Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Over-population Control

Hello my fellow friends and knowledge seekers, I am the Quiet Mouse. Today I want to talk about how the Earth is overpopulated and it is a simple matter of mathematics that the continued growth of the human species combined with the growing energy needs and rampant consumption of resources = a recipe for disaster. Now this IS the growing burden of the 7+ billion inhabitants of Earth
Now see the above chart of population growth. I'm here to state very emphatically that this is fucked up and non-sustainable. There is NOT enough space on the planet Earth for MORE people. We have hit PEAK for EVERYTHING, be it oil, coal, natural gas, food, and EVERY other resource. The FACT is that there is NOT ENOUGH of ANYTHING to support MORE people on this planet. It is a disgrace that my fellow human beings have NO SELF CONTROL... ZERO!!! Americans, in particular make me sick to my stomach... Americans SHOULD KNOW BETTER! We can look out into the rest of the world and see Asian nations like China and India with over population problems that have been forced to reduce the number of children that a family can have. We've all seen the tear-jerking commercials from Africa where there are starving kids DYING in the streets, but Americans just turn off the t.v., completely desensitized to the suffering.
Then we have the Roman Catholic Church...
oh yeah... here we go.
This archaic group of child molesters and pedophiles that stole their religion from EVERY other previous world religion BEFORE the birth of Jesus... well, they are the right hand of overpopulation...
Anyway, the point is that this group has been one of the LEADING causes of world over-population condemning the use of birth control pretty much since it's inception as a powerful world institution focused on control... It is shameful to look out into the world and see these people who have been told NOT to use birth control having a LITTER of kids that they can not afford to feed, clothe, or give the basic necessities of life. I've said this before and I'll say it again... IF YOU CAN'T FEED 'EM, DON'T BREED 'EM!!
now since I am bagging on the Catholic church, I'm gonna say something important:
God does NOT approve of you having 10 kids that are gonna die of starvation and/or disease because you couldn't keep your legs shut or your dick in your pants. Human beings are busy out there fucking like rabbits and spreading like a VIRUS
Okay, I'm not here as much to place blame as I am to offer solutions... you're NOT gonna like them though...

"... But QM... you're talking about taking away the "god given right" to reproduce and have children."
You're DAMN RIGHT I am! We've hit the LIMIT! Anyone else born into this world is born into a bondage of slavery to a global system that is destroying the world, raping it of EVERY resource possible.
WHAT? Did you think that we could just keep growing without any repercussions? Did you think that we could just keep growing as a species and the resources would just be there FOREVER??
Oh wait... I know the answer... YOU DIDN'T THINK! YOU were too busy watching American Idol or Monday Night football, glued to the idiot box that is busy indoctrinating you to the idea that the "good old days" will be here once again... WRONG!
The TRUTH is that when it is all said and done, our little, and I do mean little revolution of technology will be a slight pimple on the timeline of Earth and humanity's existence there-in. Now we've already hit the TOP of the bell curve and we are on the downward swing. It doesn't matter how much we try to drill for more, dig up more. The gross amounts of resources we are using is proportionate to the gross amount of population growth... except... the population is the ONLY thing that is continuing to grow... the resources are gone and pissed away. This decade we will use as much resources as have EVER been used in the past hundred or so years since the dawn of the industrial revolution.
So the answer is to STOP breeding!! Use BIRTH CONTROL!! Support institutions like Planned Parenthood!!
We CANNOT afford to keep with the progressive growth of the human population. We not only need 0 growth, but we need to start working on - Negative growth... meaning one child for every 2 parents, or 0 children, meaning that some people should flat out STOP FUCKING PERIOD!! If you're in heat... wrap the meat.
WOMEN: Do NOT sleep with your scuzzy boyfriend unless he is wearing a rubber AND you are on the pill, shot, IUD, etc!!
Go to the store or planned parenthood and get some CONDOMS!! Better yet, go get yourself FIXED so YOU CAN be part of the SOLUTION, rather than part of the problem. The world already has enough kids that are in the system without a family or a home. The world already has enough children starving and dying EVERY DAY! How about we CHOSE to ADOPT or foster kids instead of having more???
How about we CHOSE to act with a better moral compass and be the true leaders of world change instead of just preaching about it??? I did MY PART! I got my vasectomy in 2008, on my birthday, none-the-less! I AM part of the SOLUTION because I am NOT having more kids! I am pro-choice and pro-women's-rights. I just want people to make a BETTER informed decision. Safely and without a further drain on the already dwindling resources.
So let's wrap this up and conclude the discussion. Birth control is good, despite what any archaic tradition of child molesters tells you... if you can't feed em don't breed em. And don't forget to spay and neuter yourself and your friends!

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