Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Gift of Silence

Aloha my friends and fellow knowledge seekers, once again, I am the Quiet Mouse.
I want to start by saying that I talk too much sometimes. I know that many of you will agree with this statement and if you don't it's probably because you haven't spent very much time around me... and that's okay too. This is kind of a learning curve. The majority of my blogging is based around this learning curve as I share with YOU, the reader, my own personal shortcomings in an attempt to creatively grow and evolve as a human being. For those who enjoy my writing and don't mind the occasional sarcasm and cynicism... I humbly thank you all for your continued support, even though more of you are NOT leaving me comments as I have suggested and out right asked many times, especially those who are reading my blogs from overseas. I would love to know who you are and share with you a great conversation or two... or more. If you are too shy to leave a message on here, you are more than welcome to contact me via face book. I would love to have more feedback so I can try to hone my skills as a writer and possibly find new ideas for things to blog about :)

I can keep going on all day, so let's get into the meat and potatoes of this issue at hand. If you find silence dreadfully uncomfortable, I truly DO feel sympathy for you. For me, especially in this hectic world, I enjoy the quiet moments that I get (which are sometimes few and far between) and I would like to take this time to explain to you why. Bear in mind that these are MY opinions, you can say or think what you would like once you are done reading this.
I have heard, as many of you have as well, the sayings like "silence is bliss" or "silence is golden". In my young life I gave little credence to such ideas. I was seldom heard or listened to as a youngster, so I always felt the need to get my point across by any means necessary.
I want you for a moment to pause and think about how NOISY we are as human beings. We have twittering cell phones,televisions, FM and HD radio, car engines, honking, people gabbing incessantly... etc. You get the idea. Now I understand what many of you might be thinking. "But Quiet Mouse, life must have been boring before the invention of technology..."
Perhaps, but do we really NEED to be entertained 24 hours a day 7 days a week? When is our time to relax and decompress from this hectic life we work and live in?
Many people get up in the morning (often exhausted) and turn on the television or the radio. They listen to the radio all the way to work. At work, there is a continuing harassment of bosses nagging, overhead speakers, paging systems, and endless, tiring meetings about stuff that no one really cares about. What's the first thing that many do when they get home? Turn on the t.v. and veg out... yet again MORE noise. This goes on day in and day out and people wonder why they cannot shut it off and relax.
I believe that the constant bombardment of media images, be it on a computer screen, television, or even a magazine are giving humans a strong case of SENSORY OVERLOAD. The cruelest thing to kill in this day and age is NOT another human being or animal. What is being killed is IMAGINATION. This is happening at an alarming rate as schools are removing the funding for music, art, and even physical education. Creativity is one of the MOST unique gifts given to us by our creator and yet we squander it on video games, television, and idle chatter. There are even people that cannot escape from the noise even during their sleep using noise machines or music to lull themselves to bed, and to me that seems very UNNATURAL. Sleep is the MOST important time to have extreme quiet, as music or noise may very well indeed actually be distracting the person from getting a restful nights worth of quality sleep.
I even believe further that certain forms of mental illness can be linked to this sensory overload that I mentioned. We, as humans are NOT meant to have flashing images over and over again at us. It causes sort of an epileptic shock to our brains, where we are literally turning into zombies. Technology is a drug used to stimulate certain portions of the brain to create a "high" feeling. This too has been documented by scientists and professionals. That is not even to mention the subliminal if not outright brainwashing that is taking place to the populace.
I bring these things up because I desire change. I barely watch television any longer because it is MOSTLY crap. Occasionally you will find something informative on the Discovery channel or History channel, but for the most part it is a waste of money to have hundreds of channels with NOTHING ON!! Well, there are things on, but for one, I believe that the reality TV phase has just gone overboard. I think it is designed to make people feel bad about themselves and to show you what you do NOT have, breeding consumerism and materialism... "you'll finally be happy when you buy product X"... but you get it home and you're STILL NOT HAPPY... ever wonder why? I do.
caffeinated ADD brains. The gift of human communication is very important don't get me wrong, but yet 90% of our actual "speech" comes from NON-VERBAL clues such as how we dress, or hold our hands, eye contact, and so forth. That means our words are only worth 10%, but are used about 90% of the time... hmmm.... seems like we have a PARADOX!!
In silence, we have the ability to look inside of ourselves and introspect into our lives and find our faults. Many people are in DENIAL of their own faults and seek to REPRESS the TRUTH of their own nature. If you cannot be honest with YOU... how on Earth are you gonna be honest with anyone else??
Silence is the time for our brain to get away from the meaningless distractions of society. Silence is the time to let our minds CREATE new worlds of fiction and fantasy. Silence is what keeps us YOUNG at heart. Silence is the time to meditate and perform YOGA. It is also the time to READ and educate yourself so you do NOT end up just another in the herd of SHEEPLE!! Sometimes it is okay when you are with your loved one to NOT talk. To be honest, I really personally do NOT want to hear about everyones' DRAMA that they have fabricated in their minds. Think about this... have you ever been out in the middle of nowhere? With human silence you can hear the voice of the world in bugs, animals, the wind... I love the sound of the wind rustling through the trees, or the sound of the rain pitter-pattering. Sometimes I like to just have peace and tranquil quiet. I LOVE to think. I believe the creator gave me more than just the ability to watch t.v., but rather the ability to create something new, splendid, and beautiful. He gave you a beautiful mind as well, but do you really use it to its potential?
All I am really asking my readers to do is to turn the volume down and turn the noisy gadgets off for a while and THINK quietly. Take the time to review how the day went and how you can be a better person tomorrow. THINK about what ways you can improve yourself every day. THINK about what keeps you held down and THEN THINK about how to CHANGE. It is not as difficult as many of you may think. It does, however take a conscious thought. Life is TOO SHORT to be on autopilot!!

Ladies and Gentlemen... NOW is the time to be in control of your life and NOT allow others to make critical decisions for you. If you opt out to be a mindless consumer zombie, that is your prerogative... I choose to be an individual. I wasn't born into a cookie cutter and I don't believe that YOU were either.

Thank you all for your thoughts and time. As always, I highly encourage your feedback and thoughts. This IS the Quiet Mouse signing out!!
Peace. Love. Harmony. Respect. Truth. Silence IS golden!


  1. Oy, I am one of those that use the machines to help me sleep. I blame it on my ex husband, as he used to always sleep with the fan on, and I got used to the white noise to lull me to sleep. When I was pregnant with Myranda and he worked nights, it was soothing to have the fan as a lullaby, otherwise I'd have been lying there awake wondering if the sounds outside were hoodlums trying to get in....When I'm at your place it takes a few minutes, but I get used to the quiet and fall asleep and only wake up if I'm snoring or you're snoring. :-)

    I'll be the first to admit that yeah, I talk WAYYY too much. I come from a family of talkers. I am quite capable of enjoying the silence. I am one of them rare individuals that still likes to read an actual book, you know the ones made of paper. Forget Kindle and Nook. My reading time is quality quiet time for me. I'm not opposed to reading while you're doing your homework. We don't have to talk to enjoy our time together. Sometimes it's what you don't say that says it all-a loving smile, a warm hug, soft kiss- those things mean more than words.

  2. As far as the 'music while you sleep' portion goes. when I hear music, it's the only real quiet I ever have from everything in this world that causes a ringing of such annoyance that a much louder noise is needed to make the world stop and deal with. Music, in general, is the creativity of which you just mentioned.


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