Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Why People HATE America!!

Hello once again my friends and fellow knowledge seekers. The Quiet Mouse strikes back has been a successful string of blog postings and I thank you all for your continued support.

Today I want to talk about the ethnocentrism of Americans and discuss some of the reasons that other countries dislike us (not as individuals, but our way of life).

First and foremost I am going to list for you all the TOP 5 reasons Americans are disliked by other parts of the world... and NO, these dislikes are NOT limited to Muslims or any other faith, these are WORLDWIDE views of this country we call home. I will go into further discussion of these individually in a moment.
1) Our democracy and freedoms (26%)
2) Our support of the nation of Israel
3) Our values and way of life
4) Our influence on the economy and lives of Middle Eastern countries
5) Our economic and military power

Okay, so number 1, our freedoms and democracy. I don't believe it as much of a hatred or dislike of the the ACTUAL freedoms we have, I think the resentment is Americans feeling of ENTITLEMENT for these things. Also, many other nations do NOT have the right to vote or be part of the democratic process that WE take so much for granted. Many many Americans do NOT participate in the election process all the way from the President down to congressmen and senators, even further down to state and local officials, and yet WE want to complain about how things have come about. Very sad.
Number 2. I don't know how many of you know, but the "holy lands" have been promised again and again to various Middle Eastern tribes. Israel is a "Westernized" state. Other countries and peoples like the Iranians and Palestinians, Syrians, etc. ALL feel that they have a right to this land. EVERYONE should have a right to this land if it is indeed a holy land. God did NOT say that it was okay to kill in HIS name, NOR wage countless wars over a piece of land.
Number 3. Our values and way of life are NOT in accordance with God or Mother Nature. Other countries HATE the way we are wasteful in EVERYTHING we do. We WASTE food, WE pollute, strip mine, deforest, murder, etc. all in the name of PROGRESS and EXPANSION of the American way of life. We are KILLING this PLANET to where in a generation or two, it will be completely un-inhabitable any longer. Globally speaking, WE are the new kids on the block being around only about 250 years. Compared to China or some middle eastern nations, we are but babies and yet WE are busy trying to FORCEFULLY instill capitalism and trade and a New World Order against sovereign nations that we have NO business doing. Period.
This ties directly into number 4 with our continued attacks on THEIR way of life that they have been living for thousands of years compared to our 250... the ONLY reasons we are over there right now is because of a) the oil, which we NEED to keep consuming and b) the set-up of military bases so the global elite can turn us all into slaves.
Number 5, last but not least. We are routinely HATED by other nations because of our continued presence where we DON'T BELONG. NO ONE is paying US to come and police their nation-states. WE are going further and further into MASSIVE financial and MORAL DEBT waging wars with any brown people that get in OUR way of WORLD DOMINATION. Other countries don't really like that. I read recently a quote from  Ron Paul. Paraphrasing his message, it basically asked how Americans would feel if China came over here to OUR country and started policing our streets without OUR permission. If they attacked and killed OUR citizens WE would be outraged and WE would continually fight back against the OPPRESSORS.
The analogy that Ron Paul stated is NOT inaccurate as to how the peoples of Iraq and Afghanistan see our presence there. THEY are fighting back because that is THEIR HOME. They are fighting to remain their OWN nation, rather than part of a territory owned and policed by the global elite. WHY ON EARTH WOULD THEY WANT TO BE SLAVES TO THE WHITE MAN??? The global elite ISN'T a group of black dudes or Middle Easterners after all.

I want to go back and digress a little and talk about bio-fuel such as bio-diesel. As much as 1/3 of the population on the ENTIRE planet right NOW as I type this blog posting is STARVING, quite literally. WE as Americans consume over 25% of the world's energy even though we only have about 4% of the global population. THESE numbers are WAYYYYY out of balance. But to the point, nearly HALF of the corn we produce in this nation every year is INEDIBLE, not fit for human consumption. The government has subsidized this product to create a surplus that is used to feed animals (besides humans) and we actually have the nerve to BURN up our food to make Ethanol (corn fuel), which by the way is NEGATIVE energy meaning it takes more petroleum fuel energy to create one gallon of Ethanol than the amount of energy is produced by that same gallon of Ethanol. So the corn crop is basically WORTHLESS... OR we take this inedible corn and add sulfuric acid and make High Fructose Corn syrup that increases the risks of heart disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes, premature death, etc... only about 14% of the corn is used for Ethanol production, so that means about 36% of the inedible corn is used to feed cows and chickens that are fattened up for slaughter to the point of inhumanity and torture to these poor creatures, ONLY to feed the mouths of the millions of EATERS and CONSUMERS, people that do NOTHING to support the agriculture and betterment of society. ALL they do is EAT and CONSUME, day after day after day... WHILE people in Asia and Africa are STARVING. IT is MADDENING and SICKENING how we can as Americans, just turn a blind eye to the realities of the world WE helped to create.

What is worse is that MOST of our national debt is based on OTHER countries like CHINA lending OUR money back to us so we can CONTINUE TO BUY THEIR CHEAP SHIT!!! Wal-Mart IS the distribution ARM of the People's Republic of CHINA!!
WE are driving a slave wage and a slave workforce of illegal immigrants in THIS country. It is NO different how we are treating the Hispanic population than we treated the slaves from Africa. NO DIFFERENT.

Americans seem to have an unjustified "faith" in the government that "SOMEBODY" is looking out for THEIR best interests. AGAIN, because I have stated this over and over again, WE cannot allow someone else to do OUR THINKING FOR US!! THEY, being the corporate driven politicians, will only continue to serve THEIR MASTERS: the corporations. WHO do YOU think pays for THEIR campaign contributions? I will tell you. It is the pharmaceutical companies, the oil industry, the war industry, the banking clans, and other large corporate entities who have NO interest in change... not as long as they can live like KINGS and ARISTOCRACY at the SLAVE expense of the masses.

This illusion that EVERYONE in the world loves America is FALSE. There is a rising resentment to the way that this nation sub-standardly treats foreigners. ANYONE that is still in love with this country and is not from here has only been blinded by the illusions of this land brought on by the Corporate-owned media. We are NOT all going to be millionaires or billionaires, NOR should we all be. There IS a class system in this nation that cannot be breached by the masses. THEY will NOT allow it. Some people have managed to wake up from this Matrix of illusion and lies. The TRUTH is that if Americans do NOT continue to keep buying and consuming, then the DEPENDENT world economy will collapse. WHEN the petrochemical-industrial-technological revolution is gone the way of the dinosaur (which it will happen), the world based on consumerism and greed will die along with it. ANY culture that has been based on this system of elaborate lies and deceptions WILL FAIL and CRUMBLE without mercy.
It is time for us to RETURN to the soil and RENEW our faith in the planet and system that the CREATOR set up for us. Nature's way IS the WAY of humans. WE have gotten so far away from the path that was MEANT for us to be on.

This has been the Quiet Mouse. If we want change, we have to change OURSELVES first. If we want the world to be a better place, then WE must look at the man or woman in the mirror and take a good hard look. It is NOT okay to continue on this ethnocentric decline fueled by our own blindness and materialistic greed.
Peace. Love. Truth. Compassion. Dignity. Equality. EARTH.


  1. your blog is somewhat contradictory of itself in one area. You criticize America for getting involved in the governing of other countries, policing the world, financial support, yet then call America out for not feeding the entire world?

    It's like a quarter. it has two sides, you don't get the heads without the tails. Yes, by all means criticize our government for sticking it's nose where it doesn't belong. But, let's not think that this same government doesn't also shell out over 30 billion a year in 'Humanitarian aide'. As well, let's not forget that while they hate us, these same countries call for our aid in libya, and would have gone extinct in Haiti if not for american aid.

    my opinion is a little harsher perhaps. I think the US should draw back all aid financial and otherwise to other countries and focus on our own problems and let those countries stand on their own, or fall on their own. Perhaps then there will be an appreciation of the full scope of what america does for the world.

  2. @ David. I agree with your opinion that we should be taking care of Americans here on our own soil FIRST and FOREMOST. I blogged about that a while back when I spoke on Veterans receiving inadequate care. It is horrible. I am not immune to see the sufferings of those worldwide, but we cannot even take care of ourselves, let alone the entire world.
    Secondly, I am not suggesting that America DO feed the world. I applaud all the humanitarian aid that does occur, however, between the U.S., Britain, and the IMF, there has been more destabilization of economies. We shouldn't have to feed them, but at the same time we feel obligated because our cheap subsidized crops have choked out their own agrarian cultures for PROFITS and competition. I just want people to understand that these concerns, fears, and even HATRED that stem from other countries is not without warrant. WE run around like the bully on the block and thus are seen as what WE are.


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