Saturday, December 29, 2012

Post Holiday Thoughts

Welcome back once again to the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. If you haven't joined me in a while, please read back some of my near 200 blogs, feel free to post comments or share the links with others. Thank you. I'm gonna keep this one short and sweet, so let's go jump right in... Call me a Scrooge if you want, but I think the holidays are kinda lame now that I'm an adult rather than a simple minded child.

Moving on, I'm gonna make this pretty quick and say simply:
I personally DON'T believe that the true spirit of Christmas or the holidays, in general, is one of greed, selfishness, and gluttony. It SHOULD be about FAMILY, TOGETHERNESS, and LOVE. BUT... since we DO live in a society of materialism, why can't people just be happy that they got SOMETHING, rather than NOTHING. I don't know what alternate universe that these whiny, bitchy BRATS think they are in, but HERE in this one, 1 of anything is ALWAYS better than 0, zip, zilch, nada, or nothing. Christmas is NOT a time to be hateful and angry because you didn't get some selfish stupid piece of material SHIT!!
I don't care what you wanted... shit in one hand and want in the other... see which one fills up first. FUCK YOU if you didn't get what you wanted... neither did I. You're bitching and complaining about what you didn't get, well, I was raised in a family that didn't really participate in holidays, like ANY of them. I got ONE present from my fiancee for Christmas and I am damn happy to get that one thing, because I KNOW it came with love.
All the greedy, selfish toads out there that are complaining cause they didn't get enough presents or money that they have been COVETING OVER missed the point and can EAT A DICK... after all it IS better to give than receive.
This brings me on to my next topic...

I think part of the reason the holidays suck as an adult is because I see so much materialism flaunted, and it has become a contest of who buys the better presents gets the most love and attention. This is both stupid and lame because the problem is really started by parents who lie to their children. THERE IS NO SANTA CLAUS!!! Parents NEED to tell their unappreciative children the TRUTH, heaven forbid, that THEY worked their ASSES OFF to buy all the x-box's, play stations, Wii U, Ipod/phones, toys, gift cards, ETC... NOT SOME FAT ASS, SWEAT SHOP RUNNING CREEP WHO ALLEGEDLY LIVES AT THE NORTH POLE, STALKING CHILDREN LIKE A PEDOPHILE PRIEST FROM THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH.

So, despite what you may think, I had a good holiday. I cooked dinner with love for my family, spent quality time hanging out and doing family things... the way I think it should be... I'm not telling others what to do or what to think or how to act... all I'm saying is that it IS okay to be a little LESS selfish and materialistic around the holidays and actually be THANKFUL and feel blessed for what you DO get rather than the constant whining about what you DIDN'T get. Tell your kids the truth that YOU bought the presents. Let's END this whole Santa Claus bullshit once and for all. I don't understand why people WANT to lie and live in this false reality of bullshit, greed, and materialism by keeping this Santa Claus MYTH going. REALLY?!?
Well, whatever, this is the one and ONLY Quiet Mouse. Let's make NEXT YEAR one more positive and about what is REALLY important... blow jobs! No just kidding... FAMILY, TOGETHERNESS, AND LOVE IS WHAT'S REALLY IMPORTANT, NOT SANTA, GREED, MATERIALISM, OR SELFISHNESS. Work hard, play hard, and enjoy your family. Life is too short for elaborate lies and deceptions. Tell your family you love them EVERY DAY. There are 364 days a year BESIDES CHRISTMAS... how about we be better ALL of those days and NOT JUST ONE that has been pimped out to sell you shit you don't need to impress people you don't like... and people want to give some IMAGINARY FICTIONAL CHARACTER all the credit?!? Bah humbug.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Boredom, Loneliness, and Desperation

To whomever may be reading this, welcome to another edition of the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back, a blog about pretty much whatever is on my mind... If you're reading this, I might just be talking about something which you may or may not be able to relate to. So without any further ado, lets jump right in and explore this topic.

Ladies and gentlemen, no matter what age will understand what it is like to feel the anguish of boredom. Many of our life woes come from the pursuit of something as simple as trying to find interesting ways to fill in the gap left from being alone, bored, and desperate for attention. The problem comes in in HOW we try to fill that perceived loss of intimate interpersonal relationships.
Before I go too far, I want to digress for a moment and ask you to think about that time when you are so worried about WHAT ISN'T, rather than WHAT IS. When you eventually get to where you are supposed to be, wouldn't it have been better to spend that alone time working on the SELF? If we are really looking so desperately for a new relationship (or pining over a relationship that ISN'T really working...) wouldn't it be better to be the BEST version of YOURSELF as possible?!? Cause really the truth is that, despite what many think, you're NEVER done learning and growing throughout life... not until you are flat-lined and brain-dead. In lieu of what I wrote above in parenthesis, I would like to also mention the fact that life is SHORT. That being said, are you really so desperate for attention that you would stay in a horrible relationship that is so unhealthy and stressful??? Now you may say something like this: "But I have so much time invested in this relationship..." ( Or something lame like that.)
In which I reply... ARE YOU FUCKING MENTAL?!?
Your fear of loneliness is holding you back from the real possibility of actually being happy.

At times we have ALL done things that we regret in the heat of a moment that weren't really in our best interests. But boredom, as we learn from time to time ISN'T reality, but is based upon a negative perception of time that could be better spent. I have seen a lot lately, especially in young women, how desperate for attention can be so detrimental to an otherwise healthy and happy person. Young women are often so desperate for attention that they act like complete whores, believing somehow that fucking is equal to an emotional reaction of significance. I have stated before and I will say it again, if you act like and treat yourself like a whore, that's the exact reaction you will receive in return, which only perpetuates the loneliness, boredom, and further desperation. It is really sad, especially since there are quite literally BILLIONS of people on the planet... but isn't it really in our human nature to seek after the things we cannot have? If we were more open and honest with  ourselves first and foremost, it might be easier to have healthier and more positive interpersonal relationships with other adults.
Childhood, as we all know is not without it's own set of woes. Faced with 18 years of boredom it's a wonder how so many people have turned into fucked up adults. Life is difficult, which is why I find it ironic how many people are WILLINGLY putting themselves through misery. Being alone does NOT mean that you have to be lonely. YES, the physical interaction with another human being is AWESOME! However, if we are to truly call ourselves enlightened creatures, greater than the others in the animal kingdom, then don't we have to ACTUALLY think and behave on a higher level than just dog eat dog?
I can think of LOTS of great ways to alleviate boredom. First and foremost is to VOLUNTEER. If you've got time to sit around and feel sorry for yourself, you also have time to get a HOBBY, a job, or ANYTHING! Join a sports team, read and educate yourself, get a gym membership, or pay it forward to others with good deeds. The BETTER you make YOUR LIFE, the more positive energy you will attract to yourself and others (especially the other gender) will naturally WANT to be around you. This positive energy is opposite of the negativity of being depressed by the boredom and loneliness.

This is YOUR LIFE!! Get excited and go out and LIVE IT!! Don't let silliness get in the way of your happiness. Trivialities that get people so worked up are exactly that: TRIVIALITIES, plain and simple. What are you going to spend the time of your life on? Negative? or Positive? Life happens around us all the time, but some things we DO have a choice about. My star is rising... how bout you join me on the way UP? NOTHING is going to keep ME down...
This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. Honesty. Patience.

Saturday, November 17, 2012


When did we get here to this? What has become of foregone concepts and ideas? Namaste and welcome my friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers to the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to allow me to share a message, however brief, so let's jump right in.

It doesn't seem to matter to most Americans that the money well is drying up from corruption, greed, endless wars on everything from drugs to women and on to "terrorism". How can we end these things when we are PART OF THE CAUSE of these things, as a nation. Yes, on one hand there is the individual element of responsibility that is being abused by some, but the real root of the problem lies on a societal level.

Society is made up of millions of individuals, each with their own personalities, problems, and ambitions. It is this collective mindset, however, of always looking out for #1, this greed and selfishness that has led us to this point of no return in America. People KNOW deep down that the selfish efforts of the few are bleeding out the hard work of the majority. This can be said accurately for bankers, corporations, politicians, and illegal immigrants who latch onto the system with anchor babies that are welfare wards of the state FOR LIFE. There are multiple generations now who know no other life than to live off of food stamps, unemployment, welfare, WIC, HUD, and any other number of government assistance programs that were meant to be a temporary solution, not an alternative lifestyle... but what are the other options? What do people do when there are just TOO MANY OF US (mainly due to over-fucking by stupid and poor people who cannot feed or take care of their many children, often with multiple partners) and there aren't any more jobs being produced? Jobs are being lost EVERY SINGLE DAY because of unfair tax laws on small businesses, computers replacing the work of hundreds if not thousands, and the all too familiar OUTSOURCING to foreign lands where the indigenous can be exploited for pennies on the dollar for what it would have taken to pay a hard working American employee. Just saying...
So instead of actually CREATING jobs and new opportunities, the "wealth" of a nation is being hoarded in the hands of a small few leaving the masses to scramble and often hold a hand out to those looking down on us from above in their ivory towers, thinking they are better than the rest of us... BUT THEY ARE NOT.
NO ONE, not even the rich and famous, down to the poorest of the poor is actually entitled to ANYTHING AT ALL. The Constitution only guarantees us LIFE, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. Life may be guaranteed, but it says NOTHING about how that lifestyle should be. We are NOT all going to be millionaires. Our liberties are being actively sought after by the ruling global elite, we no longer have freedom of speech, we're basically guilty until proven innocent, and with un-Constitutional laws like the Patriot Act and the NDAA, you can be stripped of rights, citizenship, indefinitely detained without formal charges, tortured, and even murdered on foreign soil like Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (which by the way, Obama said in 2008 he was going to shut down but is still open). All that is left is the pursuit of happiness. The ironic thing about happiness is that Americans have been deluded over many generations to believe that happiness can only come from "ownership" of THINGS, MATERIAL POSSESSIONS.

This idea of "OWNERSHIP" leads me to the second half of this blog. Take a moment, please, and indulge me with a thought I would like you to ponder... what in your life do you ACTUALLY OWN?!? Take your time and think about it, I will be right here when you return

Got it? Shibby! So what did you figure out? Your house and land? NOPE. The military-petrochemical-industrial-war machine-government has this little thing called IMMINENT DOMAIN where they can legally take away your land and possessions. ALSO, the gov't FORCES you to pay ILLEGAL TAXES (THEFT) to keep your home and your land, but it really isn't yours... it belongs to UNCLE SAM!!! And they CAN and DO take it away from you if you don't buy into their illegal pyramid scam.
How about your car? NOPE. Same as above, if you don't pay more fees and illegal taxes, your car will be impounded and taken away from you until you pay their RANSOM.
I could keep going, but I believe you probably get the point I am making that THINGS can be taken away. What many don't have, sadly, are things that CANNOT ever be taken away such as UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, EMPATHY, RESPECT, DIGNITY, HONOR, COURAGE, et al.
The ONLY thing that we own is our own personal body, this shell for our soul, the human machine. And yet so many people are freely willing to give that away too. In fact, I will go one step further and tell you honestly that most of the things you and I THINK are real... well, they're really just all in our heads. Like the idea of money. People think these little neat green pieces of interwoven fabrics we like to call money are so real, but have you actually looked at the money? It isn't really worth anything except for what YOU believe it is, consumer confidence. We trade around all these little IOU's and think that they are WORTH SOMETHING, but they are not. HUMAN LIFE HAS VALUE, but yet many do not see this and only covet those little green bills and the THINGS they can "buy" with them. It is easy to say that money does not and cannot buy happiness... just look at my past blog "Only the good die young" and you will see so many "celebrities" and well-loved people that money just didn't make them happy, but actually quite the opposite as many of them were isolated, alone, and fearful of those seeking to exploit them for their money.
We wage all these wars and send our children to die in foreign lands but hold a hand out to the very SAME GOV'T that is fucking us over and holding us down. We hear the anthem and the Pavlovian response of ethnocentrism and American pride swells, forgetting the obviousness of the truth. It is a sad state of the world when we murder one another so freely over shiny metals, pieces of paper, and "precious" stones... and then we THINK we own a little piece of the fat cat's hustle... NOPE. The REALITY is that if you are in the bottom >90% - 99%... YOU DON'T OWN JACK SHIT!!!
I know that many people voted for Obama based on the ideas of entitlement and change... but I fear that the only change we are going to get is further away from the dreams of our founding fathers, and closer to a world government owned by the banking clans like the IMF, FED, and the Rothschild's, among others.
A wise man once told me the true definition of character is summarized in one easy question...
"If your home was on fire and all you could take with you is what you could carry in two hands... what would you grab?"
Good people will grab (besides their children) pets, family photos or heirlooms, precious memories...
Corrupt people, often the same ones with the greed and entitlement feelings will grab possessions and things of selfish interest like their jewelry, TV or PlayStation first and foremost...

I'm not trying to bum you out or make you feel bad. I just want to open people's eyes to see that WE have value more than the petty possessions we think we own. If we could only look past our own selfish interests of what we think we are owed just by our mere existence... well the world would start to look like a better place. Life is difficult to say the least. We are owed NOTHING, and for the few things we do get, we have to work our asses off. This will never change. But don't stress out too much along this journey of life... you'll never get out alive. Enjoy it while you can with respect for yourself and others, empathy, unconditional love, and dignity... there are a LOT of things that just AREN'T WORTH their fake ass monopoly money they call FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES. This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse. Aloha.

Monday, November 5, 2012


Tomorrow is election day and it is the proverbial bad vs. worse, basically a turd sandwich vs. a giant douche. If the last 4 years have taught the American people NOTHING, it SHOULD HAVE been to NOT trust corporate bought politicians that have ZERO ALLEGIANCE to the American people. It seems to me that not enough of us have learned the necessary lessons, so yet AGAIN we are doomed to repeat this same cycle of politics as usual, which ultimately boils down to the people at the bottom constantly being fucked over for the opulence and avarice of the few, already wealthy individuals, leaving the majority of the burden on the dwindling middle class.

I thought that with the occupy movement that real progress was being made in the right direction and I even bought into the jargon of Obama in 2008 with the idea of "change" that has turned out to be the ultimate disappointment. I never wanted it to be about re-structuring the wealth, per se, although I DO think that wealthy should pay MORE TAXES and whatnot than those with less income. The change I was hoping for was that of equality, job creation, and ending the wars on everything from "terrorism" (which our gov't funds BOTH sides of), the war on drugs (which our gov't funds BOTH sides of... see Fast and Furious scandal), down to the equal rights of women and homosexuals. Never before in the history of this nation have we so much responsibility and yet have failed so monumentally. We have the opportunity for drastic change, but there is so much fear of changing the status quo, that no one will actually do it, so instead we would rather just keep on like nothing is wrong patching the holes on the Titanic with duct tape and bailing wire. Trying to get out the recession by printing more money and bailing out banks and large corporations completely backfired and now our children's children will be riddled with this imaginary debt owed to globalist bankers with NO END IN SIGHT. But rather than face the real issues it seems we are a nation divided squabbling over petty issues as if it were as simple as Republican vs. Democrat. BOTH of the major political parties support and hold up the top of the pyramid: large multi-national corporations, the petro-chemical industrial war machine, big PHARMA, and the banking "elite" JEWS from Israel (who own the FEDERAL RESERVE), rather than "WE THE PEOPLE...".
The truth is that both Obama and Romney are the SAME. They both support more wars, indefinite detention of American citizens, globalist agendas (like the UN small arms treaty and CFR). These two jokers are BOTH funded by Goldman Sachs and other banks. Neither has a clue as to how to stimulate the economy because they are so far removed from the streets and the struggles facing the everyday families that just want honest decent work at a wage that can afford them a decent lifestyle.
Americans don't want to hear the truth that the good old glory days of our grandfathers is OVER and that from here on out we WILL have to cinch our belts a little tighter and live WITHIN our means... this will happen regardless of if we want it to or not, because sooner or later the American petro-dollar WILL COLLAPSE which WILL lead to HYPERINFLATION and a devalued currency that won't buy jack shit... it's just monopoly money, folks...
So I'm not here to tell you how to vote tomorrow. I would only encourage you to remember this small notion. If you like the way things are going, you like having your rights stripped away and you WANT to be forced to get the RFID chip under Obamacare... by all means keep voting for the millionaire politicians and see where that gets you... there is no secret well of "I'm gonna get mine from the gov't" because they can only rob Peter to pay Paul... and soon they won't even be able to do that because there is NOTHING but the faith of the American consumer... and if YOU don't keep buying into THEIR system... it fails. IT CAN BE BETTER. But you ARE NOT going to get better or any REAL change (except moving closer and closer to a fascist kleptocratic dictatorship) from the JACKASS or the GRAND OLD ELEPHANT.
This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse. Be careful who you vote for. There ARE other candidates besides Obama and Romney...

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Thanks for joining me on this Tuesday evening, my family, friends, and fellow knowledge seekers. Today I wanted to post a funny blog about lesbians. Ladies, if you are reading this, there is no reason to be upset... I LIKE LICKING PUSSY TOO :)

So there are indeed some that girls that are born lesbian, just like there are some men that are born homos, however this blog is in particular about lesbians, or at least MY opinions about them, in a general way, of course, with no prejudice.
Some are born that way, however other women make a conscious decision to abstain from the cock. This is a crying shame for the males of our species when we lose one to the other team, but I can also see the woman's side of the issue since there are a LOT of dudes out there that are tools and don't know how or don't have the equipment to take care of that pussy properly. Even more extreme I recently made acquaintance to a vegetarian lesbian: a true VAGITARIAN. Of course, like EVERY dude I know that has seen this young woman wants to bang her, but alas, apparently she prefers the touch of a woman ( Y )... do lesbians that chose to be with another woman MISS the cock?!? Maybe that's why they use the strap-on cocks?
I suppose it's an open-ended discussion since I didn't really think out an ending to the blog, lol.

I hope that I didn't offend anyone... I LOVE WOMEN... it's just a conflicting sort of emotion how lesbians are so hot, but yet it's so sad because they have given up, anemic of the VITAMIN "D"... sometimes a little bit of Dicken's Cider is needed to reduce the swelling of the nether-regions. In any case, this is the one and only Quiet Mouse. Be good to your lover... EAT HER PUSSY and do it right so she won't go get a woman to do it for her... THAT'S YOUR JOB, BRO!!!

Monday, October 22, 2012


Namaste and welcome to another edition of the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. If this is your first time joining me for my discourses, I would highly encourage you going back a little and reading some of my past blogs as this has been going on for 2 years now with nearly 200 topic posts. Thanks for your time, buckle your seat belts, strap in, sit down, and enjoy the ride.

Today I want to talk about the concept of equality. It seems so trivial to some and yet so crucial of a topic for others. I am here to tell you as a man of spirituality and faith that I believe EVERYONE to be equal regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, race, political affiliation, wealth (or lack of), or any of the other senseless things we are so divisive about. I have mentioned this idea several times before, but I feel the need to repeat the message because it is too important to ignore. Despite where you come from or any of the issues mentioned above, you are a HUMAN BEING FIRST AND FOREMOST on this planet. We might not WANT to admit it, but I have never met a single person on this planet that isn't born inside his/her mother's womb. I have never met a single person on this planet that doesn't bleed red blood. I've never met anyone who was immortal, super-human, or extra-terrestrial. There may be E.T.'s out there in the universe, but that is for another blog, for now I am focusing on those of us humans who CURRENTLY OCCUPY Earth.
It starts NOW and it starts with YOU. YOU are the one who decides where the lines are drawn. YOU decide if you are going to exercise thoughts of prejudice, bigotry, or hatred... OR... YOU must decide that if we ARE indeed all equal, then that means EVERYONE, including the Muslims, homosexuals, women, disabled, elderly, etc. It also means those individuals that were once put up upon a pedestal need to be brought down a peg or two.
These supposed CELEBRITIES are NO BETTER THAN YOU OR I!!! Who gives a shit about their political opinions? Who cares what they think in general? The same goes for professional athletes, politicians, and those blood sucking parasites running the banks like the FED, IMF, Goldman Sachs', JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, etc.

Even if it is human nature to find dividing lines, we surely have our priorities fucked up when we pay part-time entertainers and athletes MORE than we pay our teachers, firemen, police, military, and other essential cornerstone of society jobs. If we ARE going to find dividing lines, why can't we re-focus and seek for true equality by giving to those who give and sacrifice the most... the most!!
But the false idolization of these NORMAL people is absurd and quite frankly I believe it to be the root of much of the self-esteem problems with youth these days. NOT EVERY YOUNG WOMAN IS GOING TO BE A SIZE 0 AND LOOK LIKE A VICTORIA'S SECRET MODEL. NOT EVERY YOUNG MAN IS GOING TO LOOK LIKE A CALVIN KLEIN MODEL. We set our selves up for failure and a life of envy, feelings of inferiority, and lifelong depression... but there are entire generations of young people who do not know of these foreign concepts of equality, unity, family, etc. because they have been brainwashed and are so ingrained into the Matrix of lies and distractions... we have forgotten the very essence of what makes us human.
The same thing can be said about our foreign wars, or really war on ANYTHING for that matter, for whenever you declare war on something, you have already taken away the perception of equality, for the "enemy" is seen as being sub-human and therefore poses no remorse for annihilation.
War is a rich man's game and there has never been a bad peace. Somehow... somehow we have to find a way to change our paradigm and look PAST the trivial differences and realize we all have commonality. We are ALL trying to get by and take care of our selves and our loved ones. EVERYONE seeks companionship, love, and respect. We are only guaranteed life, liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness by the Constitution... if there is even any thing such left since we have given up rights for fear and a zionist Nazi policed state, always in fear of the invisible boogey-man... which is YOU, the free thinker... rational thought is the enemy of the totalitarian police state where we are NOT equal in the eyes of those with money and power. EQUALITY IS ABOUT LOVING UNCONDITIONALLY, LIVING EACH MOMENT TO THE FULLEST, AND GIVING BACK... It's the GOLDEN RULE of "Treat others the way YOU want to be treated".
I'm not stretching to believe that EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY READERS RIGHT NOW DESERVES LOVE AND RESPECT!!! And I KNOW that each and every one of you does NOT want to feel the ugliness of discrimination. If we are indeed equal then we have to stand up for ourselves and say "NO!" once in a while. We must shout "...I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take this! I'm a human being GOD DAMN IT! My life has VALUE!" (quote from movie "Network")
But first you must get ANGRY. Change starts small, often with baby steps, but if we want REAL CHANGE in this world then it is up to US as individuals, because we CANNOT RELY ON the millionaire politicians in Washington D.C. to change us as individuals (that's why they fluoridate the water, don't ya know?).
Now, especially since we are upon time for the Presidential election, it is easy to get distracted and fight about topics of interest. The problem as I said at the beginning is that when we are fighting we are taking away the value of the other person's interests, belief system, and character. I highly doubt that there are too many people in this world that think EXACTLY ALIKE... it's not likely, so given the benefit of the  doubt, we don't HAVE TO agree or believe the opinions of others because opinions are like assholes, everyone's got one. Hell there will probably be people to read my opinions and think I'm nuts... sorry for you... I'm obviously not trying to reach you, thanks for your time anyway. That's it. I let it go because it's not worth the high blood pressure to try to change the beliefs of another person, that's like trying to find the needle in the haystack... I'm more likely to find Waldo first. It's up to YOU to figure out what YOU believe. Are you going to believe out of touch political rhetoric that doesn't even address their basic core beliefs? OR are you going to trust your own intuition and go with plan C and abort the system in favor of one of EQUALITY, PEACE, and RESPECT?
The system ISN'T BROKEN... IT WAS DESIGNED TO BE THIS WAY... The only thing broken is the fact that people go along with this nonsense as if this is the way it is supposed to be. WE CAN DO BETTER. This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse. Thanks for taking the time to join me on this journey today.
Peace. Love. Self-Respect. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Casualties of War

Namaste and welcome this Monday to another edition of the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. Today I would like to take a brief moment of your time to discuss the costs of war. So join me today, won't you Alice, as we journey down the rabbit hole, through the looking glass. No, this isn't a movie with Michael J. Fox and Sean Penn... no, my friends, this is the one and only Quiet Mouse.

What is the cost of war? Billions of dollars are printed from central banks to fund the military industrial war machine to be paid for by the hard working, non-war-seeking civilian populace. We've already discovered that war does not benefit the common folk, but only the already wealthy industrialists, bankers, and politicians/royalty. Then of course come the civilian casualties, some better than 90% of all war casualties are innocent non-combatant civilians, often women and children. This is the cost of the wars as we see it from the outside. But what of the cost as seen from the inside?
Soldiers and sailors alike have been given dozens of immunizations, often filled with poisons, diseases, live viruses, and mercury (thymerosol)... and even sometimes depleted uranium... yep, like the shit they put in atomic bombs!!! A life in the military is one of pure abuse at times as you are seen by the department of defense, the politicians, and the war-profiteers as nothing more than cannon fodder or at best a bullet catcher... meat for the grinder, basically. You have no identity, they attempt to strip your soul, morality, and dignity away from you to fit you into the cookie cutter mold of a hard core KILLER.
Occasionally people awaken from this nightmare and are punished for denying "lawful orders" to MURDER, sent down from above by a man in a 3 piece suit in some office who never has to get HIS hands dirty... the sacrifices ALWAYS coming from someone else's children who die for eugenics and so a nation can be stripped of it's sovereignty and resources. These things we know to be true.
But what of the untold costs, the ones that no one likes to talk about or think about??? My prime example is the ever-increasing rates of PTSD in returning service members AND the ever-increasing SUICIDE RATE in the armed forces.
"Wait there QM, did you just say ARMY suicide?"
Yep, sure did. It pains me to see this happening. There is a point for anyone where "just doing my job" doesn't cut it as an excuse any longer. I'm sure this is how the German's felt when Adolf Hitler was coming into power in Nazi socialist Germany (funded by powerful AMERICAN businessmen and bankers). So what IS a person who is in the employ of the ARMY or other branches of the service to do when given an order by a superior to MURDER innocent civilians? If you fail to comply with orders you might get a court martial or some other ridiculous punishment for not following orders. It has even been recorded and still happens where "friendly fire" kills that person. For those who do not know what "friendly fire" is... it is when OUR troops murder other troops and say "oops". Often it is intentional when this happens... I KNOW... I've heard stories straight from the horses' mouth...
So why would someone in the military want to kill his/her self? Well, stripping you of your personality and emotions can be difficult on anyone psychologically. Then teach that person to be a thoughtless follower of orders and a mindless KILLER... well that is one dangerous recipe. Often it is seen that these same service members with PTSD are often the ones going home after war and assaulting their wives or husbands and kids to boot. Sometimes they cannot turn their training off and murder their families, often shooting his/her self at the same time, probably from guilt and remorse.
All these people want to get up and talk about the troops... but what about the veterans? What about the families of soldiers who come back a different, psychologically damaged person? I am not trying to scare you or make you feel bad, so please understand that... all I am wanting people to do is to THINK about things other than the way you are taught to see them at government funded propaganda school. HUMAN LIFE HAS VALUE! NOT the silly things and material possessions what we so gravely covet... whether it is murder here on the streets of America by bully cops or in the streets of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Iran, etc... doesn't matter... HUMAN LIFE HAS VALUE NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE FROM!!! PERIOD!!! This will be the eternal struggle against tyranny and until people open their eyes and DEMAND CHANGE... nothing will ever get better. I have awoken. I DEMAND CHANGE! But I am just one person. Perhaps if YOU stood up as well then we would be MORE voices, then share the sentiment with others and there will be even MORE voices... and when we get LOUD ENOUGH... they will have NO CHOICE but to listen to the demands of "We the people..." for there are NO NATIONS, NO GOVERNMENTS, NO BANKS, and NO BUSINESSES THAT CAN EXIST WITHOUT US, THE COMMON PEOPLE. So when they tell you that you are weak, DON'T BELIEVE THEM. YOU ARE STRONGER THAN YOU KNOW, STRONGER THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE, SMARTER THAN YOU ACT OR BELIEVE YOURSELF TO BE... YOU ARE THE FUTURE. YOU ARE CHANGE. YOU ARE A BEING OF INFINITE LOVE... EMBRACE IT.
This has been the Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. Thought. Empathy. Action.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Ladies and gentlemen, this is the one and only Quiet Mouse. Today I want to briefly speak about the movie "Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins. Let's jump right in.

I was initially drawn to the idea of the movie, NOT THE BOOKS, due to the distopian society elements from a post second civil war era. I will even go as far as saying that the cast did the best they could with the material given.
This is where the compliments stop.
I must admit that the death obsession in this nation has gone TOO FAR. REALLY FAR. I do not know this woman Suzanne Collins, but I think ANYONE who writes stories about children MURDERING one another is quite frankly a SICK FUCK. Just the idea alone is pretty bad, but the Hollywood dramatization of children committing the most heinous of deeds is horrible. What's worse is how many young people are totally in love with this movie, like it was the most amazing move... but IT'S NOT!!! It is a sad and disgusting portrayal of just how sick and perverted people really are to actually be standing and cheering for a "winner" of a brutal, blood-drenched battle royal... and the blood being spilled in this movie is that of innocent children. So if you like this movie, I am sorry, but I did not. I think it is awful and I believe those that like it are twisted individuals who have a highly skewed view on their fellow humans. It is different to see an adult action star like Bruce Willis, Stalone, Schwarzenegger, or Jason Statham take out the "bad guys", but in the Hunger Games, the government and media are the bad guys... oh wait, that's kinda like it is right now. Oops, I think that Suzanne Collins just gave the power-hungry rich boys up in Washington some bad ideas. That's all the time else I'm gonna waste on this topic.
Verdict: BAD MOVIE. No redeemable qualities. Not something you should expose your children to.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

For the LOVE of BOOBS!

Namaste and welcome back to another special edition of the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. If you didn't know by now, I most certainly love boobs and well, I don't know about you, but they sure make me smile A LOT!
So join me today won't you as I once again explore all things wonderful that are boobs, and all the fun things you can do with them. I can see you now, kinda like a kid in a candy store, or feeling like it's Christmas and you're eagerly waiting to open up your present... wink wink... you know what I'm saying dudes?

So you're probably thinking something like... "Mouse, you've already said so much about those lovely breasts, what else could you possibly say?"
Well since you are out there in my audience and you have spent your quality time to read my blog, let's just jump right in. Bodies come in all shapes and sizes and the boobs attached are no different. They are all similar and alike in many ways, but they are like snowflakes, each unique and special. Last time we talked about the different shapes of boobs, now I want to talk about uses for boobs, other than ogling at like a drooling monkey... and sometimes that's okay too, fellas. I know many women have insecurities about their breasts because us men are genuinely obsessed. Sex is used to sell pretty much EVERYTHING these days and we are constantly inundated with images of those lovely melons... which obviously makes us highly aroused. What, do women think that we WANT to walk around with a hard on all the time? Please understand that I am in NO WAY saying to hide those boobies from men. Actually, I think that boobs aught to be shown MORE often.
So boobs are good for staring at. Check. Boobs are also good for fondling. It doesn't really matter how big they are if you're like a kid in just wanting to rip open the package and play with the toys. Bigger boobs are required for when you want to motorboat them or stick your sausage up in between... that doesn't work so well with little tatas, I'm afraid. Boobs are also great to suck on, lick, tease, and nibble (with her permission, of course, ALWAYS!!!). One of my favorite ways to do this is during sex when the woman is on top and the chesticles get to hang free right above my face... plus sometimes licking and sucking on them helps the woman get off in this position too.
So now you're thinking I'm at the end of the rope. You may be thinking... "But Mouse, what else are sweater kittens good for?"

For one, see above picture. I can attest first hand that they do make a good alarm clock. That and having your cock sucked, are both great ways to awaken in the morning making you feel fabulous!
Also, many know that boobs make GREAT pillows as they are soft and comfortable. You can be young or old and appreciate this added bonus feature... again, those with small breasts find this more difficult.
Another widely known use of boobs for centuries is using them as an aiming target for your cumshot... tramp stamp works fine too, but that's for another blog, lol. Some times women don't want to take a load in the mouth, tongue, throat, etc... and that is completely understandable, but she will likely take your massive load on the puppies. Buy baby wipes, she'll appreciate the easy clean-up of your jizm.
Other obvious uses for boobs are breast feeding infants, flotation devices in case of water landing, air bags in case of crash and a place to set your beer (butt crack works on some chicks with badonkadonks too). Cats seem to like sleeping on a nice rack too. There is a whole website dedicated to cats and racks, funny enough.
Boobs can and are used for a whole lot of advertising from cars to cheeseburgers, sports and beer, and a whole lot in between.

But the #1 use for boobs of all time is..... wait for it.... wait for it....

DISTRACTION. Boobs have been used innumerable times to take a guy in an instant from upset to calmed down as there is something magical about the twins pleasantly sitting on her chest in front of you. Doesn't matter what you were thinking, doing, or talking about, when a straight man sees boobs, his mind goes blank and all that he can think about in the world for a few moments is "BOOBIES!!!" And thus begins the ogling. OR, the distraction is used by women to get what they want from the man, since he wants boobs and pussy. I'd say it's a pretty fair trade. There's a reason God gave women the boobs and pussy, cause if we dudes had them... well, nothing would EVER get done in the world.

Well to all my boob lovers and perverts out there... I will leave you with some boob pics, as always. This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse. FOR THE LOVE OF BOOBIES!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Orange Juice

I'm taking a break from my normal style of blogging about politics, history, and spirituality to talk about my favorite drink, besides water, ORANGE JUICE. So join me won't you for this short blog? This is the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. Let's get going.

So as you have already guessed, I love OJ, and not the Simpson one that strangled his wife and got away with it. I love the crisp freshness and sweet bite of the first sip of a tall glass of orange juice. When you are sick it is the best for making your throat feel better with a rush of instant vitamin C. I remember growing up how my father loved orange juice as well. He would always have us make popcorn and a pitcher of OJ at the same time, then we would sit down on the couch and watch movies. I still love to do that same thing now that I have my own children. I guess I could say that OJ is comfort food for me, even though it is a drink. I even love eating oranges by themselves, but I have to be honest and say that I like drinking it better, overall, lol. My daughter loves it as well now, although my son not as much, he's more of a chocolate milk kind of kid, or apple juice.
Apples or oranges, different strokes for different folks. I like both, although I think the citrus flavor of OJ gives it a slight edge over apple juice. I even like other citrus fruits like lemon and lime... I happen to be a big fan of lemonade too. One of my favorite juice blends is pineapple orange, or maybe pineapple orange banana, even orange strawberry is good too. Hell, I just have to honestly say that if it has OJ in it, you can pretty much mix in whatever else and I'll probably like it. Mmmm... now this is making me want to make some homemade juice with my Jack LaLane Juicer.
Well that's all I have to say about that for now. Drink OJ for flavor and for your health!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Never Forget WTC Building 7!!

I don't claim to be an expert on many things. I am not a structural engineer. I am just a student of life and a patriot of my nation. I have served in the Navy. I did my time for country. That being said, as I always do, I want to question things, the way I have been taught, what I have been taught, and what is the truth. I figure it lies somewhere between what we are TOLD and the outrageous conspiracy theories... and that is NOT to say that all conspiracies are a theory either... it is only generally labeled as a conspiracy when it contradicts the "official version" of what we are told to believe.

No matter what you believe happened on the fateful day of September 11, 2001, we collectively as a nation suffered. This is OUR Pearl Harbor for the 21st century, a day that will live in infamy. If you were alive at this moment, I have NO DOUBT that you remember EXACTLY where you were on that Tuesday morning and felt the profound impact from planes colliding into the world trade center buildings 1 and 2.
Here's the problem... no plane hit building 7 and yet it managed to collapse in what looked to all who have seen it like a controlled demolition. I've seen the video a bunch of times, there's even the dipped in spot at the top of the building as the core columns were blown first. The order was given to "PULL" (or demolish) the building that formerly housed offices for the C.I.A., Secret Service, and a whole bunch of insurance companies and banks. Six and a half seconds for the building to fall. Sounds like a demolition to me.
Another kink in the official story is that jet fuel caused all this severe damage. Structural engineers from all sorts of fields have come out to say, first, that jet fuel burns BLACK, yet there were many signs of white smoke (caused by controlled explosives at high heat such as thermite) and liquid iron pouring from the building in inappropriate spots, neither could have been caused by jet fuel alone.
Second, there were many explosions heard from the base of the buildings prior to the top collapsing, because again, the central core columns had to be blown in order for a steel reinforced building to be brought down. Also explosions could be seen in lower layers of the tower exploding to cause the top of the buildings to collapse. It is said that the debris from this is what allegedly brought WTC building 7 down as well.
Third, WTC building 7 wasn't really that close to the 2 towers and there were many other buildings in the area that were hit with debris from the two towers closer than building 7 that did NOT COLLAPSE or even catch on fire, which is the "official" reason the government gave for the collapse of building 7.
Fourth, WTC 7 was a pretty tall skyscraper. The floors of all the WTC buildings were hermetically sealed to prevent fire from spreading to other parts of the buildings. All of the buildings were also equipped with sprinkler systems that should have put out the majority of the fires in the building, if not all... yet it was still "pulled". Why?

Well, EVERYONE remembers September 11th, but few people remember September 10th. On the 10th, then Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld came on television and said the the department of defense, namely the pentagon, had misappropriated 2.3 TRILLION DOLLARS, although I do not recall over what sort of time span that negligent waste had occurred. However, the next day and there forward NO ONE openly spoke of this again... until former governor Jesse Ventura called it our on his show Conspiracy Theory. Another thing to consider is why they STILL have the core structure beams (the ones that didn't melt) housed in an armed hanger at JFK airport in NYC. Again, structural engineers are almost unanimously saying demolition for not just building 7 (that one for SURE) but also for towers 1 and 2. Having studied the survivors as well as the first responders, it has been determined that some derivation of the chemical THERMITE was used as an explosive agent to bring the towers and building 7 down to a fine pile of rubble.
What is worse to me is how congress turned down the benefits to the survivors and first responders who are now gravely ill due to the inhalation of toxic hazardous thermite and dust debris from the collapsed buildings. The cruelty and nerve of those bastards to deny health coverage to those who gave so much.

It doesn't really matter that I think it was an inside job. It doesn't really matter all the evidence that points to a joint conspiracy that implies our "ally" Israel as well in the plot. It doesn't really matter that Osama bin Laden was once a CIA asset under the employ of the US government. It doesn't really matter that George Bush Sr, former president is a personal advisor to the bin Laden family and that family was heavily invested in George W. Bush's oil venture business in the state of Texas. It doesn't really matter that Secretary Donald Rumsfeld ordered the intercept fighter jets to stand down instead of attack the planes that were to crash into the WTC towers. It doesn't really matter that the planes flown into the towers were NOT really the airline planes, not even the same model or color to the ones we were told were hijacked. It doesn't really matter that a van full of Israelis was stopped on the bridge coming into NYC full of explosives. It doesn't really matter that after September 11th, we were unvoluntarily thrown into not 1 but 2 hostile foreign wars. It doesn't really matter that the incident was used to pass unConstitutional legislation like the Patriot Act, et. al. It doesn't really even matter that we will never know the truth like about 9/11, just like we will never know the truth about the CIA, JFK, RFK, and Lincoln assassinations. Now all that matters is this renewed government interest in "NATIONAL SECURITY", which is consequently more interested in the preservation and continuity of government than actual protection of "We the people...".
Unfortunately, the "terrorists" won. Now we are up to our ears in an invasive police state that continues to escalate power and influence to every possible angle. Unemployment is growing higher and higher as is dependence on the government for aid. We live in a nanny state that seeks to disarm and pacify the populace. So whether our own government had a hand in 9/11 or not (THEY DID!!!) doesn't really matter, for there are ever the opportunists like large corporations and banks that have cashed in with a windfall since that day. On this day, do not be overcome with the conspiracy theories or whether the gov't is fucking you over (THEY ARE!!!)... only be thankful for your own continued blessings of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Days like September 11th have taught us that life is fragile. Unlike the gov't, however, I am choosing to NOT let the terrorists win. I am thinking on this day of the people who valiantly sacrificed their time and lives to rescue the survivors of the WTC attack and continue to be thankful for our freedoms.
Don't believe the official story of what happened on 9/11. And damn it we have to preserve and persevere for we must hold strong and fight for our liberties, not on some distant shore, but here at home where there are still people living without running water or proper sanitation. We must rebuild here and focus our attention on Americans, rather than giving billions in foreign aid to Israel and others. 

American Conservatism

Once we recognize that Libertarianism is essentially neo-feudalism, and that it is now the dominant conservative philosophy of the Republica...