Saturday, January 7, 2012

What IF??

Hello and welcome back my friends and fellow knowledge seekers. I generally try NOT to consume my thoughts with the "what if's" in life because there are SO MANY as we live in a world of infinite possibilities in a finite space. More often I try to concentrate on what IS instead... however for this short blog I wanted to ponder a question... or maybe it's more of a statement... you decide.

Okay, so here it goes, my personal theory. It's pretty common knowledge that there are powerful people seeking to create a New World Order a.k.a. One World Government... and it's generally pretty agreed that these powerful people want their NWO to be one of oppression and dictatorship with them at the top and the general population as poor working class slaves at the bottom... but here is a novel idea...
What if the government and the mega-elite rich people just told the truth about what they want; their goals for world domination? I'm serious! I truly believe that the majority of people, American's especially, would be willing to accept a certain lifestyle and go along with it if they still were able to keep certain luxuries.
Think of it like this please...

NWO comes on t.v. with a mass message: "Ladies and gentlemen this is the New World Order, starting now we're taking over and we're gonna have a one world government."
People in response: "Do we get to keep our internet?"
NWO: "Yes"
People: "Do we get to keep our cell phones?"
NWO: "Yes"
People: "Do we get to keep our cars? Jobs? Television?"
NWO: "Yes. Yes. Yes. All you have to do is what we tell you and we will 'protect' you from the 'bad' people."

Does any of this sound familiar?
"Holy SHIT Quiet Mouse!" I can hear the peanut gallery.
This is pretty much the fate of this nation because THIS is what Americans are concerned with... trading trivial things and freedoms for a FALSE SENSE OF SECURITY.

Ladies and gentlemen this has been the ONE and ONLY Quiet Mouse. WAKE UP!! This matrix of lies and illusions has YOU sucked in. Open your eyes and see the TRUTH, that you are a slave and a liability to the globalist agenda. I don't know about YOU or ANYONE ELSE but I want THIS COUNTRY BACK in the hands of the PEOPLE. I do NOT want a global dictatorship where genocide and eugenics are common practice. I just want the PEOPLE to try harder to make the world a better place WITHOUT senseless wars, violence, and criminal greed/theft from the hard working class that has turned the entire world into a toxic waste dump and a third-world country. But you keep on watching the idiot propaganda box and playing on your cell phones while THEY rape and pillage the Earth for every ounce of resource, INCLUDING HUMAN LABOR.
NWO now brought to you by MONSANTO, HALLIBURTON, and WAL-MART.

Peace. Love. TRUTH. Respect. Compassion. Hope.

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