Howdy there once again and thank you for taking time out of your day to join me in another pursuit of knowledge. I am your blog host, the one and only Quiet Mouse. Let's get squeaking shall we...
What is history? Is it merely just a linear timeline? Or is it a vast plethora of ancient knowledge that we have forgotten, just waiting for us to re-discover the secrets of our ancestors? Have you never thought to question the reality in which you are TOLD things have happened throughout history? What about pre-history in which I mean before the earliest written account of human language? No, not the Romans or the Greeks or the Maya, not even the Egyptians... but the Sumerians and before them and whomever was before them, perhaps the Atlantians or the Lemurians. You might do well to read some books by Zecharia Sitchen, they are filled with the ORIGINAL translations of ancient Sumerian clay tablets that were painstakingly etched with a chisel and mallet to form a language of over 400 characters (compared with modern English having only 26 letters). These Sumerian tablets tell of great stories that pre-date events described in the Christian Bible (that entire books, prophets, and events were omitted, erased, or denied from it's final contents that have been butchered over 2 millenia by whomever was in power at the time, i.e. King James).
Why is it so easy for modern Christianity with all of its fear mongering and talk of demons and hell-fire and brimstone to dismiss the stories of the ancient world? Even the Bible itself talks about a time on Earth where there were LIVING gods (yes, plural as in MORE THAN ONE) among humans co-existing in a highly advanced civilization. This included extra-terrestrials (which aliens and angels would fall under this category as they are NOT terrestrial: from Earth/Terra), living gods, demi-gods (thus the stories of Hercules, David and Goliath, etc), Giants (Nephilim), and a whole plethora of creatures like giant serpents and dragons.
Ancient Sumerian "mythology" later became the basis for other cultural traditions like the Egyptians, Greeks, and Roman... the gods were only given different names. According to the "myth" there is one primary god and 12 lesser gods (sounds kinda like Jesus and the 12 apostles...) in Sumerian history. Some were kind and benevolent, others were cruel and violent, and the fate of mankind was held in the balance.
My question is this: Why would the ancient peoples have taken so much time of pain-stakingly carving this intricate story of true to life ALIEN GODS, described in accurate detail, with advanced knowledge (allegedly pre-dating their time) of astronomy and science if it were not true, and I mean in the sense that the people of the time actually BELIEVED these historical accounts to be TRUE? They etched a tale of genetic engineering and how humans were CREATED to serve the "gods", who were flesh and blood extra-terrestrials, as a slave race. Just like the Bible, the giant ET's mated with human women and created demi-gods, a hybrid bloodline that is STILL, to this day coveted as a "PROOF OF ROYALTY" among those who still call themselves kings, queens, and other royal titles today. There are 13 primary families with these bloodlines, which I have talked about in previous blogs... feel free to look it up, I have all the time in the world...
Okay, so you looked it up (or not) and are back, so let's keep moving forward. I want to ask again the question of why it is that people think the ancients would have wasted all that time and effort to inscribe in cuneiform text to write down their "HISTORY" if it was all just a legend or a myth?!? Think about it this way... We KNOW that the Sumerians had the earliest KNOWN written record. I think we can agree on that. We also know that the printing press was not invented until around 1436. So for quite literally THOUSANDS OF YEARS before, ALL KNOWLEDGE was either re-written by hand one word at a time onto scrolls by clergy or scribes the MOST IMPORTANT documents OR the MAJORITY of human knowledge was passed down by ORAL TRADITION. But our human condition is fragile and frail, unfortunately, for much of the greatest knowledge of the ancient world has been destroyed intentionally or un-intentionally by either the hands of time, the hands of the "gods" or human hands. The great libraries of Elba and Alexandria were destroyed, along with Atlantis and it's great technologically advanced society.
Moving forward, both the Sumerian and Christian texts speak of the Great Deluge... or great flood of Noah. According to Sumerian tablets, the Gods were angry with the hybrid abominations created through breeding with humans. Now stepping to the side for a moment, I want all you to THINK. If these "GODS" were ANYTHING BUT FLESH AND BLOOD, how else could they have had intercourse and produce offspring with humans. I don't care how religious you are, please just THINK. Have you EVER heard of EVER any woman or man creating an offspring WITHOUT SEX... or immaculate conception? Don't just be a sheep and say Jesus, please...
Even the bible says that man will be made in OUR image upon the creation of our species with Adamu and Ti-amat, the first 2 genetically created humans by the Annunaki, our very own Adam and Eve. Why would they use the plural form "our" if there were not more than 1 god. Again I have explained this as there is one central creator god and 12 lesser gods that helped create humans. This included the "fallen angel" we now call Satan, who was then known as Enki, his Annunaki name. He was the perfect creation from the ONE, the most beautiful of all the "angels"/ETs. Enki was not happy to say the least about being a creation from another greater being, but rather wanted to be THE GOD, himself, equal or better than source prime. It is then told that humans became this struggle between the warring LIVING GODS on and above the planet Earth. This story is also recounted in various Chinese and Hindu written texts as well as native American and meso-American oral traditions. Enki/Satan tempted Adamu and Ti-Amat in the garden of Edin, where the Annunaki used their human slaves to grow food and mine for gold and other precious metals. Enki gave the humans the knowledge of their creator that they may know their purpose of being slaves and they were kicked out of the garden of Edin. After Enki and his "fallen angels" lost the war against the other gods, it was planned for the fall of man to take place, along with the other abominations, the hybrid Nephilim. It is told that the extra-terrestrial Annunaki CAUSED the great flood by melting the south pole which caused the surface of the planet to be flooded and the majority of mankind to be wiped out... thus the recounting of the similarity of the story of Gilgamesh to the Biblical story of Noah.
Why do the same basic stories keep getting recounted from various cultures in different incarnations over the thousands of years? Is it because they are just mythology? OR could it be because they are an ACTUAL HISTORICAL RECORD of what happened BEFORE the advent of Christianity, who since then has done a STELLAR job erasing anything that would contradict the "official" church version of what is told in the bible, as if one book could POSSIBLY explain EVERYTHING that has happened since the dawn of time and human creation, and which seldom accounts for things like dinosaurs, evolution, and human error. I truly don't believe the biblical version of what happened, as it is written in the current King James Version of the bible. The story is sketchy AT BEST and it is obvious that the church has omitted and edited critical and vital information from its pages (Council of Nicea, et. al)... this is the missing information that CAN BE FOUND in the Sumerian cuneiform texts, Egyptian Hieroglyphs, ancient Hindu texts, etc. The problem is that too many people are just too damned closed minded and cannot open their minds and hearts to what may be true beyond their singular view of the world that is based on a book that was NOT sent by e-mail from God to man, but was written hundreds of years later by people who WEREN'T THERE and only wrote down information from the previous oral traditions and sage written texts from the time period of the Sumerians and before...
Even though the Sumerian texts talk about multiple gods that were of flesh and blood living among humans; even though it talks about in explicit detail how humans were genetically engineered; even though it talks about humans being created as a slave race for extra-terrestrials to mine gold and serve their masters... that story, by the Sumerians, to me, makes a hell of a lot more sense than talking snakes, burning bushes, immaculate conception, and a biblical time line that CAN and HAS BEEN proven to be FALSE... the Earth is MUCH MUCH OLDER than 10,000 years, even if that is how long humans have been around (which it's NOT... many native American and African tribes have tradition that takes humanity back nearly 100,000 years). Plus, on top of that, I just DON'T BELIEVE that stone-age people had the knowledge, strength in numbers, resources, knowledge of astronomy, etc. to have built megalithic structures with stones weighing in excess of 1000 TONS... dude, that's like 20,000 pounds... we cannot even lift stones like that with MODERN technology let alone lay them side by side without a crease or worn edge... this MUST have been done at least with the HELP of extraterrestrial technology, long before the Sumerians or Egyptians (as we perceive them) were ever even around... YES, I am saying that the more modern Egyptians that we read about in text books DID NOT create the pyramids (however did update and renovate later as scientists have proven later stones placed upon more ancient ones), but only used them for religious and political purposes thousands of years AFTER they were originally created by most likely, the living demi-gods from Atlantis.
My over-all point is to not be narrowed or limited to an idea in just ONE book. There are THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of books written, many of whom can teach you more morality and humanity than the book that Christians covet so much (which condones abuse of women, slavery, and war). To know where we have once been is to know where we are going. The ancient Sumerians, Egyptians, Maya, and many other cultures across the globe ALL knew this knowledge that we are only now just beginning to re-discover for ourselves, and then we want to boast like we are now the pinnacle of civilization... yeah right! We can't even figure out how the ancients built things like the pyramids, the sphinx, or many other megalithic structures to precision accuracy, aligned with stars and constellations. It is my personal belief that the ancient peoples were much more advanced and knowledgeable than we are today, despite not having technology like space telescopes, Internet, hydraulic machines, lasers, and high grade metallic alloys to make drills and saws, etc. The ancients knew about energy, astronomy, alchemy, stone masonry, and magic... and they even had some technology like OOPA's (Out Of Place Artifacts) like batteries, clocks, tools, etc.... and some like the Hindus even believed that they once had flying machines called Vimanas, which have been drawn to exact specification in their sacred texts from thousands of years ago. I believe that these ancient cultures DID indeed have these technologies because unlike today, the ancients had the ability to motivate and utilize the entire culture to create these great wonders of the ancient world that we STILL REVERE to this day.
I don't seek to tell you what happened, because I was not there. I only believe that a culture of that significance would have taken the time and effort to provide the future generations with a historical record if it were TRUE, or at least based upon TRUE EVENTS. I believe that there were once living gods among humans coexisting on this planet (call them Nephilim or angels if you will). Like the Sumerian texts, I believe that they left in their space ships, flying chariots, dragons, etc... and went back to the heavens above from where they first came, probably back to their home planet Nibiru... and I also believe that one day the Annunaki WILL return. Since they left we have been under the control of our fellow humans and the demi-god blood lines of the Annunaki are still in place today as our rulers, who have corrupted the ancient tales to no more than mere mythology, replacing it with a mono-theistic war driven society.
My hope is that they will come back and we will once again know the truth of our history and existence that has been blinded from our current society by the NEW DARK AGES that we are currently living in... an apostasy where only a select few know the truth of humanity. That age is coming soon to an end. People are awakening to the dawn of a new reality and the constraints of the dark ages are crumbling away. There are always going to be those who shy away from TRUTH and WISDOM, for fear of an inevitable change that cannot and will not be stopped, for it is only our duty to learn from the hands of time, NOT to foolishly deny or stop its movement forward, with or without us. Today you stand on the apex, the pinnacle, the top of the mountain. You have learned so much already, but the journey has only begun. There is so much more to do. There is so much more to learn. There is nothing stopping us but our selves and our willingness to look within: as it is above, so it is below... and without... This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse. Keep an open mind and the answers will flow through you freely like a light switch that has just been turned on. Your light is bright, my friends. I can see and feel your energy shining like a beacon on the horizon. You are NOT alone. I am with you. Your brothers and sisters are with you. Do not give up hope. It is the same faith that they had then that you must have now. You are forever more a student of life, humanity, and the unknown.
Love. Peace. Respect. Patience. Discipline. Truth. Acceptance. Tolerance.
What is history? Is it merely just a linear timeline? Or is it a vast plethora of ancient knowledge that we have forgotten, just waiting for us to re-discover the secrets of our ancestors? Have you never thought to question the reality in which you are TOLD things have happened throughout history? What about pre-history in which I mean before the earliest written account of human language? No, not the Romans or the Greeks or the Maya, not even the Egyptians... but the Sumerians and before them and whomever was before them, perhaps the Atlantians or the Lemurians. You might do well to read some books by Zecharia Sitchen, they are filled with the ORIGINAL translations of ancient Sumerian clay tablets that were painstakingly etched with a chisel and mallet to form a language of over 400 characters (compared with modern English having only 26 letters). These Sumerian tablets tell of great stories that pre-date events described in the Christian Bible (that entire books, prophets, and events were omitted, erased, or denied from it's final contents that have been butchered over 2 millenia by whomever was in power at the time, i.e. King James).
Why is it so easy for modern Christianity with all of its fear mongering and talk of demons and hell-fire and brimstone to dismiss the stories of the ancient world? Even the Bible itself talks about a time on Earth where there were LIVING gods (yes, plural as in MORE THAN ONE) among humans co-existing in a highly advanced civilization. This included extra-terrestrials (which aliens and angels would fall under this category as they are NOT terrestrial: from Earth/Terra), living gods, demi-gods (thus the stories of Hercules, David and Goliath, etc), Giants (Nephilim), and a whole plethora of creatures like giant serpents and dragons.
Ancient Sumerian "mythology" later became the basis for other cultural traditions like the Egyptians, Greeks, and Roman... the gods were only given different names. According to the "myth" there is one primary god and 12 lesser gods (sounds kinda like Jesus and the 12 apostles...) in Sumerian history. Some were kind and benevolent, others were cruel and violent, and the fate of mankind was held in the balance.
My question is this: Why would the ancient peoples have taken so much time of pain-stakingly carving this intricate story of true to life ALIEN GODS, described in accurate detail, with advanced knowledge (allegedly pre-dating their time) of astronomy and science if it were not true, and I mean in the sense that the people of the time actually BELIEVED these historical accounts to be TRUE? They etched a tale of genetic engineering and how humans were CREATED to serve the "gods", who were flesh and blood extra-terrestrials, as a slave race. Just like the Bible, the giant ET's mated with human women and created demi-gods, a hybrid bloodline that is STILL, to this day coveted as a "PROOF OF ROYALTY" among those who still call themselves kings, queens, and other royal titles today. There are 13 primary families with these bloodlines, which I have talked about in previous blogs... feel free to look it up, I have all the time in the world...
Okay, so you looked it up (or not) and are back, so let's keep moving forward. I want to ask again the question of why it is that people think the ancients would have wasted all that time and effort to inscribe in cuneiform text to write down their "HISTORY" if it was all just a legend or a myth?!? Think about it this way... We KNOW that the Sumerians had the earliest KNOWN written record. I think we can agree on that. We also know that the printing press was not invented until around 1436. So for quite literally THOUSANDS OF YEARS before, ALL KNOWLEDGE was either re-written by hand one word at a time onto scrolls by clergy or scribes the MOST IMPORTANT documents OR the MAJORITY of human knowledge was passed down by ORAL TRADITION. But our human condition is fragile and frail, unfortunately, for much of the greatest knowledge of the ancient world has been destroyed intentionally or un-intentionally by either the hands of time, the hands of the "gods" or human hands. The great libraries of Elba and Alexandria were destroyed, along with Atlantis and it's great technologically advanced society.
Moving forward, both the Sumerian and Christian texts speak of the Great Deluge... or great flood of Noah. According to Sumerian tablets, the Gods were angry with the hybrid abominations created through breeding with humans. Now stepping to the side for a moment, I want all you to THINK. If these "GODS" were ANYTHING BUT FLESH AND BLOOD, how else could they have had intercourse and produce offspring with humans. I don't care how religious you are, please just THINK. Have you EVER heard of EVER any woman or man creating an offspring WITHOUT SEX... or immaculate conception? Don't just be a sheep and say Jesus, please...
Even the bible says that man will be made in OUR image upon the creation of our species with Adamu and Ti-amat, the first 2 genetically created humans by the Annunaki, our very own Adam and Eve. Why would they use the plural form "our" if there were not more than 1 god. Again I have explained this as there is one central creator god and 12 lesser gods that helped create humans. This included the "fallen angel" we now call Satan, who was then known as Enki, his Annunaki name. He was the perfect creation from the ONE, the most beautiful of all the "angels"/ETs. Enki was not happy to say the least about being a creation from another greater being, but rather wanted to be THE GOD, himself, equal or better than source prime. It is then told that humans became this struggle between the warring LIVING GODS on and above the planet Earth. This story is also recounted in various Chinese and Hindu written texts as well as native American and meso-American oral traditions. Enki/Satan tempted Adamu and Ti-Amat in the garden of Edin, where the Annunaki used their human slaves to grow food and mine for gold and other precious metals. Enki gave the humans the knowledge of their creator that they may know their purpose of being slaves and they were kicked out of the garden of Edin. After Enki and his "fallen angels" lost the war against the other gods, it was planned for the fall of man to take place, along with the other abominations, the hybrid Nephilim. It is told that the extra-terrestrial Annunaki CAUSED the great flood by melting the south pole which caused the surface of the planet to be flooded and the majority of mankind to be wiped out... thus the recounting of the similarity of the story of Gilgamesh to the Biblical story of Noah.
Why do the same basic stories keep getting recounted from various cultures in different incarnations over the thousands of years? Is it because they are just mythology? OR could it be because they are an ACTUAL HISTORICAL RECORD of what happened BEFORE the advent of Christianity, who since then has done a STELLAR job erasing anything that would contradict the "official" church version of what is told in the bible, as if one book could POSSIBLY explain EVERYTHING that has happened since the dawn of time and human creation, and which seldom accounts for things like dinosaurs, evolution, and human error. I truly don't believe the biblical version of what happened, as it is written in the current King James Version of the bible. The story is sketchy AT BEST and it is obvious that the church has omitted and edited critical and vital information from its pages (Council of Nicea, et. al)... this is the missing information that CAN BE FOUND in the Sumerian cuneiform texts, Egyptian Hieroglyphs, ancient Hindu texts, etc. The problem is that too many people are just too damned closed minded and cannot open their minds and hearts to what may be true beyond their singular view of the world that is based on a book that was NOT sent by e-mail from God to man, but was written hundreds of years later by people who WEREN'T THERE and only wrote down information from the previous oral traditions and sage written texts from the time period of the Sumerians and before...
Even though the Sumerian texts talk about multiple gods that were of flesh and blood living among humans; even though it talks about in explicit detail how humans were genetically engineered; even though it talks about humans being created as a slave race for extra-terrestrials to mine gold and serve their masters... that story, by the Sumerians, to me, makes a hell of a lot more sense than talking snakes, burning bushes, immaculate conception, and a biblical time line that CAN and HAS BEEN proven to be FALSE... the Earth is MUCH MUCH OLDER than 10,000 years, even if that is how long humans have been around (which it's NOT... many native American and African tribes have tradition that takes humanity back nearly 100,000 years). Plus, on top of that, I just DON'T BELIEVE that stone-age people had the knowledge, strength in numbers, resources, knowledge of astronomy, etc. to have built megalithic structures with stones weighing in excess of 1000 TONS... dude, that's like 20,000 pounds... we cannot even lift stones like that with MODERN technology let alone lay them side by side without a crease or worn edge... this MUST have been done at least with the HELP of extraterrestrial technology, long before the Sumerians or Egyptians (as we perceive them) were ever even around... YES, I am saying that the more modern Egyptians that we read about in text books DID NOT create the pyramids (however did update and renovate later as scientists have proven later stones placed upon more ancient ones), but only used them for religious and political purposes thousands of years AFTER they were originally created by most likely, the living demi-gods from Atlantis.
My over-all point is to not be narrowed or limited to an idea in just ONE book. There are THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of books written, many of whom can teach you more morality and humanity than the book that Christians covet so much (which condones abuse of women, slavery, and war). To know where we have once been is to know where we are going. The ancient Sumerians, Egyptians, Maya, and many other cultures across the globe ALL knew this knowledge that we are only now just beginning to re-discover for ourselves, and then we want to boast like we are now the pinnacle of civilization... yeah right! We can't even figure out how the ancients built things like the pyramids, the sphinx, or many other megalithic structures to precision accuracy, aligned with stars and constellations. It is my personal belief that the ancient peoples were much more advanced and knowledgeable than we are today, despite not having technology like space telescopes, Internet, hydraulic machines, lasers, and high grade metallic alloys to make drills and saws, etc. The ancients knew about energy, astronomy, alchemy, stone masonry, and magic... and they even had some technology like OOPA's (Out Of Place Artifacts) like batteries, clocks, tools, etc.... and some like the Hindus even believed that they once had flying machines called Vimanas, which have been drawn to exact specification in their sacred texts from thousands of years ago. I believe that these ancient cultures DID indeed have these technologies because unlike today, the ancients had the ability to motivate and utilize the entire culture to create these great wonders of the ancient world that we STILL REVERE to this day.
I don't seek to tell you what happened, because I was not there. I only believe that a culture of that significance would have taken the time and effort to provide the future generations with a historical record if it were TRUE, or at least based upon TRUE EVENTS. I believe that there were once living gods among humans coexisting on this planet (call them Nephilim or angels if you will). Like the Sumerian texts, I believe that they left in their space ships, flying chariots, dragons, etc... and went back to the heavens above from where they first came, probably back to their home planet Nibiru... and I also believe that one day the Annunaki WILL return. Since they left we have been under the control of our fellow humans and the demi-god blood lines of the Annunaki are still in place today as our rulers, who have corrupted the ancient tales to no more than mere mythology, replacing it with a mono-theistic war driven society.
My hope is that they will come back and we will once again know the truth of our history and existence that has been blinded from our current society by the NEW DARK AGES that we are currently living in... an apostasy where only a select few know the truth of humanity. That age is coming soon to an end. People are awakening to the dawn of a new reality and the constraints of the dark ages are crumbling away. There are always going to be those who shy away from TRUTH and WISDOM, for fear of an inevitable change that cannot and will not be stopped, for it is only our duty to learn from the hands of time, NOT to foolishly deny or stop its movement forward, with or without us. Today you stand on the apex, the pinnacle, the top of the mountain. You have learned so much already, but the journey has only begun. There is so much more to do. There is so much more to learn. There is nothing stopping us but our selves and our willingness to look within: as it is above, so it is below... and without... This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse. Keep an open mind and the answers will flow through you freely like a light switch that has just been turned on. Your light is bright, my friends. I can see and feel your energy shining like a beacon on the horizon. You are NOT alone. I am with you. Your brothers and sisters are with you. Do not give up hope. It is the same faith that they had then that you must have now. You are forever more a student of life, humanity, and the unknown.
Love. Peace. Respect. Patience. Discipline. Truth. Acceptance. Tolerance.
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