Monday, January 16, 2012

Dumb Ass Drivers

So today it snowed up here in the Pacific Northwest and the dumb ass drivers were out in full force. I realize that today is a holiday and I have mucho respect for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and seek in no way to take away from his day, however...
For those such as myself who are transplants to this area, it is really difficult to believe the idiocy of the drivers here. Now it may be just my imagination, but it really does seem like the worst drivers come out on days like today, or even on the days that it is raining, otherwise "normal" people turn into bumbling idiots... like they never have seen a day of rain in their lives. HELLO!! We live in the Pacific NW people!! IT RAINS ALL THE TIME NUMB NUTS!! Well, that's what I WANT to yell out of my window at my fellow drivers, but I try as I might to retain my calm demeanor since they cannot hear me and obviously do NOT know how to drive. This leads me to the obvious question of how this person got his/her drivers' license?? 
Don't expect an answer from me... I have no clue...
Besides that little tidbit of irritation for today, I pretty much have nothing else productive to say besides that sometimes I feel like I'm the only sane person in the world sometimes which is funny for obvious reasons for anyone who would actually take the time to get to know me... hahahahahahahahahaha!!
Well for now keep on keeping on. Keep your head up and drive safe... well as much as you can with the other dumb-asses on the road. This has been the Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. Truth. Defensive Driving.

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