Sunday, August 9, 2015

Churches Should Pay TAXES Too

Namaste and welcome to another posting for the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. Thank  you for taking time out of your busy day to join me for reading this short blog. And thank you for being one of the over 33,000 readers of my blogs. Please hang around and read some of my past blogs when you are done with this one.
Image result for tax churchesImage result for tax churches
Today I want to write about taxes. We are full into the prime of the Presidential election season where the candidates are having primaries and debates. A LOT of the candidates claim to want to cut taxes, but cannot say from where... they say they want to balance the national budget, but they don't have a clue where to get the money from. NO ONE is willing to stop the gross and excessive military industrial spending which could feed every man, woman, and child in this country, plus send them all to college... but hey we have to get money from somewhere. I KNOW that the average Joe taxpayer is already strapped for cash and you can't get blood from a stone.
Well, folks, here is a REAL WORLD suggestion of where to get BILLIONS of dollars. Tax the churches that have claimed exemption in the past. BILLIONS of dollars in taxable revenue could be created from a portion of the donations made to your local churches. These monies could pay for our children's education and school lunches; to fix roads and give more money to our failing teachers. This blog isn't meant to bash the religious system, but to point out that if WE have to pay an exorbitant amount of taxes, then I think they should have to as well. NOT EVERY DIME goes toward a worthy goal like helping the poor and needy for the church money. I've seen a LOT of preachers driving around in pretty nice cars and wearing pretty nice clothing that the majority of the tithing congregation cannot afford.
Image result for tax churchesImage result for tax churches
Speaking of election season, the hot topic is to get the support of the religious crowd on the candidates side. I agree with the quote from the late George Carlin up above in the picture... if the churches are so invested in politics and government then they should have to pay their fare share of the cost of running this fucking country, rather than just running it into the ground. For example, do you really think that the churches care if there is a recession? They still want YOU to put money in the plate or basket every week. Again, I'm not dissing and saying that paying a tithing to the church is bad necessarily. But if you can pay 10% of your income to the church, then the church can damn sure pay at least 10% of that money back in taxes to our domineering government to pay for the things that are a necessary and integral part of our society. IT JUST MAKES SENSE PEOPLE!!!
Let's END the tax exempt status for these mega churches and raise some money to pay for the expenses of our society. NO MORE EXEMPTIONS!!!

Well, that's about all I have to say about this subject... for now. This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse 420.
Peace. Love. Respect. Fairness. Equality. 

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