Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wall Street and other LIES

Hello my friends, following the last blog about Santa, I feel the need to expose some more lies, since WE ARE a society based on lies. With every one we tell, we become the sinners we preach against with our hypocrisy and endless rhetoric.
This is the Quiet Mouse. I am ready to help you escape the cycle that you have been born into. Take back control into your own hands. I am ready to expose the LIE that is CORPORATE AMERICA.
What is Wall Street? It is a complex math formula that has been formed to ROB the American middle class of their HOMES, their RETIREMENTS, their SAVINGS, and even their CHILDREN'S COLLEGE FUND. Why? For $$$$$$$$$$$ MONEY of course. Now THEY have it and we DON'T...
Why did we buy into this ridiculous idea when we KNEW it was doomed for failure from the start? Did we not think that handing the money over to an elitist MOB that has NEVER held OUR interests in mind was a really really colossally huge mistake? But we all HAD to live the AMERICAN DREAM!!
Ah, the good old American Dream. No, I'm not talking about that flabby wrestler Dusty Rhodes... I'm talking about the dream of EVERY American OWNING his/her OWN home. Complete with a swimming pool for the kids. And everyone had bright smiles and the birds are singing. Oh that's right... We ALL remember the 80's. Hell, they got the BEST pitchman they could find: Ronald Regan. They had to get someone that people would trust. Busy eating jellybeans while selling us propaganda and leading in a whole NEW AGE of disorder.
Wall Street is very fragile. We all have feelings about the endless money being used to "bail out" elitist companies that were ROBBING the American people. THEY ALREADY GOT PAID!! So then they needed MORE... or the WHOLE economy will collapse?? Why would the economy collapse? In the system of CAPITALISM aren't companies supposed to FAIL while others that are more organized, smarter, better, perhaps eco-friendly?? Why do we HAVE to "bail out" the companies that FAILED?
Perhaps it is because Washington D.C. is ran by corporate lobbyists? We have bought and sold our very souls on this black market we call WALL STREET. All we are doing is GAMBLING!! What makes it worse is that our foreign competitors have bought the STOCK of American soul and they BET AGAINST US! They BET that the American worker would fail. They BET that this country would FAIL... Doesn't that mean SOMETHING to people? China CAN'T WAIT for us to crumble. We are DOOMED to repeat this cycle of failure now. Did the corporations actually DO anything productive with their "bail outs"? NO, NOT REALLY? They just used their buddies at JP MORGAN to buy up SMALLER banks. Bigger corporations just SWALLOWED up the smaller ones, putting millions of people out of work, or having lost all their money and their homes... WHY did we ALLOW this to happen?
FEAR... we were ALL afraid that if the razor thin edge of reason we are all dancing on were to crumble, how would we get out little gadgets and trinkets and bull$*t that we don't really need in the first place. No one cared about the FOOD EPIDEMIC going on at the same time? No one really cared much to realize that half the CORN produced in this country is INEDIBLE. So since there is so much of IT, they force feed it to us. SOY too. READ the labels on what you eat. It most likely has CORN OR SOY, IF NOT BOTH.
I mention this because so much of our Wall Street "players club" gaming market is based on how WE react when the MASTER tells us to jump. If THEY say the price is going UP, it is because THEY WANT TO MAKE MORE PROFIT!! Did the cost just magically jump from one minute to the next? No...
In Medieval times, they created GUILDS to regulate commerce. Some would do one job or service, while another did something different. For example the Soup guild and the bread guild fought over a chefs right to serve soup in a bread bowl. This is where CAPITALISM began. It began as the barter system. But soon everyone could do everything and no one had CONTROL any more. There became a deficit in oversight. GOOD for business, BAD for customers.
Businesses that get TOO BIG lose track of the actual humanity behind what they are selling. They forget about the person looking ONLY at the dollar signs $$. It's NOT MONEY that is the root of ALL EVIL. It's the LOVE OF MONEY that IS... EVERYONE needs money to live, or we could just go back to the barter system. Might have to anyway when they make those FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES we all crave for worthless. It's all MONOPOLY money... the ONLY thing giving this little piece of paper ANY VALUE is YOU!!
But Quiet Mouse... that doesn't sound quite right? Money is worth "things" that we buy...
REALLY? What do you really OWN? A disaster happens tomorrow, creator forbid... WHAT are you gonna take with you? WHAT are you going to get out of your domicile that is YOURS? Photos? Your kids? Your wallet and keys, robe, clothes?? What do you REALLY get when you shell out those little green "bills" over the things you COVET? Wonder why they call it a bill? I don't actually know. I will definitely look that up, but... it sounds like a DEBT. THIS BILL?? It is the COST of the AMERICAN SOUL perhaps?
Should we NOT invest in OURSELVES first? THEY keep raising the cost of school because too many people are going. What happened to bettering ourselves for our ENTIRE LIFE? WHY does it just have to be high school or dropping out? Why can't we keep learning even IF we get to go to college. Before, After, ALL the way through til the end. Can we put a value on that? You can STILL learn and evolve as a person even if you don't go to school...

I believe that this fatal ROMANCE fantasy we have with MONEY is disgusting. We sell our possessions, our TIME, our SOULS.  We NEED to give VALUE to the things that are important. Our family and our actual LIFE. It shouldn't be a fantasy for people to WAKE UP from this Matrix. This is NOT REALITY. YOU HAVE VALUE!!
Do you want your value based on something more than human beings being bought and sold on the STOCK MARKET (black market)? THEY have a value for us. The MORE we buy into this Matrix of LIES, the MORE WE BECOME THE CATTLE THEY THINK WE ARE. We have let ourselves become grazers and consumers.

This has been the Quiet Mouse once again.
Peace. Love. Respect.

1 comment:

  1. You know, I never really looked at Wall Street like that, but yeah, it might as well be Vegas!
    One huge casino. Except no Elvis impersonators and no shows.


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