Monday, December 27, 2010


Let's jump right in and get started with this topic that I'm sure EVERYONE will enjoy. This is the Quiet Mouse...
What is it about sex that we find so appealing? Is it some kind of carnal desire left unfulfilled that will drive us mad? Perhaps it's an animalistic instinct that is uncontrollable?
Why don't we investigate this a little... all the way from single celled organisms that have "asexual" reproduction. My theory... these single cells split into 2 so it can have something to have sex with too.
Now, birds and reptiles are kinda odd in their reproduction cause they lay eggs and have a special way of rolling around and getting their baby gravy all mixed in with the eggs for fertilization. I'm not sure what you call that, but it's not the traditional "F**KING" that we, as mammals, are mostly obsessed with, well, maybe turtles...
It seems like that's all we are able to think about from the time of puberty where we develop secondary sex traits like hairy genitals, women grow breasts, men get gruff deep voices and start sprouting wood... It might even start before that, as young women are developing at an earlier age with their menses due to hormones being added to the beef and chicken that leaks over the blood barrier to the consumer. Now girls as young as 9 or 10 years old are having their period and growing boobs.
As an American society, we seem a little bit suppressed in our feelings about sex. EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD WANTS TO FUCK!! The morality police kinda just need to get over their high horse and stop demonizing people's behavior. I really believe that if we would STOP telling our kids that it is somehow sinful and shift the focus on teaching them to be morally responsible, rather than throwing the pussy or cock around, then we would be more successful at stopping the transmission of STD's and unwanted pregnancies.
I know that the RELIGIOUS Christian fanatics don't believe in a woman's right to chose her destiny with an abortion, but they aren't exactly adopting all the children in THIS country. Ling Ling is cute over in Vietnam or Cambodia for Brangelina to adopt half the country, cause they are wealthier than the average American.
So all I am saying is that if you like to F*#K like most of us do, than please BE RESPONSIBLE!!

MEN: STOP acting like the penis in your pants. You HAVE a brain in your head on your shoulders, please USE IT!!  You DO NOT have to stick your dick in EVERY woman you  meet. Pay your damn CHILD SUPPORT if you aren't ready to be a full time dad. Keep your dick IN YOUR PANTS... sex=kids...

LADIES: STOP giving up your pussy to every squirrel dick mother-fucker that is looking for a NUT!! Have some pride in yourself!! HE might not have the brains, but your own low self esteem is killing YOU and your chances of happiness. The world does NOT need any more single mothers on welfare and government assistance. Keep your legs closed. Sex=Kids...

Another issue is that just because a man and a woman have sex, does NOT mean that he loves you. In fact, the faster you give it up, the more likely he will respect you LESS and avoid further contact with you!! FACT!! Besides, if we would just lift this repressive mindset of "sinful" sex, then I really am convinced that all the sex crimes would go down as well. There is NO excuse for RAPE, or child molestation. There are like 6.5 BILLION people on this planet, so at least half, lets say 3.25 BILLION are women. DUDES, you can find SOMEONE to fuck without RAPE or messing with KIDS!! PLEASE!!

 It's not about what you do, it's WHO YOU DO IT WITH!
The fact of the matter is: Sex is NOT a sin. It is quite fun! Every animal from a snail to the cats, dogs, all the way to whales and rhino's like to do it!! Rabbits REALLY like to do it!! The only way it is sinful, I suppose is for it to be a prideful thing. If you are arrogant about your body and good looks, maybe... but that's still stretching it a little. Sh!t... in other countries the weather woman is showing her boobs to get people to watch the news!! I bet more people in THIS country would actually pay attention to the Government if the news people were sitting around in their birthday suits. or maybe if congress had to sit a session in their undergarments, lol... now that would actually be some entertaining "reality" t.v. lmao
For                                  Foxtrot
Unlawful                          Uniform
Carnal                             Charlie
Knowledge                      Kilo
However you want to say it, even the most repressed person will crave a little self-love every once in a while. I highly encourage ALL WOMEN to get themselves a B.O.B. (battery operated boyfriend). I would highly encourage ALL MEN to get over your damn ego and get in the game. Learn to talk to the woman... she might actually put out if she thinks you care about her feelings and show more concern and better moves than "POINT AND THRUST".
EVERYONE needs to curb check their own ego and use common sense. Get yourself tested if you have been sleeping around. Wear a condom to stop the spread of disease and unwanted pregnancy. Do NOT just rely on the condom or pill!! and remember IF YOU CAN'T FEED EM, DON'T BREED EM!!

Back to the sex!!
Now I know that some of you won't agree with what I am about to write, but tough shit!! I think it needs to be said and this is MY blog...
Homosexuality is as NORMAL as the sunset or a RAINBOW!!
I can hear the murmuring now (whisper, whisper, whisper, hahahaha)
Well, you guessed it... without an appropriate gender partner, your cat and dog will turn out GAY, cause they STILL want to fuck something. Even girl pets will mount each other, so don't go thinking that it's just the boys! EVERYTHING wants to poke on something else!
Let's be honest why don't we, huh? What are YOU so afraid of? If you are straight, then why are you so concerned? It ISN'T CONTAGIOUS. For some it is a choice, but some people just happen to like the same gender. EVERYONE still wants to fuck, and if it's not hurting you directly, and it's not interfering with kids or farm animals... WHAT'S THE PROBLEM? Well, besides your dumb ass judging others, as if you are the king shit in your own life. Morality policement is doomed for failure and unhappiness, because NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY... you will NEVER change people on the basic level of who they are. Turn the channel. If you don't like Homosexual people, FINE, don't hang around them. But get your own life straight before judging someone else, ESPECIALLY since they ARE WILLING to fight and die for this country in the ARMY, Navy, and other armed force branches!! YOU aren't willing to serve, so why are you complaining? For all the haters out there, SHUT THE F#*K UP!!

So what's the overview... Remember the Price is Right game show? Don't be shy to get yourself spayed or neutered to control the HUMAN population!!
This has been the Quiet Mouse once again bringing you unforeseen insight into your life. Hopefully you have been able to break away from the Matrix of conventional thought for a few minutes... now you can go back to your day :)
Peace. Love. Tolerance. Respect. HONOR. Truth.


  1. OH MY GOD! You are freaking hilarious. This was sure a nice break from your other blogs (which I like). It's nice to see our Quiet Mouse has a sense of humor!

  2. i actually had a fellow christain post on his fb that masturbation of all things is a sin!? talk about morality police. but other wise pretty hillarious blog. we just need to get back to the dont ask dont tell policy that Pres Clinton instuited. and ya ppl need to keep it in their pants more thats why we have an overpopulation prob. as a guy ill respect a women if she plays hard to get for a while. jus sayin


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