Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Hello my friends and welcome back to what is looking to be another exciting blog from the one and ONLY, yours truly, the Quiet Mouse.
Let's jump right in by calling out the Republicans, or the GOP.
Now, I might not be the only one thinking it, but I might be the only one saying it... I think there is a good reason that it's called the "grand OLD party"!! The reason, by my estimation is that it's a group, predominantly made up of RICH WHITE MEN that are clinging on to a bygone era of failed American economy known as CAPITALISM. This archaic and antiquated system was designed by THEM to make more and more money for THEM. Capitalism has NOTHING to do with helping the good of all Americans, ONLY THE WEALTHY!!
Now I am not seeking out to beat down dead horses from past blogs, although I will reference them intermittently... no... I am wanting to re-awaken that lost spirit that has once again been beaten out of the citizens since 2008 when we were united behind electing a president that would CHANGE THE WORLD. Is that what we REALLY wanted?

Here's the REALITY. I KNOW that a lot of people are disillusioned to this word "reality" here in America. We have a skewed view on things because we are NOT shown much of the TRUTH in our media. We live in this little bubble of consumerism, IGNORANCE, and GREED... seems we get our own values from the TOP all the way down? And this bubble is on a razors edge of failure.
The problem with this bubble we live in is that it is a LIE. The banks are NOT interested in you SAVING or RETIRING; neither is your JOB (if you still have one). The RICH are NOT interested in YOU being rich along side them, cause they got OLD SCHOOL MONEY: more than you and I can imagine. The ONLY thing they are interested in is KEEPING you and I in the cycle of non-sensible DEBT, so they can OWN YOUR ASS!! And they pretty much already DO, considering you are working for a slave wage that goes up a lot slower than our INFLATION of prices. I know I have said it before, but inflation is ONLY to keep the profit margins of the companies high enough to steal from the people.

I can already hear the murmuring in the peanut gallery... "But Quiet Mouse, I'm not a slave. I live in the free-est country in the world. I can quit my job if I want to..."

Really? You CAN?
Oh yeah? But then again, you are forgetting about this cycle of debt that most of us are stuck in. Do you have student LOANS? Rent? Mortgage? Credit card BILLS? Car PAYMENTS?
Hehehe silly rabbits... where did you get that crazy notion that you are FREE? From our politicians? Yeah right... From school? Well, they sure taught that... straight from those Government issued textbooks that only tell one side of the story, but forget those important details. Details like Columbus spreading disease and committing genocide against the natives... or how bout that American companies have profited off of death since the inception of this country... or how we put Japanese Americans in concentration camps during WWII also?

Ok, so about these Republicans. If they are only interested in the pursuit of wealth and big business, how come they have such a following with middle of the country people that are LESS than wealthy?
Good question my friends... Well, being from Texas, I can explain a lot of this: IGNORANCE and GUNS. Liberals have been trying to ban guns and impose gun control for a long time. It's not really the guns that kill, it's the right wing nut job a$$hole behind the trigger that KILLS. Then again sometimes there is a Robin Hood in all of us that would like to stand up and take back from the rich and give to the poor. There are those who would result to vigilante justice in this country where desperation is at an all time HIGH!! Then again, the guns ARE in the hands of a lot of people that are fighting over a PLANT that should NEVER have been prohibited to begin with... food for thought.
Ok, so regular Americans want to keep their guns, but that's not the only reason middle Americans vote for this swine. See the rich did a funny thing. They convinced the blue collar workers that somehow paying taxes was EVIL... woo hoo hoo!! Scary stuff there. Just like TERRORISM and RELIGION, TAXES are one of those conversations that will whip the ignorant into a frenzy of violence and straight down the rabbit hole of where THEY want us to be: fighting amongst OURSELVES.
For the sake of arguments, let us define what a TAX is:
tax  (tks)
1. A contribution for the support of a government required of persons, groups, or businesses within the domain of that government.
2. A fee or dues levied on the members of an organization to meet its expenses.

Ok, so this sounds very basic of a definition. Let's see if we can break it down a little. A "contribution" for the support of government required of persons, groups or businesses within the domain of that gov't.
This means that no matter how small or how big the person or business becomes they STILL have to pay taxes. See the second part sums it up: our Gov't is this "organization" trying to meet its expenses.
"Well, Quiet Mouse... what do my taxes pay for?" Good question my friends.
They are SUPPOSED to pay for our schools, teachers, roads, police, fire fighters, energy, water sanitation, etc. and holding the infrastructure of this country together. UNFORTUNATELY, we have been disillusioned away from paying taxes partly due to the lead walls and LACK OF TRANSPARENCY by our leaders up in Washington D.C. We are led to believe that they are spending thousands of dollars on toilet seats and hammers, but the petrochemical-military-industrial dollars are going to buy BOMBS, BULLETS, and BULL$HIT. THEY keep getting a raise every year while OUR benefits, wages, and jobs are all being sent overseas for cheap sweatshop workers to make garbage for companies like WAL-MART to thrive. And all we do is spend spend spend on this CHRISTMAS GARBAGE...
Oh yeah... I said it!! AND our tax dollars are being used to subsidize CORN (over 50% is inedible while people are STARVING in THIS country)!! Why can't they subsidize FRUITS and VEGETABLES? Or better yet, if they are going to continue on this ENERGY kick that we are SOOO dependent on, they could at LEAST subsidize the algae farming that is leading to a new breakthrough for bio diesel fuels so we can get away from the BILLIONS of our American TAX dollars that are being sent overseas to the MIDDLE EAST for that oil.

Ok, so for all you blue collar Americans or below... or should I say ALL THE SLAVE WAGE WORKING CLASS... LISTEN UP!!
I agree that it isn't fair for US to pay the majority of the taxes, but for the sake of this blog, that is a moot issue, cause the rich will NEVER WILLINGLY AGREE to pay their FAIR SHARE of the tax burden. Here's the REAL DEAL, so PAY ATTENTION!! You HAVE to pay your taxes, so GET OVER IT!! Suck it the F#*K up with a big fat straw and just manage your budget around it. Corporations and wealthy individuals need to pay higher taxes, we ALL can agree on, but SO DO WE!!

"Holy crap Quiet Mouse... that's gonna piss a lot of people off!!"
I say GOOD!! Maybe it will re-IGNITE that fire that got snuffed out in the last 2 years. Maybe we will have a NEW "TEAPOT" Party and we can reform this government and end the prohibition on Cannabis. Maybe if enough of us rally TOGETHER they will be FORCED to answer for their CRIMES?

I personally am an Obama supporter. I think he is doing the best job he CAN DO with all the Republican cock blocking that is happening up on capitol hill. I BELIEVE in the power of the American people that "YES WE CAN" (the campaign anthem of 2008) needs to change to "Yes We STILL Can!!"
Buying back into the broken system and bailing out companies that have FAILED not only as institutions, but have FAILED the American people is ONLY gonna lead to the FAILURE of this country. We are GAMBLING on the savings and college funds of our people... FAILURE is the ONLY thing that will result from this NEGLECT of the common working American.

Why is it that only under ATTACK, WAR, or CRISIS do our people BAND TOGETHER? WHAT WILL IT TAKE for US to come together as ONE again? YES WE STILL CAN!!
We CAN overcome this adversity! We CAN rebuild this country and have something to give our kids and grand kids to be PROUD OF (besides an enormous national debt that is ever increasing). We CAN pay our educators a BETTER WAGE!! We CAN give our cops a job to fight REAL "terror" (like cocaine cartels and rapists, BOMBERS, and murderers) without having to HARASS citizens in their own homes using a PLANT for recreational purposes. We CAN have UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE which we DESPERATELY NEED in this country!!
But WE have to STAND UP TOGETHER and DEMAND where those tax dollars go!! We CAN do a lot of things, but we have to STOP VOTING REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRAT and start VOTING HUMAN... start VOTING AMERICAN!! 
Yes we STILL CAN!! What are YOU... yes I'm talking to YOU!! WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO STAND UP FOR??? WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO FIGHT AND DIE FOR??? Anything? Your "stuff" and possessions that mean sooo much to you? Your family and KIDS? What is gonna get that fire lit under YOU and KEEP IT THERE?
This isn't like 2008 where WE DEMANDED change ONLY to GIVE UP 2 years later and blame the BLACK GUY for the previous 8 years of colossal damage done by the TERRORIST GEORGE W. BUSH!!  This is NOT a dream to give up on!! THIS IS A DREAM where EVERYONE is TRULY equal; NOT separated by a CASTE SYSTEM with the American Aristocracy driving a SLAVE WHIP at US!!
If life is too complicated then SIMPLIFY!! If the stress of paying bills is too much: DROP YOUR CABLE AND CELL PHONE!! Get a "magic jack" instead. Turn the air or the heater to the PROPER TEMP and put on a SWEATER in the house to lower your bills. INVEST in yourself and your family rather than putting your money into the Wall Street GAMBLING POT!! Life is really about as complicated as WE make it to be. Get OFF the grid! Cut up your CREDIT CARDS!! RECYCLE! RE-USE! We STILL CAN do a lot of things... but FIRST we have to break away our DEPENDENCY for OTHERS TO TELL US WHAT TO DO!! The government is gonna tell you what THEY want you to hear and what THEY want you to KNOW. Read and get the facts!! Show some RESPECT for YOURSELF! You don't NEED a whole house full of JUNK you will never use. SIMPLIFY! PRIORITIZE! And THINK!!
I BELIEVE in the POWER that WE have as working class Americans to stand up, just like we did when we elected the FIRST BLACK MAN as President! WE HAVE A GOAL! WE HAVE SOMETHING TO BELIEVE IN!! YES WE STILL CAN!!

This has been the Quiet Mouse once again hoping to open your eyes and open your lives to a world WITHOUT this MATRIX of lies and deception. What matters to you?
Peace. Love. Honor. Courage. Integrity. TRUTH. Respect. KNOWLEDGE.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

F#*K the McRib!!

So, my friends, this is the Quiet Mouse once again ready to bend your mind and open your eyes to what is real. This blog is a couple weeks overdue because of the holiday season, but still needs to be said regardless. This blog will most likely be short...
I, like many others have seen the nearly constant bombardment of commercials on the propaganda box from the company known as McDonalds. They are just SO eager to snare in their customers with cheaply PROCESSED foods that are basically just CRAP and EMPTY CALORIES. Now, this blog isn't meant to bring down the giant corporation. I just want to point out how bizzare this following for this PRODUCT has become. That and how disgusting it really is.
Now, I HAVE tried this McRib before (you can't form a TRUE OPINION without first trying new things), many years ago when I was high school/early college-age and quite frankly I was LESS than impressed then. And it seems that over the years this product has developed quite the following. Apparently there are different McDonalds restaurants who have kept this item on the menu causing what could be no less referred to as a "cult" group of followers to drive miles and miles for what they believe to be a "tasty" treat...
Is it worth all they hype and celebration from "fans" to drive, worship, and obsess over this McRib?
Lets look at what IT is... Get rid of the onion and pickles and what do you have left... A slimy piece of PRESSED pork a$$holes and elbows MADE to look like it came from the rib region of a PIG. I am not questioning the pork content at all... just WHAT PART of the pig they used to make IT. My guess: leftovers from the slaughterhouse FLOOR, kinda like hot dogs. NOT very kosher if you ask me.
The bread that this pork beast is made with has HFCS in it and so does the BBQ sauce... So I really have to ask the most important question: WHERE IS THE APPEAL?


But wait a minute Quiet Mouse... it isn't really cheap or convenient to get "FAST" food any longer.
Well, I can't argue with that. Have you actually gone OUT to eat lately at one of these "fast food" places? The service is sooo slooooow. Where is the fast? There is no "customer is always right" any longer either. All we have become is another number. ORDER UP #187... It's not really CHEAP either any longer. I could go to a REAL restaurant and have some vegetables with my meat for a few bucks more. Super size this!! (You know which finger I'm raising up high, so don't play dumb...)
It is disgraceful enough that this corporation has been caught feeding KANGAROO MEAT in it's burgers before. AND since they stopped using ANIMAL FAT to cook thier fried foods in... well, they just put DEHYDRATED BEEF FAT on their french fries now... ewww!! On an evolutionary level, we all crave animal fat as a sustinance for life, BUT... that is NOT the goal of this company, oh no, no, no...
Along with the criminal use of HFCS in its products, the purposeful use of adding animal FAT is to make US into the very COWS and PIGS we CRAVE TO CONSUME... cause that's what we are: consumers.
Verdict... THUMBS WAY DOWN for this McRib. Overhyped! Overpriced! Over-consumed!
What are you putting in your stomach? Cheap filler that leaves you sluggish and feeling nasty later? Or are you ready to wake up and DEMAND something better? Maybe if enough of us rally for the cause the gov't would subsidize FRUIT instead of CORN???

Open your eyes and see what you already KNOW. We ALL know what IS good for us and what ISN'T... and if you DON'T... READ A BOOK!! Like Eat this, not that!

This has been the Quiet Mouse once again... WAKE UP!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Hello once again, this is the Quiet Mouse and I'm here to tell you the TRUTH and open your third eye to the possibility to a life with less fear.

Definition of FEAR

transitive verb
archaic : frighten
archaic : to feel fear in (oneself)
: to have a reverential awe of <fear God>
: to be afraid of : expect with alarm <fear the worst>
intransitive verb
: to be afraid or apprehensive <feared for their lives>

Okay, so this is the dictionary definition of FEAR, but what does it really mean in our daily lives?
I personally believe that FEAR is learned at an early age in human development. We are influenced by our peer group, our parents, social acquaintances, grandparents... CHURCH likes to pile us on with FEAR and SIN, GUILT... guilt spawns fear of REPERCUSSION. We are tormented by hypocrisy from talk out of both sides of the mouth. First we are told that we have an all loving heavenly father, but the next minute he is vengeful and jealous (far from the omnipotent and caring person he was moments ago) and you are GONNA BURN IN HELL, SON!!
What are we FEARING? A life of eternal damnation? Possibly, but what about THIS LIFE? Always the fear of what happens when we DIE... WHY? If you believe in HEAVEN and you've lived a good life... why are you so afraid? It is only natural to die in our life, just like we were all born in the same manner from our mothers. We MUST come to the understanding that we are going to die one of these days and then STOP WORRYING about it.
But Quiet Mouse... I don't want to die...
Neither do I, but I have faced death in my life and yet I am still HERE ALIVE. I have had bone CANCER not once, but TWICE. I have been in near fatal automobile accidents and yet I am STILL HERE. And I am NO LONGER AFRAID of death. It is as much a part of life as the air, the sun, rainbows, and TAXES (it seems)... We should rather REVERE this life we have and live each day for helping our fellow men, not just ourselves, and not JUST ON CHRISTMAS!!
 People have forgotten about the circle of life that we are all part of: a universal FORCE that binds EVERY LIVING CREATURE together. We, as a human culture, especially since modern religion has DESTROYED the human bond with NATURE, have grown apart from the MOTHER EARTH. Without HER there is NO human life. SAVE THE EARTH?? or Should we save OURSELVES via the EARTH? Either way you say it, saving the EARTH is the ONLY WAY to SAVE humanity. And you were so worried about something insignificant like DRIVING...

We are even so afraid of these large corporations that we LET THEM pollute the rivers and oceans. Soon we will have no more drinking water left... and we were all so afraid of the American "economy" (based on gambling and lies) was going to collapse... duh!

Parents are good at stirring fear in their children. We repeat the same old war beaten jargon that we were sold as kids, lying and disillusioning our kids with ideas like Santa, who is watching you creepily, kinda like GOD... but Santa ISN'T God. He is a mushroom worshiper, remember?? WAKE UP MOM and DADS!! LIES spread fear!! A bible passage says that "the truth shall set you free"... What do you think?? I really would like to know...

I also think a lot of fear stems from the epidemic of low to no self esteem in this country. People are SO afraid in their OWN SKIN, that they are paralyzed and seemingly unable to live "normal" lives. And our government wonders why the drug trade keeps going up and up... Not a mystery to me. People are self medicating to relieve an overwhelming social anxiety because people are too AFRAID to even be personable and act socially RESPONSIBLE any longer.
And what do we pay into with all of this fear?
A FALSE SENSE OF SECURITY!! We allowed the BUSH administration to swindle the American public out of fear from 9/11. FEAR from a "terrorist" attack that WE knew was coming at the very least if NOT planned it. I've seen the video AND testimony... WE NEEDED AN ENEMY TO FEAR AFTER THE COLD WAR WAS OVER!! The RICH love WAR!! WHY?
Cause they got paid, boyyyyyy!! And WE are STUCK with the Patriot Act... Not really a fair trade in my opinion

Here is the problem with letting FEAR control your life...
There are only 2 kinds of energy in this universe: (+) Positive and Negative (-)
You MUST UNDERSTAND that human beings are only creations of energy. We are just like the Kryptonians from Superman. We NEED the SUN to survive... just something for you all to think about. It is only ENERGY holding all of our atoms and molecules together... is that a SOUL? (that might explain why the body weighs less on a scale moments after death?)

But about this energy. Happy, warm, loving thoughts create positive manifestable energy. Positive energy is what has kept the balance between humans and nature in balance for thousands of years. But the scales have been tipped toward negative now, and the balance of nature has been disturbed.
Negative thoughts like pessimism, hatred, anger, and FEAR have physical force. And this negative force manifests within the very air we breathe. We all have sensed when someone walks in the room and the life is immediately sucked out of the room... A PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION of this NEGATIVE ENERGY.
And it doesn't matter how much you want something positive to happen, IT WILL NEVER
Positive people seem to always have good Karma too.
Again... What does your fear get you?

Another example... FEAR of further losing our incomes, we voted AGAINST laws that would give ALL Americans, who are SUPPOSED TO BE EQUAL, ADEQUATE HEALTH CARE for ALL. THIS fear results from the constant RAPING by the American Aristocracy. They convinced the "MIDDLE CLASS" to NOT give a $h!t about the poor and destitute, or the disabled (especially the often forgotten VETERANS). Despite what anyone might think: it is EVERY ONE'S RESPONSIBILITY to HELP take care of one another. There is a reason they had that old saying "IT TAKES A VILLAGE"... cause it REALLY DOES!! It takes EVERY ONE OF US working TOGETHER for the human community to prosper. WITHOUT care and compassion for our fellow humans... what will become of us? This nation will surely NOT PROSPER!
This has been the Quiet Mouse once again. I keep telling you all to WAKE UP from the Matrix of deceit and lies.
Peace. Love. Respect. Truth. Honesty.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Drink water... not that other stuff

Hello once again my friends, this is the one and only Quiet Mouse coming back to reshape your minds and open your eyes to the REAL world that is around you EVERY day.
Lets jump right in by getting a glass or a mug, any kind of cup will do. Fill up your cup with good old H2O and have a drink. It's on me :)
Actually, it's on all of us... I should have been more specific before. See it's a special thing that we just ingested. It is our main life source, this water. Our human bodies are composed of 70 to 75% WATER. What is water? We all know right? 2 hydrogen atoms atoms attached to one oxygen atom to form a molecule of water.
But what does that mean? Why is that important? Well, that oxygen is important to our body as humans. We need it to breathe, but ALSO, our tissues need oxygen to rebuild and regenerate.
Our bodies NEED water for this rich, important oxygen. Due to our diets, particularly in the U.S.A., we are consuming more alcohol and soda, juice, and modified water drinks (which are just filled with sugar, look for the hidden HFCS) than actual water. Water removes toxins from our system and literally, you just piss them out, or sometimes #2...
The problem is that we eat too much meat in general. Red meat to be more precise if you want to get technical.
And I know, I know... EVERYONE loves a good steak or cheeseburger. Don't get hung up on the meat.
Water is primed up to flush the toxins and carcinogens found in this red meat out of your colon before it can give you CANCER. Water is primed to flush your kidneys and remove all the toxic HFCS waste from your system, provided we can wean ourselves from the ADDICTION of CAFFEINE. Our brains need water because water makes up the majority of our blood. The blood is rich with hemoglobin that suck up what? OXYGEN from the lungs when we inhale the air, which is actually mostly Nitrogen.
Part of the problem we have as a culture is our addiction to things that are SWEET. We have a sugar addiction. We are addicted to ANYTHING that tweaks the system, be it caffeine, tobacco, sugar, alcohol, cannabis, magic shrooms, chocolate... all the way to crackheads and huffers!
But on a happier note, I really believe everyone NEEDS to break away from the waste of plastic bottles. A small $10 investment buys a reusable water container that can be taken ANYWHERE. Mine even has a belt clip, lol...
Let me break it down even simpler than I have before. Toxins build up in your system in what we call "stress areas" Water, along with stretching exercises like Pilate's or YOGA will release these toxins so they can be flushed out of your system and rid your body of unwanted stress. A proper balanced diet would help too. NO amount of water and exercise will HELP if you keep poisoning your system with alcohol, tobacco, milk, and red meat.
Speaking of the notorious MILK... it is the #1 cause of osteoporosis.
But Quiet Mouse, that's not what we were told...
By WHO? The dairy farmers? THEY want you to buy their milk, kinda keeps their revenue flowing. After all, they DO have a surplus of milk since the corn they feed the cows makes their udders swell til the poor beast can't even stand up. Human beings are NOT SUITED to digest bovine products. Even whole milk only has only about 15% calcium. Too much cow milk leads to the hardening and ossifying of the cartilage on your bones which leads to arthritis and osteoporosis.
You can get all the calcium you need by eating fruits and vegetables. I'm talking about the colored ones. White is generally a sign of LESS nutrients. The MORE color = more nutrients as a general rule. Calcium can be gained by eating strawberries and oranges
Anyway, off the ranting for a bit so I can be a little more serious. The WATER is disappearing at an alarming rate in the world. I know that people see the oceans and rivers and think we have plenty of water, but this is a mistaken misnomer. WE have POLLUTED the majority of water on this planet we inhabit. There are plastic "rafts" in the middle of the oceans where the plastic waste we have produced sits large as the state of Texas and there are growing in number and size.
Water is our most precious resource. Forget about GOLD. Forget about Platinum or Silver, Copper, Nickel... all of that. The next World War will be about food and WATER.
The water we have now is just constantly recycled, chemicals added to kill what was once waste to become palatable once again. We can filter out most of these chemicals now with a Brita or PUR filter now. But even with chemicals in the water, it is still SAFER to drink H2O than the FAR MORE POLLUTED soda and doctored up juices and alcoholic beverages.
Just something to think about. Drink water to cleanse and revitalize your body. Stretch your muscles and rid yourself of toxins that cloud your mind and physical stamina.
This has been the Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. TRUTH.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wall Street and other LIES

Hello my friends, following the last blog about Santa, I feel the need to expose some more lies, since WE ARE a society based on lies. With every one we tell, we become the sinners we preach against with our hypocrisy and endless rhetoric.
This is the Quiet Mouse. I am ready to help you escape the cycle that you have been born into. Take back control into your own hands. I am ready to expose the LIE that is CORPORATE AMERICA.
What is Wall Street? It is a complex math formula that has been formed to ROB the American middle class of their HOMES, their RETIREMENTS, their SAVINGS, and even their CHILDREN'S COLLEGE FUND. Why? For $$$$$$$$$$$ MONEY of course. Now THEY have it and we DON'T...
Why did we buy into this ridiculous idea when we KNEW it was doomed for failure from the start? Did we not think that handing the money over to an elitist MOB that has NEVER held OUR interests in mind was a really really colossally huge mistake? But we all HAD to live the AMERICAN DREAM!!
Ah, the good old American Dream. No, I'm not talking about that flabby wrestler Dusty Rhodes... I'm talking about the dream of EVERY American OWNING his/her OWN home. Complete with a swimming pool for the kids. And everyone had bright smiles and the birds are singing. Oh that's right... We ALL remember the 80's. Hell, they got the BEST pitchman they could find: Ronald Regan. They had to get someone that people would trust. Busy eating jellybeans while selling us propaganda and leading in a whole NEW AGE of disorder.
Wall Street is very fragile. We all have feelings about the endless money being used to "bail out" elitist companies that were ROBBING the American people. THEY ALREADY GOT PAID!! So then they needed MORE... or the WHOLE economy will collapse?? Why would the economy collapse? In the system of CAPITALISM aren't companies supposed to FAIL while others that are more organized, smarter, better, perhaps eco-friendly?? Why do we HAVE to "bail out" the companies that FAILED?
Perhaps it is because Washington D.C. is ran by corporate lobbyists? We have bought and sold our very souls on this black market we call WALL STREET. All we are doing is GAMBLING!! What makes it worse is that our foreign competitors have bought the STOCK of American soul and they BET AGAINST US! They BET that the American worker would fail. They BET that this country would FAIL... Doesn't that mean SOMETHING to people? China CAN'T WAIT for us to crumble. We are DOOMED to repeat this cycle of failure now. Did the corporations actually DO anything productive with their "bail outs"? NO, NOT REALLY? They just used their buddies at JP MORGAN to buy up SMALLER banks. Bigger corporations just SWALLOWED up the smaller ones, putting millions of people out of work, or having lost all their money and their homes... WHY did we ALLOW this to happen?
FEAR... we were ALL afraid that if the razor thin edge of reason we are all dancing on were to crumble, how would we get out little gadgets and trinkets and bull$*t that we don't really need in the first place. No one cared about the FOOD EPIDEMIC going on at the same time? No one really cared much to realize that half the CORN produced in this country is INEDIBLE. So since there is so much of IT, they force feed it to us. SOY too. READ the labels on what you eat. It most likely has CORN OR SOY, IF NOT BOTH.
I mention this because so much of our Wall Street "players club" gaming market is based on how WE react when the MASTER tells us to jump. If THEY say the price is going UP, it is because THEY WANT TO MAKE MORE PROFIT!! Did the cost just magically jump from one minute to the next? No...
In Medieval times, they created GUILDS to regulate commerce. Some would do one job or service, while another did something different. For example the Soup guild and the bread guild fought over a chefs right to serve soup in a bread bowl. This is where CAPITALISM began. It began as the barter system. But soon everyone could do everything and no one had CONTROL any more. There became a deficit in oversight. GOOD for business, BAD for customers.
Businesses that get TOO BIG lose track of the actual humanity behind what they are selling. They forget about the person looking ONLY at the dollar signs $$. It's NOT MONEY that is the root of ALL EVIL. It's the LOVE OF MONEY that IS... EVERYONE needs money to live, or we could just go back to the barter system. Might have to anyway when they make those FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES we all crave for worthless. It's all MONOPOLY money... the ONLY thing giving this little piece of paper ANY VALUE is YOU!!
But Quiet Mouse... that doesn't sound quite right? Money is worth "things" that we buy...
REALLY? What do you really OWN? A disaster happens tomorrow, creator forbid... WHAT are you gonna take with you? WHAT are you going to get out of your domicile that is YOURS? Photos? Your kids? Your wallet and keys, robe, clothes?? What do you REALLY get when you shell out those little green "bills" over the things you COVET? Wonder why they call it a bill? I don't actually know. I will definitely look that up, but... it sounds like a DEBT. THIS BILL?? It is the COST of the AMERICAN SOUL perhaps?
Should we NOT invest in OURSELVES first? THEY keep raising the cost of school because too many people are going. What happened to bettering ourselves for our ENTIRE LIFE? WHY does it just have to be high school or dropping out? Why can't we keep learning even IF we get to go to college. Before, After, ALL the way through til the end. Can we put a value on that? You can STILL learn and evolve as a person even if you don't go to school...

I believe that this fatal ROMANCE fantasy we have with MONEY is disgusting. We sell our possessions, our TIME, our SOULS.  We NEED to give VALUE to the things that are important. Our family and our actual LIFE. It shouldn't be a fantasy for people to WAKE UP from this Matrix. This is NOT REALITY. YOU HAVE VALUE!!
Do you want your value based on something more than human beings being bought and sold on the STOCK MARKET (black market)? THEY have a value for us. The MORE we buy into this Matrix of LIES, the MORE WE BECOME THE CATTLE THEY THINK WE ARE. We have let ourselves become grazers and consumers.

This has been the Quiet Mouse once again.
Peace. Love. Respect.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Santa Clause is a mushroom worshiper

Hello once again my friends and fellow humanists, it is I, the Quiet Mouse here another time to rock your mind and open your eyes (all 3 of them) and unlock you from the Matrix of mindless consumerism and pharmaceutical drug zombie lifestyles.
I realize that this may be a controversial subject. I understand what you've probably been told. I understand it will NOT be EASY for your mind to drop this facade, this veil of lies that has plagued us for years and years.
It starts from an early age. We are sold into a lie that a "magical" jolly fat man, who by the way, knows all about you like a perverted stalker. He's like the grandpa version of a white Michael Jackson...
Oh $H!T Quiet mouse... yeah, okay I'll tame it down a little.
So this dude not only is a stalker, but he lives with a bunch of midgets... oops, I mean elves. AND he owns a North Pole SWEATSHOP!! You're kidding me, right? Sorry kids, but most of those toys got made in CHINA! By kids like yourselves for slave wages NOT by elves.
But Quiet Mouse, it's about the KIDS!! We don't want them to grow up too quickly...
Here's the thing. Save yourself a lot of headache by just TELLING THE TRUTH!! If you don't want your kids to lie... WHY THE F#*K ARE YOU LYING TO THEM? Don't start off their early lives on a lie. We are consumers, but crap in = crap out. December 25th has NOTHING to do with Jesus anyway, except for the CHRIST mas. The Egyptians were celebrating that day as the birth of their God Osiris, thousands of years before the Christians. Pagans had used that day traditionally as the celebration of the Winter Solstice.
But back to some hard TRUTH...
There is NO SANTA CLAUSE. At least, NOT THE ONE WE SEE ON HALLMARK CARDS and promotional displays to SELL CRAP we DON'T NEED.
This last statement brings be to one of the central points that I want to focus on for this whole Christmas ordeal. WHY oh WHY do we feel OH SO compelled to buy EVERYONE a gift? WHY oh WHY do we have to throw ourselves into MASSIVE DEBT over 1 day of the year? What about the other 364 days? Don't we have to save some of that money to pay for THEN? But we don't THINK as Americans. We WANT and WANT and WANT, but we are NEVER SATISFIED. We always want everything technological smaller and our food BIGGER. We want smarter, faster everything ALL at a fingertips reach... for just $19.95 plus shipping and handling fees. Most adults have seen the Tom Hanks movie Cast Away. Fed Ex spends a lot of time shipping Christmas packages all over the world... NO SANTA.
WE ARE THE ONES SQUANDERING OUR MONEY AND OUR SOULS AWAY... and for WHAT?? Some CRAP that's either going to be RE-GIFTED? Or TAKEN BACK AND RETURNED for what they REALLY wanted. And what's worse is that the mindless consumerism has denigrated the male/female gender relationship because EVERYONE is OBSESSED about the BIGGEST gifts and now our LOVE has been auctioned off to the HIGHEST BIDDER or in other words, the person who spends the MOST money MUST love you the best. WAKE UP from this NIGHTMARE of obsessive purchasing. It is NOT a CONTEST!! If you want to celebrate IT, then IT should be about LOVE and FAMILY, TOGETHERNESS, PEACE, HARMONY... NOT childhood GREED and adult DEPRESSION.
MORE SUICIDES happen around Christmas than ANY OTHER holiday, or time of year. WHY IS THAT?? If it is SUPPOSED to be a happy time of year, the jolliest winter wonderland and all that, why are people killing themselves?
Simple answer. Depressed emotions of betrayal lie in the hearts of millions at the disillusionment of childhood gone in an instant when kids realize that their parents are full of $#!T and have been LYING TO THEM FOR YEARS. And parents wonder why kids become distant at the teenage/puberty level.... they've stopped listening because of the continued HYPOCRISY from adults who KNOW DAMNED WELL there isn't a REAL Santa clause. On TOP of that, the economic pressure of this over rampant capitalism to buy buy buy is too much for 99% of us... Not EVERY little girl is a PRINCESS. Just like not EVERY little boy is gonna grow up to be a knight in shiny tinfoil.
Besides, there is a naughty/nice list... unfortunately the government has YOU and MY name on it for being free thinking and anti-manipulative establishment. If you DON'T want to buy into the Matrix, your name will be on the list too.
Back to this Santa... Despite the corporate GREED. And the ridiculous LIES that we have spread for generations, I believe we can be saved from ourselves. CUT UP YOUR CREDIT CARDS!! YEP! I said it...
I can hear the thought police marching in the streets now, Quiet Mouse... You don't want to stand out and draw attention to yourself.
Conformity has always been EASIER than being an individual with a FREE MIND. Why  make waves when you can just blend in?? I was NOT born into a cookie cutter. Adversity has tempered me like steel to withstand the pressures of senseless consumerism. MY LOVE will never be measured with a DOLLAR SIGN!! I just want those that I love to be happy.
Lets band together to STOP spreading the seeds of dissent from the beginning of youth. Why not teach the REAL meaning of the holiday?

This legend of Santa came from a Siberian MAGIC MUSHROOM FARMER. The story goes that he looked like the Santa we all know. Red felt costume with white fur trim and big black boots. WE added the Hat. WE added the nonexistent magical reindeer that FLY. Seriously?? NO wonder kids HATE their parents!! What a crock of crap. WE added the elves and mythology. SANTA doesn't make those TOYS. Parents are the ones that are paying through the nose for our obsessiveness and child WORSHIP. We don't have to disillusion them from childhood. They can still be young and have fun WITHOUT us lying to them. It's just NOT necessary. Good MORALS start with the TRUTH.

Since I brought it up, I need to comment on the whole issue of child worship. I think it is a tragedy that our children are obsessively pandered too and parents find themselves unable or unwilling to actually say the word NO to their little ones. NOTHING has to be EARNED now. We are so impatient for the next new toy or the next new little gadget that we can obsess over, abuse, then throw away. This is the cycle of mindless American CONSUMERISM. Companies are desperately trying to hook you, get their claws in you, making you a SLAVE to their services or products that your NOW ALSO OBSESSIVE child CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT!! WAAAHHHH!!! WAAAAHHHH!! The only appropriate answer to this is NO. The corporations have begun making their products INTENTIONALLY INFERIOR for the sole purpose of MORE profits. They want you to have to KEEP buying things you don't really NEED... THINK about it!!

So the REAL Santa would go out in the early morning all the way through the day and into the night on the day that would later become Christmas eve. This legend is from about a thousand years ago, I believe.
What was he doing out for all that time, Quiet Mouse? I'm glad you asked. :)
Well, he was out in the forest. Much like the forest of the North West part of the United States (states like N. California, Oregon and Washington) and parts of Canada, Siberia has a lot of forests in this cold wet environment. In the days of late fall, early winter, a rare type of mushroom grows at the feet of conifer trees like Pine. Amanita muscaria is a "poisonous" magic mushroom, seen in movies like Alice in Wonderland and video games like Super Mario Brothers. It is red capped with white spores on top giving it a speckled appearance. This mushroom has been used for centuries dating back to Sumerian and Egyptian hieroglyphics and cuneiform drawings. It is widely believed by shamans and gurus, monks and clerics that this A. Muscaria mushroom is a key to becoming CLOSER with the holy spirit.
Religious entities like the Roman Catholic Church desire to eradicate this mushroom and cannabis. How could they have people thinking freely and becoming close to GOD WITHOUT the church? Billions of people would NOT THROW their money into a plate, or bowl, till, whatever... if they new that NATURE ALREADY HAD THE ANSWER. Thousands of years people. I talked about this in one of my other blogs. THEY don't want naturally grown options to be available for you to be relieved from PAIN, ANXIETY, DEPRESSION, etc. Not when they have you HOOKED on prescription pharmaceuticals that are NOT NATURAL and NOT GOOD FOR US.
Now our Santa would harvest these mushrooms, looking everywhere and putting them all into his big black sack. The homes that the Siberians where living in at that time period were similar to native American tepees.
Santa would indeed climb down the chimney of this residence and he would string the mushrooms across a line on the fireplace mantle (NOT LIGHTS or BELLS) to dry for consumption the next morning. This is on what we call Christmas Eve!! The next morning, the family would come down and the mushrooms would be put in a "stocking" that also hung from near the mantle. Santa's traditional HO HO HO is indicative of the A. Muscaria's ability to make you laugh in a very jolly manner. And to give you an experience of otherworldliness to feel closer to the maker, the creator.
So these magic mushrooms WERE the GIFTS on this special occasion, NOT meaningless presents. The family, including the children ALL ate from this forbidden fruit and they spent the day TOGETHER with LOVE in their hearts, close to the Holy Spirit laughing, giggling and having fun. THAT SHOULD be the TRUE meaning of Christmas!
I'm not telling anyone or everyone to STOP buying your kids something, your significant other, parents, or boss, whoever...
All I PERSONALLY, your friend the Quiet Mouse wants, is for everyone to GET REAL! STOP LYING!! A society and culture based on lies is DOOMED for failure. STAND UP to meaningless consumerism. If you ARE going to give gifts, try to actually KNOW the person. Get them something that will help them become a better person or something that is practical and THOUGHT out. Personal gifts that are TRULY from the HEART always hold more value to the recipient. And sometimes a little gift can go a long way. Sometimes people are just happy to GET something.
And STOP rationalizing EVERYTHING on our kids!! LYING to them is NEVER in our BEST INTEREST!! Garbage IN = Garbage OUT!! Do we want little manipulative, greedy, lying, consumer driven children? It can STILL be about THEM as a day of celebration. They just don't need a bunch of junk. Try taking them somewhere they will never forget instead of spending hundreds of dollars on toys that will be broken or recalled from contaminated Lead or other hazardous material that China has no regulations over. Why NOT take our children out for a walk on Christmas with some nature and true spirit?

I have said it many times and I am not ready to stop while I still have air to breathe... we HAVE TO THINK!! Mindless zombie consumerism is non-sustainable.

I hope this, along with my other blogs will help open your third eye: they eye of spiritual consciousness. I truly believe we are ALL ONE people, we just have to WAKE UP from this Matrix. The ONLY group that is benefiting from this mess is the CORPORATIONS. What is your MONEY buying you? I don't want my money to buy greedy, disrespectful kids. I want my kids to KNOW that Christmas is about family as a time to renew relationships and plant the PROPER seeds for the future of our families.
This is the one and only Quiet Mouse. Peace. Love. Respect

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Nazi America

Welcome to Nazi America folks, this is the Quiet Mouse coming back at ya with some more heavy hitting info to blow your mind and wake you up from this Matrix...
Before I get started, I want to make a special shout out to 3 people who have opened my mind, my eyes, and my consciousness.
1. My internet gangstar EL MINER. You can check out his videos on YouTube.com, just type in el miner, he likes to talk about the heavy topics others are afraid to as well.
2. My older brother Brandon. He has been talking about this stuff for a long time, even when I was in the belly of the beast and was too ignorant to see the TRUTH. I see NOW big bro... thanks!
3. Jesse "the Body" Ventura. His great investigative series "Conspiracy Theory" really cuts out the bull and asks pointed questions to the people in charge, and he gets ANSWERS! Check his show out on TrueTV Fridays at 2100 and 2200, that's 9 and 10 pm for those that don't know the much simpler military time. Also there is www.truetv.com/conspiracytheory

NOW... I'm sure you are wondering about the title of my posting. "Quiet Mouse, we hate the nazis, they were so mean and killed so many people..." oh, no doubt, friends... the Nazis did some horrible things: Human experimentation, genocide, and world domination.
The only problem is... THIS COUNTRY is doing the same things... don't believe me? Check this out.
The first point I am going to make is a simple one. After WWII, we, the American country, or I should say OUR politicians went to Germany and "liberated" or "exonerated" many of their top minds i.e. scientists, astronomers, teachers and even a few political leaders. Well, AFTER we helped them launder their money and posessions they STOLE from the Jews to the VATICAN ARCHIVES AND VATICAN BANK... "wait a minute Quite Mouse. You're talking about the Catholic Church!"
 Yep! It always ends the same. Follow the money trail to the RICH WHITE MEN!! but that is another blog all entirely and I will get around to exposing the truth about the REAL FALSE PROPHET called the POPE.
Ok, so we bring over the top minds from Germany that haven't been charged in Nuremburg for war crimes. Did we NOT think that having those minds working with our government would forever change the landscape of American politics? We had a leading German scientist establish a base on Plum Island New York, just off the Northern tip of Long Island. At this "research center" on Plum Island they do genetic testing on many of the nasty viruses and bacteria that could KILL us all if it ever got out. The worst part is that since Govenor Ventura exposed this, THEY have made plans to move this top-secret base to where?? Of all places, they are going to build a new one, LETHAL, right in the heartland of this country: Kansas!! But wait a minute... isn't that where we grow wheat and corn and cows?? Oh yeah!! ONE LITTLE SPILL could wipe out our ENTIRE grain belt, not to mention CAUSE A PANDEMIC OF ILLNESS!! Oh, but it gets worse my friends...
Remember how I mentioned in my NWO blog about Germany being the head of the European Union? Our Gov't wants to be the lead of the North American Union. But FIRST they have to eliminate ALL of our civil rights and enstill MARTIAL LAW!
How are they going to do this, you might be wondering? Well, the first step is to turn average PATRIOTIC Americans on one another. Not just with racial battles or ethnic or gender disputes, no no no... The FBI and other alphabet agencies have formed "Watch Centers" that pool resources from all branches of the gov't to spy on the American peoples. OH ITS TRUE!! Think about all the trafic cams and cameras on all the buildings now. You think this is to stop TERRORISM? This is FOR A FALSE SENSE OF SECURITY because ANYONE with anti-government or any liberal views is considered a TERROR THREAT by this government. They CAN and ARE watching you. I read a report recently that the average American is caught on camera about 10 times a day... 10 TIMES A DAY!! WTF??
This is why they put a security chip in your cell phone. To follow you. This is why they put OnStar and LowJack in cars. So THEY can track you easier. WAKE UP!! This is a clear and direct violation of our civil liberties. Let me spin you for another loop...
Think this isn't a Nazi state? What is the best way to spy on people? Use regular citizens to spy on each other! Big Brother has their deck stacked against US in the organization known as Infraguard. This is an elitist organization ran by big businesses that are given classified and unpublished intel (often intel on stock markets, world issues, and classified documents) in exchange for them RATTING OUT regular people like you and I. Think it isn't true? FREE THOUGHT is the ENEMY of Big Brother. Supporters and protesters are put into a databank list of possible threats to THEM.
This is terrible. How can this happen? Think back to 9/11 when everyone was so patriotic and arm in arm against possible TERROR THREATS. We passed idiotic bills like the PATRIOT ACT, stripping away our own bill of rights. We gave rise to all the alphabet agencies to turn on US as citizens. WE ARE THE THREAT now. Most people don't realize that there was a little bitty earmark on one of those Anti-American pieces of paper that allowed for the Department of Homeland Security to create FEMA detention centers. first of all FEMA is part of the Department of Homeland Security. Thier "job" is to show up during crisis times and render aid to the American people... hahahaha.... YEAH, I DON'T BELIEVE THAT EITHER! So FEMA has created these "detention centers" or "family detention centers" a.k.a. concentration camps for the rounding up of all the free thinkers, liberals, hippies, illegal immigrants, etc. when they bring down the NWO hammer on us all with MARTIAL LAW. It IS going to happen. Why else would they have pre-built millions of plastic coffins and hundreds of these internment camps across the country in EVERY SINGLE STATE NOW?
ALL it will take is a national CRISIS for the REAL government, DHS and FEMA, to come in and take control. THEY have already been drilling around the clock in cities all over this country for this "crisis", once again under the guise of TERROR. But what they are really doing is finding out how easy it is going to be to instill martial law upon us. If there is RIOTING in the streets, ALL those people will be detained and sent to a concentration camp, oh yes, equipped with gas ovens to MURDER AMERICANS by the millions.
Look it up. Read about it. STAND UP and raise HELL with congress and Washington D.C. THEY are AFRAID of US. There are too many of US for them to handle unless WE go along with it WILLINGLY. Why else do you think that they send out the riot squad on peaceful protesters? Why else do you think that they have taken away our FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY, OUR FREEDOM OF SPEECH, FREEDOM OF THE PRESS?? It is all part of the control of Big Brother. Since communism ended in the 80's and the Berlin Wall came down THEY had to create a NEW enemy. Most of the TERRORISTS that are out there DO NOT WANT A NEW WORLD ORDER. They DO NOT WANT to have their freedoms taken away. So much that they will fight and die for what they believe in. It is not a religious issue. It's NOT about Christians and Muslims. It is ALL about FREEDOMS.
WE HAVE to STOP ratting each other out. It is not a CRIME to sit in your own home and smoke grass or watch porno. It is not a CRIME to dislike the way corporate gov't is stealing our homes, our families to war, our retirement and savings. Our constitution guarantees us the FREEDOM to stand up to tyrany. We have the freedom to form a malitia and fight for our rights. The military should NOT be turned on the peoples of this nation.
Now we have to ask the most obvious question... HOW are they gonna enstill Martial Law?
Quite simple. THEY created the H1N1 flu, along with Anthrax... or how bout we have a smallpox outbreak? Pertussis? Influenza? THEY have all these bad illnesses and many many more in places like Plum Island, NY (oh, by the way, this is where German scientists CREATED Lime Disease)
Their plan is to either STAGE a viral pandemic, or actually CREATE one. FEAR is their tactic, just as it always has been to control us. FEAR has always been our weakness as Americans. WE are OUT of time for fear. It is time to be confident in ourselves as citizens and form those militias. Form those citizen briggades against the would be riot police. Rather than plead the 5th ammendment, SHOUT the first ammendment!! WE CANNOT STAND FOR THIS!! WE CANNOT STAND for concentration camps to be legal. There MUST be regulation by our government and oversight into these FEMA DEATH CAMPS!! Lock and Load my friends...
Once again, this has been the Quiet Mouse bending your mind from the truth you NEED to know.
Peace. Love. Respect

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Driving and Shopping

Hello my friends, this is the Quiet Mouse coming back with some info for your minds.
I have a lot to say about this subject today, so let's not waste any time and get started...
Driving. Starting at the age of 16 we are all wanting to get behind the wheel and feel the power of our automobiles zooming down the road... until we hit a traffic jam!!
So it dawns on me that there is a lesson to be learned from grocery shopping when it comes to how we drive our cars and trucks. Let's break it down really simple, cause I know it gets confusing for some.
Much like driving, shopping in the grocery store or at the mall, requires keen senses, courtesy to other drivers (cars & shopping carts), and a basic knowlege of the flow of things. First of all: STAY TO THE RIGHT! The left lane is for passing. It's the same on the road as it is in the grocery aisles. If you need something on the left side of the shopping aisle, park your cart, move your body and go get what you need, then return to your cart on the RIGHT side and keep moving, that is how we keep the flow and continuity of driving the cart. Second: for all those who do not want to obey the simple rules of etiquette, think about this... if you keep switching lanes and go from right to left, especially in the grocery store, YOU are causing congestion for the other pedestrians by blocking the proper FLOW. Third: even grocery stores are not immune to these pests of the roadway... RUBBERNECKERS!! Oh, these guys and gals will get the road/store rage going 0 to 60 in about 3.5 seconds... Once again, if you feel the need to stop and stare, please move yourself to the FAR RIGHT side of the road or aisle for the convenience of the others, but DO NOT camp out in the LEFT lane!!
Here's what it breaks down to... YOU ARE NOT A SPECIAL WALLFLOWER.
now, I know... "but Quiet Mouse, there you go again..." SERIOUSLY? All it takes is this little thing called COURTESY.... what?? I think we, especially as Americans, greedy for our shopping cart full of consumables, have forgotten this one important factor, which really... is the ONLY thing that matters when dealing with about 90% of people. You DON'T HAVE to like other people. You DON'T HAVE to be thier friends. But a little bit of respect and courtesy for the others on the road and aisles will go a tremendous way. Its just another way of paying it forward. One nice deed will earn much more good karma than yelling and cussing with road rage at people who can't even here you.
Ok, so drivers... LISTEN UP!! Driving is much like math. It is a constant force in the universe and some things about it will NEVER CHANGE. For example... the highway exit you NEED to get off at, well, it's still the SAME PLACE it was the last 1, 2, 10, 20, 50 times you have driven on this road. If you need to get off at the next right exit... WTF ARE YOU DOING IN THE LEFT LANE?? YOU slow traffic down by speeding up and then JAMMING on your brakes to get in front of someone else. So EVERYONE behind your inconsiderate A$$ is jamming their brakes NOW to avoid hitting you!
Or another example... we all love these menaces to the flow of traffic. The fu@#er who knows he needs to merge from right to left onto the road and he speeds up and goes as far down as he or she can THEN wants to cut in line. CHEATER!! LOSER!! I urge other considerate drivers to NOT let this person in. DO NOT let yourself be the doormat to this lifetime underacheiver. THIS is what we call the BOTTOM OF THE BARREL. Once again, this person is NOT A SPECIAL WALLFLOWER. Do not give them any more incentive to interrupt the constant flow of things.
I am gonna kind of re-cap a little to sum this up cause I know some people just DON'T GET IT... and that's fine. I have to tell my toddlers everything about a hundred thousand times too. So for all you adult babes... here goes:
If you NEED to be in the RIGHT lane: STAY in the RIGHT lane.
The exit you need to get off at HASN'T MOVED!! It is still there, so get in the appropriate lane please.
The left lane is for PASSING, not so you can speed up and JAM ON YOUR BRAKES trying to enter the lane you SHOULD have been in the first place!
Pull your cell phone AWAY from your ear and DRIVE!! NOT TEXT, NOT DRUNK DIAL!!
Put BOTH hands on the wheel, NOT putting on your makeup! NOT shaving! NOT picking your nose!
And for God's sake... USE YOUR F*#KING TURN SIGNALS!!
All you safe and courteous drivers. THANK YOU and BLESS YOU. But you other people who think you are special and want to break the rules... I JUST WISH THE COPS HAD TIME TO BUST YOU... rather than attacking people in their homes smoking cannabis... ooooohhh!! Yep, Quiet Mouse just HAD to go there...
This has been my public service announcement for the day, lol...
the Quiet Mouse has his eye out on you.
Peace. Love. Respect

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Believe In Yourself or No One Will

Hello my friends, the Quiet Mouse is back with a positive message today.
I don't want my readers to get the thought that its all pessimistic for me, because I am not. The title of this blog should speak for itself, but then I'd have a really short blog if I didn't add my own 10 cents as well, so here goes...
Believe in Yourself or No One Will: sounds simple enough, right? Idk... it seems to me in my interactions with people that SELF esteem for American citizens is at an all time low. Of course there are the headstrong type A personalities that nothing phases them. However, the average American, especially women, are constantly bombarded with images and words from a society that wants you to conform to their ideal of how YOU should be. From the pages of our magazines to the daily shows that play on the propaganda box, we see this ideal of skinny model types who look bulimic or anorexic, or at the very least, unhealthy.
So I have to ask myself as I am sure many of you are questioning from the Quiet Mouse... WHY is this the standard set by society? I'll get back to that in a moment, but I want to talk about SELF esteem for a few moments. Four letters I have put in caps, because I think we, as people forget sometimes that SELF esteem comes from within. Regardless of what people say to us, do to us, act towards us, show us or try to brainwash us into a cookie cutter image, WE still have to be the ones to look in the mirror at ourselves. It is a daily choice to look at the man or woman in the mirror and CHOSE to be happy about what we see.
If you are a big woman or man... rock it out!! Be happy with who you are... but if you are NOT happy, the you should probably CHANGE whatever YOU think is wrong. Put down the fork and processed foods if you are overweight. Stop eating at McDonalds and Taco Bell if you are concerned about your physical image. On the flip side of the coin...
If you don't like being skinny: EAT! or WORK OUT! But please don't be the type of person that is constantly upset about how you look. Please don't be the type of person who is constantly putting yourself down. There are PLENTY of other people in the world who will do that for you free of charge: the last person you NEED to put yourself down is YOU!! Confidence radiates so much more around a person like a glowing aura of light. Why, you might ask? Because positive energy outweighs negative energy. Not only do we have to PAY IT FORWARD to others, but we have to start with #1: our self.
The only way to change ANYTHING in this world is to start with our self. We have to change the way we see the ME in the MIRROR. Other people will notice when you make that paradigm shift and lean away from the negative and tip the scales back toward the positive light.
If you are a FREAK... fly your flag high and don't let ANYONE tell you to change. Rock out the tattoos and piercings if that is your mojo, but make sure you are doing it for YOU and not someone else. Life is NOT about conforming to the expectations of OTHERS, but adapting and changing who you are to find that inner peace and that inner calm. Meditate and pray if you need to, I would highly incourage taking time for QUIET introspection. But the EASIEST way of all to improve your SELF esteem is to STOP buying into the propaganda and image that THEY want you to believe. Turn off the TV and listen to what your loved ones think about you. They may be biased, yes, but they will generally lift you UP more than put you down. In the end, like I said before, it only comes down to one persons opinions that matter most: YOUR OWN. Perception is 9/10ths of reality if not 100% of it...
This has been the Quiet Mouse. Peace. Love. Respect.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Hello once again, my friends and fellow open minds, this is the one and only Quiet Mouse coming back at you to talk about something very serious to my heart: DRUGS.
I am going to start by talking about the illegal ones, then move on to the far more dangerous category: prescription drugs.
So, just like the last blog we're gonna ask ourselves some obvious questions, although they may not be so obvious cause we are taught NOT to ask. NOT to question authority.  However, the constitution states the opposite. Americans HAVE the RIGHT to question our government. We are SUPPOSED to!! Think about that for a second and marinate on this...
I read a scientific journal recently stating that EVERY animal (including humans for those of you who think we aren't animals... WE ARE) on Earth instinctually seeks out to get high. Again, this is from a highly notorized scientific journal. All the way from ants, dung beetles and small bugs to Elk, Carribou, and us...
Basically, besides sex, this is our highest driven INSTINCT. FACT.
I can hear the whispers already, the thoughts rolling through my readers heads, "But quiet mouse, I don't do drugs..."
OH REALLY? Have you ever ran a long distance and felt light in the head afterwards like you were floating on top of the world? They call that a "runners high" which comes from super high levels of endorphins. Do you drink caffeine from coffee, soda, tea? Do you drink alcohol? Use tobacco? What do you think they put in diet pills? Effedra!!
Still think the Quiet Mouse is pulling your leg? Our brains are pre-equipped with levels of cannabanoids already there. Willing receptors in our brains to accept and receive the delta 9- tetrahydracanabinol molecule also known to cannabis users as THC.
It is not an accident that HE gave us these receptors. We are supposed to "chill" when we get upset rather than fighting and bitching at one another. However, a certain part of society wants to label any self-gratifying act as "sinful". It's a "sin" to drink alcohol. It's a "sin" to fornicate. It's a "sin" to smoke cannabis... ACCORDING TO WHO?
The bible states very clearly, once again, that God gave us ALL seed bearing plants for human consumption. doesn't say" except certain ones...
But lets be real about it and make a clarification, both of my own personal views and I'm sure others share this opinion too, so here goes:
I am NOT for any "drug" that does not come from the ground un-altered, un-processed, or otherwise tainted. I  HAVE smoked cigarettes and cigars at different points in my life and upon conscious thought, I know that it is bad for you. NOT just because of the tobacco, but because of the chemicals they adulterate the leaf with adding tar, fiberglass, and other carcinogens to. Same goes with alcohol. It doesn't grow in the ground naturally and our body does everything to get rid of it once it is in our system. YEAH!! I've seen you throwing up outside the bar on the street corner, then go right back in for the cigarette... GROSS!!
Now we need to clear the record for those who do not know about the two most natural "drugs" that are unadulterated from the ground. Mind you, any consumption of anything, be it magic mushrooms, cannabis, chocolate, caffeine, sex... it is all meant for moderation. Too much of ANYTHING is a bad thing. We just have to do a better job reguating OURSELVES. The government steps in and tells us what is "illegal" for 2 reasons:
1. We are unable to moderate ourselves and therefore they HAVE to do something. or...
2. CONTROL. They don't want us using mind expanding substances because then we might have... FREE WILL... perish the thought!
Now I have absolutely NO respect for those who want to demonize and villify things they have never seen or done themselves. The ONLY way to form an educated opinion is to EDUCATE YOURSELF!
If you want to know about the effects of cannabis: smoke it. You want to know the effects of alcohol: drink it. You want to know the effects of mushrooms: eat them. But DON'T come at me with all the psychobabble and rhetoric of the oft too beaten Republican war drum, talking to me about how the WAR on drugs is killing america's youth. The fact that you have demonized plants and practices that have been going on for thousands of years before this prude, snobbish country was even formed is bulls@#t in my opinion. For example. Shamans, gurus, and sages alike, along with many others have been using psychotropic substances like mushrooms and peyote for thousands of years because they firmly believe that it brings you closer to GOD.
I hear ya thinking again, "but Quiet Mouse, if it brings you closer to God, why is it illegal?" Good question. The answer is the same for so many issues I will bring and have brung up: CONTROL & POWER.
Think about this logically. Why would millions if not BILLIONS of people NEED to throw their money into the till at church if they KNEW they didn't need the church to have a relationship with HIM?
It all started with the Catholic Church in the early part of this new millenium. They wanted to take control over the path to salvation. THEY want you to feel like you HAVE to go to church to have a relationship with the Heavenly Father. They call you a sinner for reaching out to HIM? Doesn't that seem hypocritical? Now I can tell you honestly from personal experience that magic mushrooms DO indeed bring you closer to HIM. I can attest much like people get up in front of their congregations and testify to the power of the Lord. I HAVE FELT HIS PRESENCE IN MY MIND, MY HEART AND MY SOUL. I will testify that in court if need be and I will swear that upon my very life to have been touched by the HAND of God. I KNOW the TRUTH!!
But that is not the point of this blog, to be quite honest. I do not want to waste this whole time by telling you what I ALREADY KNOW. I want YOU to know the same as I do. And I am not saying go out and pop a bunch of mushrooms either. All I am saying is form your OWN opinions rather than letting some moral right wing MINORITY tell you what is what.
NOW... on with the subject matter at hand: Control.
Why on Earth did the CIA invent crack cocaine? Regualar cocaine had been around for a long time as well, why did they have to make crack out of it? Read two lines up, the answer is there...
Black people (and yes, I didn't say African Americans, cause guess what? If you aren't from Africa, you aren't African. If you were born here... YOU ARE AMERICAN! PERIOD!)
So Black people did something amazing and culturally liberating following the movements by such great leaders as MLK jr and Malcolm X. They stood up for themselves and said "NO". They refused to be unequal. They refused to do the crappy jobs for the crappy wages that white people had been used to for so long. They refused to buy into the Capitolism Monster. This perplexed white folks in our government. Plenty of human experimentation had been performed by the Nazis during WWII and what did we do? We gave pardons to their brightest minds and brought them over to OUR country and gave them jobs. Of course THEY did what THEY have always done: take advantage of those they thought to be lesser individuals. If the Black people didn't want to do the work, then they would have to find a poorer work force to exploit... enter the Mexicans.
But what could they do with all the free thinking Black people, the millions that would not be held down again... They invented crack cocaine to passify them. To keep them fighting amongst themselves, because Black people represented too big of a threat to the "American" way of life. And I have said it before... if you want people distracted from being screwed from the TOP all the way down, just keep them busy fighting one another. BRILLIANT? idk...
So lets list all the actually BAD drugs right now for all those who don't know already what we have been told from a very young age. Number 1 on our list is yes: Cocaine. Drawing up a close #2 is Heroine. #3 Methamphetamine. #4 (despite my own personal views and ONLY because it is man made) LSD. and to round out the top 5: Pharmaceuticals. There is NOTHING natural about what they put in this SHIT. Often with a list of side effects worse than what they are treating you for.
I am not going to spend loads of time on the street illegals, because I KNOW from personal experience, having tried them ALL, that they are some BAAAAAADDDDD STUFF!!! Messes up people's lives and all that.
I would rather talk about how drug use is a societal issue that can be remedied if we are to tackle the issue and approach the subject in the proper way. Why do people USE drugs?
Very simply, people want to destress from an otherwise self-destructive world of violence, corporate greed, brainwashing, and global manipulation. In other countries they have appropriate places for people to go to use their "drugs" so they can experiment in a SAFE, LEGAL environment. These places may be called Opium dens, or Hash Bars. But these places provide an important service where they are LEGAL, because people are NOT out acting like fools in the street there. People are NOT sneaking around buying street corner drugs from Jose or Joey the crackhead. Wouldn't it be safer for those who use to have somewhere they can go rather than bumming it like junkies? Wouldn't it be safer to NOT villify these actions and to actually HELP them get OFF the hard stuff like cocaine and heroine?
But what is the alternative we are STUCK with right now? Our prison systems are loaded up with over %50 of the inmates there for cannabis related offenses. Growing plants is NOT a crime!! Why not allow people the freedom to use this plant the way it was intended? As I have said before: I totally respect the CHOICE NOT to smoke. If you don't want to be around it... don't. I will NOT blow MY smoke on you if you don't F@*K with me. I think that seems fair. And I am totally FOR the legislation and taxation that would go along with the legalization or at least decriminalization of this plant. Think of the workforce that would be liberated to make this country strong AGAIN. Thousands of people that could help rebuild roads and build green solar pannels and green windmills to harness the natural elements rather than continue our dependence on the petrochemical industry that is destroying our planet.
Think about THIS: in 2000 election when we got George W. Bush as president, his largest 2 primary contributors to his campaign were the pharmaceutical industry and the oil industry. Shortly thereafter when he had to pay back his campaign money to these greedy cocksuckers, we end up with commercial after commercial of products to get a man's DICK HARD. For all the billions in government subsidies and grants, THIS is the best we can do? Could we cure cancer? There already is a cure!! It is called the GERSON therapy. Look it up!! Could they cure AIDS? Could they cure any number of illnesses that are out there? The answer is YES. They COULD... but where is the MONEY in a cure? They make BILLIONS right now treating SYMPTOMS. We have NO preventative medicine in this country, because the greedy pharmaceutical industry doesn't want you to be cured. THEY WANT you to be sick. and... THEY WANT YOU TO DIE!!
Holy $hit, Quiet Mouse... you didn't just go there. YEP. I did. This is from working years INSIDE the belly of the beast. I KNOW what I am talking about here.
So check this out on a side note. Recently the criminal organization known as MONSANTO bought out drug company Pfizer (look it up). Why does a petrochemical pesticide company want to own a pill company? Silly rabbits... They poison the food we eat with their chemicals: pesticides, herbacides, fungicides. Then they give us pills to treat us when we DO become visibly sick. INGENIUS? OR EVIL? you decide...
There is almost NO money in a cure compared to the BILLIONS if not TRILLIONS they are making in healthcare revenues and pharmaceutical revenues, by killing us slowly. Think about that next time you take a tylenol to kill your headache AND your liver. If you could smoke a joint and relieve that same headache, legally, without all the side effects from THEIR pills... WHY WOULDN'T YOU?
The ONLY thing holding up the legislation to make it LEGAL is from the drug companies trying to figure out how to get THEIR CUT! That's a lot of money we spend every year on cannabis, something, I believe like 200 Billion worldwide, possibly a lot more. THINK about that my friends.
READ what is on the labels of your medicines! READ the side effects and the contraindications! Decide for yourself if it is really WORTH your health and well being. Make your OWN health YOUR responsibility NOT some doctor getting paid by the pill comany's. HE is just gonna give you more pills. That is what HE is PAID to do. Get out there and vote for legislation that provides access to patients that NEED cannabis. If we can legalize and regulate it, then it will come from a GOOD source rather than one from Mexico or Afghanistan supporting TERROR and HATE. The military industrial complex in this country WANTS there to be WAR and violence because they get PAID$$. Look at Haliburton...
Look at the way our country has gone downhill since 2000 when we elected that terrorist George W. Bush. They NEED  us fighting one another. They NEED disention over race, gender, age, orientation, color, etc... If we come together than WE have the POWER. WE regain OUR CONTROL of the system. It takes US buying into the capitolism for it to work. It's OUR MONEY. OUR FREEDOM. OUR DECISION. Come together and help those in need. Don't just support the troops but support the VETERANS THAT HAVE COME HOME F*#KED UP!! Get out there and VOTE for propositions that will ammend the prohibition of MEDICINAL CANNABIS, so the cops can go after the REAL criminals. Let's END this illegal drug market and therefore END much of the illegal "crimes" that are taking place. Lets give our children a world we WANT them to live in, free of being criminalized for wanting to destress and chill out.
Keep fighting and standing up! We WILL be noticed! We WILL be heard, not in the voices of MANY, but the voices of ONE PEOPLE UNITED!!
This has been the Quiet Mouse once again bringing thought, wisdom, respect, and humanity back to the people. Peace. Love. Respect.

American Conservatism

Once we recognize that Libertarianism is essentially neo-feudalism, and that it is now the dominant conservative philosophy of the Republica...