewelry, televisions, and a lot of avarice.
I don't personally believe that most people actually understand what money is, let alone of where it comes from, or what it means symbolically. I intend to inform my reading audience of my opinions about this topic. First, however I want to go back a bit in time to when there was no money, only barter. Barter is the trade of goods and services outright, without money.
Hold on, rewind...
Let's actually start by defining a textbook definition of money:
"A current medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes; coins and banknotes collectively"

Did that definition confuse anyone? It sure has me confused because in truth, there is more "money" in computer files, approximately 90% that is NOT printed into paper currency, which is only about 10% of the total "money". How then can money be made solely of coins and banknotes? Furthermore, American money was once held by a GOLD STANDARD that meant that every paper dollar in a person's pocket was equal to a certain portion of gold held by the federal government in vaults like Fort Knox. This is no longer the case. Our dollars were once worth something SOLID, backed by gold. NOW, this fiat currency is backed only by blackmail and threat of impending war.

Sorry to digress there, but I wanted to set up for the next part.
So barter didn't work out for early people because there was no set standard for pricing. One person may charge significantly higher than another for the exact same good or service. Coins made from, but not limited to, metals such as copper, silver, bronze, iron, and gold were the first forms of what we consider modern "money", although there were cultures that traded seashells and other trinkets as money as well.
Coins eventually evolved into paper currency as we have in modern times.
Now we have set the stage here, I'm going to blow your mind...
MONEY IS NOT REAL!!! Yep, I said it and I'll say it again... MONEY IS NOT REAL!!!

Mind = blown

I sense some confusion in my reading audience. The little pieces of fabric/paper in your wallet/purse are of no more value than the Monopoly money in your little game box on the shelf of your closet. The ONLY thing giving it ANY value at all is the fact that YOU, and millions of other people, think that it has value. Now me, as a writer, if you've read any of my past blogs you will know that I don't believe in the value of inanimate objects. My belief is that human beings, primarily, have the most VALUE because we have the innate ability to create something from virtually nothing, unlike other creatures of the animal kingdom.
Moving on, I want to keep talking about this idea of VALUE, because when you are thinking about "money", you aught to be thinking about what it is worth TO YOU. Some people have an over-inflated value for this paper currency. The love of money is the root of all evil, YES, but I challenge you to try to live without it. Like many other things in life, I believe that if you can UNDERSTAND something than it is less to be feared by the unknowing masses. People don't fear things they understand, only the things they don't.

Now, to get deeply technical even our own government doesn't own or control the money system, but rather a cabal of international bankers really own the money. With control of the monetary system also comes control of nations, their resources, and their citizens. Sad but true. Money, if we want to be technical is a monetary payment to a person that has been deemed to be of what VALUE an hour of your labor is worth. This may be difficult for some to accept, but if you make around minimum wage, slightly above, or even less... you and the job you contribute to society at large has been deemed to be LESS THAN VALUABLE and your services rendered gets you only the BASIC lowest imaginable "minimum wage". Let's be honest again and just state for the record that "minimum wage" is only a SLAVE WAGE that keeps you going back to shitty jobs to keep the grind of life going as you are forced to barely SURVIVE, rather than truly LIVE your life. Also, please think about this: those individuals who "own" all the "money" have deemed that entertainers, athletes, politicians, lobbyists, Wall-Street crooks, among others are more VALUABLE to society than the teachers, military and other uniformed service men and women, firemen, cops, blue collar workers, etc. THINK ABOUT THAT!!!
For all those nostalgic people who are holding onto fantasy notions of a government cares about YOU as a citizen just because you live in their geographical borders... It should let you know what they think of you when they pay themselves and entertainers more than YOU and I, those who hold up the backbone of society. So when the president get's up on the podium and talks about a fair minimum wage, he KNOWS that in doing so it will cause inflation because they system will NOT let go of it's own profit margins; too many hands in the cookie jar and a system that has been set up INTENTIONALLY to keep the real wealth in the hands of the few.

Lastly I want to talk about the current system of money in American circulation. I'm not going to waste time talking about the Federal Reserve, fiat currency, global currency reserve, etc (I've talked about them extensively in past blogs). Bringing this discourse back in full circle, money is the collective efforts of the working portion of the population in any given society. When a society consumes MORE than it produces, like in the United States, we have massive deficits. When a society consumes LESS than it produces then they have a surplus of money and resources.
Focusing on this nation, the U.S., in which I live, I can see that people don't have a basic clue about economics. It's really simple. The government doesn't have any money. They can only rob one group of people to pay another. For all those on food stamps, unemployment, social security, medicare, WIC, disability, etc... That money didn't just grow on a tree. Now I am aware that our own tax dollars have gone into pay for these systems and it is unfair for people not to get what they paid for... HOWEVER, the TRUTH is that our reckless, irresponsible, selfish government/leaders has wasted away all the money on foreign aid, endless wars, building up an arsenal of bombs, bullets, and bullshit that has eroded away the foundation of our nation. We are like 17 TRILLION dollars in debt to these bankers who are sitting pretty like fat cats while the world rots away. When there is no reserve of funds, there is NOTHING to pay back the citizens who were promised these benefits from their hard work and contribution towards society. Not only has the money and value of human life and labor been stolen away, but it is past the point where only the labor of many generations to come will ever fix the problems that were never designed to be fixable. All this debt to centralized bankers, while people still believe in money and NOT VALUE, will suffice to enslave the entire human populace... and still we just trudge along through the mud and filth, undervalued and underappreciated as key components to this society where mediocrity has become glorified as the norm and true excellence is squashed or exploited until it is no more. A greedy, self-centered society focused on "money" over all else is doomed for failure, especially when the citizens don't even understand that without OUR collective labors, the "rich, elite" wouldn't have anything either.
So the choice that each and every one of us has is right before our eyes. Do we keep yearning in our labors to amass wealth for those above us, toiling for their gain? OR do we labor in our own efforts for self betterment, love, and lasting virtues like helping others, being good decent people, and healing the deep wounds of this planet we ALL inhabit: rich and poor alike.
Be wise with your money and where you spend it. Like my previous blog stated "Every Dollar Is a Vote for Policy". If you want change, invest in something REAL like an education, starting your own business, or maybe immigration to another country if this one is too far gone for you. Just do SOMETHING of VALUE. Think and be rich beyond the limitations of a fiat monetary system.
This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Ritualistic Media

Namaste and thank you for joining me today. I've been online chatting with friends and family when I run into repeated stories of the 2014 Grammy Awards... Now as a reminder to my audience, I was once a loyal follower of television programming. That's exactly what it IS: PROGRAMMING. I did not see this show when it originally aired, nor did I feel like I really missed anything.
Katy Perry 2014 Grammy Awards Dark Horse Video 03 2014 01 26 Katy ...Alleged Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev believed in 'majestic ...
"Why then are you even bringing it up?" You might wonder...
Hmmm... how can I say this?
Fuck it. This is an adult blog and we still have some semblance of freedom of speech left. I'm sure I'm already on someone's watch list somewhere.
There are a couple of things I'm disturbed about here, and NO, it wasn't Katy Perry's Satanic Illuminati performance... Okay, maybe a little...
Being as the world has been connected through mass media such as radio, television, and the internet, it seems of little surprise that more people haven't figured out who the man behind the curtain is for the media. It should come as no surprise to see all these so called celebrities such as Lady Gaga, Kanye West, Madonna, Beyonce, Jay-Z, Katy Perry (who was quoted as having sold her soul to Satan after her music career in Gospel music failed), Three 6 mafia, and many more throwing up gang signs for their slave masters, the owners of all media, land, resource, government, true knowledge, etc.

Labels can be put on these things and deny will naturally follow by those who do not wish to see the truth, but the gloves are off and there is little doubt that those in REAL power are flaunting their rule of man. Obscure cult rituals that were once hidden away are now on main stage for the world to see their might and self proclaimed social and moral statuses. The ONLY reason these demonstrations are being made on t.v. is because the people who own the media are all part of the "elite" club made up of bankers, corporate CEO's, media moguls, politicians, and other eccentric billionaires. This club is small and the majority of us AREN'T IN IT. 
jay z illuminati chain , , grammys becausejun , . That they work with ...Colecao Novidades Equipe Videos Arte Musica EventosMore Beyonce Illuminati symbolism- 2013 Grammys | IlluminatiWatcher
For me that's okay. I'm still disturbed about the fervent demeanor of those sheeple who flock to, enjoy, and celebrate their own enslavement. Am I surprised? Not really. There are so many people deeply entrenched in the Matrix of lies and illusion. The world is a stage, is it not? Aren't we but merely the actors in a play that has been orchestrated by a conductor we cannot see, the face behind the curtain; the REAL wizard of Oz.
As a reader you don't have to believe in what I am saying here now. You don't have to believe that these people are part of a secret cult that is quite literally HELL BENT on enslaving all of mankind in economic bondage. Slavery works so much better for the so called "elite" when their slaves THINK they are free.
What do you think, my readers?
Please read more of my other posts, I have a lot of good information about what's going on right now. Do not consent to let others control your mind. THINK. Until that becomes a crime too. Are you awake? Or are you distracted by the lie that is the media?
This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Morality Police Part 3

Namaste and welcome. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to join me. I'm not going to fuck around and waste your time. I just want to present my opinions and hopefully some of my readers will agree with me. Feel free to become a follower of the blog and leave feedback.

I find it very ironic that the exact SAME institution of government that is the military industrial petrochemical machine that it is; fully committed to mass genocide in the name of wars (including the war on drugs) that were based on lies and false flag terror attacks. Oh, and the poison they spray in the air in the form of chemtrails, the fluoridation of water, toxic "vaccines" filled with mercury and other soft metals, etc...
This same government also wants to be the morality police, in every literal sense. Our first amendment in the Constitution is the freedom of speech and of the press. That's the first one. NOW there are zones where free speech is not allowed. The NSA, DHS, CIA, FBI, and a whole other slew of alphabet agencies spy on you constantly reading your texts and e-mails, listening to your phone calls, watching you from surveillance cameras, looking at you through your cell phone, laptop, and X-Box cameras... and so on and so forth...
This same government now wants to take away your gun rights. They've already taken away your rights against illegal search and seizure thanks to the NDAA, EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN is a suspect for potential "terrorism". They are eager and ready to send you to camp FEMA for re-patriotization.
The TSA pat-downs and body image scanners at the airport haven't stopped anything. We keep having violence. Maybe people are upset that a country founded on principles of liberty, justice, and freedom is now so far removed. I would venture to say that the majority of people are against tyrannical government that is ever-growing larger and larger, at the expense of the people it was designed to protect. With no working system of checks and balances, other than for show like the WWE, it is nothing short of a dictatorship that the president flaunts his ability to write executive orders that are unconstitutional and are not supported by the majority.
It pains me to see how for many disenfranchised people government has become almost a religion in and of itself. I saw a viral video on YouTube where a black boy was praying at night, not to God or Jesus, but to Obama... no shit...
It has been ingrained into people since around World War 1 that the government is "all knowing and all good" and it has been a smear campaign for anyone who openly goes against the establishment's misguided status quo, which has no interest in benefiting the mass population, but rather their own selfish interests like globalization and redistribution of wealth, not down to the people, but into their own fat pockets. Otherwise good upstanding citizens are afraid of what this nation has become, prisoners in the 4 walls of their homes praying that they'll just be left alone and big brother won't take away anything else with the endless taxes and unrelenting corporatized government greed.
But now in times of struggle for the average citizen, many are looking up to the government for money, food, housing, jobs, etc. This is causing the government to expand, because there are more and more people to care for. Unfortunately, all too many citizens, and non-citizens are not producing anything for society, but only draining the system. I do believe in charity and I think that people should take care of one another. HOWEVER, I don't believe that people should live forever with the advances of modern science. I also don't believe that most acts of charity do very much to benefit the person in the long run. I think that in a lot of circumstances that I've seen, unfortunately, the receiver of the benefits turns into a ward of the state. Several generations deep have the welfare mindset and could, with encouragement become productive members of society once again. Part of the main problem with American society is most of the citizens are lonely islands at the end of the day. We've all become so distracted and distant from one another, often out of fear and social programming. We've forgotten our past as a human species. Those who know the truth aren't spreading the message. We have no past and are therefore blind to our own future, which will probably end in demise at the rate we are currently going, destroying our beloved home, Earth.
I think most of my readers would follow me in the natural progression of logic to believe that the people who lobby and influence politics from behind the scenes (the REAL shadow government) are the same people that control the press and mass media; therefore the freedom of speech that surrounds it. These are not the people to entrust the future of our country with.

I guess my point in all of this is that as a human species we need to stop being so judgemental of one another. I believe if we had a common goal, such as space exploration, or even exploration of our own oceans, SOMETHING that could unify the people together, then we would solve a lot of our societal problems. The biggest hurdle is the thought that big brother gives two shits about you; people need to help themselves out a little. Helping in the community and being closer to your neighbors and friends and family. Make connections. So many people are just waiting for inspiration or someone to tell them what to do. We are lost, but with a little faith in one another this journey can be found. Being on the path IS the path. Sometimes it's just so simple that we fail to see it or recognize the signs. The answer to our problems doesn't lay in the hands of the people who continue to create the problems, but rather in our own minds... it always has been there, but people have been taught through social constructs to look outward for answers rather than inward. Outward looking leads to traits like materialism, vanity, pride, greed, envy, sloth... you see where I'm going here? Introspection leads to a better understanding of humanity, the universe, and a respect for other forms of life than just humans, as well as SELF-ESTEEM which can ONLY come from WITHIN.
You don't have to create a cure for illness or save the rain forest to make a difference. Just start small with acts of random kindness, share your dreams and life with others: who you REALLY are, not just the public face. Be the inspiration you want to see in others. Like I said, so many are just waiting for a sign of inspiration. Let it be you who inspires others. I hope that this has been informative and perhaps even changed someones thoughts on the topic. Many blessings and peace be with you all, my friends, family, loved ones, and fellow knowledge seekers. This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.

Saturday, January 18, 2014


Namaste. Thank you for joining me today; I hope your day is going well wherever you happen to be. Let's jump right down the rabbit hole today to discuss the topic of America's caste system. Bear in mind these are only my own personal opinions. I welcome the opinions of others if you wish to join as a fan of this page or to just leave comments at the bottom. This IS an ADULT BLOG, so please bear that in mind. If you are a sheeple, please go read someone else's blogs.

Where to start... seems like a big issue. Shit seems to roll down hill, so let's just start this discourse at the top of the list with:

This is where all the real wealth is: modern aristocracy like corporate executives, international bankers, and "nobility" like queens and other royals. This upper crust is made up of the 13 primary families and their offshoots that I have talked about in other blogs with names like Rothschild, Dupont, Rockafeller, etc. They are the owners of all the gold, gemstones, precious metals, land, resources, transportation, and media, et. al. They start ALL the wars (including the war on drugs, which they run and launder money, guns, etc. for) and finance BOTH sides so they will always come out winners and the bottom 90+% get NOTHING but dead loved ones and immeasurable, insurmountable DEBT designed solely to keep them in economic slavery.
Education, proper health care, and land ownership are nearly exclusive to this class.
Also remember that even though it is spread through the media THEY own, these wealthy people are NOT Jews, Christians, Muslims, or any other man-made religion that they purport onto the poor, huddled masses. LOOK UP "BOHEMIAN GROVE"...

Next we have what I call the REPRESENTATIVE CLASS
This group of posers are first hand lap dogs to their slave masters, the so-called "elite": Puppet-politicians, lobbyists,  fake "celebrities", entertainers, athletes, and religious leaders.
Those in this group are used directly by the upper class to show the lower classes the unrealistic ideals of those on top of this pyramid scam. It is NEVER a realistic goal for someone from the lower classes to become "rich". This leads many of whom the rich call "peasants" to lead constantly unhappy lives, always reaching up toward acting like the slave masters. Happy people don't need to buy endless streams of material possessions OR emulate the parasites above: unhappy people DO. Why do you think the media is so negative and seldom shows the many acts of kindness and love? Those radical ideas don't sell corporate agendas of keeping the "peasants" unhappy so they will keep buying and consuming endless amounts of crap.

White collar workers, unions, doctors, low level bankers, Wall Street thieves, etc. This group idolizes the representative class, pays the MAJORITY of the taxes, and they live in resentment and near constant fear of becoming part of the poor class.

Simply put it's just the military, police, alphabet spy agencies, etc. Poor or middle class people that are hired by the representative class to keep the status quo as set by the upper class.

Mostly filled with blue collar workers. At this level there is LOTS of debt, low wages, living beyond means, always in fear of poverty keeps them going to shitty jobs where the benefits keep getting cut. This group is also rather large (but not for long, the rich keep trying to eradicate the middle class so there is only rich vs. poor). Much of the societal burden is placed here with increased costs of fees, licensing, taxes, certifications, college, debt, etc.

Lastly we have the POOR, LOWER, SLAVE CLASS
The poor are filled with the disabled, homeless, minorities, jobless, farmers, unskilled workers, former lower "middle class" members, illegal aliens, societal outcasts, mentally ill, and slaves to the corporate agenda. They are often under-educated, forced to do horrible jobs for horrible wages, receive poor or no health care, own no lands, pay little to no taxes, and are kept around to strike fear into the "middle classes". On the East coast many of the larger cities are in the practice of removing the "undesirables" from their communities and shipping them off to FEMA camps so the upper class doesn't have to get their hands dirty or see the toll of their selfish, greedy lifestyles. The poor are the first to get pushed into the enforcement class to go off and fight wars and DIE for the rich slave masters. They are also often seen at government offices waiting in long lines, applying for state-sanctioned "benefits".

If you hadn't figured out that this is a pyramid scam by now then you must be blind. I know that ignorance is bliss and all, but it's only blissful for the ignorant, those who choose to turn a blind eye to the reality of the world around them. WAKE UP!!! The world is collapsing around us and everyone is worried about who's going to the Super Bowl or who is on American Idol. Snap out of it, PLEASE. If you are awakened, please help awaken others. This is unnatural, immoral, and wrong on so many levels, yet there are still so many SHEEPLE that won't or can't see the truth around them. Just one random act of kindness toward a stranger per day, per person would IMMEDIATELY make the world a better place. We don't have to have a revolution or civil war or world war to incite the REAL CHANGE that is so desperately needed to heal our broken homes, our broken streets, and our broken "society".

This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. Honesty.

American Conservatism

Once we recognize that Libertarianism is essentially neo-feudalism, and that it is now the dominant conservative philosophy of the Republica...