Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Go To The Doctor

Namaste and welcome back. Today I want to talk to my readers about health care... or sometimes the lack thereof... I blogged about this once before on Mr. Luther King Jr. day, but feel the need to expound and draw new inspiration from others, so let's jump in and get started.
It is shameful and tragic that people have to make decisions between their health and the cost of going to seek medical attention from a doctor or hospital... and NO, I'm NOT talking about Dr. Pepper, Dr. Phil, or Dr. Dre... but sometimes Dr. Mom.

The main basic point I am going to make today is that it is NOT worth the RISK to your personal well being to stay at home with a malady if you NEED to go to the doctor. I will list several potential reasons for why a person might just need to seek medical attention:
1)  If you have something funny growing on your crotch after a suspected bedroom terrorist has left you with an STD... it is MUCH BETTER to seek treatment than to ignore and HOPE that this irritation during urination will go away on its own... IT WON'T!!!
2) If you have a large abscess or tumor visibly growing on your body and it looks angry, pus filled, swollen, and/or infected... go to the doctor please. I've personally been out in public and seen these disgusting individuals with goiters, puss pockets, and abscessed pimply looking white heads the size of a fist... makes me want to VOMIT... gross.
3) MOREOVER... if you have ANY visible PUS, whether under or ON the skin... YOU NEED ANTIBIOTICS!!! Going to the doctor is generally considered much better than spreading your diseases and infections with others... GET SOME HELP!
4) If you are having ANY UN-EXPLAINABLE whether your pussy, back, arms, legs, neck, or head hurts... quit your bitching, smoke a joint, OR go to the doctor and seek out PROFESSIONAL TREATMENT. It may be a rare condition like fibromyalgia OR you might just be fucking BROKEN, like a torn muscle or hyper-extended joint, you know?

So to conclude: NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR YOUR WHINING AND BITCHING ABOUT THE SAME PROBLEM YOU HAVE HAD FOR MONTHS. Chronic issues CAN be dealt with and you DON'T  necessarily have to suffer. I am NOT trying to turn you into a hypochondriac or a pill popper... those are the people that go to the doctor TOO MUCH and ARE generally seeking pills like oxy's and vicodin's... hey I know a few people that do that... just whine enough until they get what they want... then that fucks it up for everyone else who ISN'T abusing their prescriptions and they CAN'T get the medicine they NEED because of those dumb-asses who abuse the system... grrrrrrr...
Ladies and gentlemen, this has been the one and ONLY Quiet Mouse. Take care of your body, mind, and soul. A little exercise might keep you away from the doctor. Keep it in your pants and away from the STD givers. An apple a day... as well as some other fruits and vegetables like bananas, strawberries, spinach, broccoli, and other greens will keep you away from the doctor's office as well. Oh, and ANOTHER thing... for all you pussies who hate getting shots... GET A FAT STRAW AND SUCK IT UP!!! It is FAR BETTER to get one or two little pussy shots in the arm or a little blood drawn than to keep being sick. You have been a whiny bitch for far too long if you are an adult and are afraid of needles. GROW THE FUCK UP AND STOP BEING A LITTLE BITCH!!

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