Namaste and welcome to another posting for my continuous running blog, going on 7 years now....
With the Star Wars saga revamped for another generation, post the release and successes of Episode 7 The Force Awakens, Episode 8 The Last Jedi, and Rogue One, we have found a LOT of fan theories pop up online.
The majority of those fan theories revolve around 2 characters, in particular: the villainous Supreme Leader Snoke and our lovable hero Rey. I for one, just hope that Snoke is a new character with roots in the old republic. MY theory on the saga, for the purpose of this blog, focuses on Rey, in particular.
To explain my theory we must go all the way back to Episode One: The Phantom Menace. The very first scene of the movie shows the Trade Federation blockade over the planet of Naboo. When the delegates of the Trade Federation, Nute Gunray and others, discover the ambassadors sent by Chancellor Vallorum were Jedi, the situation immediately escalated from bad to worse. The Jedi, although believing themselves to be both morally and physically superior, often were the escalating cause of extreme violence and hostility. The Jedi code forbid attachment, relationships, and family, often taking gifted children away from their families across the galaxy at a young age to train them at the Jedi temple on Coruscant. Their extreme viewpoints often came across as cold and calculating, adhering to the Jedi code only, while often lacking in compassion and understanding of non-Jedi.
"These Federation types are cowards. The negotiations will be short"
In the Phantom Menace we are first introduced to Master Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and his Jedi padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi. My Star Wars fan theory is that Master Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi is the father of Rey. Now I will present my logic for this conclusion.
We saw plain as day that Qui-Gon wasn't exactly the most adherent to the Jedi code. He openly flirted with Anakin's mother Shmi Skywalker on Tatooine showing that he was already familiar with women and relationships. He even tried to barter with Watto for the release of Shmi in addition to Anakin, perhaps showing the attachment and compassion forbid by the Jedi order. I believe this attachment is due to the fact that Shmi resembled the former lover of Qui-Gon whom he would have had sexual relations with to create a force sensitive offspring.
Further evidence can be found directly in the interactions of Obi-Wan with his Jedi master.
Obi-Wan: ''Do not defy the council, Master. Not again."
Qui-Gon responds: "I shall do what I must, Obi-Wan."
The Jedi master was accustomed to defying the Jedi code and thus the Jedi Council. After all, we discover in Episode 2: Attack of the Clones that former Jedi turned villain Count Dooku was previously the master of Qui-Gon Jinn. We also learned that Dooku himself was once the padawan of Master Yoda. So the Jedi Masters go in order, Yoda, Count Dooku (Darth Tyrannus), Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, and last, obviously due to the title of "Star Wars Episode 8: The Last Jedi": Rey.
I believe that Qui-Gon Jinn passed down to his padawan Obi-Wan, his own obsession with Anakin Skywalker, as well as an overall disobedience toward the antiquated Jedi teachings. Qui-Gon knew, because of his master Count Dooku, that there was conflict coming in the galaxy. This anxiety, turned into obsession and was passed on to Obi-wan and it went way beyond midichlorian levels and Jedi capacity.
I believe that Obi-Wan, after the coup from Anakin/ Darth Vader and his new Sith master Emperor Palpatine (Darth Sidious), went into hiding on Tattooine and years later had a daughter, who showed force sensitivity at a young age. Due to the threat of the empire and their hatred toward the Jedi, Obi-wan sent his daughter away leaving her on Jakku for protection. I think that Obi-wan sensed that there was conflict coming and stashed his child away similar to the manner of splitting up Luke and Leia after Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith. Who knows what either the Sith OR the remaining Jedi would have done to his child, since it was forbidden. Obi-wan may very well have been in the same position that Anakin was in with his illegal wife pregnant with twins. He decided to spare that child's life, believing that one day he would return, not knowing that he would die on the death star with Luke.
In addition, it is also true that Obi-wan's master Qui-Gon was also more in tuned with the living Force, which he referenced on multiple occasions throughout Episode 1. We also caught a glimpse of the deeper Force during Rogue One when we see the Ancient Order of the Whills, a higher order of beings deeply connected with the Force.
Yoda confessed to Obi-Wan, in reference to Qui-Gon,
"The secret of the Ancient Order of the Whills, he studied."
This is how Qui-Gon was able to use the Force to become a Force ghost and speak to both Yoda and Obi-Wan after his death at the hands of Sith apprentice Darth Maul. Obi-wan was then able to use this same technique to appear to Luke on Degobah and Endor.
Sith Master Darth Sidius promised Anakin Skywalker that together they can learn the secrets of conquering death, a secret known to his previous master Darth Plagueis.
My hypothesis is that this secret wasn't specifically a Sith or Jedi exclusive. I believe that Qui-Gon had learned this secret through the study of the Ancient Order of the Whills. Yoda and Obi-Wan, we know at some point also learn this power as we can see them return through the power of the Force as ghosts. My point to all this is that Qui-Gon Jinn often went beyond the extreme viewpoints and teachings of the Jedi code and perhaps dabbled in areas that were more gray or sometimes taboo, by Jedi standards. It is not out of realm of possibility that Qui-Gon Jinn did indeed pass down this behavior to his padawan Obi-wan, who taught his padawan Anakin with a questionable, non traditional Jedi style.
After the empire officially formed and the Jedi were all but annihilated, the survivors had to blend in. This means they had to act like non- Jedi, non- force sensitive. This also means they had to take on jobs, families, friends, relationships, etc. Despite Kylo Ren/ Ben Solo telling Rey her family sold her like trash, I as a viewer, don't think this is true. At the very worst, this would be a horrible angle if she was actually came from muggles ;) and just happened to be forced sensitive, perhaps even the prophecised individual that would bring balance to the force. Obi-wan was distraught when he was forced to attempt to kill his former padawan turned to the dark side: Darth Vader. When Obi-wan left Mustafar he believed Anakin was dead, not finding out until much later that his former friend and brother was now a mechanical monster. Just like we saw Luke in Episode 8 flashback, we can see a pattern of the Jedi deviating from what they were supposed to do. Luke tried to start a new Jedi school in his future. But before his meeting with "Old Ben", Obi-wan was quite possibly already doing the same. If he had a child, a wife, a family, possibly even a new padawan... others that were force sensitive, his decision in A New Hope to return to the living force makes more sense, just as Luke did during The Last Jedi. Obi-wan would have known that Luke and Leia were not alone in the Jedi quest to bring peace and balance to the force and the galaxy.
This is again, just a fan theory. No doubt we will find out for sure next year after the release of Star Wars Episode 9, title as yet unreleased. I hope you enjoyed my post and like always I'll see you at the theater! Have a good day and join me again soon...
With the Star Wars saga revamped for another generation, post the release and successes of Episode 7 The Force Awakens, Episode 8 The Last Jedi, and Rogue One, we have found a LOT of fan theories pop up online.
The majority of those fan theories revolve around 2 characters, in particular: the villainous Supreme Leader Snoke and our lovable hero Rey. I for one, just hope that Snoke is a new character with roots in the old republic. MY theory on the saga, for the purpose of this blog, focuses on Rey, in particular.
To explain my theory we must go all the way back to Episode One: The Phantom Menace. The very first scene of the movie shows the Trade Federation blockade over the planet of Naboo. When the delegates of the Trade Federation, Nute Gunray and others, discover the ambassadors sent by Chancellor Vallorum were Jedi, the situation immediately escalated from bad to worse. The Jedi, although believing themselves to be both morally and physically superior, often were the escalating cause of extreme violence and hostility. The Jedi code forbid attachment, relationships, and family, often taking gifted children away from their families across the galaxy at a young age to train them at the Jedi temple on Coruscant. Their extreme viewpoints often came across as cold and calculating, adhering to the Jedi code only, while often lacking in compassion and understanding of non-Jedi.
"These Federation types are cowards. The negotiations will be short"
In the Phantom Menace we are first introduced to Master Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and his Jedi padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi. My Star Wars fan theory is that Master Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi is the father of Rey. Now I will present my logic for this conclusion.
We saw plain as day that Qui-Gon wasn't exactly the most adherent to the Jedi code. He openly flirted with Anakin's mother Shmi Skywalker on Tatooine showing that he was already familiar with women and relationships. He even tried to barter with Watto for the release of Shmi in addition to Anakin, perhaps showing the attachment and compassion forbid by the Jedi order. I believe this attachment is due to the fact that Shmi resembled the former lover of Qui-Gon whom he would have had sexual relations with to create a force sensitive offspring.
Further evidence can be found directly in the interactions of Obi-Wan with his Jedi master.
Obi-Wan: ''Do not defy the council, Master. Not again."
Qui-Gon responds: "I shall do what I must, Obi-Wan."
The Jedi master was accustomed to defying the Jedi code and thus the Jedi Council. After all, we discover in Episode 2: Attack of the Clones that former Jedi turned villain Count Dooku was previously the master of Qui-Gon Jinn. We also learned that Dooku himself was once the padawan of Master Yoda. So the Jedi Masters go in order, Yoda, Count Dooku (Darth Tyrannus), Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, and last, obviously due to the title of "Star Wars Episode 8: The Last Jedi": Rey.
I believe that Qui-Gon Jinn passed down to his padawan Obi-Wan, his own obsession with Anakin Skywalker, as well as an overall disobedience toward the antiquated Jedi teachings. Qui-Gon knew, because of his master Count Dooku, that there was conflict coming in the galaxy. This anxiety, turned into obsession and was passed on to Obi-wan and it went way beyond midichlorian levels and Jedi capacity.
I believe that Obi-Wan, after the coup from Anakin/ Darth Vader and his new Sith master Emperor Palpatine (Darth Sidious), went into hiding on Tattooine and years later had a daughter, who showed force sensitivity at a young age. Due to the threat of the empire and their hatred toward the Jedi, Obi-wan sent his daughter away leaving her on Jakku for protection. I think that Obi-wan sensed that there was conflict coming and stashed his child away similar to the manner of splitting up Luke and Leia after Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith. Who knows what either the Sith OR the remaining Jedi would have done to his child, since it was forbidden. Obi-wan may very well have been in the same position that Anakin was in with his illegal wife pregnant with twins. He decided to spare that child's life, believing that one day he would return, not knowing that he would die on the death star with Luke.
In addition, it is also true that Obi-wan's master Qui-Gon was also more in tuned with the living Force, which he referenced on multiple occasions throughout Episode 1. We also caught a glimpse of the deeper Force during Rogue One when we see the Ancient Order of the Whills, a higher order of beings deeply connected with the Force.
Yoda confessed to Obi-Wan, in reference to Qui-Gon,
"The secret of the Ancient Order of the Whills, he studied."
This is how Qui-Gon was able to use the Force to become a Force ghost and speak to both Yoda and Obi-Wan after his death at the hands of Sith apprentice Darth Maul. Obi-wan was then able to use this same technique to appear to Luke on Degobah and Endor.
Sith Master Darth Sidius promised Anakin Skywalker that together they can learn the secrets of conquering death, a secret known to his previous master Darth Plagueis.
My hypothesis is that this secret wasn't specifically a Sith or Jedi exclusive. I believe that Qui-Gon had learned this secret through the study of the Ancient Order of the Whills. Yoda and Obi-Wan, we know at some point also learn this power as we can see them return through the power of the Force as ghosts. My point to all this is that Qui-Gon Jinn often went beyond the extreme viewpoints and teachings of the Jedi code and perhaps dabbled in areas that were more gray or sometimes taboo, by Jedi standards. It is not out of realm of possibility that Qui-Gon Jinn did indeed pass down this behavior to his padawan Obi-wan, who taught his padawan Anakin with a questionable, non traditional Jedi style.
After the empire officially formed and the Jedi were all but annihilated, the survivors had to blend in. This means they had to act like non- Jedi, non- force sensitive. This also means they had to take on jobs, families, friends, relationships, etc. Despite Kylo Ren/ Ben Solo telling Rey her family sold her like trash, I as a viewer, don't think this is true. At the very worst, this would be a horrible angle if she was actually came from muggles ;) and just happened to be forced sensitive, perhaps even the prophecised individual that would bring balance to the force. Obi-wan was distraught when he was forced to attempt to kill his former padawan turned to the dark side: Darth Vader. When Obi-wan left Mustafar he believed Anakin was dead, not finding out until much later that his former friend and brother was now a mechanical monster. Just like we saw Luke in Episode 8 flashback, we can see a pattern of the Jedi deviating from what they were supposed to do. Luke tried to start a new Jedi school in his future. But before his meeting with "Old Ben", Obi-wan was quite possibly already doing the same. If he had a child, a wife, a family, possibly even a new padawan... others that were force sensitive, his decision in A New Hope to return to the living force makes more sense, just as Luke did during The Last Jedi. Obi-wan would have known that Luke and Leia were not alone in the Jedi quest to bring peace and balance to the force and the galaxy.
This is again, just a fan theory. No doubt we will find out for sure next year after the release of Star Wars Episode 9, title as yet unreleased. I hope you enjoyed my post and like always I'll see you at the theater! Have a good day and join me again soon...
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