Friday, April 6, 2012


It's FRIDAY!! Welcome ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages... for dozen people or so that will read this blog and the MILLIONS online looking for something groovy to read... let's get ready to STUMBLE!!
So I'm a goof ball... those that know me seem to like me pretty good. This is the Quiet Mouse. It's Friday, you aint got no job, you ain't got shit to do... so you're gonna toke it up and play Wii.

Now I'm sure if you are a follower of my ongoing blog, you will know that I have talked about how potheads are basically the CORNERSTONE of today's American society. Today I am going to further elaborate on this idea for your reading pleasure.
I'm sure that no one can deny the powerful force behind the cannabis movement. It has allowed medical use of this wonderful plant to patients in severe need or pain/anxiety relief. It is natural for non-stoners to look down their noses upon cannabis conoseurs, usually while the judgmental person is usually a cigarette smoker and/or alcoholic. The real problem with being judgmental is that people look past the obvious truths of the cannabis culture. Let me present you with some examples.
See above. The video game genre is pretty much supported by teenagers, young adults, and adult cannabis smokers. The same can be said about the fast food industry, snack food industry, and pretty much any other industry that caters to the above mentioned crowd.
Now I am going to say again this: society needs to STOP harassing potheads and otherwise normal tax paying citizens and go after the REAL problem drugs like COCAINE and HEROINE, ALCOHOL and TOBACCO... the ones that actually really DO KILL PEOPLE!!
Without cannabis smokers, there would be no one to work in the fast food industry (even with the Mexicans... most of them smoke pot, drink, and do coke anyway too).
Back to the subject at hand: video games... "Normal" "adults" generally DON'T play them... but then again "normal" is just a setting on the washing machine. And most people that consider themselves adults are anything but... So why is it such a bad thing to play video games? Well, it really isn't... but like EVERYTHING ELSE, it is only acceptable in moderate amounts. When it's time to have sex with the girlfriend... then it's time to put the Wii'd and the Nintendo down and go get some pussy. I know, I know... ladies don't like video games because their retarded boyfriends prefer the virtual reality of gaming over the REALITY of getting some super-head. I believe there is some middle ground and the severe dorks just need to find it.
Wii'd and video games generally go hand in hand because let's be honest... sometimes these video games are kinda lame and boring... BUT... they become super exciting when you are stoned. For example... when the Japanese came up with the idea of Super Mario, they honestly laughed and thought that NO ONE would play it. I mean who would have thought that an Italian plumber who looks Mexican, is made by the Japanese, runs like a black man and grabs coins like a Jew would EVER be popular especially because he eats magic mushrooms and feels like Super-man. If not for Wii'd this would NEVER have become one of the MOST POPULAR and beloved video game franchises in the history of gaming. In contrast, war games like Call of Duty and Halo are made for tweakers and adrenaline junkies. People that smoke cannabis are generally more peaceful and closer likened to their hippy forefathers from the 1960's, playing more classic games like RPG's and older consoles back from Atari, Nintendo, Super Nintendo, PS1, PS2, etc. with a whole variety of games intently made for cannabis smoking gamers.
Besides, for all the video gamers out there NOT ALL are just horny, hairy palmed dudes with carpal tunnel. Gaming has actually branched out to reach a broader audience now than it had at its inception. Now young women are becoming gamers and giving the geeks a run for their money. So the truth is that a little bit of Wii'd and video games could make you a chick magnet (it would have to be a special girl, of course). So to end this blog, just remember to moderate your time between the Wii'd, the gaming world, and the outside world that is FULL of women. Also, it's FRIDAY, so toke it up and play some Mario, Zelda, Uncharted, or whatever. And since it is Friday... put the console down this afternoon, take a shower, and go out and get some PUSSY!! To all my geeks out there, holler if you hear me!! This has been the Quiet Mouse once again. I'll leave you with some hot picks of video game chicks!!
Peace. Love. Truth. Acceptance. Empathy. Wii'd. Moderation.

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