Monday, May 13, 2013

Bad At Being Good or Good At Being Bad?

Namaste and thanks again for joining me. This blog is for friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers. I'm just gonna jump right into a short(ish) topic that I've been pondering recently.

Reading the above title to the blog, I wonder if we, as human beings are bad at being good or just good at being bad... It dawned on me recently how much fear we live under as humans. This led me to the ultimate conclusion that maybe being "good" is only a product of the fear many of us live under. It is this fear of consequences, retribution, getting caught, in trouble, or even as far as "going to hell" that keeps the masses in line with the rules and laws of society (or at least the laws of the human plantation owners).
I've blogged about fear in the past and I don't want to go over and re-hash a bunch of info again. That being said, is it indeed the ONLY reason people behave with any scope of moral compass, this fear? Do we have to be told that certain things are wrong, or like most parts of this subjective life, are we forced to make mistakes in order to learn?
Who then is the moral compass? The church? Religion is really good at making people fearful, especially those who quote the oxymoron of being "God-fearing Christians". They claim to be holy and yet we frequently hear about pedophile priests molesting little boys while touting a book that claims to have the answers for EVERYTHING, despite the fact that it is confusing, hypocritical, and the Christian God has killed more people than his nemesis Satan... all this after creating us humans purposefully imperfect yet judging us negatively and sending us to hell for our imperfections... right? Who else then? The STATE? Yet another institution that is pretty full of shit. Government is only interested in one thing... keeping the continuity of government alive. Not interested in things like human rights, feeding the poor, healthcare, or any of those other crazy ideas that might be Christ-like. How about then the media? This circus of athletes, entertainers, and snake oil salesmen are here to lie to you, steal your money and freedom of independent thought, and brainwash the masses into submission... hell turn on the tv and you see people actually cheering for their captors, like a global mass Stockholm syndrome, innocents fighting and dying for a not-so-just cause, defending those who seek to oppress them.
Who then in this tumultuous world do people turn to for answers about what is moral and just? In truth, we as individuals must make this decision for ourselves, within the confines of the laws that the criminal mafia governments make FOR US. WITHOUT violence.
"Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are too busy living our fears." Les Brown

Well, that's about all I have to say about that for the moment. Thanks for joining me for my discourse of thought. This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. Thought.

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