Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spring FEVER!

Namaste and welcome back friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers to another edition of the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. I'm gonna keep this short today, so let's jump in with two feet and get started. As all of you who live in the Northern hemisphere of the planet Earth know, spring is FINALLY here!!

Living in the Pacific Northwest, we have been eagerly anticipating this coming of spring in a major way. For those who don't know, this is one of the rainiest parts of the nation and approximately 6 months or more of the year it is pretty much cold, overcast, and rainy... So when we get to Spring, EVERYONE up here has a major case of cabin fever from being stuck inside all winter... and we don't really even get that much snow here... you have to drive at least 30 minutes towards the Cascade mountain range to get any snow during the winter months.
I suppose what I'm trying to say is that it is ironic to me, being more recently from Texas, as to how the locals act up here in Oregon and Washington. The locals, having been so used to the weather actually think that 1 sunny day of quasi-warm weather above 60 degrees is some sort of heat wave. I personally am hoping that the April showers will bring May flowers. Having moved up here from Texas which is obviously in the South, I got spoiled by the heat there. Granted I do NOT miss some of the summer months there with 30 days of 100+ degree weather that could cook an egg on all the concrete, but I would be more than happy to settle on a compromise.
SPRING... I missed you. I missed your warmth. I missed the color of the flowers and trees. I missed being able to go outside in t-shirts and sometimes shorts (it still doesn't get THAT warm until summer here). I miss bar-b-q's and picnics. I miss road trips.
As for the winter... aint gonna miss you much, even though you'll creep back around the corner sooner than we want you to. I'm NOT gonna miss the cold, dark, rainy days. I don't even mind the rain so much if it were warm rain... but NO... living in the NW, it is generally cold.
Bring on the flowers! Bring back the trees! Bring out the color and the animals... except bugs of course... let them stay OUTSIDE please!
MOST IMPORTANT: Hurry up Spring, cause we want SUMMER!! I would really love to go to the beach, but it's just NOT warm enough for me YET!
What do you like to do during the Spring? Play sports? Go hiking? Anything that get's you out of the house?
Let me know the best thing that YOU like to do with spring! Get out! Have fun! Get in shape to wear your swimsuits! Go to the beach! Did I mention to have FUN!?!
But for now, here's some of MY favorite things about the weather warming up. This has been the Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Warmth. Respect.
 Haha... got you guys there... you thought you were gonna see half-naked women!! lol...

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