Sunday, March 6, 2011

Lack of Productivity

Hello once again my friends and fellow knowledge seekers, it is I, the Quiet Mouse.
I am posting here once again to talk about some stuff that you may or may not have thought of. Sometimes, you might just not think of these things until someone says it and then you're like "oh yeah, huh?"... or something like that.
I generally think about things for long periods of time since I actually WANT to learn and WANT to make myself a better person. It came to my attention the other day after writing the last blog asking if there are any good people left, what the actual dilemma is with human beings these days.
Sitting in a cubicle ALL day does NOT count as being productive. It is meaningless!!!
Please don't misunderstand, I AM aware that humans are NOW working longer hours than EVER before. We are paying higher taxes than EVER before. This would all be well and good if there were some sort of benefit being gained, but benefits are DOWN across the board from lack of funds. War tends to do that, but then again so do all the illegal immigrants that are getting paid under the table since they are NOT paying American taxes that could pay for the county hospitals that THEY use so freely at OUR expense.... but that is NOT what this blog is about, so back to task.
The REAL problem as I see it is that the average person in this country doesn't really do much at all. In the olden days, people had to make their own clothes, butcher their own meat, plant their own crops, READ books instead of looking it up the brainless way on Google. Communities USED to be self-sustaining is my point. WE as modern Americans don't do SHIT for ourselves. We (including our ancestry) have elected the way of the coward to "allow" corporations to do EVERYTHING for us as humans. THEY are only interested in PROFITS, NOT our health and well-being. What ever happened to "Victory Gardens"? Why can't we, or don't we take care of ourselves and STOP depending on Uncle Sam Inc. for assistance when WE are fully capable of doing things WITHOUT federal aid?
When did people stop caring about their own well being? Is it because we are all so materialistically driven? We always have to keep up with the Jones's? People have basements and attics full of JUNK that they do not need and most likely will NEVER use... so what is the point of it all in this society? I think that many of us have to PRETEND to be like the elite. Perhaps imitation IS the most sincere form of flattery, but NOT when it comes at so HIGH a cost. YOU and I will NEVER be like them, as hard as we may pretend or try. YOU and I have a soul and intrinsic value as a human. THEY worship money, control, and power, NOTHING else!
 It is idiotic in this age of science and technology that people can learn at the click of the button, yet literacy is as LOW as it has EVER been in this nation. With this technology we have "social networking" and yet the strains of interpersonal communication have NEVER been worse than now. How does this happen? It was brought to my attention in my college English 101 class about people actually DYING at the computer console or in front of the television because they did not get up to eat or drink anything while playing online gaming. Again... how does this happen?

I constantly hear friends and loved ones complaining about how there is not enough time for things like exercise or healthy eating... I KNOW because I HAVE made all the excuses too. NO MORE!! Countless hours are wasted in front of the idiot box as the human population becomes ZOMBIES, brainwashed by the propaganda of the mainstream media. Countless hours of productivity are WASTED on idiotic bullshit like FARMVILLE. How about while you are at work, WORK!!! You are NOT getting paid to sit on your ass and play games. Why do you think that all of our jobs are going overseas? THEY have work ethic (well, and they will work for pennies on the dollar)!! Americans NEED to get over this sense of entitlement CRAP. PERIOD!! Just because you were born here doesn't mean diddly-shit now. If you WANT a job, then damn it, YOU need to stop being lazy and start being PRODUCTIVE!! Do NOT wait for someone else to make all your decisions for you! Do NOT wait for the corporations to take care of you! Do NOT wait to start making something productive of your life!
The LEAST a person SHOULD be doing is gardening. The corporations don't give a shit if you get sick from their Genetically Modified GM foods. Monsanto owns their own pharmaceutical company now. They can poison you with the GM foods and then give you MORE poison in a pill. Brilliant, this capitalism we have now (this IS sarcasm of course)... but THIS is what happens when we ALLOW others, be it corporations or government to make OUR decisions FOR US!!
This IS a screwed up world we live in, but it is just as much OUR fault as it is THEIRS. THEY are ONLY making decisions de facto for us, because we did NOT participate in this democracy. WE bought into THEIR lies about how technology would bring an easier life to us all... but that's the thing: IT was NEVER meant to give you and I an easier life... no, no, no silly rabbit... it is for THEM to have an easier life at OUR expense. And WE have allowed them to make slaves of us as WE continue to give our rights away because of the wars that THEY create to divide and conquer us (which they have done very effectively all be-it not very efficiently).

Honestly, I don't know what else to say. I am tired and frustrated with my fellow humans. I have so much love in my heart, but my heart is broken. I am truly sad for the fate in which we ALLOW ourselves to be a part of. All we have to do for CHANGE is to THINK differently. Another problem is that Americans did NOT learn their lesson from the last time we had to deal with THEIR mess. All these bailouts and shit that caused a HUGE recession is just the TIP of the iceberg. There is over 684 TRILLION dollars worth of monopoly debt in the world right now in the form of "derivatives". If you don't know what this is, I assure you it IS worth your time to look it up.
WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU WANT TO GIVE THEM YOUR LIFE IN THEIR HANDS??? THEY have polluted, raped, pillaged, strip-mined, deforested, murdered YOU, I, our grand-children's children's future... ALL for the love of MONEY, CONTROL, and POWER.
Follow the money to the rich white guys... that's pretty much how it always goes down. And what do WE do?
Well, WE'VE been HELPING them attain their goals. The more warring and fighting we do amongst one another, the closer and closer THEY get to TOTAL control.

Make something. Grow something. Create SOMETHING!! But for God's sakes... STOP DESTROYING EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This has been the Quiet Mouse.
You reap what you sow. Recycle. Re-use. Give back.


  1. I don't play Farmville so I am not defending that, but wouldn't you say that people also waste a lot of time on their Wii or other gaming systems? It's not that much different, except you have to pay to play. What about the "idiot box"? You watch it, too. There are educational programs on the "idiot box". There are even self help channels, EXERCISE and cooking channels. Don't completely knock some of the technology we have, unless of course you are prepared to eliminate or reduce your usage of it yourself.

    I used to sit in a cubicle and believe me it wasn't a picnic. It was hard work. Just because I wasn't "hands on" and physically building something don't think my quick data entry and math skills were totally wasted.

    With all that being said, I DO understand the points you make, but try to see the other side, too.

  2. Like this blog Bryce. I just don't think it is always rich vs poor. Not all rich people are bad and not all poor people are good. I do think technology has made people lazy and unable to think for themselves.

  3. @ Tamara... I DO understand the other side of the issue. We DO work hard, but MOST of it is POINTLESS tasks set forth by THEM to abuse us and steal away our money (destruction of a middle class).

  4. god i am so old (63); i actually remember when people were concerned with the struggles of the "lower class" (you know, people who couldn't afford to buy tv's or to clothe their children or to have a home or drive a car or go to the doctor or see a movie or ...). The slip sliding from giving a shit about poor people to worrying about the middle class is strictly an economic issue because if we don't have a bunch of middle class people buying a bunch of worthless shit the economic system in the u.s. of a. will crumble overnight.


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