Thursday, September 13, 2018

Habitual A-Holes

Namaste and welcome my friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers to another posting on my blog the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. Thanks for joining me today. I'm gonna keep this post relatively short, but get straight to the point.
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I personally believe that everyone is an asshole at some level or another, but some have a higher threshold for triggering the release of the pent-up a-hole tucked away deeply inside. Others, however, have all the asshole behaviors the rest of us can handle. These folks are known as habitual assholes. Think about it like a video game character, like from Skyrim, for a moment, if you will. The habitual assholes are at max level on their stats of bitchiness, rudeness, and disrespect of others. And I honestly believe that most people don't really know, care, or understand what they are doing since these behaviors come from an individual perspective reality where he or she is always correct. It is easy to fall into that bottomless pit of anti- logic because it is extremely difficult for humans to see outside of our own individual perspective reality; to truly see things from someone else's point of view... habitual assholes often don't know or don't realize they are acting this way because they perceive others as being the problem rather than finding a solution within self. For it is a fool's folly to attempt to change the world and its inhabitants. Nay, one may only change SELF, and yet once this happens, somehow magically the perspective reality changes along with the paradigm shift.
Image result for habitual assholesImage result for don't be an asshole
I'm as guilty as anyone for having momentary lapses in logic and composure, sometimes losing my shit... especially in Portland, OR traffic at rush hour, lol. I personally recognized my deficit and went to anger management class, which has helped immensely.
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I always try to include some solutions in my blogs so it doesn't feel like just a bash session. Meditation. Cannabis. Quiet reflection of self and character. Support of family and friends. Gratitude. Counseling. Deep breathing. Yoga. Exercise. Etc. These are all ways, among others, to de-stress and keep the angry asshole within at bay. The goal is NOT to eliminate these thoughts and energies from within, but to recognize our flaws AND our strengths combine much like a yin yang with the good in the bad and the bad within the good. The duality of the human mind  is one of complexity, but also simplicity. The goal is to harness ALL of the energies within and use them toward a positive goal.
Along the way, though, be wary of those narcissists and sociopaths that will confuse the mind into believing that arrogance is confidence; that things like wealth and power means character and integrity. It doesn't. And don't let the assholes of the world convince you there isn't still good left in the world. There is. And plenty of it. One must learn to let go of the anger and preconceived notions; lies that have been force fed to us. The answers lie within and only YOU can decide the answers to YOUR life. And don't allow a momentary bit of anger and frustration lead to lifelong problems, mentally and physically.
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This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. Duality. 

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