Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Alcohol and "Other" Drinking Problems

Namaste and welcome back my friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers, it is I, the Quiet Mouse here once again to open your mind and perhaps provide a new perspective to my readers. Today I want to talk about alcohol and it's associated problems. These problems go way beyond the old "two hands one mouth" dilemma for most alcoholics.

To get to the root of the problem, we have to understand why people would intentionally choose to imbibe these dangerous alcohol beverages. The number one answer... ding, ding, ding... you guessed it: STRESS!!
Work sucks sometimes. Family sucks sometimes. Life is difficult. We ALL get that. Some chose to smoke cannabis, some do more hard illicit drugs like cocaine (crack) or heroin, while others trip the light fantastic with psychotropics like LSD, peyote, or magic mushrooms... others chose to smoke tobacco, and many more chose alcohol.
One may see from the above picture some of the harmful effects of alcohol, many of which everyone knows, especially liver problems like cirrhosis. You may think that I'm here to talk about the thousands of people that die every year in alcohol related motor vehicle accidents. You may even think I am gonna talk about how it makes people angry or disoriented or maybe even how it releases your inhibitions. You may even think I'm gonna talk about how alcohol has been helping ugly people get laid for centuries... but alas, no... I'm gonna choose to talk about another alcohol related problem instead... WHISKEY DICK/CLIT
"Hold on Mouse, now you've just gone too far. You've gone mad. What do you mean whiskey clit?"
This may come as a shock to some of you, but women get whiskey clit too if they've had too much to drink. Yes, this is entirely similar to the affliction known as whiskey dick that men sometimes get from the consumption of too much alcohol. Let's be honest here, though... how many of you men have tried to rub a manual one out on a woman... (man pleasuring woman) only to hit the proverbial wall? Now at this moment it is entirely plausible and sometimes necessary to bring B.O.B. into the relationship to bring old gristle clit into action. Well that is if the two of your drunk asses can stay awake that long before passing out.

And then of course there is the infamous whiskey dick. Some dudes just can't get it up when they drink too much alcohol. This might lead some women to give up on their limp dick partner and bust one out themselves leaving the man to choke his chicken... sad and alone. :(
Now this leads ME to the natural question of why people would choose to do this to themselves. I have a few short answers.
1. The most sensible alternative to drinking is marijuana. Cannabis is still illegal except for medical purposes in about 16 of the 50 states. Although it is readily available and easy to procure, most people either don't like smoking or cannot afford the risk for their job's next urinalysis. This brings me to #2.
2. Cigarettes are NASTY!! I know many people who believe that they are somehow accentuating their "high" or "buzz" by smoking these disgusting cancer sticks... but any alleged addition to the buzz is NOT worth the harmful side effects.
3. People don't know how to have fun any longer without alcohol. Prohibition didn't work and many people just want to relax and chill. It's natural, but like most things in America, people abuse and use to excess quantities. Plus it is the only thing that is LEGAL over the counter that many can either afford or get away with.

On a side note, I just want to laugh at alcoholics because BARFING is NOT fun... and yet you will hear assinine comments from people about how they "deserve" to go out and get wasted, often blacking out and ending up somewhere you probably don't want to be... like in some ugly slut's bed, or in the drunk tank of the police station looking beat up and bruised like you were in a UFC fight the night before. Well, you probably did fight, but the alcohol took away your common sense, reaction time, and motor function so you likely got your ass kicked for talking smack since with your inhibitions gone you got a serious case of diarrhea of the mouth. And now you'r in jail... DUMBASS!! And they say that potheads are the real criminals... I beg to differ.

Well, that's all I have to say for this blog. Thank you for taking this time to enjoy the lighter side of alcoholism with me. This has been the one and ONLY Quiet Mouse. Smoking pot DOESN'T give you whiskey dick/clit.
Peace. Love. Honesty. Respect. Advil (for the hangover...)

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