Thursday, January 5, 2012

Only the GOOD Die Young/ 1000 ways to live

Aloha and welcome back friends and fellow knowledge seekers. I am your blog host, the one and only Quiet Mouse. Today I would like to talk about how it seems that only the good die young. Billy Joel sang about this in a classic 80's song, but I would like to elaborate on it more for my readers.
Over my lifetime and even before there has been many people who died at too young of an age. I grew up in a Christian family so I know about the pains of life and death and I'm have changed my paradigm over the years to this... DYING IS REALLY EASY... LIVING IS EXTREMELY DIFFICULT. Perhaps some of my readers have seen the t.v. show on Spike called 1000 ways to die? This is perhaps true, albeit kinda gory, however, why can't we have a t.v. show called 1000 ways to live? There are millions if not billions of people on this planet that merely exist, but yet do not truly LIVE their lives. They live like zombies, alive, but dumbed down living on borrowed time with no purpose, no ambition, awaiting their time to die... but why???
Well, the truth is that I cannot speak to the motivation of anyone else but my own, but I have devised a theory to this.
What if... and I know this is a big what if, but... What if those people, the good that die young were actually SAVED from what would otherwise be a life of suffering? In the Judeo-Christian point of view and generally the basic view of any major religion or world philosophy, the purpose of life is to become part of the spirit world and return to God, the creator of all life in the universe. Perhaps they were ready to be done with this world and move on with the next? There are countless theories to the life after death question... too many to count and too many to list here in this blog. So for now I am going to list some of the people that died too young... NOT so we can feel sorry for them and mourn them, but rather so that we can celebrate the life the person DID have and that they are closer to the creator than we are... bravo zulu for them!!
Heath Ledger
Michael Jackson
Marilyn Monroe
Jimi Hendrix
River Phoenix
Bruce Lee
Jim Morrison
Elvis Presley 
Kurt Cobain
Princess Diana
John Lennon
James Dean
Tupac Shakur
Buddy Holly
Janis Joplin
Bob Marley
Martin Luther King Jr.
John Belushi
Jesus Christ
John F. Kennedy
Steve Irwin
Freddie Mercury
Steve McQueen
Phil Hartman
Chris Farley
... and many many others who were highly talented, gifted even that did NOT deserve to die while many that deserve to die continue to live. It is NOT my place or intention to be judge over my fellow men and women.
That being said I would like to make one last statement from my own personal beliefs. Perception is everything and how I see the world may not necessarily be the same way you, the neighbor, or a complete stranger sees and perceives the EXACT same world. I believe that the good that die young have gone to a better place BECAUSE they are good people and that perhaps the reason why the world is left filled with the NOT-SO-GOOD people is because from a perceptual standpoint the exact same situation, environment, life is one person's hell and another's heaven just like one man's trash is another's treasure.
As I said before all I want is for people to stop mourning and celebrate the joys of the life we do have, because this life IS short... so make the best of it and have fun rather than fighting, arguing, and worrying about what ISN'T or WHAT IF...
This has been the Quiet Mouse. Do your bucket list TODAY rather than waiting for the end when you are old, feeble, and/or dead and are unable to actually LIVE the short, blessed life you have TODAY... a gift, which is why it is called the PRESENT!!
Peace. Love. Respect. Harmony. Truth. 

1 comment:

  1. Very profound, most of I never know what we have til its gone...or we're too old to enjoy it!!


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