Tuesday, December 21, 2010

9/11 False Flag Terror and the DHS/FEMA Aftermath

Hello once again my friends and fellow truth seekers, it is the one and only Quiet Mouse, back to open your eyes and minds to one of the most central issues to plague the United States in recent history.
Before I get started, I feel the need, due to the sensitive nature of this topic and to those who have the potential to read this blog, to state once again, that I AM a patriot of this country. Do NOT doubt or question my patriotism because I am seeking answers and want to know the TRUTH!!
I would like to thank once again Alex Jones at Infowars.com & prisonplanet.com, former Governor Jesse Ventura and his investigative show "Conspiracy Theory", as well as the hundreds of citizens, fire fighters, transit workers, policemen, etc. who gave their health, blood, sweat, and tears during that fateful day on September 11, 2001. I would also like to throw out some disdain for the GOP (Republican) party for filibustering and making a mockery of these people by denying a bill that would give health care benefits to those injured and suffering from the toxic fumes they inhaled on 9/11.

Lets continue... I have NO doubt that all people that were alive on 9/11 remember whole heartedly where they were and what they were doing at the time of the attack. I personally was working in a call center and felt a rush of patriotism at the thought of another country or "terrorist" group attacking US. I went down to donate blood after the office dismissed the department for the day to do my "duty". This eventually was the spark that led to me joining the Navy, months later, and subsequently graduating Navy boot camp on 9/11/02... EVERYONE remembers THAT date, but how many of us remember September 10, 2001?
Anyone? Well for those who don't remember, let me refresh you...
On the day before the attack, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld announced in a press conference that the Defense Department had basically "LOST" or mis-allocated 2.3 TRILLION DOLLARS and could NOT account for where the money went, with no receipts or paper to verify payment history.
2.3 TRILLION DOLLARS, my friends. And the next day... NO ONE REMEMBERED OR SPOKE OF IT AGAIN...

Now for me to explain what happened I have to rewind a little bit to World War II. While it IS true that the Allies DID defeat the Axis troops of Germany, Italy, and Japan... You may not know that OUR government gave pardon and assylum to many Nazis, many of whom should have been sentenced to death for their war crimes against the Jews, but escaped a Nuremburg trial thanks to OPERATION PAPER CLIP. OPC was a program that the American gov't came up with to recruit Nazi German scientists such as Verner Von Braun to come work for the US gov't in programs like our emerging NASA space program, as well as for genetic research, technology, and industry. The Germans were several years ahead of the U.S. in their scientific developments and in order to compete in a global world, it was thought that their service would assist in our goal of space flight. However, it would NOT have been possible for this country to slip into a Nazi state as it has become WITHOUT the addition of Nazi minds being integrated into the highest levels of OUR government... WHAT DID THEY THINK WAS GONNA HAPPEN?? The turning of OUR gov't into the NEXT 3rd Reich!!
Well, after WWII, the USSR emerged as a world superpower, thus creating the COLD WAR as we felt threatened by the RED SCARE. This is important to understand because the military industrial complex felt the NEED to create a war-mongering American society. As long as we have/had an ENEMY, the funding kept coming from the Gov't to these private war profiteers, namely the BANKS, corporations, and private investors that made BILLIONS from hard-working taxpayer dollars.
All the way going through the Korean and Vietnam conflicts, these same rich families and banks continued to RAPE and pillage the American populace for their profiteering agenda. After the end of the cold war those same individuals got together for secret meetings and underground commissions such as the Bilderberg group and Trilateral Commission. They NEEDED to CREATE a threat to keep the American people in FEAR.
Now since most of my readers probably do not know or do NOT remember... WE created the threat in the Middle EAST. We put people like Saddam Hussein in power over Iraq. WE created the Taliban in Afghanistan to combat the RED threat of the USSR. Russia invaded Afghanistan and WE, namely the CIA, gave the rebels massive amounts of WEAPONS to battle the RED intruders from the North. WE trained the desert peoples of that nation how to be sneaky and fight a guerrilla war against the USSR.
During the 80's, Osama Bin Laden ( Our MODERN boogey-man) was an agent working FOR THE CIA, on OUR gov't's payroll.
George H.W. Bush (Skull and Bones secret society member) has been a personal advisor to the Saudi Arabian Bin Laden family since the days he was the director of the CIA, all the way through to this day. Doesn't that seem like a conflict of interest for the American people?
Executive Order 12127 on April 1, 1979 President Jimmy Carter created the Federal Emergency Management Agency, better known as FEMA. This organization was created to assist with the national guard and state and local agencies to help clean up after natural disasters and national emergencies. At the formation of this agency, it absorbed into it:
The Federal Insurance Administration
The National Fire Prevention & Control Administration
The National Weather Service Community Preparedness Program
and U.S. Civil Defense

Now back to September 11th... The plans to invade the sovereign nations of Afghanistan and Iraq were already prepared. We just needed to make them our ENEMY first, so we could feel justified by going in there to STEAL their natural resources of oil and minerals. The TRUTH that they don't want you to know is that we, as a planet, are closer to being OUT of resources than not. ALL the squabbling NOW is about the limited resources like, oil and fresh water. I have read many reports that state a grizzly and ugly fact that people NEED to know as well.
The human population, at the current rate of consumption of planetary resources has LESS THAN 100 years before EXTINCTION!! We have passed the tipping point as a species that we consume much much more than we actually produce and we are NOT self-sustainable. Wealthy interests like the Bilderberg group KNOW these shocking statistics that have been refuted by named scientists like Steven Hawking. And for WHAT PURPOSE are these facts being withheld from the populace? I'd love to tell you, but I'll get to that in a moment.
It is NOT a coincidence that all this is happening. It has been quietly manipulated into fruition during secret meetings, False Flag terror attacks (much like we planned for during the Cuban missile crisis), propaganda for Capitalism that has destroyed world markets, and WAR, WAR, WAR!!
There are those naive individuals out there that are confused into thinking that a New World Order would be beneficial to our planet, but I assure you... YOU are NOT involved in THEIR plans, other than to be a SLAVE to a rich autocracy. Well, that is after they plan on committing genocide and murdering approximately 80 to 90% of the human population. The remaining slaves will be stuck with the RFID 666 chip for global monitoring and NO freedoms, but what they tell you to do.

How does this equate to what happened on September 11th? The Department of Defense, CIA, FBI, and even Vice President Dick Cheney staged this False Flag terror attack to eliminate the evidence of their 2.3 Trillion theft, along with the imminent need to attack Iraq and Afghanistan for their resources. Again and again, the rich profiteers wage their wars with human expense while the bankers and elite made billions!!

Evidence has come forward from eyewitnesses, expert testimony from pilots, structural engineers, and military individuals (threatened and in fear for themselves and their families lives). I have personally seen many videos, read and heard many witness testimonies PROVING that the WTC towers were systematically destroyed in controlled explosions. There were bombs going off on all the floors of the WTC towers, before and after the airplanes hit the buildings. Scientific evidence has proven that it was IMPOSSIBLE for jet fuel to make those towers drop. Jet fuel only heats to approximately 1100 degrees Fahrenheit.
The REAL incendiary used was most likely Super-thermite (according to demolition experts), a high powered explosive (that heats hotter than jet fuel) that is mixed together and can be painted onto walls. The ONLY way for the towers to fall was to destroy the base of the superstructure. Eyewitness testimonies explain this as they reported blasts from BELOW. Fire fighters reported also of finding devices that appeared to be bombs at different levels throughout the evacuation of the twin towers. Watching the videos of that day, it can be clearly seen the demolition blasting at the various floors AS the buildings fell, and before the planes even hit the buildings.
And who can explain the controlled demolition of World Trade Center building 7, that fell that day? No airplane hit that building... but still it fell like any controlled demolition would, imploding on itself. And isn't it quite ironic that the pentagon was bombed in the exact place where the records were being held for the 2.3 Trillion spending gap. Eye witness testimony said that a MISSILE hit the Pentagon, NOT airline flight 77.
The FBI came in and KNOWINGLY got rid of evidence and threw out eyewitness testimony for their 9/11 commission. They alleged that the black boxes from the airplanes were not found which turned out to be a lie. Hangar 17 at JFK airport holds much of the evidence that could shed light on the controversy and bring truth to the families of those who died and are dying. All so they could pass bills like the Patriot Act, for the purpose of destroying our Bill of Rights, and invade 2 sovereign nations.
Further evidence points to the fact that the "hijackers" were on the planes, in the cockpits before they left the runway and were allowed to take off anyway. In addition, Donald Rumsfeld ordered NORAD to "stand down" that day rather than scramble and take down those jets before they hit the WTC buildings.
Furthermore, of all the 85 video cameras trained on the Pentagon that day, we are only allowed to see 3 frames from 1 camera? The FBI confiscated all those tapes and will not allow any investigation...
NO bodies, wreckage (no wheels, seats, fuselage), or any other evidence has EVER been found to show a plane hitting the Pentagon. Dick Cheney is reported from eye witness testimony to have been given a minute by minute update on where the planes were to hitting the towers and pentagon. Shameful. HE gave the final order for the attack

It is my firm belief, much like this Mohamed Muhammad they just busted up here in Portland, OR, that the "terrorists" that bombed the WTC buildings were recruited, paid, and given assistance by the CIA and other alphabet agencies. I believe they were profiled and recruited because of their Muslim faith and were easily manipulated as PATSIES for the False Flag terror instigated by OUR Gov't. much like Lee Harvey Oswald was a patsy for the assassination of JFK - any time the U.S. government wants to use terror against its own people.
The 9/11 commission spokesperson even admitted to Gov. Jesse Ventura that the attack was all about "protection of the institution"... over human lives.

Now I am gonna explain more as to WHY 9/11 had to happen for them to get their agenda across: The Department of Homeland Security!! In 2003, George W. Bush (KNOWN INTERNATIONAL TERRORIST) put FEMA into the DHS whose mission is to protect the nation from "dangerous people".
The official FEMA directives after 2003 are as follows:
1) National Emergency Recovery
2) Continuity of Government
3) Combating "perceived" threats for the existing social and political order

FEMA failed horrendously during the Hurricane Katrina aftermath and showed their true colors as being NOT serving the best interests of the American people. The overall goal of FEMA is this:
Readiness exercise 1984 (YES, just like the Orwell novel) was an armed forces exercise conducted on behalf of the U.S. gov't to test our military's ability to detain large numbers of American citizens in case of civil unrest or "national emergency"
Why does FEMA need military leaders you may ask? Because quite simply, as I wrote in an earlier blog about the FEMA relocation/concentration camps... to instill martial law on U.S. soil.
Average citizens are now considered a "threat" by the FBI and FEMA to include Veterans, African Americans, and Pro-life supporters as well as those in favor of gun ownership rights, private property rights, home schooling, the U.S. constitution, people that believe elections are rigged, those that believe a NWO exists & American military bases are being used as concentration camps.
In May 2007 G.W. Bush signed (PDD51) Presidential Directive 51 that states
"... a cooperative effort among the executive, legislative, & judicial branches of the Federal Government, coordinated by the President will replace normal governmental procedure..."
PDD51 would NOT allow even high level members of Congress access to information, effectively cutting them OUT of the legislative process. This IS HIGH TREASON against the American people!!

The FBI counterintelligence program has been set up to spy on Americans, targeting non-violent civil rights organizations, anti-war groups, & what they consider to be the "New Left". The goal was to expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize the activities of these groups as set up by J. Edgar Hoover many years ago, and followed by George H.W. Bush all the way to present times. Public speakers, teachers and writers have found themselves targets of these attacks.
The 4 main methods used by the FBI for these attacks on Americans citizens:
1)Infiltration- misinformation
2)Psychological warfare- manipulation and threats
3)Harassment through legal system- false arrests and wrongful imprisonment
4)Extralegal force & violence- threats, break-ins, assault, vandalism, and beatings

The POINT I am trying to make is that they WANT us to revolt against these blatant violations of our civil rights... it will only make it that much easier for THEM to enforce Martial Law. Thus the reason for Army Regulation 210-35. This regulation provides policy for creating Civilian Inmate Labor Program and prison camps on Army installations under the Federal Bureau of Prisons.
Think we don't live in a policed state of tyranny? Think again!!
Why do you think they are so busy recruiting Marines into the police forces across this nation? Marines follow orders without fail and are trained to point and KILL... How else do you think they're gonna reduce the population by 80%? We are officially in a Nazi state now!
Wake up and DEMAND the TRUTH!!!
This has been the Quiet Mouse once again. As always if you don't believe me... do your own research and find the truth for yourself. I am not saying these things to be a shit stirrer or to cause panic or violence. Not at all. I just want people to know the truth and make their own informed decisions for themsleves and their families.
Peace. Love. Respect. Honor. Truth

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