Monday, February 14, 2011


Hello once again my fellow knowledge seekers, welcome back. Yes it is I, the Quiet Mouse... here once again and back by popular demand to open up all 3 eyes in hopes to wake you up from the Matrix of lies, illusion, and control.

Let's jump right in. Don't be afraid. This isn't going to be a long blog like the fluoride one, which I am sorely disappointed that more people didn't read. It seems that too many are complacent and okay with how things are. This blog is NOT for sheeple. If you just want to get fat and chew the cud, by all means do so... (elsewhere)

So I am questioning the concept of death today. What does it mean? How does it happen? Why are we so afraid of it?
Here are a few of the definitions of death that I found on the web.

  • the event of dying or departure from life; "her death came as a terrible shock"; "upon your decease the capital will pass to your grandchildren"
  • the permanent end of all life functions in an organism or part of an organism; "the animal died a painful death"
  • the absence of life or state of being dead; "he seemed more content in death than he had ever been in life"
  • the time when something ends; "it was the death of all his plans"; "a dying of old hopes"
  • the time at which life ends; continuing until dead; "she stayed until his death"; "a struggle to the last"
  • the personification of death; "Death walked the streets of the plague-bound city"
  • end: a final state; "he came to a bad end"; "the so-called glorious experiment came to an inglorious end"
  • the act of killing; "he had two deaths on his conscience
Definitions are fine, but it doesn't really mean anything if you have no concept of death. I realize that many young people think they are invincible and immune to the lure of death, but know this...
From the moment of birth, we start dying minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day. It is inevitable like taxes, thus the saying "like death and taxes". There are millions of ways to die, some quietly in the night during sleep, and a great deal many  more horrific and painful ways to end this life.
For the point of my discussion, I do not wish to talk about all the ways to die, but the inevitability of the act and why we as humans fear it so much. I have spent many times in my life thinking this thoroughly through. I have faced death on several occasions in my life, twice with bouts of bone cancer, and other times with drug addiction and again a few more times in automobile accidents. 
My point in writing this discourse is to explain to my readers that death is NOT something to fear or worry about in the slightest way. Life is too short to worry about the things we have NO CONTROL OVER!!
I'm gonna say that again. I don't think you are stupid or slow, but rather we as humans have to hear the same ideas multiple times before it sticks in those rock hard heads of ours. 
Now then. I realize that not everyone has had the tumultuous life I have been bestowed. I am not condoning a course of action of blind recklessness at all. I would much rather see people living each day as if it were the last. Let today be the day of your "bucket list" rather than waiting your entire life until you are too old and feeble to enjoy it. 
Let's examine this preoccupation with the fear of death now. 
Why are people afraid to die?
Here is a question, or rather a statement, a challenge moreover. Name 5 people that YOU know that are truly happy in this life...
go on take your time. I can't think of any either, except perhaps the Dalai Lama and other Buddhist followers, but I don't actually KNOW any of them. My point is that similar to the Buddhist philosophy, I also believe that life here on Earth is NOT meant to be easy. It is filled with temptation, lust, pride, greed, envy, materialism, to name a few of the sins of man.
I suppose the point is that happiness in this world comes in small doses and generally speaking comes from within, NOT from external sources... and money most certainly does NOT buy happiness, but rather a whole NEW set of problems for man. My point is that the majority of people on this planet are unhappy. So I ask now what is it specifically that is tethering us as human beings in our minds to this realm of existence so firmly?
I have thought a lot about this and I believe there are two main points that keep humans negatively fearing the life cycle of death.
Point 1) FEAR! Fear keeps us tied to this physical life that we have. Fear of the unknown. Fear of CHANGE. Fear of the devil or hell. 
All these things are valid concerns. For all the religious people I have to ask where their fear comes from? If you believe in God and Heaven, then you aught to be set, right? If you live a good life and provide for your progeny, then there should be nothing to fear... but what if you don't believe in God? What if we are just recycled back into the energy of the planet and our energy turns into a plant or a fish in the next cycle?
There are a lot of what-ifs in this world. If you spend all your time thinking about what if, you really ARE neglecting all the wonderful time you have to enjoy and spend this life, which IS a precious gift and should NOT be squandered
Point 2) Attachment... This really IS a part of FEAR, but for this blog I am separating the two to illustrate a point. We all are attached to things in this world. Even if we are not materialistic, we form attachment with family, friends, pets, money... A good deal many more people are attached to their house, their car(s), their big screen televisions and other meaningless possessions. At a base nature of humanity, we all have some form of attachment, but look at the pharaohs of Egypt. They kept a horde of things for their afterlife and yet their bodies still rotted and decayed like everyone else's. At the time, they were thought to be literal gods on Earth, yet... the Earth will always, without fail get you back. I surmise to you to be free of fear for your life and your attachments and to LET GO. There is not much higher vanity than stuffing your dead corpse into a pine box in an attempt to preserve yourself for something other than worm fodder. We MUST give back to the circle of life as it was given to us in the first place.

Tomorrow you may be walking down the street and be hit by a bus or reckless driver. A sudden stroke, heart attack, or aneurysm might just creep up and get you if all this fast food doesn't do it to you first. Approximately 90% of the Earth human population believes in a Universal spirit. Some call it God or Yahweh, others say Allah or Odin, Zeus or Ra. The name is not really the important part, but the message of humanity's search to once again become one with the creator. It is a recurring theme throughout history for men and women to go to great lengths to reach the higher plane of existence. Why are we so afraid now to go there to be with our ancestors? It doesn't really matter what the government has planned. The REAL people in charge of our planet want to kill about 90% of the human population in order to save us as a species. 
Why would you WANT to stay here to live through that rather than being with the creator? What is it in THIS life that is keeping your mind so firmly locked into this Matrix. The Hindu religion teaches that this world is NOT the reality of life. Buddhists teach that life is about suffering so we can achieve that higher level of existence rather than keep re-incarnating into various forms time after time again.
I am here to testify that I have seen death and it is NOT anything to be afraid of. If I were to die tomorrow, I would not fear the afterlife. I know where I stand with HIM, for he is not up above, but everywhere around me as I walk through my day. I truly believe that once you overcome your fear of death, then and only then can you be truly FREE to live your life. The body is just a vessel, but the SOUL is immortal. Proof of soul can be measured as the body actually decreases in weight slightly as the life source drains from a human body.

You may or may not agree with my views on life, but you may or may not have been in the places and seen the things that I have in my young life. I plan to live many more years. HE has a plan for me. Meditate on this, please. Quietly introspect into your life to see what you fear losing. If you can learn to detach yourself from your fear and your worldly possessions, there is an entire universe of possibilities that will be opened up like a Pandora's box in front of you.

As always, I cannot make you do anything... all I can do is share my knowledge that I have learned on my time here on this rock. The choices you make are ultimately up to YOU and you only. This has been the Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Harmony. Respect. Knowledge. Truth.

1 comment:

  1. You're right. He does have a plan for us. I used to think that it was to "be fruitful and multiply" but I TRULY believe that he put you in my path to stop my reckless way of thinking. Why try to bear more children into a world like this? Why set them up to just die later-maybe even before I do? No thanks. I'll be the first to admit that I do fear dying, but that's because me and the man upstairs need to get better acquainted. However, I know that I won't die alone.


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