Friday, September 14, 2018

Attention Racist Idiots

Image result for racist idiotsImage result for racist idiotsThere's not gonna be any "Namaste" here on today's post. I just have to make a quick post here cause i'm fed up with the stupidity running around here today in the United States of America. Let's just get this cracking...
Image result for okay hand signImage result for okay hand signImage result for hand signImage result for hand signImage result for hand signImage result for hand sign
The OKAY hand gesture AND the "circle game" hand gesture are NOT considered racist by the majority of people! These hand gestures have been around LONGER than the whiny fucking bitching of soft, weak, loser idiots that are racist against white folks. Just cause you are black or brown does NOT mean that you can't be or aren't racist. AND it doesn't actually make YOU a victim of racism.
Even if you are called a derogatory name by an actual racist, so what?!? That's just some ignorant mother fuckers dumb ass OWN OPINION. It's a reflection of him or her, NOT YOURSELF. Are those racists going to call deaf people using sign language racist too? Or the fact that 80% of all communication is "body language"... is that racist too? I THINK NOT!
Image result for dumb ass racistsImage result for dumb ass racists
There will probably always be dumb ass ignorant fuckers out there spouting out WORDS, that may indeed be deemed as racist. I can't tell you how many times, as a white person, I've been called names by brown and black people. Names like "Whitey", "Cracker", "Snowflake", "Saltine", "Wonder bread" and been told I was racist by proxy, just for being white. And being blamed and held accountable for racist crimes that neither me, nor anyone down my family tree ever owned slaves. My ancestor came over from Scotland during the potato famine and got treated like an indentured servant and treated badly because ignorant people thought he was Irish, cause at that time, being prejudice toward Irish immigrants was deemed acceptable...
All at the same time this shit was going on, I'm being told to my face that colored folks don't like or trust me cause I'm white, without even getting to know me.
Image result for racists against whitesImage result for racists against whites
The point is that colored folks aren't the only ones that have to deal with prejudice, as their communities put out every bit as much hatred and racism as they claim to receive. Bringing it full circle, though, racism can exist in ANY part of the globe, by any skin color or nationality, by any religion or creed, by any gender or sexual orientation. Hatred is hatred is hatred... doesn't matter what mask you hide behind to attempt to justify horrible behaviors that need to die.
Image result for humans are alikeImage result for choose to be not racist
The truth is that ALL humans share 99.5% to 99.9% DNA, and a lot of that same DNA is shared with the animal and plant kingdoms as well. Such trivialities as geographic ancestry, skin color, and religion has more to do with where and how you are raised, rather than some genetic lottery some think they've won by being born a certain skin color.
Is there racism. Absolutely! But it is prevalent in ALL cultures and skin colors across the globe and it can only be eradicated through education, empathy, compassion, and love. This is the opposite of what governments want. Their divide and conquer strategy only works when undereducated people allow the negativity of others to jade themselves into the SAME mindset they claim to abhor.
Making a hand gesture doesn't equate in and of itself to racism. If there is obvious hate and anger behind it, sure... BUT... there is ALWAYS a choice. You could just go on with your day and NOT allow the negative opinions of others affect you in such a profound way. Just let it be like water on a duck's ass, and let it wash away. Again... someone else's opinion of you is a reflection of THEM, NOT YOU.
Image result for choose to be not racistImage result for choose to be not racist
This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. Communication. Compassion. Empathy. 

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