Thursday, February 4, 2016

Homeless People Deserve Respect Too

Welcome back my friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers to another posting for the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. Today I briefly want to discuss a social issue that is bothering the shit out of me.

I live in a small quiet town in Washington state away from the chaos of the large urban areas just south of where I live. This town is known for its money and affluence. A lot of the children of this town are spoiled rotten brats, obsessed with triviality and self identified by their PARENTS money rather than their own self worth or accomplishments.
The parents with the money, well, most have moved away from the city to live in our little podunk town to escape the cruel fate of inner city life. What I find awful is that prejudice and hate are LEARNED BEHAVIORS. Somehow, it seems, that MOST of the people I have met in my lifetime that either come from money or work up to middle class lifestyles have a skewed negative bias toward those less fortunate and in need.
In my town we have ONE homeless man who is a military veteran. He minds his own business, stays out of trouble, but just so happens to sleep under the bridge coming into town.
I want to puke when I think of all the negative comments I've seen on Facebook and heard from locals about this man.
Our socio-economic system has human beings all fucked up in the head. I am outraged at my fellow humans for the way we treat one another, especially along class lines, money, religion, and skin color. Poor treatment of other human beings, selfishness, and bigotry are strictly LEARNED behaviors that these yuppie fucks are teaching their children and they should be ashamed.
I am not necessarily pro socialism, because we can see what happens with that from the past like in nazi Germany, however I DO think that we need to WAKE THE FUCK UP as a species.
We have a duty to help one another in times of need. If a person is capable then we should be concerned enough to find ways to intigrate him or her back into a productive member of society. The real tragedy is the social disconnect that allows some people to justify their own mistreatment of others with less money or social status. We, as a culture, in the United States allow our government to spend billions upon billions on endless wars, illegal spy networks, and a global police state, but where is the accountability to pay for and take care of our citizens, ESPECIALLY veterans who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their country; to preserve the rights of those fucktard yuppies that are so high on their horse to judge others.

Just in... it took me a couple days to write this blog cause I went out of town for a convention. While gone, it has been confirmed that the homeless veteran has indeed been run out of town by the yuppies.
My family and I will continue our efforts to assist in helping to feed and clothe the homeless. We are also going to continue to fight against oppression and hatred toward the homeless.

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