Monday, September 24, 2018

Marvel vs. DC 6: Post-Infinity War, Phase 4 and Beyond

Namaste and welcome my readers to another posting in this series of blogs about Marvel vs. DC. Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read my thoughts. Hope you enjoy my short discourse.
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I've been a movie fan all of my life and a comic book/movie fan nearly as long. I've seen pretty much all the movies, including the 1970's adaptations of Captain America, the Avengers, Hulk (Lou Ferrigno), and Fantastic 4. I have not, however seen the Doctor Strange from the same era. I've also seen all of the DC adaptations of film all the way back to the original Batman Adam West facing off against the likes of Caesar Romero (Joker), Burgess Merideth (Penguin), and Julie Newmar (Cat Woman). And who can forget the ever famous "shark repellent" carried on the Caped Crusader's belt. Or how about Howard the Duck? Come on... in the 80's it was great. His reprisal in the Guardians of the Galaxy movies put him in prime position for a rebooted franchise!! Just a fan-boy saying...
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Moving on, I'd like to discuss Infinity War, itself, since now everyone has seen this divisive movie and has formed biased opinions based upon the deaths of vital characters to whom the fans had grown attached. There also came about many negative opinions, particularly toward Peter Quill a.k.a. Star Lord over his behavior toward Thanos. But what if Doctor Strange foresaw this event in is over 14  million visions of alternate futures and it had to happen for the endgame. Sounds like a good title for Avengers 4: Endgame. Survivors: Steve Rodgers a.k.a. Captain America a.k.a. Nomad, Natasha Romanof a.k.a. Black Widow, Thor Odinson, ruler of the Asgardians, Rocket Racoon, Bruce Banner/Hulk, James Rhodes a.k.a. War Machine, Shuri, and Okoye. On Titan we know that Tony Stark a.k.a. Iron Man survives with Nebula. We also know from Ant Man and the Wasp that Scott Lang survives in the Quantum Realm. Online theory and alleged plot leak suggests that Ant Man will escape the Quantum Realm via some kind of time tunnel and potentially alert the Avengers members in the past of Thanos' threat to the universe, probably before the events of the first Avengers, possibly even before that. Time travel is likely be the key in bringing Captain Marvel into the fight as well. We saw her overpowered first trailer drop. WOW! With the return of the Kree, Ronan the Accuser and his pal Korrath, plus adding in the Skrull threat, and a younger (pre-eyepatch) Nick Fury with hair.
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Another character missing from the whole Avengers roster is Hawkeye. Where the fuck is this dude at? Training to become Ronin, perhaps? Time will indeed tell as the countdown continues toward the completion of the Infinity Stone saga that, once complete, will span over 22 films. Somehow they seem to keep making them better and better... in my humble opinion.
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Sony is pushing forward with their Spider-verse with Venom, set to launch soon, but sadly downgraded from a R rating to a PG-13 rating. No doubt Tom Hardy will do well in the role, but I'm an old school fan and always wanted to see him play Logan/ Wolverine. Now that Disney has completed the purchase of Fox movie studios and assets we might some day soon see a new Logan after all.
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Moving forward, Spiderman: Far From Home is set for release next year after the as yet untitled Avengers 4, starting the not- phase 4 of the MCU. Not sure if GotG Vol. 3 is going to happen now after all, due to the firing of James Gunn over controversial remarks on Twitter, as I understand... unfortunate. Hopefully Disney and Marvel will reconcile with the disgruntled cast and finish the trilogy.
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Since this is Marvel vs. DC, I have to dredge into the waters that is the DCEU. Coming off the losses of Superman Henry Cavill and Batman Ben Affleck, the DCEU is SHOOK (cause ain't so such thing as halfway crooks... look at your boy making a Mobb Deep reference). A lot of weight falls on the shoulders of Wonder Woman and a company that can't keep actors or directors. I have to be honest and say that Joaquin Phoenix playing the Joker looks like GARBAGE. Not hating cause it's DC, I just don't like the way dude looks like a circus clown, far from the esteemed performances of the late Heath Ledger or Jack Nicholson. With Captain Marvel and Avengers 4, followed by Spiderman: far from home I'm starting to think the nail is going into the coffin for the DCEU. If they did a good story like the Flashpoint Paradox or Doomsday Clock, I think it'd be a hit, especially when they stick to what they're good at... gritty, dark stories with broken characters, crime, and violence. DC needs an R rated super hero or villain film; badly. Sadly seems like Wonder Woman 2 and Suicide Squad 2 are the highlights on the horizon for DC...
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Overall the edge goes unanimously to the MCU. DC just can't seem to hang, despite all the advantages, the executives over at Warner Bros. keep fucking it up and not making the movies the way the fans want to see. The characters are good. The villains are good. Even the actors are mostly good (except Affleck and Phoenix... smh): Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Jared Leto, Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot, Jason Mamoa, Amy Adams, among others...
But Marvel's got RDJ, Chris Hemsworth, Don Cheadle (formerly Terrance Howard), Idris Elba, Karl Urban, Tom Hiddleston, Scarlett Johansson, Tom Holland, Elizabeth Olsen, Anthony Hopkins, Anthony Mackie, Chris Evans, Samuel L. Jackson, Benicio del Toro, Michael Rooker, Josh Brolin, Benedict Cumberbatch, Lee Pace, Rene Russo, Tommy Lee Jones, Brie Larson, Mark Ruffalo, Paul Bettany, Sebastian Stan, Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Evangeline Lily, Bradley Cooper, Vin Diesel, Zoe Saldana, Cate Blanchett, Martin Freeman, Andy Serkis, Tilda Swinton, Hugo Weaving, Marisa Tomei, Robert Redford, Michael Keaton, Michael Douglas, Kurt Russell, Michelle Pfeifer, Donald Glover, Stanley Tucci, and so many more; even a surprise appearance from Matt Damon, Luke Haynesworth, and Sam Neil in Thor: Ragnarok.

(Mic drop*!)

Have a nice day and the Quiet Mouse will see you at the movies.

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