Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Hello in the new year of 2011 my friends!! This is the one and only Quiet Mouse back to send warm wishes to all my friends and family, brothers and sisters of all nations in the world.
So 2010 turned out to be a little bit of a bust and disappointment for many. The recession continued and unemployment rates went up, tapered off a bit, but where are the new jobs at? More people lost their homes. The war still continues in Iraq and Afghanistan...

2010 was far from the vision that science fiction writers of the past envisioned. Weren't we supposed to have flying cars and space travel to the other planets, as written by Arthur C. Clarke in his 2001 and 2010 books?
Maybe we can make this new year about MORE than corporate greed and get back on the horse as an American country. There are too many smart minds in this country to allow this lack of innovation to continue. Lets all put down the guns and inflated egos and join together in an effort to raise the bar of standard for us as individuals and for society in general. Lets keep lobbying and pressuring our leaders to end the prohibition on cannabis and other herbs. Lets create more jobs on our own. We have to quit asking big brother for a hand out and start doing things for OURSELVES as a culture. Lets concern our minds with sustainability and GREEN energy rather than the Matrix of lies and disillusionment that has plagued this nation for so long. Lets all make a pledge to get away from the computer, cell phone, and television for at least an hour every day to renew our spiritual connection with MOTHER EARTH. Lets seek alternative therapies to all the pharmaceuticals that have been shoved down our throats. Lets eat more FRUITS & VEGETABLES instead of McDonalds and other junky, allegedly "fast" food. Lets give praise back to the creator and marvel in her Earthly beauty, rivers, forests, mountains, etc... before the greedy powers RAPE and destroy the landscape of this beautiful planet for their own profiteering agenda. Buy local and organic so we can put evil polluting companies like Monsanto out of business. Boycott cotton!! Over half of the pesticides and chemicals used in the entire planet are used on COTTON!! Ask for hemp, the ULTIMATE RENEWABLE RESOURCE!!
Stand up and break away from the Matrix and shout to the sky "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it!!" (from the movie Network). We MUST demand a better world and WE have to change our own paradigm from one of fear, hatred, and distrust to one of PEACE, LOVE, and BROTHERHOOD FOR ALL!!
The most important thing of all is for YOU and I to THINK!! WAKE UP FROM THE MATRIX and join REALITY!! Put down the cell phones and converse with the ones you love to their faces.
This is the year for REAL CHANGE!! It just starts within and LOVE is contagious. Just let go of the past. We cannot change what has already happened! All we can do is VOW NOT to make the same mistakes that we have done over and over already...

Are you ready? Today is the day to make your new years resolutions. How bout one of helping your fellow man EVERY day? How bout one of getting off the couch, away from the distractions of modern society and take your shoes off in the grass and feel your connection with something far greater than yourself? How bout a resolution of STOPPING the senseless commercialism of buying a bunch of shit you don't need. STOP overspending for holidays that are pointless and distract you from the true meaning of LOVE, FAMILY, and TOGETHERNESS that was REALLY MEANT TO BE!!

Are you ready to grow up and act like an adult? Are you ready to live a fruitful life that is congruent with the natural order? Ready to wake up and stop being a mindless consumer?
Put down the Coach bags, the Air Jordan shoes, and the high tech gadgets (especially the GPS crap)!! Plant some trees, grow some of your own food, and lets take back this planet away from the greedy corporate swine!

This has been the Quiet Mouse. Happy 2011!! Lets ALL make this the year of change, LOVE, and PEACE!!
Truth. Love. Peace. Honor. Ingenuity. Respect.

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