Namaste and welcome my friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers to the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. I briefly want to talk about a social concern/ pet peeve.
I'm not sure if it's just the area I live in. More likely it effects people all over the country, however, I'm having difficulty feeling sorry for some of the individuals who I see out panhandling and begging for money. I'm not a complete douche. I empathize and understand that people go through tough times. Sometimes it's difficult to find a job or to get a leg up... the economy is shitty and jobs just aren't there the way they once were, probably never will be.
The problem I personally am having is finding empathy for those individuals who claim to be homeless and in need and yet they can "afford" to smoke cigarettes.
I need to be really clear about this. If facing a situation where I would be homeless and begging for someone else's money, I would first cut out the excess spending like pets and smoking cigarettes that are unaffordable when you don't have two nickels to rub together. If you can afford those things, then you DON'T NEED TO BE BEGGING FOR SOMEONE ELSE'S MONEY. PERIOD.
What's really sad is the ever-growing number of people I see out on nearly every corner of every major intersection begging, often with pets and smoking cigarettes. I don't want to be insensitive or mean, so I apologize if my opinion came off that way. I just think priorities should be set like having a job, clean clothes, and a home. If those things cannot be afforded, then neither can frivolous spending on things like cigarettes.
Thank you for your time. Be safe. Help those in need of you are blessed. Share those blessings. But choose wisely where you give out your dollars. Are you helping someone truly in need, or are you just feeding an addiction?
Peace. Love. Respect
I'm not sure if it's just the area I live in. More likely it effects people all over the country, however, I'm having difficulty feeling sorry for some of the individuals who I see out panhandling and begging for money. I'm not a complete douche. I empathize and understand that people go through tough times. Sometimes it's difficult to find a job or to get a leg up... the economy is shitty and jobs just aren't there the way they once were, probably never will be.
The problem I personally am having is finding empathy for those individuals who claim to be homeless and in need and yet they can "afford" to smoke cigarettes.
I need to be really clear about this. If facing a situation where I would be homeless and begging for someone else's money, I would first cut out the excess spending like pets and smoking cigarettes that are unaffordable when you don't have two nickels to rub together. If you can afford those things, then you DON'T NEED TO BE BEGGING FOR SOMEONE ELSE'S MONEY. PERIOD.
What's really sad is the ever-growing number of people I see out on nearly every corner of every major intersection begging, often with pets and smoking cigarettes. I don't want to be insensitive or mean, so I apologize if my opinion came off that way. I just think priorities should be set like having a job, clean clothes, and a home. If those things cannot be afforded, then neither can frivolous spending on things like cigarettes.
Thank you for your time. Be safe. Help those in need of you are blessed. Share those blessings. But choose wisely where you give out your dollars. Are you helping someone truly in need, or are you just feeding an addiction?
Peace. Love. Respect
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