Thursday, March 3, 2011

Are There ANY Good People Left In the World??

Hello friends, this is the Quiet Mouse, I just wanted to give people a small bit of hope with a short blog.

I don't think it should take anything special for people to treat one another better than we do as  humans. It is sad that we degrade one another so much and what is worse is that many people are constantly putting his/her self down without any outside assistance. Christian people need to get over themselves. It is fine to have faith in God and Jesus, but I don't think THEY want you to pollute this planet. 
Why is it that tolerance, honesty, and compassion are looked at as signs of weakness. Having a good character transcends ANY and ALL of our restrictive human constraints. Why can't people see that? Why are humans filled with evil, fear, and hatred? More people have been killed on this planet in the name of God than ALL natural disasters and other human intervention combined. 
Why do people have to be so closed minded and linear in their thought, completely ignorant of what COULD indeed be a better, more positive, and happier way of living?
If we do NOT repent and change our wasteful and destructive ways, it WILL be the end of us all. The corporate driven elite from the Bilderberg group are perfectly happy with US killing one another. They despise us, our very existence. To them we are nothing better than sheep or cattle for them to buy, sell, and experiment on us on a global level. 

I keep asking what it will take for people to wake up to the REALITY of the world we live in. The worse things get it seems like more and more people are just playing into what THEY want. Gang warfare, drug zombies (pharmaceutical, alchohol, and meth/cocaine), blatant racism, rampant prejudice, sexism, crooked politics, global pollution... When is it going to end? Do we really have to let THEM beat us down and destroy us? Do we have to HELP them with their cause?
Can't we be good honest people starting TODAY? Can't we wake up tomorrow and kiss our children and baby's mamas or baby's daddy's with LOVE in our hearts? Can't we decide with good moral judgement that we can RISE above the petty bickering and arguing over "STUFF" that is basically worthless?
I personally am seeking the path of enlightenment. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! It is one of the ONLY things that WE as humans CAN control. Ignorance is NOT bliss. Stupidity is only going to cause MORE problems. I am tired of seeing the suffering caused by my fellow humans from here in the streets of America to the jungles of the Congo in Africa, to the sweatshops of Asia, the Nike factories owned by Phil Knight. Why is it when people want to come together for the betterment of society, we call them  Socialists and condemn their society? This is especially ironic considering we KEEP waging wars with other nations, are poised for yet ANOTHER conflict with Libya... ALL while we have MILLIONS of Americans homeless and out of work. We can't even take care of the people that live HERE first and foremost, but we want to attack other nations for a New World Order? Will people figure out the TRUTH when gas hits $10 a gallon? When the banks foreclose on ALL houses? When THEY instill MARTIAL LAW in the streets of this nation? When they destroy ALL unions, collective bargaining, barter?
Is there ANYONE with enough BALLS or BRAINS to stand up as a HUMAN and say enough is enough. Like the movie Network we MUST get MAD. We MUST run to the window and scream to the sky "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it!!"
I don't know what it will take to make you get mad or what it will take to get you to wake up and turn off the t.v., put down the cell phone and get out of the house. Maybe if I yell enough, SOMEONE will hear my voice??
I love this country and I love my fellow humans, despite the horrific and terrible things that we have done and are continuing to do. I seek the path of the Buddha to find a higher level of enlightenment. YOU find YOUR path as I am searching for mine. Do NOT ever become complacent because that allows THEM to win and control YOUR mind, body, and soul. THEY can only RENT your time, if you sell them your soul, you can only get it back through LOVE, PEACE, EMPATHY, and KNOWLEDGE.

This has been the Quiet Mouse. Keep the faith alive. There is STILL hope as long as the HUMAN spirit can endure. WAKE UP and LIVE, unselfishly and in HARMONY with NATURE and the UNIVERSE!!

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