Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Sense of Disappointment

Welcome back to another edition of Quiet Mouse Strikes back! I'm gonna keep this short today because I just want to make a social comment and then I'll be done. I relayed recently on my blogs that the "I LOVE Boobs!" blog has surpassed my expected outcomes by leaps and bounds. There have been many many view of this blog from around the world, especially with a lot of hits from Russia. Apparently the Russians LOVE boobs too!! I get that and I do not wish to complain to my readers since I do appreciate the praise and views to my ongoing blogs...

However... I DO wish to say how disappointed I am that this is my most popular blog (by leaps and bounds). I personally feel that some of my other, more profound blogs like "Honesty is the best policy", "A life of boredom", "the Gift of Silence", "How to Free yourself from slavery/free range humans", "Veterans: Mistreated and displaced", and my 2 "Morality Police" blogs, among others were much better written and much more profound.
I feel a little bit of a disconnect with people at times because I keep hearing the same things over again and again.
"But QM... we don't want to read about NEGATIVE things all the time..."
To any readers who feel this way, I do apologize, however I do NOT believe that ignorance is bliss. Far from it. In this day and age of technological revolution where information and knowledge can be passed on at the click of the left mouse button, there is NO EXCUSE for the unbridled IGNORANCE that is being faced in America and abroad (but especially in the U.S.A.!!!)
So people do not want to hear the TRUTH, put simply. Americans would rather be LIED to and told that the world is peachy and everyone is great. Meanwhile back in the REAL world and OUT of FANTASY LAND, the truth is rather UGLY! I find it insulting that people would rather think with their penises than actually use their brains.
I love boobs as much as the next guy, but I DO NOT allow that to hinder and stop me from seeking out the truth and using my brain!!!  I really think that MOST people are smarter than they act or want the world to know. It is shameful how society puts limitations on how cool or uncool it is to be smart. I get that it is so much simpler to tune out what you don't want to hear or what makes you "feel bad". I get it. I DO NOT accept this, but I DO get it.
The real fact is that a person's ignorance is NOT an acceptable excuse any longer. The world will and is continuing to move on without these people. They are the SHEEPLE. They will continue to be used by the power-elite. They will fail when the country falls into martial law. And they will have NO ONE to blame but themselves.
"Oh but QM you're being so pessimistic."
I have done a lot of thinking about this lately and I actually beg to differ. I am very happy right now in my life. I feel positive about the future because like ALL things: THIS TOO SHALL SOON PASS. Freedom is NOT a piece of paper (the Constitution), but rather an indelible idea that is ingrained into our minds. Freedom is NOT free. It never has been and never will be. It will NOT be freely given and it is WORTH the effort it takes to keep and defend it from those who seek to take away your rights and sovereignty.
I'm gonna wrap this up and just finish by saying that it's okay to like boobs, sex, and violence... IN MODERATION. Don't let this be your sole defining characteristic, my fellow men and women. You CAN have an informed opinion about the "bad stuff" without it defining you either. Take EVERYTHING you can read, watch, or listen to with a grain of salt and make your OWN opinions rather than blindly following an archaic religion or listening to so called "experts" that conflict and confuse you about what is REAL. Pay attention to the politics because it DOES affect YOU, ME, and ALL of us. It doesn't have to consume you with fear, hate, or lack of interest in the GOOD parts of life (which there are SO MANY!!) Meditate, spend time with family and loved ones, turn off the idiot box, tune in to what is IMPORTANT rather than what is meaningless and superficial. READ!!! Get informed! and CHILL OUT!
This has been the Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. Honesty. Compassion. 


  1. grt blog cuz. i agree im disapointed with ppl of today. the apathy and carelesness is pathetic. ppl arent living up to potential. its a true face ppl use only 10% of their brains. not sure if that mumber is correct but its close.


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