Thursday, May 31, 2012


Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen! Welcome back!
The blog title says so much... the end...

Just kidding, you all know me better than that. 
It pains me the lazy, selfish attitude of the human population today. I personally feel overwhelmed at times because I can visually see the world turning into a polluted cesspool when I look out my window, when I awaken, and when I go to bed at the end of the day. I'm NOT saying I'm the ultimate clean freak, but trashing our homes, communities and planet are just yet another extreme, as is being a clean freak. I don't particularly want my life to be inside a clean microcosm like the bubble boy, but I DO get upset at the blatant throwing of trash onto the ground, inside the home and out. I mean, actually, how difficult is it to throw a piece of trash away? We throw away so many other things, really, how difficult is it to land that piece of refuse into the proper  trash receptacle? I often find when I take the trash out, that the area around the dumpster is littered with trash, just mere feet or inches from the dumpster or recycling bins. WTF?!?
EVERY SINGLE DAY my heart BREAKS and my confidence in my fellow man/woman crumbles, breaking down MUCH FASTER than the trash thrown into the landfills. 
Even worse are the rafts of trash bigger than the state of TEXAS building up in our oceans destroying the ecosystem and environment. Species of animals and fish go extinct DAILY and we act like that's how it's supposed to be, as if it's somehow okay. This tragedy has gotten even worse as MILLIONS of TONS of trash from Japan are littering the Pacific ocean since the tsunami are heading toward the coast of the U.S. and Canada, some of which has already hit landfall, a toxic mess of trash, waste, and debris. I want to cry, especially since I live in Washington, a Pacific coastal state and I would love to take my kids to enjoy the ocean... however, I think we'll have to settle for a local lake or river, as I do not feel safe letting them swim in the ocean of toxic water... who knows what will drift ashore? I remember when I lived in San Diego, during my time in the NAVY, where it was unsafe to swim on the local beaches because the Mexican government did not have the regulations on medical waste disposal that the U.S. has... needless to say, toxic medical waste washed up from Mexico and onto American beaches making swimming at the beach impossible at certain times. The problem has only gotten WORSE since then and no one seems to care. No one seems to understand that if we destroy the oceans, then the entire ecosystem that is interdependent on each piece of the puzzle working properly, then the whole thing falls apart and WE will eventually die as well because of it. 
We, as a human culture have to get over this apathy, laziness, and thought that "someone else will clean that up". There is NO ONE ELSE. ONLY US. WE are the problem, but WE are also the cure. WE CAN CHANGE. It's NEVER TOO LATE to start making amends and trying our hardest to do better. I know we can. I know that it is possible. People just have to start caring... that's just difficult for many to do as they are faced daily with the struggle just to barely survive in this chaotic world in which we live. 
I have no long term solution with what to do with the trash besides to stop producing so much of it... we could make plastics that are bio-degradable from hemp oil instead of petroleum! We could make our cars run on better fuel that last longer and are more environmentally friendly. We could stop being lazy and take the extra few minutes a day to clean our area around ourselves for the sake of friends, family, loved ones, and future generations so they too don't have to live in filth. We must look PAST the physical confinements of our human body. We must look PAST the forest to see the trees, the oceans, the rivers, plants, animals, rocks... we're all part of the same energy field, all part of God, the universe, and the cosmos. 
I'm just sorry that all too many people cannot see past their own selfish, egotistical, petty little lives, identified with the SELF, rather than seeing the bigger picture that EVERYTHING is connected, like a spider's web and we are ALL ONE and the SAME, a collection of inorganic and organic molecules... what makes us different and special is our consciousness... let's put it to good use, shall we?!?

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Obesity and Gluttony

Yesterday I wrote about the myth of "fast" food, today I want to write about the obvious outcome of the gluttonous lifestyle that many Americans overindulge in. Won't you join me as I talk about obesity?

I find it difficult to believe that there are so many fat people out there today. Admittedly, I myself am a little bit over my ideal weight (maybe 15-20 lbs, but far from obese), partly due to the fact that I LOVE to cook and bake sweets; however I also walk a lot, stretch intensively, do push-ups and sit-ups, and occasionally do yoga. My biggest concern about the obesity epidemic across this nation and into other parts of the world is this: the majority of obese people that I have met are fat, lazy, lacking self-esteem, and stupid, not to mention parked in front of the T.V. or hanging out at Wal-Mart.
Believe me, I get NO JOY in saying this... AT ALL!! The problem further continues when this level of gluttony has become the "norm". I have spoken extensively about the long term health care costs and medical related problems associated with being overweight (see past blogs) and do not wish to rehash the same info over and over again for the sake of being redundant...

Fat, stupid, and lazy... this is the new face of America. Forget the "American dream"... this is the American NIGHTMARE!! What is worse is on top of the fact that now this has become "normal", there has developed this FUCK YOU attitude about it as well towards those who are repulsed or even those (such as family members and friends) concerned with the health and welfare of their loved one, but still end up with this bitchy attitude of hostility, lack of concern, and/or embarrassment. This embarrassment, however doesn't really seem to be stopping the fat people from fucking, breeding, and spreading their gluttonous lifestyle on to younger generations (see blog "Who done did... that?"). I find this bad attitude prevalent especially in young women who are overweight... again with the FUCK YOU mentality. So if being fat, stupid and lazy weren't bad enough, three BIG STRIKES against a person, but then you add in being a BITCH or an ASSHOLE... well, you have a first class certified LOSER in the making.
On top of that I have heard ALL THE EXCUSES as to why this situation cannot change. My favorite excuse is that the person is too embarrassed to work out because they are fat... WTF?!? So a person would rather stay fat than work out in front of others?!? This is BEYOND STUPID and LAZY!! Then again comes the FUCK YOU attitude that we should just accept these people as is, continue to lower the standards on both adults and youth, shut up and not say anything?!? I DON'T THINK SO!!

I KNOW that no one is perfect. I KNOW THIS! All I am really wanting, for ALL of my blogs, ALL of my rants and raves, is to get people to WAKE UP and THINK; to take personal responsibility for your actions and behaviors, BOTH GOOD AND BAD. Like EVERYTHING else it DOES take a significant amount of effort which all too many people are unwilling to make. Notice how I said unwilling, because it is NOT a lack of ability. We ALL have the ability to do many great and amazing things, but it takes willpower, motivation, and follow-through to be successful, no matter what the undertaking may be. This willpower has decreased among Americans; to do so many things... and quite frankly I find it disturbing and sad. It must be  a very shameful thing, this gluttony and obesity, as those who are afflicted often sneak around, hiding their corpulence from others, denying their own personal responsibility which is generally as easy as putting DOWN the fork. Okay, perhaps it ISN'T that simple... let's be honest... we ALL know the only REAL way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more! TRUTH!

Instead of actually doing something to help his/her self, however, the obese person often just continues to make excuses for this bad behavior and eat and eat and eat, as the food is comforting and helps them forget about the obese lifestyle choices they are making. Instead of being positive and proactive, the person, often with low self-esteem, gets angry with those who are thinner and/or in shape, cursing that person as if he/she made the wrong decision to get/stay in shape. There are so many illogical and erroneous excuses that people of all walks of life use to rationalize bad behaviors. I am sad to say this is the case because the truth is that people either don't want help or don't know how to ask, for fear of being judged, which is one of the greatest of all human fears... which makes me laugh personally because I genuinely don't give a shit about what most people think. For that matter... why do YOU care what a complete stranger thinks? As if their opinion is more important than your OWN SELF IMAGE... which is obviously battered and bruised since you substitute positive feelings and emotions for JUNK FOOD... which only negatively reinforces the low self esteem and negative self-depreciating behaviors.

What can we do? How can we stop this?
I know those who feel for their obese loved ones sometimes feel helpless and afraid. This is understandable. All the psychology, yelling, pressure, concern, or even support doesn't mean jack shit if the obese person DOESN'T WANT to eat properly, exercise, or take helpful advice/support. Again with the FUCK YOU attitude. Fat, stupid, lazy, and bitchy... this is what we have to look forward to. So don't give up on those you love. Stay strong and firm in your resolve. Get rid of the junk food and snacks, the sodas and the high fructose corn syrup sweets. START eating fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats (only about 8 to 10% of diet, NOT 40-50% as it is currently by the majority of Americans). Skip the dairy, as cow products are not only bad for the human digestive tract, but they can also lead to heart disease, osteoporosis, and a whole slew of cancers (see above image). Get rid of all the processed foods from your pantry and cupboards. Replace the junk food snacks with carrots, celery, raisins, dried fruits and nuts. Snack on strawberries, apples, and bananas if you need an afternoon or midnight snack instead of getting Taco Bell or McDonald's. But ABOVE ALL ELSE... GET RID OF THE LOUSY FUCKING ATTITUDE... NO ONE LIKES IT...
I'm not sure what else to say about that. People just need to exercise, get healthy and live longer, more fulfilling lives... if not for yourself, then at least do it for your family and loved ones... oh, and get some fucking self-esteem, PLEASE!!!
This has been the Quiet Mouse.
Truth. Peace. Compassion. Love. Respect. 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

the MYTH of "Fast" Food

Have you ever noticed that today's labeling of junk food restaurants as "fast food" is kind of a misnomer? I don't know how often my readers eat out at these places. I would suspect it is fairly often as America is indeed the fast food nation.
It is my belief, however, that today's "fast" food is neither fast, inexpensive, or even really what I would call FOOD, as much of the meat at these places is nothing short of processed pink slime, most likely from cows treated with rBST  or rBGH (these are both growth hormones given to cows to increase their size and milk production) as well as being corn fed, which leads to obesity in all animals, including US, as humans.

"Fast" food joints are generally known today to be the distribution arm of the industrial food operation, complete with CAFO's (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations), GMO additives, and inhumane treatment of the animals that are meant to be food, be it cows, pigs, or chickens, as these are the primary meats of the human diet, well at least in the U.S.
Despite the convenience of the "fast" food industry, the overall health and well being of the American populace has suffered immeasurable consequences, the least of which is obesity, although that opens up a whole new portal for heart disease, a whole slew of cancers, free radicals, and diabetes type II.
And yet, not enough people actually seem to care. We pump billions of dollars a year into these massive food conglomerates like Monsanto, Tyson, and Cargill. Hell these companies even get government subsidies meaning that the government pays them to poison us. It seems to me like the more we keep buying into it, the more these companies throw out the regulations, buy up the politicians, and continue to openly and blatantly poison the populace, generally without remorse.
I have the solution though, if you want to hear it...
Are you sure? Really really sure?

Okay, since you scrolled down, I will tell you the obvious answer. Large multi-national companies will change their policies and standards of operations ONLY if they are hit where it hurts them the most... got a clue? THEIR POCKETBOOKS OF COURSE!!! If you STOP buying their bullshit products and DEMAND a healthier better alternative and YOU as the consumer must be willing to PAY the higher cost of better quality food.
How can we do this, you ask?
Well, I keep telling my readers that EVERY single dollar you spend is a vote for policy. I KNOW that it is cheaper to buy a cheeseburger for a dollar at McDonald's or a cheap burrito at Taco Bell than to buy fresh fruits and vegetables. I KNOW. But the truth is that you really DO get what you pay for: Government subsidized BULLSHIT! My theory is that the government WANTS you to be fat, stupid, lazy, obedient, and stuck in front of the propaganda spewing idiot box. It also doesn't really take a rocket scientist to figure out that THEY WANT the system to be this way. How can this be? Well, there are at least 3 factors involved...
1) There is a LOT of money in the food industry as human beings eat at least 2 to 3 times per day on average, and snack a whole bunch in between meals. In ANY system that there is SO MUCH money, much like the gov't itself, it is prone to corruption and cutting costs to make more money.
2) If the government actually WANTED you to eat healthy then they would subsidize farmers that grow fruits and vegetables rather than CORN and SOY, both whom cause obesity as they are put in EVERYTHING that is pre-packaged in a box, cellophane wrapper, or can at the grocery store/fast food joints.
3) Once you are obese from eating this food, then you are a slave to the pharmaceutical industry that makes BILLIONS to watch citizens slowly die from the poisons (hormones, chemicals, poisons, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, etc.) in the food, which we ALL eat in abundance.

The moral I suppose once again is that you get what you pay for. Bullshit in = bullshit out. Every single dollar is a vote for policy and so far our voting record has been EXACTLY WHERE "THEY" WANT IT. How can it be any other way when our livelihoods have been destroyed and we cannot afford to eat healthy? Or can we? It seems that we either pay the UP FRONT cost of healthy, organic, locally grown foods... OR... we pay the cost on the BACK END with elevated health care expenditures, over-inflated pharmaceuticals, and funeral costs.
It is my personal opinion of course that it would be a healthier alternative to eat at a place, if you must eat out, that cooks the food fresh and uses local ingredients. Places like Burgerville, Pita Pit, and even Chipotle (although they do have some rough practices as well). Or just eat at home, I suppose that would just be the over-all best choice. Ultimately it comes down to the consumer to change the personal and political policies that have been set up against our will and with no vote or say in the outcome. Spend your money wisely. You really DO get what you pay for.
This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. Truth. Humanity. Conscious thought.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

$$MONEY$$ and SEX

NOTHING makes people go more crazy in this wonderful world than money and sex. Hello once again and welcome to another edition of the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back!

I think it is just the way that our brains our wired, or perhaps short circuited that makes men and women equally INSANE and do the most dire of things to achieve the goal for either. Sometimes money and sex goes hand in hand in certain cases like prostitution, the OLDEST profession known to mankind. I neither support or condone this ancient craft of peddling flesh, but then again,I DO UNDERSTAND, as EVERY man pays for sex one way or another, regardless of if it's a date paying for dinner and a movie without the guarantee of sex... or the man pays the cash up front to skip the small talk and get straight to the business with a guarantee for sex. The pursuit of sex and the religious labeling of sex as "sinful" has spawned a whole slew of perversions and debaucheries such as rape, child molestation, beastiality, and auto-erotic asphyxiation. Then there are even other sexual acts that are considered by the church to be sinful, but they are part of the natural order of the world, like homosexuality and sodomy... I KNOW you've all been around someone that was born gay and we all have pets that have same gender sex, due to lack of proper partner... anyway...

Moving on... I'm sure you all know, since my blog is Rated R, how great sex feels. It is one of our most primitive and carnal instincts to put our naked bodies together to do the mattress mambo. We all know this. It is a combination of pleasure and the desire to procreate to make children (more often the woman's hormones that wish upon this) that lead individuals to lose their minds over some pussy or some cock. Men in particular think about sex quite often throughout the day. In the Freudian sense of psychology, it is humans instinctual being to focus on sex and aggression, but I would not wish to replace the aggression, but to supplement that idea with money, sex, and aggression, even though it is often that money is the cause of many forms of aggression such as wars, violent crime, and especially the "war on drugs". Money, in my opinion, is even more of a volatile force for anger, aggression, crime, and envy, which leads to hatred. When we live in this material world it is easy to lose sight of humanity, similar from the inability to distinguish the forest from the trees, but on a human level we have lost the ability to see the individual from the society. It is easy to get caught up in the rat race and find yourself trying in vain to keep up with the Jones's, but this pursuit is both selfish and idiotic as it is NOT worth the selling of your soul, morals, and ideals for a short term monetary gain that CANNOT and WILL NOT follow you on after the death of your physical form. The quest for the acquisition of wealth has also lead many sociopaths to become political figures as money and power seem to go hand in hand as well. It also seems apparent that having money makes people feel like they can buy anything, including other human beings, especially sex.
Money also leads to other intolerable human behaviors like gambling, ponzi schemes, pyramid scams, the Federal reserve, endless credit card DEBT, plastic surgery/self mutilation, textbook narcissism, and black market organ procurement. The LOVE of money is the root of all evil.

It is my personal belief that money being the most important construct to the human intellect will ultimately be the undoing of us all, as this quest for money and power will eventually, sooner rather than later, lead to World War III as we continue to fight and invade nations to steal resources and gain MORE power, edging closer to a unified one world government based on dictatorship and tyranny. A world without the monetary restraints of a failed monetary policy would benefit ALL of mankind as BANKERS ARE THE SCUM OF THE EARTH!! And their failed policies and globalist agendas hurt us ALL equally. This is NOT just an American issue, although people here in this nation certainly do follow along with the herd of sheep, blindly following religion and government all the way in a downward spiral as this way of life is NOT sustainable and the profits made for one or two generations have cursed the continued humanity all the way to it's grave.
I'm tired of yelling at the universe and trying to wake people up to see the reality of the world. Believe what you want. Research the truth if you have the inclination. Sit down, strap in, shut up, and move forward. The most powerful force in the universe is unconditional love. Find it, keep it, preserve it, nurture it, and share it with others. Despite all the evils and perils of the world, the looming natural disasters and the inevitable disappointments, I truly believe that life is good; it is a gift that is sacred and should never be taken for granted. Let us make the most of it and make the world a better, brighter place. Oh, and if you're gonna have sex, please use a condom, as we need to take responsibility of our world and slow the rate of population growth... just saying... not that anyone will actually listen... seems our bane of humanity that we cannot actually listen to each other or learn from one another and we are doomed to continue to fail and make the mistakes of our father's like their fathers before one another since the dawn of KNOWN time
I feel like I'm wasting my time here. This is the Quiet Mouse.
Love. Humanity. Respect. Empathy. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Shit DOESN'T just happen!!!

I am NOT here spouting my opinions to sway the masses. I believe that is an impossible task. This is especially true because many millions of people are so ingrained in this matrix we call modern life that we have forgotten who we are as a human race.
Shit doesn't just happen. It is the culmination of thousands of choices, some that are noticeably important and others that only seemed unimportant at the time, but EVERYTHING is and always has been relevant. It is like the butterfly effect where a butterfly flaps its wings in Hong Kong and there is rain in New York. This may seem like a stretch for those with narrow minds, but I assure you this is the true reality, one of immeasurable interconnectedness.
EVERYTHING from the rocks and trees, plants, and animals both on land and those of the aquatic persuasion are part of a fragile eco-system that depends on harmony and balance, a constant flow of life, death, rebirth, and evolution... this is the principle of the entire universe.
Here on Earth it is generally not seen from the perspective of the human animal the microcosm of life, nor the macrocosm of things greater than ourselves. We see this little narrow perspective based on about 1% of the visible light spectrum and 1% of the audio spectrum. Our minds have been conditioned to NOT be able to accept the true reality of the universe because it is easier to fight over petty differences and argue the semantics of our petty little existence that has dwindled to the lowest common denominator, the idiot. No I'm not talking about the savant kind either. I'm talking about a continued lowering of the I.Q. of the human population, despite all these technological advances and the modern age of digital communication.
Shit doesn't just happen. It has been strategically planned without you or I's consent by men of questionable judgement, but with loads of resources, so their will be done, behind closed doors in secret meetings of the Republicans & Democrats, United Nations, Bilderberg group, Council on Foreign relations, Freemasons, Skull & Crossbones, Illuminati, Bohemian Grove, Trilateral Commission, among others...
Shit doesn't just happen. People have traded not only their rights and civil liberties, but their ability to have informed consent... all for this false sense of security provided by a nationalistic, intrusive police state. If you are against the idea of tyranny and global one world government based on dictatorship rather than peace and free will, you are going against the "norm" of society and are viewed as an outcast. But why?  It is because it is substantially easier to blindly believe what you are TOLD to believe than to critically think for yourself; to have informed consent, freedom of speech and thought, freedom to peaceably assemble...
Shit doesn't just happen. There is a little thing called KARMA. If you don't know what it is, look it up. It is basically the golden rule of life, and yet it goes a little further. There is a blurry line between the constructs of good and evil, since it is only a matter of perspective from one person to another. But KARMA is basically this: if you do good things, the universe will return good things to you. If you do bad things, the universe will return bad things to you. So shit does NOT just happen. If you are a negative pessimistic person, it doesn't matter at all how much you WANT for good things to happen. We live in a society of apathy, expectation, and low standards... how therefore are we to expect good things to happen to the world in which we live if people CHOOSE to do NOTHING rather than face the harsh realities of the world we live in?
We like to imagine we are these highly evolved beings of knowledge and understanding and yet we judge, misperceive, and hate one another, fighting constantly over trivialities, rather than working together for the GREATER GOOD of ALL mankind, as opposed to the system we have now where the wealth of the world is hoarded into the hands of a few individuals of multinational corporations and elitist bankers.
Shit doesn't just happen. We ALL need to take responsibility for our own actions first, take a long hard look in the mirror and grab life by the horns. It can be as good of a life as we make it, given the constraints we have. Given that we live in a corporate driven world, the power is actually in the hands of US, the population, as we are the main consumers. Every dollar is a vote for policy and change. The truth is that the markets, despite inflation and banks wishes, really do bend to the consumer... so if you really want change, well, STOP buying from the companies like Monsanto that create toxic GMO food and toxic chemicals like pesticides. The point is just to participate in this life and stop leaving it up to the government or corporations to decide what is best for you. That is YOUR job as a human being, parent, employee, etc. Grow your own fruits and vegetables. Switch to renewable resources for power such as wind or solar, hybrid cars that use less petroleum, and buy your food and clothing from smaller, non-chain, ma and pa, local producers and markets. Invest in your community first and work on getting away from government dependency. Protest while you can to get the power back into the hands of the states and away from centralized, power hungry, military-industrial driven government. Do NOT spy on your neighbors and feed into the paranoia and power of this police state... and above all else, you don't have to like everyone or their views/opinions, but you DO NEED to show more respect for your fellow human beings, as this short little life is a precious gift. We have so much to learn and so much to do, but so little time. Let us leave a positive legacy based on what is proper and in the best interest of humanity and the natural order of things, rather than the short term profits of a few generations at the sake of the entire planet and ALL of it's inhabitants, plant AND animal.
This has been the Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. Truth. Humanity.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Hello once again and welcome. Today I want to talk about "minorities". As usual, I have to preface every one of my opinions by saying NO! I am NOT racist, prejudiced, bigoted, or in ANY other way hateful against people of any color, black, brown, yellow, red, blue, pink, purple, I really don't give a fuck what color people are... however... I DO have a problem with those of different colors, besides white (which I am) calling themselves a "minority".

In America it is slightly different than the rest of the world because the United States is pretty much a melting pot for different cultures all across the globe to come for a better life and/or to escape a country of terrible, unimaginable hardships. I do not envy the pains many people have had to go through to get here. My own ancestors came over from Scotland during the potato famine, ended up serving in the Civil War, and finally settled in Kansas during the land rush and was given a plot of land for service during the war.
Moving on... those who call themselves "minorities" have succumbed to a misnomer, as we are ALL humans, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US. We have spent so long fighting over race, color, gender, sexual orientation, etc... that we have lost the very essence that makes us indeed HUMAN. Besides a few minor genetic differences, some dominant genes and others recessive, we are all pretty much the same. Our goals to find love, take care of our family and friends is our instinctual nature...
This is generally true, but it is often these people called "minorities" that do the majority of the breeding. How then is it that they are the minority? Well, as seen in the above pie chart, white people only make up 47% of all Americans, and that was as of 2007. In EVERY other place in the ENTIRE WORLD, brown people make up the MAJORITY, NOT THE MINORITY... as they typically OUT BREED the white people. Several factors are involved in this. Part of it could be regional, part of it could be cultural, but MOST of it... MOST of the breeding takes place within the Hispanic population that is predominantly Roman Catholic. For WHATEVER reason this antiquated group of child molesters has convinced about a BILLION PEOPLE to NOT use birth control or contraceptives. This is stupid for a whole slew of reasons, but primarily the global overpopulation is the greatest concern. Overpopulation leads to famine, due to lack of resources. It also leads to escalated conflicts, cultural barriers, and of course WAR.

I also don't really like the term "minorities" because, like much of our English language, we use words like this to promote segregation, fear, and hostility... on BOTH sides. The "war on drugs" has also served to escalate animosity between whites and Hispanics as U.S. border security is a tense issue and will no doubt be a prominent topic in the 2012 election. Me personally, I have said before and I'll say it again: I don't care if the Hispanics come over across the border. I like their culture and their food, they are hard workers and do a lot of jobs that whites and blacks just DON'T want to do. The problem that I have is the lack of willingness to properly integrate into society. If you live in the United States... you are an American FIRST and wherever you came from SECOND. Being as that you are NOW AN AMERICAN... it is your civic duty to LEARN ENGLISH and PAY YOUR FUCKING TAXES!!! It is NOT acceptable to have anchor babies so you can get on welfare and live off the already strapped system!! There are NO FREE HANDOUTS HERE!!
As far as the terminology "minority" is no longer appropriate jargon. Again, we are ALL human. Our differences, small as they may be, is what makes being a human wonderful, the diversity we have. STOP letting the political systems divide us, for when we work TOGETHER, we can accomplish much, but when we are divided all we get is war and fighting which profits the ALREADY RICH and subjugates the poor, which are often the ones rich people call the "minority".
White people are already becoming the minority worldwide as Asians and Hispanics have outgrown the Anglo-white-European ancestored population. This is not a bad thing, minus the obvious problems associated with overpopulation.

To conclude, we are all human first, culture second. Whites are becoming the minority as brown people out breed them. There is no reason to panic. There is no reason to be hateful. There IS reason to learn and study different cultures, their heritage and their language. If you are in America, try to learn English, just as I would be expected to learn another language if I were in a foreign country. It is pretty simple. Embrace cultural diversity and learn to love it. Humanity will benefit, YOU will benefit. The WORLD will benefit. This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. Humanity.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The RIGHT, no, the DUTY to vote!!

Hello once again my friends and fellow knowledge seekers, it is I, the Quiet Mouse coming back once again to talk about something that is VERY important to me: VOTING. But today this is about MORE than voting, this is about a patriotic civil duty that is often overlooked and more often taken for granted.

Like a lot of topics, I get plenty of fodder for my blog topics from great places like Facebook as people have discussion boards and threads. I am also here today to say that I am indeed biased. Please allow me to explain. I AM a patriot to this nation, first and foremost! When I joined the Navy I swore an oath to the United States from enemies BOTH foreign AND domestic (and that DOES include the sociopathic rich criminals parading as politicians in D.C. and on Wall Street). I believe that the system is broken because the rich know no other way to make money than by WAR and profiteering scams, no bid contracts, enhanced interrogation techniques (torture), private security firms, Wall-street ponzi schemes, and white house PUPPETS that will pass their earmarked, private interest laws and tax breaks.
Now, first we need to examine the problems with America before we can talk about civic duties and patriotism. I have blogged about this extinsively so I will keep this part short and sweet. For the last 30 years and much much longer before that, people have been indoctrinated to the idea of constant growth as a human population and as an American society. Special interest groups have taken full advantage of the patriotism of hard working middle class and poor people to advance their own agendas: namely war and the profiteering that goes along with it. Where in the constitution does it say that we have the authority or duty to police the world?? Oh wait... IT DOESN'T!
So we are getting into election year and the battle of words is heating up between the crooks, the liars, the pretty boys, the corporate lap dogs, and the nut-jobs. Where does this fundamental Christian ANYTHING come into play for politics? All these people who claim to be religious KEEP VOTING for criminal assholes who are ATHEIST, members of secret societies the you and I don't belong to. Fuck separation of church and state, this goes WAY beyond that! Special interest groups do not want EQUALITY and fair treatment, they want SPECIAL treatment and EXTRAS that the rest of us DON'T get. 


Namaste and welcome my friends, family and fellow knowledge seekers to another edition of the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back!!

Today I want to talk about something HUGE, although few can see it. I want to talk about something monumentally important, but few will notice until it is too late. To what am I referring? The slippery slope of a downward spiral that is engulfing this nation and the very essence of humanity that still remains. Still don't get it?
Allow me to explain. I have spent months describing the downfall of the American Empire and the DEATH of democracy. I have gone into great lengths to inform my readers and pretty much anyone who will listen about an impending disaster that will not only effect the United States, but likely the whole world, especially when the dollar collapses, which it will. It's not a matter of IF... it is NOT a conspiracy theory... it is only a matter of WHEN and TO WHAT DEGREE the damages will be.
For today's blog, I'm going to start with the death of democracy. The problem with democracy is that we do not get to vote on ISSUES, but rather we ONLY get to vote on representatives. People would LIKE to be able to vote on critical issues that are pertinent to themselves, NOT on a corporate bought representative passing as a politician. There are SO MANY laws that are set up to FUCK OVER the public while preserving the rights and interests of the corporations. Then, the politicians get the "peasants" (this is THEIR word, not mine, thus the quotations) all riled up with RA-RA propaganda & nationalism, speeches that say NOTHING about who this politician is, what they believe in, and their goals to help you and I, if there were one... probably NOT!! And yet they play a country music song, wave the flag, and the sheeple are ALL-IN, no questions asked (while the educated people are like WTF?!?). The sheeple feel like part of the team (like it's their favorite football team or something) when the nationalism starts with the "Proud to be American" music, so the masses can feel like one of the "good guys". They show pictures of 9/11 on t.v. to get sheeple riled up and this idea that the U.S. is the "good guys" is FARTHEST FROM REALITY ... REALITY is where the U.S. IS the terrorists as we bomb the shit out of ANYONE who won't willingly allow us to fuck them over for a profit. This is why we have our children dressed as soldiers over in Afghanistan guarding POPPY FIELDS, to preserve the opium/heroin supply while hard working men and women here are jailed for the "War on Drugs"... while our gov't is facilitating the import of these drugs that they WILL arrest you for, namely marijuana.
What's worse is that the sheeple are so indoctrinated into this Matrix of lies and deception that they see ANYONE who stands up to say "NO! This is NOT right!" as being unpatriotic and they WILL NARC ON YOU... and you can be arrested as being a suspected "terrorist" just for expressing a different view of what is the government mandated "norm". Since the passing of the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) you CAN and WILL be detained, stripped of rights and citizenship, held indefinitely without a trial, sent to foreign lands like Guantanamo bay, tortured, and MURDERED.

There wouldn't be this "save us from the bad guys" mentality either if OUR government would STOP bombing people, or if the CIA would STOP overthrowing freely elected governments replacing them with dictators, or if the U.S. didn't supply the "terrorists" with guns and ammo to fight one another, then perhaps they would not turn around and use the weapons against American troops (despite the fact that we are ILLEGALLY and UNCONSTITUTIONALLY on their lands).
The TRUTH is that there is a LOT of money in invading foreign countries, fucking them up, and stealing their shit. The banking system has known about this since the dawn of time! Who the fuck do YOU think is REALLY funding BOTH sides of EVERY international conflict?!? The BANKS, DUH!!
"Oh well, as long as it happens OVER THERE..." The sheeple say again and again.
It IS happening here!! Dumb-asses!! Remember just a few years ago when a bunch of people lost their homes, life savings, college funds, retirements, etc... that is the BANK's doing! They manufacture crises in order to steal away your life keeping YOU and I locked into a perpetual cycle of debt and slavery!
We now have a Pavlovian society where the music plays to stimulate this nationalistic response, regardless of how bad people are being fucked over, because people are smart as individuals, but on a societal level people are STUPID sheeple. They are so ingrained into this Matrix of lies & false reality, knowing NOTHING BUT the illusion and they WILL defend it violently, even though the same system they defend is FUCKING THEM OVER!!
But how did people become sheeple? Generally speaking it is the chemical dumbing down of society in America by adding soft metal poisons to our food, water, vaccines, air (chem-trails), etc. Mercury is put into vaccines as Thymerosol, a preservative agent, but this has been linked conclusively to the Autism epidemic. Sodium Fluoride, put into toothpaste and municipal water supply is industrial waste from phosphate based fertilizer production, giving children in particular ADHD symptoms. The fluoridation of water started in NAZI CONCENTRATION CAMPS. This process of dumbing down the population via soft metal poisoning is called PANGERMANISM- control of the population through medicating/dosing the society through pharmaceuticals & chemicals in the air and water supply.

Next I want to talk about how it is that critical issues go unnoticed by the populace and how this is strategically planned and implemented by the rich banking clans and large corporate interests.
1) Hyper-inflated currency. Many people do NOT understand that the Federal Reserve is NOT Constitutional. It is an evil corporation/bank that loans money to the government WITH INTEREST. That means that EVERY SINGLE DOLLAR printed by the FED is already laden with DEBT. How do we pay this debt? By printing MORE money, that is equally DEBT RIDDEN... in a never-ending cycle of debt. I have said this before and I will continue to say this... DEBT = SLAVERY!!! And our TAXES that are meant to help pay for teachers, police, firemen, and other cornerstones of society... well the tax money is paid directly to the BANK to cover the INTEREST of the loans and the principle amount of the loan will NEVER be paid off in it's entirety because it is NEVER MEANT TO BE. So this whole idea of paying off the debt is LUDICROUS and IMPOSSIBLE as it ONLY increase further debt. Also, look this one up, please: the IRS is also un-Constitutional and invalid. There is NO LAW anywhere that states that you have to pay the IRS taxes... which are then paid directly to the FEDERAL RESERVE as interest payments on the money loaned to the central government.

2) WAR for HUGE PROFITS. War forces countries to borrow money from central banks, at high interest in the sum of BILLIONS of dollars. WWI, WWII, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, et. al....These wars were funded on BOTH sides by large banks who sought to make HUGE PROFITS... and many were started by FALSE FLAG TERRORISM... all for the purpose of power, control, and attacking people's rights with bills like the Patriot Act, Homeland Security, NDAA, and many more. This is to destroy your and mine civil liberties and ability to fight back against the police state all under the guise of "anti-terrorism". This is ALL from the same people that illegally, yet blatantly steal from YOU! War is also for the purpose of establishing permanent military bases set up all around the world to act as staging points in the continued effort to divide, conquer, and seize assets & resources, namely oil, from the Middle East. The NEXT targets for these rich industrial corporations and bankers is Iran and Syria. See above photo where the gold stars are American Military bases.

3) Government regulated EDUCATION systems. They do NOT want children or adults to be CRITICAL THINKERS or educated - thus the reasoning for the proliferation of mass media & entertainment... to keep people distracted from their own slavery and how bad the bottom 99% is getting fucked over by the upper 1%, and also so YOU don't interfere with THEIR plans. But who are "THEY"? "They" are nameless, faceless people who are NOT elected (but still make gov't policy), nor are they even electable. "They" control the direction of governments and people through carefully planned manipulations that are implimented by the very people the system intends to rape, pillage, and enslave. "THEY" are Illuminati controlled puppets and many do not even know the agenda for which they serve their masters blindly.

4) Media - namely Television and Internet. Less than 3% of Americans read books. Less than 15% read magazines or newspapers, except for a very small portion of the educated population, which is growing slimmer all the time. The TV is the ONLY thing that generations of people know, despite the internet & knowledge at a fingertip, literacy rates continue to plunge, communication skills are piss poor and yet millions continue to worship this idiot box, pumping out ENDLESS propaganda and lies.
The movie "Network" has a good quote on the TRUTH about television:
"... the most awesome propaganda force in this whole godless world, who knows what SHIT will be peddled for truth on this network. So, you listen to me. Listen to me! Television is NOT the truth! Television is an amusement park. Television is a circus, a carnival, a traveling troupe of acrobats, storytellers, dancers, singers, jugglers, sideshow freaks, lion tamers, and football players. We're in the boredom killing business. So if you want the truth, go to God. Go to your gurus. Go to yourselves! Because that's the ONLY place you're ever gonna find any real truth. But, man, you're never gonna get any truth from us! We'll tell you ANYTHING you want to hear. We lie like hell."
Television is ANYTHING BUT REALITY! People have lost track of their own identities at the expense of the tube. They eat what they are told, dress how they are told, and even think like they are told because they think the illusion IS the reality.

Meglo-maniacal, ruthless, evil men posing as businessmen, religious leaders, and politicians think that they own EVERYTHING, including you and I. In their minds WE, the people, are nothing more than sheep, another commodity for the rich to buy, sell, or trade... free-range slaves unaware of their own imprisonment. They own all the land, the resources, the water we drink, the air we breathe, and they even think they own our children, alive or in the womb. They own people, and the ones they cannot buy, they sanction to MURDER or assasinate, like Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy, and other people who see through the Illuminati lies and propaganda. They use FEAR to control the masses into submission, for it is their fear of OUR revolt that they continue to grip tighter and tighter, squeezing the life, hope, and dreams out of the masses.
We stand here divided, facing then end of an era, literally on the cusp of a new epoch in the history of time. Are we to ascend into a higher realm of existence or are we to relinquish our souls for one generation of monetary prosperity and greed, selfishness, and stupidity? Or can we put down our weapons fighting among one another over petty differences? Is it NOT ENOUGH that our common enemy is the banking clans and large corporations that seek to enslave us? Is it NOT ENOUGH to look with clear eyes, unblinded by dissillusions and false realities to WAKE UP and see that the world HAS CHANGED and we must change WITH it, in accordance with the laws of nature and the universe rather than the corrupt, assinine laws of man that are ONLY to keep the status quo for the corporations rather than the people? What will it take for enough people to wake up and demand change? The loss of the dollar as the world reserve currency? An alien invasion? A worldwide pandemic? Apocalyptic disaster? I really want to know? Seriously! I really want to know what it will take for YOU, my reader, to STAND UP against this tyranny and oppression.
Is it just that you are religious and just think "fuck it, the world's gonna end anyway, so why bother trying?"?!? And you say that I am pessimistic??
WAKE UP AND THINK!! This is THEIR greatest fear... an educated, critical thinking population that says "NO!", DEMANDING freedom over slavery and oppression...
YOUR thoughts and YOUR actions create YOUR REALITY. You do NOT have to conform to societal standards of lunacy and idiocy. You do NOT have to be a sheeple. You CAN create a world worth living in and we CAN make this world worth saving. Do not give up! Do not give in! Do not lose your identity, soul, and personality. BE YOURSELF as God intended you to be.
Peace. Love. Respect. Truth. Critical thought.

Monday, May 14, 2012


Thank you for joining me once again and if you are new, welcome. Free, conscious thought is encouraged here. I also encourage people to befriend this blog by signing on as a follower and I ALWAYS encourage my readers to leave comments. That being said, I am the Quiet Mouse. Let's jump right in and get started with a thought.
Who created this marvel of the universe? Is it the common thought of the Judeo-Christian God? An alien entity? A cosmic creator that is greater than space or time? What do YOU think?
According to Dr. Leonard McCoy, a character from the famous Star Trek, space is : "... disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
The Hitchhiker's Galaxy, written by Douglas Adams says "Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you think it's a long way down the road to the drugstore but that's peanuts to space."

How big exactly? No one knows as we are off to the side of just ONE of the billions of galaxies, and there are billions of stars in each galaxy, and who knows how many planets are orbiting each star. Our solar system, moving perpetually forward through the spiral galaxy we call the Milky way has 8 major planets, countless asteroids, meteors, and comets... and OF COURSE it makes me ponder how many of those planets have or could have intelligent life.
It is only a matter of mathematics, even at extremely remote odds, let's say a billion to 1 (1,000,000,000/1) that  life is able to be formed on a planet. Even with those sort of odds, there would be THOUSANDS of different life forms in the Milky Way galaxy ALONE, let alone the millions of other galaxies that spread out infinitely across the entire universe.
The eccentric views of modern religion that state that Earth is the only habitable planet in the entire universe seems rather flawed and quite frankly stupid and immature, which is basically what the human species is compared to the rich history of the universe. Think of it like this, if you will: think of the entire timeline of the universe like a 365 day calendar. I'm sure that most of my readers either have hanging on the wall like I do, OR you have an application on your computer or cell phone that can show you a 365 day calendar. Now flip your calendar to the last month, December, please. Focus your eyes more intently on December 31st. For a perspective of how naiive the idea of being alone in the universe is... well, on this calendar scale of how long the universe has been around compared to us as human beings... humans have only been around for 2 minutes of the very LAST HOUR OF THE LAST DAY on this calendar. We are talking about BILLIONS upon BILLIONS of years of universal evolution that WE have NOT been around for.
It is a very immature and ridiculous idea to state that no other life on ANY other planet could have been created during that VAST amount of time. In fact chances are there have been MANY life forms that have come and gone over that period of time, as it is a universal constant that life changes, evolves and adapts, but NOTHING and I mean NOTHING lasts forever... except maybe for the soul... but that's up to speculation as well.
Generally speaking, the majority of human scientists can agree about the BIG BANG theory, where a singular event created all the matter we see in the universe. Well, this is both true and false, because on one hand matter can neither be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred or rearranged, infinitely. On the flip side of that coin, it is speculated that all matter, once compacted, began as the size of a golf ball. Science has also proven that EVERYTHING is connected and is created by these particles of energy, this stardust of atoms and molecules that arrange themselves in infinite combinations to create all we can see, taste, touch, feel, smell, and hear...

Oh, but by the way, the universe is so much more complicated than just being what we can visibly see, for we only experience a very small bandwidth of visible light. The universe is like an endless ocean and everything is moving in waves (see my older blog "the sound of waves") many of which we cannot see like the radio spectrum, infrared, gamma radiation, x-rays, etc.
Human beings once thought Mother Earth was flat during the dark ages where science and intellectual advancement were halted due to an oppressive tyranny known as the Roman Catholic Church. Galileo and other great minds of the Renaissance brought us out of this repressive line of thought by proving the Earth round, and in a few hundred years later, science has advanced at an alarming rate compared to our own time on this little rock as we have sent out satelites to take pictures of the galaxy for future study. I can only imagine how much people would learn if not for the oppressive nature of domineering governments and a monetary driven society who thinks only of #1, rather than the benefit of ALL mankind. It is shameful that ALL scientific advances are first stolen and captured by government agencies and used to make war (i.e. bombs, bullets, and bullshit). The universe will see humanity pass out of sight in the blink of an eye and our legacy will be... well, NOTHING, just bones like the dinosaurs if we don't change our course soon. There is NO sanctity in death, only in life... nothing special will happen if we commit genocide and cause our species to go extinct. We may be nothing more than small ants on a small planet, but TOGETHER, if we were a united human species, we COULD be like Star Trek, traveling the galaxy in search of alien life forms... we might even attract other alien life forms to be harmonious with us rather than anal probing stupid rednecks like human cattle.

On a similar topic, the increase in UFO activity since humans have harnessed the power of the atom doesn't really seem like much of a coincidence to me. I'm sure if we weren't constantly living in fear of yet another nuclear war... well I can only imagine what we could do, it just sucks we are stuck in this perpetual cold war.
It is my personal opinion that we are NOT alone, here on this planet or on the other planets in our solar system (Venus, Mars, Saturn...), other solar systems in THIS galaxy, and the billions of other galaxies. They have been with us and among us from the beginning, as briefly as it may have been in relation to other galactic events, watching us, guiding us, and steering us toward an unforeseeable destiny, but ALWAYS present. You may call them angels or gods, as the ancients from Greece, Sumeria, Egypt, Maya, China and countless other civilizations have. Any species of alien with the ability of interstellar travel WOULD seem "godlike" to a more primitive human society... and comparatively to the rest of our galaxy, we're still the new kids on the block. It would behoove us as a species to reconcile our differences and invest ourselves into the knowledge and mystery of the heavens, for if there is a God (which I believe there is a supreme creator), he will be found first within the human soul (detached from the physical restraints of the material world and oppressive patriarchal religion), and secondly OUT THERE... use your imagination. Get out of the city to where the ambient light of the suburbs is lower or non-existent and LOOK UP!! WAKE UP!! There is an entire universe out there and here we are squabbling like a bunch of children over the pettiest of shit, constantly!
What is the verdict? I have absolutely ZERO doubt about the existence of extraterrestrial beings and their presence among us here on Earth. There are just TOO MANY stars and planets for their to be no other life than human beings and the other inhabitants of the third rock from Sol (our sun). You can believe the lies of some antique book that also taught that every man should wear a beard, it was okay to keep slaves and that the Earth is flat... I just personally chose to hold a higher level of brain power and investigate and find my OWN answers to the mysteries of the universe and our little world. Don't let the little quirks of life make you think things are bigger than they are. If you need perspective... LOOK UP! You'll see how petty and insignificant the problems of our days are.  If that doesn't put things into perspective, I'm really not sure what will...
Peace. Love. Respect. Trust. Humanity.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Guycology and the BRO-ZONE

For all the Mom's out there today... Happy Mother's Day!!
For all the MEN out there today... this blog is for YOU!

Welcome to another exciting episode of the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. I am your blog host, ready to get started?
Like usual, I am going to first investigate the Urban Dictionary as to what exactly a Bro-Zone is:
Bro-zone is the direct area around a male that is generally unacceptable to be in unless you are "getting it on". If someone unwanted is in your Bro-zone then it is in danger of being depleted, making it uncomfortable to exist until they leave.
This is the annotated definition, because the other definitions were NOT, as yet,  pertinent to the blog topic at hand. Guycology states that the bro-zone is most present in situations like a male locker room or public restroom where among the male population it is considered taboo to do much besides business to get in and get out as quickly as possible with as little interaction with the other occupants as possible. For example if there are three standing urinals, it is inappropriate behavior for a man to take the middle toilet, as it would force a side by side confrontation of uncomfortable nature for the next man needing to piss as he will be forced to stand next to the other dude, which leads to conditions like "stadium dick".
It is also generally considered inappropriate behavior for men to talk or converse, namely in the public restroom situation as MOST men are so homophobic that they are constantly worried about a "fag" dude staring at their junk. This is both narcissistic and stupid as even the lamest of dudes can talk about one of a few choice topics (primarily because these topics, to follow, are pretty much take up the majority of all male thought processes):
1) Sports... there are so many from basketball, football, soccer to Nascar, rodeo, and all manner of sports and games in between. It may seem awkward to talk about aloud in a men's room, but rather than looking at the next guy's shank, you could ease the bond and awkwardness of the bro-zone by talking about the local team, super-bowl, prospective draft picks, etc.
2) Sex, women, pussy... all of these things are commonplace in a male locker room of teenage boys, but adults seem to be a little bit more uptight and homophobic... again thinking that everyone is staring at his meat Popsicle. This is both immature and self involved because non-gay heterosexual men DON'T check out each other's junk and as I have repeated at length in the past: IT IS NOT CONTAGIOUS!
3) Alcohol, namely beer. Unless you are an uptight conservative asshole, it is generally assumed by dudes that you  at least drink a beer every once in a while, or maybe you prefer tequila or whiskey... the drink matters not, but rather the bonding experience that can be related by sharing such topics as I'm sure your fellow man can readily relate.

Women on the other hand have NO hang-ups about gossiping and talking to one another across the stall walls of the commode, even when dropping the stink pickle SHART in the toilet. This includes ALL topic conversations, as opposed to the limited forum of discussion topics acceptable for men, in or out of the bro-zone. These topics include, but not inclusive, of penises, fucking, kissing, dating, and other BITCHES, etc. etc.
 For men this is both gross and un-proper conduct for a bathroom. In fact it is so deadly silent in the men's room that the smallest fart can be heard. This, if nothing else, might get the shy male to talk, as it is commonly known that ALL males, from boys to men, are obsessed with their farts and bowel movements, finding endless  humor in the noise and stench, revelling in their own farts, collosal dumps, and whatnot.
Guycology also states that it is NOT acceptable for dudes to touch one another in the restroom or locker room, unless it is in the display of aggression and manhood by punching your buddy or some other juvenile form of abuse, such as giving a wedgie or a swirly.

Now the OTHER, not previously mentioned definition of the Bro-zone comes into including women. Similar to a woman putting a guy into the "friend zone", women are similarly able to find herself in the bro-zone under a special set of circumstances, often involving the girl being "too cool", a sports fan, or a possible lesbian posing as a turd in the punch bowl.
It is widely known that the world is covered with desperate, horny, hairy-palmed dudes that are willing to fuck ANYTHING, and when I say ANYTHING, I really DO mean ANYTHING.... aaaaahhhh........ nasty bastards!!
However, the other definition goes as follows, from the Urban dictionary:
An area a girl has entered when befriending a guy. Usually occurring with tomboys and their guy friends, when the male acknowledges the girl's actions by referring to her as "bro" or another "one of the guys". At this point the female in question has entered the "Bro-zone". The bro-zone eliminates ANY possible chance of the male friends having ANY sexual or relationship interest, and renders any chance of escaping the bro-zone hopeless.
As I said before, this definition is the rarest one, as it is proven that many men will fuck any woman, thus the reason for blogs of mine like "Who FUCKED THAT?!?" Please take the time to read my past blogs as they are chocked full of helpful info for both men and women.

Perhaps I am the lone wolf and I must enjoy being an asshole sometimes, because I am one of those rare breed of cat that actually enjoys starting up conversation in the men's room. I must admit I like to do this for a couple of different reasons, namely as follows:
1) I am perfectly sound in my sexuality as a hetero man and I don't even give a shit if a guy looks at my yang. I'm not homo, so it really doesn't affect me like that.
2) It is quite frankly funny how nervous other dudes get when someone is talking aloud in the bathroom. I find it hilarious when there is a dude taking a shit to walk out of the bathroom saying something like "Damn it smells like shit in here!" in a rather robust sort of voice. Once I even unrolled the toilet paper and wrote a message on it for the next user of the commode for #2 business. It read as follow: "dude, it smells like something crawled up your ass and died. You should really wipe better."

Oh but QM, that is so childish and crude.
Really? Come on! That was funny. Okay, maybe rude and a little too far, but I just feel the need to break through this icy cold tension of uncomfortability that is the male bro-zone. Fellas, lighten up! Seriously! NOT EVERY other dude out there is dead set on eyeballing your pud. Trust me, the gay dudes have their GAYDAR and YOU are NOT registered on their horizons, so don't flatter yourself.
Well that is about all I have to say about that. Have fun today and take good care of the mothers that take care of you.
Peace. Love. Respect. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Hey there friends, today I just wanted to post a short blog about an AWESOME movie: The AVENGERS!!

From brilliant writing and directing from Joss Whedon (formerly the creator of hits like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel) to a plethora of acting talent, this movie is sure to be not only one of the BIGGEST blockbusters of the summer, but perhaps of all time as it has already broken the opening weekend record for all-time sales in the box office and has already raked in nearly 700 million dollars worldwide.
Let's look at the acting talent:
Mark Ruffalo being cast as the Hulk was brilliant as he is a highly talented actor and actually is BETTER at the role than the two previous portrayals by Eric Bana and Edward Norton, especially since Mark Ruffalo actually looks like Dr. Bruce Banner. The on screen tension between the Hulk and Thor (played by Chris Hemsworth) was both exciting and audibly laughable... but I won't spoil it too much since many of my readers may not have seen the film yet.

The addition of Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye), a young up and coming actor who starred in films like the Hurt Locker and the newest installment of the Mission Impossible franchise makes for well rounded casting.

Scarlett Johanson (Black Widow) was super sexy and gave some dynamic credibility to the story line as she exposes the villain Loki's evil secrets through mind manipulation and she also has a kick ass action sequence at the beginning of the film in a skimpy dress too.

Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury, leader of S.H.I.E.L.D.) and Chris Evans (Captain America) kept the action going in a MAJOR WAY, but one actor stole the show, in particular...

Robert Downey Jr.'s portrayal of eccentric billionaire playboy philanthropist Tony Stark, a.k.a. Iron Man IS and HAS BEEN spot on in the first two screen adaptation's of Stan Lee's classic comic book creations and ANOTHER Iron Man movie is set to come out in the spring of 2013. Tony Stark is by far the most dynamic character in the Avenger's group and Robert Downey Jr. is one of my personal favorite actors. His portrayal in this movie sets him apart from the rest of the cast and his role is duly worthy of an Academy Award!! I am personally hoping in the next movie we will get to see the kick ass PROTON CANNON too!!

Even the supporting character Loki (Thor's brother) had a much more dynamic portrayal than the previous installment of Thor. And if you go to see this movie, stay til the end of the credits to see a super sneak preview... aww... I don't want to spoil it, but it is an easter egg to show you who the REAL villain is and set you up for the Avengers 2.
Already in the works, in addition to another Iron Man, are sequels to Captain America and Thor that are set for 2013 and 2014, respectively, with ANOTHER Avengers movie set to follow those. Marvel and Stan Lee have scored big time with this AMAZING hit movie and I will most likely go see it again in the theater for a second and maybe even third time... last movie that I went to see multiple times in the theater was the Star Wars prequel trilogy/ Matrix trilogy.
So if you go see NO OTHER movie this summer, the AVENGERS is a MUST SEE... after all it has just about EVERYTHING you go to the movies to see, action, comedy, and even a little romance thrown in for good measure.
Ladies and Gentlemen, this has been the one and only Quiet Mouse. I'll see YOU at the movies!!

American Conservatism

Once we recognize that Libertarianism is essentially neo-feudalism, and that it is now the dominant conservative philosophy of the Republica...