Friday, August 31, 2012

Vampires Are SUCK-TACULAR!!

Namaste and welcome to the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. Today I want to take a few moments of your time to talk about vampires and their modern portrayal in the movies. So sit back and enjoy the ride cause we're going on a little journey.

I remember growing up and watching vampire movies with old actors like Bella Lugosi and Christopher Lee playing the role of Count Dracula. Endless hours were spent playing games like Castlevania fighting vampires. But there never really was this cult obsession, especially by the younger generations with vampires as there is now. This leads me to the obvious question of why they are so popular NOW.
I get that girls especially dig the idea of eternal romance and two vampires in love for eternity... but the problem is really two-fold. 1) Boys don't really think in the same context about FOREVER as girls do... just generally doesn't even register. 2) Why are people obsessed with the idea of eternal love when they cannot even live THIS LIFE to the fullest each and every day.
I mean honestly, WHAT THE FUCK?!? The majority of people that I have met that are INTO the vampire craze HATE their lives NOW... WHAT THE FUCK are you planning on doing for an eternal CURSE of being a vampire if you don't even want to live THIS life that you currently possess?
YES, I did say that being a vampire would be a curse. So you did fall in love? Do you turn the other person into a vampire and live happily ever after? NOPE? Don't you remember the old films where the vamps are always being chased like Frankenstein's monster with pitchforks and torches, hunted for eternity as a demon, an abomination? Then you, being quasi-immortal get to watch everyone you have ever loved DIE  before your eyes as you continue to rot in your re-animated corpse of a body. And even if you DID turn your lover into a vampire, how horrible would the sex be? Without hemoglobin in the blood the vampire would be COLD AS ICE... I challenge you to fuck someone that has an ice cold penis or vagina! For eternity... Just saying... and then what if the relationship didn't work out, as they often do... then what? You're stuck with the wrong person in a living hell where you can't even go out in the sun or eat real food and drink... FOREVER? That would really SUCK!
Looking back there have been a few cool vampire movies out there like the Underworld and Blade Series, 30 Days of Night was pretty okay, even movies like the Lost Boys, From Dusk Til Dawn, Interview With A Vampire, and Buffy the Vampire slayer were better than this crap out now... I have to be honest, the current Twilight vampire gaga is pretty LAME, at best. Oooh, look a shiny vampire... Dudes, and dudettes, that's really fucking gay and lame. I would love to see Blade or Selena from Underworld kick the pussy vampires from Twilight's asses. The wolf people on that series are cooler than the vampires, plus I gotta argue that two dudes are NOT going to be fighting over that ugly little twig, Bella. Even lamer is the fact that the modern depiction of vampires makes them look nothing short of UNDERWEAR MODELS, including the boys wearing WAY TOO MUCH MAKE-UP... rather than a scary, demonic blood-sucking parasitic beasts that they really are...

Now then you get into the whole idea of being a vampire. The MAJORITY of those obsessed with vampires are like all Goth or Emo and seem to HATE LIFE... Being a pissed off, lonely vampire for eternity would generally SUCK, no pun intended, but that leads me to the next point of BLOOD. If you were a vampire you would have to drink blood... namely HUMAN blood. I happen to know from having worked in the medical field that a person can only drink about a pint of blood before becoming seriously ill in the stomach... I've seen the movies where there is a magical elixir that the vamp can drink and not have to drink human blood. NOT. Then there are some other pussy vamps that drink the blood from cows or other animals so they don't have to drink human blood. LAME.
I guess my point is that being a vampire has been WAY OVER-SENSATIONALIZED and the lame ass kids that think this is so cool only show how lame and stupid they really are. Living cursed for eternity is NOTHING to admire or aspire to, as it is only LIFE and LIVING that are sacred... there is no sanctity in DEATH, ONLY LIFE!!! As adults I think we need to do a better job with our youth, de-glamorizing this obsession with death that we have as an American culture. We need to teach the youth about the sanctity of LIFE and to separate fact from fiction. The life you have NOW, no matter how shitty you THINK it is... it is STILL SACRED and you are a child of God. Let movies be there to entertain you and make you laugh, smile, and cry... but then be done with it and accept things for how they ARE, not for this idealistic lifestyle that you don't really want, but yet still fantasize about.
Well that's pretty much all I've got on this subject for now. Read some of my past blogs if you dare. Sign on as a friend to the blog if you have the fangs... and be your own person, not just some lame ass FAD based on a book that quite frankly SUCKS!
Peace. Love. Respect. Reality. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

"I CAN'T..."

It is difficult to describe how I feel about the above statement as it causes a stirring of mixed inner feelings. Won't you join me today as I search out the endless possibilities of the phrase "I can't..." Namaste and welcome to the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. Thank you for joining me today. Let's jump in and see what we can find, shall we?

Is it just a statement of choice, this belief in "I can't..."? Or is is just an autonomic response that is pre-programmed into us as human beings? I want to take a few minutes to write a short blog to say basically that WHATEVER you tell yourself... you are correct. If you say "I CAN...", then you are equally as correct as if you say "I can't...". There is no great secret to this idea, for there is no greater power that we know of than the human brain. Whatever YOU tell YOURSELF, your mind WILL believe you. The problem comes with this pessimism of people basically GIVING UP BEFORE THEY EVEN TRY, telling his/her self that he/she cannot do something before any actual effort is exerted.
It is indeed one thing to try and fail. Many great people throughout history have tried a great many things and failed, like Ben Franklin, Edison, Eli Whitney, and many more inventors and free thinkers... but they tried, is the point. You cannot fail if you don't even try. This fear, however, as I have spoken of fear a great many times, is often debilitating to some people. This fear keeps even the smartest and most capable persons from achieving greatness. So the person would rather fail before even starting than face the fear of failure and/or public ridicule. SAD and PATHETIC.
The truth is that life is what you make of it, my friends. There is seldom a time when things will just be handed to you in life. It is more often that we as individuals must lay down our fears and confront life head on. Nothing ventured = nothing gained. These things are often overlooked and seen as cliche, but I assure you, my readers, that it is often the most simple basic truths that go unnoticed because people are often seeing complexity, even where there is none... and the truth keeps hiding in the ever-familiar plain sight, but out of grasp for so many.

It obviously starts as children this mindset of quitting before trying, because it requires EFFORT, like so many other things. It sets our children up for a HUGE disadvantage when that child actually believes that he/she cannot do something, even though it is more often the occurrence of this statement comes from UNWILLINGNESS TO TRY. It honestly drives me nuts to hear this statement of "I can't..." followed by just about ANYTHING, by just about ANYBODY. But it especially drives me nuts to hear my own children say it, because most of the time they say it is when they don't want to do anything else but sit in front of the television acting like brain-dead little zombies. It pains me that much more, I suppose, when intelligent people say this... more so than when people I know are less intelligent say it. I KNOW my kids are smarter than they act and I KNOW that many adults are also smarter than they act. This whole "I can't..." attitude goes right along with when kids refuse to eat dinner or their veggies without even trying it first. "I don't like it..." and "I can't..." are the biggest cop-outs of the lazy mind that I have ever heard. What's even more insane is that as humans we are basically programmed to look out for number 1... so what does it say about a person who is either too stupid or too lazy to even help his/her self?!?
Neither you or I can help these people as they are too far gone in the Matrix. I wish that we could awaken EVERYONE. I wish there was enough time in the day to make all things right with the world, starting at the lowest level possible, as we are forced to do. But if people don't want change and don't want to help themselves, what are we really to do to help them but to stand diligently and patiently by our fellow brothers and sisters and just KEEP ENCOURAGING them each and every day to find their own path and follow the light to brighter horizons. We are NOT meant to be stagnant or idle. There is no time as our lives are frail and short. We need to tell ourselves "YES I CAN!" and actually BELIEVE IT! Because if you tell yourself ANYTHING negative other than that you CAN do something, then you have already lost the battle. The war for your mind is not over yet, as today and tomorrow are each a new day to re-invent the self and to become a better, more positive, capable human being. As we work on our selves we will be able to greater help others and in helping them, we continue the cycle of helping our selves. ANYTHING is possible... how big can you dream? What CAN you do? Achieve? Become?
Ladies and gentlemen, this has been a great journey. I hope you are able to take some of this back to your life, friends, and family. God bless you and good day to you all.
Peace. Love. Respect. Can-do attitude.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Roots of Mythology

Howdy there once again and thank you for taking time out of your day to join me in another pursuit of knowledge. I am your blog host, the one and only Quiet Mouse. Let's get squeaking shall we...

What is history? Is it merely just a linear timeline? Or is it a vast plethora of ancient knowledge that we have forgotten, just waiting for us to re-discover the secrets of our ancestors? Have you never thought to question the reality in which you are TOLD things have happened throughout history? What about pre-history in which I mean before the earliest written account of human language? No, not the Romans or the Greeks or the Maya, not even the Egyptians... but the Sumerians and before them and whomever was before them, perhaps the Atlantians or the Lemurians. You might do well to read some books by Zecharia Sitchen, they are filled with the ORIGINAL translations of ancient Sumerian clay tablets that were painstakingly etched with a chisel and mallet to form a language of over 400 characters (compared with modern English having only 26 letters). These Sumerian tablets tell of great stories that pre-date events described in the Christian Bible (that entire books, prophets, and events were omitted, erased, or denied from it's final contents that have been butchered over 2 millenia by whomever was in power at the time, i.e. King James).
Why is it so easy for modern Christianity with all of its fear mongering and talk of demons and hell-fire and brimstone to dismiss the stories of the ancient world? Even the Bible itself talks about a time on Earth where there were LIVING gods (yes, plural as in MORE THAN ONE) among humans co-existing in a highly advanced civilization. This included extra-terrestrials (which aliens and angels would fall under this category as they are NOT terrestrial: from Earth/Terra), living gods, demi-gods (thus the stories of Hercules, David and Goliath, etc), Giants (Nephilim), and a whole plethora of creatures like giant serpents and dragons.
Ancient Sumerian "mythology" later became the basis for other cultural traditions like the Egyptians, Greeks, and Roman... the gods were only given different names. According to the "myth" there is one primary god and 12 lesser gods (sounds kinda like Jesus and the 12 apostles...) in Sumerian history. Some were kind and benevolent, others were cruel and violent, and the fate of mankind was held in the balance.
My question is this: Why would the ancient peoples have taken so much time of pain-stakingly carving this intricate story of true to life ALIEN GODS, described in accurate detail, with advanced knowledge (allegedly pre-dating their time) of astronomy and science if it were not true, and I mean in the sense that the people of the time actually BELIEVED these historical accounts to be TRUE? They etched a tale of genetic engineering and how humans were CREATED to serve the "gods", who were flesh and blood extra-terrestrials, as a slave race. Just like the Bible, the giant ET's mated with human women and created demi-gods, a hybrid bloodline that is STILL, to this day coveted as a "PROOF OF ROYALTY" among those who still call themselves kings, queens, and other royal titles today. There are 13 primary families with these bloodlines, which I have talked about in previous blogs... feel free to look it up, I have all the time in the world...

Okay, so you looked it up (or not) and are back, so let's keep moving forward. I want to ask again the question of why it is that people think the ancients would have wasted all that time and effort to inscribe in cuneiform text to write down their "HISTORY" if it was all just a legend or a myth?!? Think about it this way... We KNOW that the Sumerians had the earliest KNOWN written record. I think we can agree on that. We also know that the printing press was not invented until around 1436. So for quite literally THOUSANDS OF YEARS before, ALL KNOWLEDGE was either re-written by hand one word at a time onto scrolls by clergy or scribes the MOST IMPORTANT documents OR the MAJORITY of human knowledge was passed down by ORAL TRADITION. But our human condition is fragile and frail, unfortunately, for much of the greatest knowledge of the ancient world has been destroyed intentionally or un-intentionally by either the hands of time, the hands of the "gods" or human hands. The great libraries of Elba and Alexandria were destroyed, along with Atlantis and it's great technologically advanced society.
Moving forward, both the Sumerian and Christian texts speak of the Great Deluge... or great flood of Noah. According to Sumerian tablets, the Gods were angry with the hybrid abominations created through breeding with humans. Now stepping to the side for a moment, I want all you to THINK. If these "GODS" were ANYTHING BUT FLESH AND BLOOD, how else could they have had intercourse and produce offspring with humans. I don't care how religious you are, please just THINK. Have you EVER heard of EVER any woman or man creating an offspring WITHOUT SEX... or immaculate conception? Don't just be a sheep and say Jesus, please...
Even the bible says that man will be made in OUR image upon the creation of our species with Adamu and Ti-amat, the first 2 genetically created humans by the Annunaki, our very own Adam and Eve. Why would they use the plural form "our" if there were not more than 1 god. Again I have explained this as there is one central creator god and 12 lesser gods that helped create humans. This included the "fallen angel" we now call Satan, who was then known as Enki, his Annunaki name. He was the perfect creation from the ONE, the most beautiful of all the "angels"/ETs. Enki was not  happy to say the least about being a creation from another greater being, but rather wanted to be THE GOD, himself, equal or better than source prime. It is then told that humans became this struggle between the warring LIVING GODS on and above the planet Earth. This story is also recounted in various Chinese and Hindu written texts as well as native American and meso-American oral traditions. Enki/Satan tempted Adamu and Ti-Amat in the garden of Edin, where the Annunaki used their human slaves to grow food and mine for gold and other precious metals. Enki gave the humans the knowledge of their creator that they may know their purpose of being slaves and they were kicked out of the garden of Edin. After Enki and his "fallen angels" lost the war against the other gods, it was planned for the fall of man to take place, along with the other abominations, the hybrid Nephilim. It is told that the extra-terrestrial Annunaki CAUSED the great flood by melting the south pole which caused the surface of the planet to be flooded and the majority of mankind to be wiped out... thus the recounting of the similarity of the story of Gilgamesh to the Biblical story of Noah.

Why do the same basic stories keep getting recounted from various cultures in different incarnations over the thousands of years? Is it because they are just mythology? OR could it be because they are an ACTUAL HISTORICAL RECORD of what happened BEFORE the advent of Christianity, who since then has done a STELLAR job erasing anything that would contradict the "official" church version of what is told in the bible, as if one book could POSSIBLY explain EVERYTHING that has happened since the dawn of time and human creation, and which seldom accounts for things like dinosaurs, evolution, and human error. I truly don't believe the biblical version of what happened, as it is written in the current King James Version of the bible. The story is sketchy AT BEST and it is obvious that the church has omitted and edited critical and vital information from its pages (Council of Nicea, et. al)... this is the missing information that CAN BE FOUND in the Sumerian cuneiform texts, Egyptian Hieroglyphs, ancient Hindu texts, etc. The problem is that too many people are just too damned closed minded and cannot open their minds and hearts to what may be true beyond their singular view of the world that is based on a book that was NOT sent by e-mail from God to man, but was written hundreds of years later by people who WEREN'T THERE and only wrote down information from the previous oral traditions and sage written texts from the time period of the Sumerians and before...
Even though the Sumerian texts talk about multiple gods that were of flesh and blood living among humans; even though it talks about in explicit detail how humans were genetically engineered; even though it talks about humans being created as a slave race for extra-terrestrials to mine gold and serve their masters... that story, by the Sumerians, to me, makes a hell of a lot more sense than talking snakes, burning bushes, immaculate conception, and a biblical time line that CAN and HAS BEEN proven to be FALSE... the Earth is MUCH MUCH OLDER than 10,000 years, even if that is how long humans have been around (which it's NOT... many native American and African tribes have tradition that takes humanity back nearly 100,000 years). Plus, on top of that, I just DON'T BELIEVE that stone-age people had the knowledge, strength in numbers, resources, knowledge of astronomy, etc. to have built megalithic structures with stones weighing in excess of 1000 TONS... dude, that's like 20,000 pounds... we cannot even lift stones like that with MODERN technology let alone lay them side by side without a crease or worn edge... this MUST have been done at least with the HELP of extraterrestrial technology, long before the Sumerians or Egyptians (as we perceive them) were ever even around... YES, I am saying that the more modern Egyptians that we read about in text books DID NOT create the pyramids (however did update and renovate later as scientists have proven later stones placed upon more ancient ones), but only used them for religious and political purposes thousands of years AFTER they were originally created by most likely, the living demi-gods from Atlantis.

My over-all point is to not be narrowed or limited to an idea in just ONE book. There are THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of books written, many of whom can teach you more morality and humanity than the book that Christians covet so much (which condones abuse of women, slavery, and war). To know where we have once been is to know where we are going. The ancient Sumerians, Egyptians, Maya, and many other cultures across the globe ALL knew this knowledge that we are only now just beginning to re-discover for ourselves, and then we want to boast like we are now the pinnacle of civilization... yeah right! We can't even figure out how the ancients built things like the pyramids, the sphinx, or many other megalithic structures to precision accuracy, aligned with stars and constellations. It is my personal belief that the ancient peoples were much more advanced and knowledgeable than we are today, despite not having technology like space telescopes, Internet, hydraulic machines, lasers, and high grade metallic alloys to make drills and saws, etc. The ancients knew about energy, astronomy, alchemy, stone masonry, and magic... and they even had some technology like OOPA's (Out Of Place Artifacts) like batteries, clocks, tools, etc.... and some like the Hindus even believed that they once had flying machines called Vimanas, which have been drawn to exact specification in their sacred texts from thousands of years ago. I believe that these ancient cultures DID indeed have these technologies because unlike today, the ancients had the ability to motivate and utilize the entire culture to create these great wonders of the ancient world that we STILL REVERE to this day.
I don't seek to tell you what happened, because I was not there. I only believe that a culture of that significance would have taken the time and effort to provide the future generations with a historical record if it were TRUE, or at least based upon TRUE EVENTS. I believe that there were once living gods among humans coexisting on this planet (call them Nephilim or angels if you will). Like the Sumerian texts, I believe that they left in their space ships, flying chariots, dragons, etc... and went back to the heavens above from where they first came, probably back to their home planet Nibiru... and I also believe that one day the Annunaki WILL return. Since they left we have been under the control of our fellow humans and the demi-god blood lines of the Annunaki are still in place today as our rulers, who have corrupted the ancient tales to no more than mere mythology, replacing it with a mono-theistic war driven society.
My hope is that they will come back and we will once again know the truth of our history and existence that has been blinded from our current society by the NEW DARK AGES that we are currently living in... an apostasy where only a select few know the truth of humanity. That age is coming soon to an end. People are awakening to the dawn of a new reality and the constraints of the dark ages are crumbling away. There are always going to be those who shy away from TRUTH and WISDOM, for fear of an inevitable change that cannot and will not be stopped, for it is only our duty to learn from the hands of time, NOT to foolishly deny or stop its movement forward, with or without us. Today you stand on the apex, the pinnacle, the top of the mountain. You have learned so much already, but the journey has only begun. There is so much more to do. There is so much more to learn. There is nothing stopping us but our selves and our willingness to look within: as it is above, so it is below... and without... This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse. Keep an open mind and the answers will flow through you freely like a light switch that has just been turned on. Your light is bright, my friends. I can see and feel your energy shining like a beacon on the horizon. You are NOT alone. I am with you. Your brothers and sisters are with you. Do not give up hope. It is the same faith that they had then that you must have now. You are forever more a student of life, humanity, and the unknown.
Love. Peace. Respect. Patience. Discipline. Truth. Acceptance. Tolerance.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sanctity of Life?

Is there such thing as the sanctity of life? Says who? Many claim to support this idea of sanctity of life, but are pro-gun and pro-war. How is the life of a grown adult worth less than that of an unborn fetus? Join me today if you will as I delve deeper into this controversial topic that I'm sure touches each and every one of us.

I was born into a Christian family. I believe in God and the awesome power that God wields. I have been a Jehova's Witness, a Mormon, and now a Buddhist... my faith is an interwoven mixture of these three and many more as my life has been a study of all philosophies.
I believe that life is full of purpose and each of us must seek out to find ours. It is not always easy, in fact, it is often filled with struggle, suffering, and woe. In the end for each of us it is worth the effort taken to one day return to the source of creation, as we are all children of the stardust and the ONE GOD.
I'm not sure at what point a fetus is considered a person. I would imagine when the brain starts growing and there is conscious awareness in utero, the bond between mother and child. But what happens once that child is born is a whole other side of the story that no one wants to talk about. There is WIC for the mother and child for a couple years and then the support dies. Often women are left to raise children sans father for various reasons including the man being sent to prison or off to war. The age of 18 is when the birthers change their story. Your life was sacred up until the age where you are ready to go to another country to fight and die in a war based on lies, corruption, and power control. Where is the sanctity of life when there is war? Why is it okay for the American troops to kill a bunch of foreigners and it is allegedly justified? But on the flip side of the coin, if a baby is aborted here in America, all these people come out of the woodwork to act like some HUGE OUTRAGE has occurred. When I was living in College Station, Texas, my home was just a few blocks down the street from a Planned Parenthood building where they performed vasectomies, tubal ligation's, and abortions. Sure enough just about EVERY SINGLE DAY there was some cause-head out there with a picket sign calling the other women who went there "whore", "sinner", and other more colorful adjectives. There are even cases I have read about people who have bombed the clinic or shot the doctor who performed the abortion... WTF?!? Where is the all encompassing moral sanctity of life then? It is justified in killing an adult in order to save the lives of a baby that the mother and/or father is unable to care for. And PLEASE DON'T GET ME STARTED ON PUTTING THE CHILD UP FOR ADOPTION. Do you know how difficult it is for a family to adopt a child these days? Why do you think it is that people keep going overseas to get babies instead of adopting ones here? It's cheaper and easier! Duh! Besides, I haven't seen too many of these well-to-do white women adopting the thousands of black babies often born addicted to crack or heroin or some other drugs... that might be something CHRIST WOULD DO!!!
If you can't feed em, don't breed em...

Now I want to go back to this whole WAR thing. All these supposed Christians and Muslims want to talk about the SANCTITY OF LIFE... okay, I'll bite... So then tell me then if life is so sacred, why are we as a nation almost CONSTANTLY AT WAR?!? I'll give you a minute to think...
Any time that war is waged on ANYTHING, there is a certain level of dehumanization that occurs. For example in the war on drugs, the user is dehumanized and treated like they are less valuable to society than another. That is someones child who was once a baby and that person is deserving of happiness and attention. Some people need more help and from a societal level I think it would be better and more humane to actually HELP other people rather than dehumanize them and alienate them further from society. The same goes for the war on "terror". If we create terror to fight terror than we are NO BETTER than those we have labeled as the original terrorists. In labeling the enemy as being "radical Islam", we have dehumanized an entire culture of peoples who only a small fraction are actually militant. MOST of the Muslims just want to be left alone, for us to STOP THE ATTACKS and BOMBING that is killing thousands of innocent men, women, and children... Thus we have an over-abundance of HATE-CRIMES that are often taken out on the WRONG CULTURE. Since the war in Afghanistan started, hate crimes against Pakistani, Indian, and other Middle Eastern peoples has more than doubled and they aren't even our "enemies", not that we should be thinking like that or labeling to begin with... but once again, we have labeled a group of people and now they are perceived as being somehow less than WHITE AMERICANS (not by myself, of course...). It is so easy to turn off the television and ignore the genocide that WE as Americans are condoning with our continued presence in foreign nations like Afghanistan and Iraq. This misplaced animosity is going to lead us into another WORLD WAR, as our "ally" Israel is hell bent on a war with Iran and Syria.
Another issue I have with this whole idea of the sanctity of life is that Muslims, Jews, and Christians ALL have the same god of Abraham, from the Torah (Old Testament). There has been MORE DEATH AND MURDER UNDER THE NAME OF GOD THAN ALL OTHER FORMS OF MURDER PUT TOGETHER (including the intentional and criminal poisoning of the planet by greedy corporations and state governments). In fact the Bible itself is full of hypocrisy as it says on one hand that life is sacred for a baby to be born, but once an adult, the same book condones murder, slavery, and a whole slew of barbaric acts... but that's okay, right? And the fighting is all about SEMANTICS... does it really matter who the last prophet on Earth was? Apparently we were too naughty of little monkey men and women if our god hasn't spoken to us in like 2000 years... just saying... maybe its because we have failed to follow even the most basic tenets of HIS word, like the 10 commandments... remember "Thou shall not kill (murder)"?
The real problem is that we kill others, especially in foreign lands to acquire control of natural resources like oil and minerals to fuel our war machine known as the UNITED STATES, the largest terror organization on the planet, so we can buy shit we don't need to impress people we don't like...
No, I'm not trying to start shit. I am only relaying my perceptions of how I see the state of the world; from what I can tell, people are obviously confused, especially when the U.S. itself is preparing for civil unrest against its own citizens. Where is the sanctity of life now when the global elite are planning mass extermination of the populace? Read the Georgia Guide-stones or Agenda 21, documents from the Council on Foreign Relations, United Nations, Bilderberg, Club of Rome, etc...
My point is that the SAME people (politicians, churches, governments) who are claiming the sanctity of life and are holding you to a certain standard are the SAME mother fuckers that are starting FOR-PROFIT WARS, engineering deathly vaccines filled with mercury and other soft metals, poisoning the sky with chem trails, throwing garbage in our oceans, rivers, swamps, and lakes; planting GMO crops that are toxic for human consumption that are additionally sprayed with toxic chemicals made by Monsanto... among MANY other issues...
In the end it all comes down to a few issues though... MONEY, POWER, and CONTROL of the masses... all for the purpose of getting people like you and I to do THEIR DIRTY WORK FOR THEM.
The sanctity of life only means something if it is an all-encompassing idea that WE promote to ALL humans, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, geographical region, etc. ANY TIME WE PROMOTE OURSELVES TO BE BETTER THAN OTHERS, WE HAVE LOST THE SANCTITY OF LIFE AND OUR VERY ESSENCE OF HUMANITY. It may be a dog eat dog kind of world filled with anger, hostility, and violence, but we MUST find a way to cooperate as a species. We MUST find a way to put aside our differences, minor or major as they may be... that even despite all our pre-conceived notions, we are all humans, we all share similar experiences and we are all trying to get back to source prime, the one and only god that created EVERYTHING in the universe, including man, woman, child, animals, plants, rocks, aliens/inter-dimensional beings, etc. We may want to put ourselves up on a pedestal of our own ego and self-perceptions, but you are no better than I as I am no better than you as we are no better than any other human being, regardless of their title (kings and queens, alleged royalty), their income, geographical birth, or social status (often poor are more highly discriminated than middle class or wealthy).
Think about what is worth FIGHTING for. Think about what is worth DYING for. Will it be to protect your family? Or will it be dying in a war that is waged for some fat cat to get richer while subjugating the poor into slavery, both of the mind and body?
Finally, I do not support abortion, but I am a man and I cannot rightfully tell any woman what to do with HER BODY. That is a decision SHE has to make and ultimately SHE will have to face GOD for those decisions. It is NOT our job to be the morality police for one another, only for ourselves. We are welcome to share our ideas and beliefs, but it crosses the line when FORCE is used to make people unwillingly comply with the wishes of a tyrannical police state. We live today in the United States of America. In order to revive our once great nation, we must get away from the globalization efforts of war and re-focus our priorities on family, community, love, faith, and spirituality... for only through HIM are we allowed into the kingdom of the heavens.
Can we start today? Can I ask my readers for a small favor? I beg of you to consider my words when you go back into your daily life. I beg of you to be good to one another and consider your words and actions when relating to your fellow human beings. We are all brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, cousins, aunts, uncles,sons, daughters, or grand-parents to someone... we all share a soul and a piece of the creator within our hearts and minds... that feeling, that knowledge may be difficult to tap into, and sometimes things feel hopeless, but I am here to tell you today that there IS hope... but it will require massive amounts of effort and a major PARADIGM SHIFT away from the thought processes that have led us down this spiral toward global disaster. It is NOT too late, but it will take ALL OF US to make this world better. We must ALL lay down our guns (both mental and physical) and end hostility. It is a closed room full of tiny men with tiny penises that seek to take over the world and enslave humanity... I think we can achieve a similar goal of global unity WITHOUT murdering one another and create an Utopian world where there doesn't have to be crime and punishment, but love, justice, and camaraderie, a brotherhood of UNITY, PEACE, and TOLERANCE.
I have HOPE, and I sincerely wish for you my readers to  share that hope with me and take it with you in your daily lives as you pay it forward and join me on the crusade to END the bloodshed and bring the SANCTITY BACK to the lives of ALL, not just a select few of people we are TOLD are better than us... THEY ARE NOT, as they are mere humans too. We are ALL EQUAL under the eyes of God. Period. End of discussion.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Robbin' the Hood

No this isn't Kevin Costner and I'm not the prince of thieves... this is the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. Welcome, thank you for joining me once again. If this is your first time viewing my blog, please take a little extra time to read my past blogs as well. With no further delay, let's jump in and get started.

If you take the time to look (which MOST people DON'T) you will see that the politics of the wealthy haven't really changed much since we as humans began recording history. The rich steal from the poor and call it TAXES... if the poor steal back what was once rightfully theirs or refuse to pay taxes of slavery and subservience to DA MAN, then they are called CRIMINALS. This leads me to ask the obvious question of "Why is it when rich people steal from the poor and middle class it is legal and lawful?" Flip the coin and it is ILLEGAL for the common man to refuse slavery and taxation for fear of imprisonment or even death.
Now I've heard this term "socialism" thrown around freely lately, especially in reference to the political policies of our president Obama. Let's define this socialism because I don't think people understand what it means or how it would effect him/her.
1) A theory of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc. in the community as a whole.
2) (In Marxist theory) the stage FOLLOWING CAPITALISM in the transition of a society to COMMUNISM, characterized by the improper implementation of collectivist principles.

You may be wondering what this has to do with anything. You can look on Facebook or any other social website and find postings of people calling Obama's policies those of socialism, this however is highly inaccurate.  Socialism would actually require equality among the citizens. The current social strata are extremely difficult for the average "peasant or serf" (their words, not mine) to overcome, and at BEST a poor individual can aspire to be "middle class"... but even those celebrities that are "rich" by poor standards are only middle class compared to the elite corporate executives, bankers, and politicians... yet we idolize the greed and materialism of the "American Dream" as shown to us on the idiot box by people who are paid to make you feel inadequate and inferior, only feeding into this constant struggle of the poor to envy the "rich" celebrities, often leading the poor to lives of "criminal behaviors". Those with money have done an excellent job keeping you and I locked into this cycle of slavery to their debt-ridden money... the good schools are reserved for the wealthy; same with the good organic foods that are free from carcinogenic chemicals and GMO bullshit, desirable housing, tax breaks, economic stimulus, etc... the list can go on and on...
Here's the problem. While the poor and middle class are fighting among one another, the rich bankers, corporate exec.'s, and politicians are literally LAUGHING AT US at the bottom. It is the ultimate pyramid scam, this system of "Capitalism", which really isn't even actually capitalism. With an ever-growing central government that is absorbing ALL the infrastructure of the economy, well we are slipping into COMMUNISM, rather than socialism. Socialism requires some equality. Communism does not. So let's define the latter term for your understanding.
1) A theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or TO THE STATE.
2) A system of social organization in which ALL economic and social activity is controlled by a totalitarian state dominated by a single and self-perpetuating political party.

Whether or not you want to admit it, the divide between the Republican party and the Democratic party is only an ILLUSION. The TRUTH is that BOTH parties hold up the pyramid capstone of the elite ruling class... why else do you think that the IRS pays our tax money to the British monarchy and the FED is controlled by Israeli Jews? Why do you think that the politicians like Obama and Romney have the EXACT SAME financial supporters that include large corporations and banks? It's because those are the institutions who actually own all the land, money, and resources... including the biggest resource of all: Human labor.
Until we change the system to support the PEOPLE, rather than the upper 1 to 10%, then the system will continue to be irrevocably broken. The problem lies in the fact that the poorer classes of people seek only to emulate the greedy rich toads above. NO ONE, even the poor wants to change the system for fear that they would lose something. Here's the thing... if you have nothing, nothing can be taken away, even by the rich. So why are people so fearful? The rich are deathly afraid of the poor because we outnumber them 99 to 1, and they are constantly worried about the things they own, which have corrupted their souls and made them inhuman... and they know this. The poor, unfortunately are deathly afraid of the rich because the rich pay other poor people to police one another and sometimes KILL.
I am not advocating violence because I honestly think it does no good. There is no point in revolting and causing dissent or change if we are going to stick by with our basic flawed ideas. We cannot escape our problems with the same logic that was used to get us into the problem to begin with. There is no point in having a social revolution if the people we choose to replace the corrupt officials are equally corrupt and greedy. The problem lies in the fact that power creates greed for more power and control. Mass amounts of the population have given up their rights willingly by lack of participation in the system that was created by our founding fathers to promote equality and a better way of life, separate from the tyranny of the British monarchy, those inhumane bastards. How do we sleep while our beds are burning? How can we ignore and place blame upon anyone else but those who implement their will against the masses? When the elite controlled media gets on the idiot box and spits out propaganda... why do we listen? Why do we sit idly by and allow the genocide and death of millions? Why can we not stand up, pissed off and say "NO!"? Why can we not wake up and realize that we are ALL humans, created EQUALLY in the eyes of our God, the SAME GOD as the Jews, Christians, and Muslims?
The truth is that we don't want to change. As much as people get up and tub-thump pointing fingers above and below, the truth is that people just want to be left alone, neither subjugated nor free, just existing, brainless, lifeless corpse with a pulse. Even those who have the gumption to raise their status to that of middle class then become resentful as they have to now pay for the taxes of the poor (who don't pay because they have NO MONEY) and then the taxes of the rich (who pay accountants to wiggle their way out to NOT pay their fare share of higher tax rates).
So when people get up and talk about Obama's policies being SOCIALISM, it makes me want to puke. Socialism would be great compared to this bullshit of global dictatorship that the elite are forcing the world to endure. Their weapons are the same as they always have been, since way before the days of Robin Hood. It is not stealing to take back from the rich what THEY STOLE FROM YOU to begin with. Only in THIS SYSTEM is such an idea illegal, when nature and human instinct is against the law. Only in this system where plants are taboo, but everyone is addicted to Vicodin, Percocet, and other opiates that are distributed by the medical arm of the military industrial complex, keeping you and I doped up and unaware while they continue to fuck us over from the top down... then they tell you that the enemy is some Arab in a cave living in the desert halfway across to the other side of the planet... and you believe it?!? No wonder they keep laughing as they fuck the people over. Don't be surprised if they even try some bullshit around election time, like a false flag terror attack, just to take away more rights, keeping us on this slippery slope toward global communism.
Keep learning and make your fights peaceful. They WANT for you and I to fight back with violence so they can be justified in their un-constitutional actions against the American public and abroad overseas, eagerly anticipating the day where they can implement MARTIAL LAW. Don't think it isn't the same people from the U.N., CFR, IMF, royal families, etc. that are all in leagues to keep you and I oppressed and subservient to our slave masters. Also remember, this country the USA is no longer free, owned by the people, or even a sovereign nation any longer. You are a slave and the sooner you realize it, the sooner that we can start the process of making a real change. If you want to know who your slave master is, look no further than the Federal Reserve that taxes every dollar they print with the blood of the masses. Debt = slavery. Slavery = inequality. How can you ever be free if you owe the government your existence?!? How can you ever be free when you are born into a system of bondage that will NEVER and is purposefully designed to NEVER be paid back? How can you look at yourself in the mirror and believe the lies that have been told to you by the very same people that seek to keep you down under their foot? How can you vote for a two party system that is controlled by banks and large corporations meant to steal your money, hopes, and dreams.... while they live the high life at our expense?
Think! Open your eyes and your minds and you will see that there is NO DIFFERENCE between Obama and Romney, or MOST of the other politicians! I've made my choice to vote for Ron Paul, even if he isn't on the ballot. While the other two idiots are arguing and fighting over inconsequential issues like gay rights and abortion, Mr. Paul is the ONLY candidate that is addressing the real issues like economic recovery, immigration, ending the IRS and FED, health care reform, etc... If you are in the bottom 90%, whether gay, straight, or whatever you believe, you best believe that the top 10% is NOT interested in your issues, only with gaining MORE CONTROL, POWER, and MONEY... and keeping you and I DOWN where they think we belong, certainly NOT on THEIR LEVEL.
We could learn a lot from the story of Robin Hood if we were to chose to do so. However, this is only a pipe dream because people fear change and no one wants to lose their little piece of the pie, no matter how small and insignificant it is. Nothing will get better until WE THE PEOPLE can stop fighting one another and realize the real source of the problems. It starts small with the brainwashing of our children by a shitty education system and the mindless programming of the populace through disinformation and propaganda from the idiot box. Do yourself a favor and turn it off. Spend time with your family. Go outside. THINKING and using our brains is the only thing that makes us different. This has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. Empathy. Thought. Community over self.

Friday, August 17, 2012


Namaste and welcome back my friends, family, and fellow knowledge seekers. Today the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back blog has gained over 10,000 blog views from all around the globe. I want to thank each and every person who has taken the time to read my thoughts and ideas. I hope I have opened some minds, touched some hearts, and changed some lives. This blog is for all my squeakers out there, who are quiet mice like me.
Are you a believer in evolution? How about creationism? Have you ever wondered in this world of infinite possibilities if BOTH could be correct? We like to polarize things as humans, often taking sides without even knowing the proper information about the side we claim to represent. Can we put down our own pre-conceived dispositions and biases for a moment and assume for once that both sides are correct... the implications would be astounding. For my blog topic of choice today I want to discuss the idea that it is NOT too difficult to sift through the lies and propaganda and imagine the world of the ancients where dinosaurs and humans lived alongside one another. Come with me on this journey and I might just convince you to change your mind about what you THINK you know.

Close your eyes if you will and imagine a world like the book Dinotopia, by James Gurney, where humans and dinosaurs coexisted. Now following a line of logic, science has proven evolution, and yet the creationists still cling onto the idea that the Earth is only like 8-10 thousand years old. Okay, if this were so, that would emphatically mean that dinosaurs WERE indeed created by the same God that created humans, so by that timeline alone, it is impossible for the ancient reptiles to have lived millions of years before humans. Also, it wasn't until the mid 1800's that the term "dinosaur" was coined. The word dinosaur is translated to "terrible lizard"; this labeling of dinosaurs is often inaccurate as the majority of dinosaurs were actually smaller than a cow, but yet the image of terrifying man-eating lizards emerged and took over leaving the public filling in their imaginations with falsehoods, often propagated by the Catholic church, insisting on this biblical timeline that is a mathematical impossibility, never mind the fossil record or the idea that early cavemen with crude tools built monumental and colossal structures like the pyramids to mathematical precision aligned with the stars, having advanced knowledge of astronomy WAY BEFORE their time... allegedly. If you believe the "official version" of this story... I don't know what to tell you.  Open your mind.
Before the modern term of dinosaur, these giant lizards were called DRAGONS for thousands of years and can be recounted in all corners of the globe from the Mezo-Americas to China, Europe, Africa... and many many more open seas encounters with sea-serpent creatures like the Leviathan that resembled the large lizards that were referred to as dragons. I want to recount some of these stories for you briefly so you will understand what I mean.
1) The Greek historian Herodotus, during a visit to Arabia, wrote about seeing giant winged serpents that had ".. the body of a water snake with the wings of a bat."
2) Alexander the Great recounted while in India local villagers worshiping a hissing dragon as a god that lived in a cave. The local villagers would bring the dragon food and offerings. The Indian king Abisarus kept similar serpents that were between 120 and 210 feet long.
3) Beowulf is an epic tale of a legendary heroic dragon slayer that is still read to this day and had a movie made a couple years ago. The hero slayed several dragons in the story, but primarily a nasty lizard called the grendel. This is one of the most important pieces of Anglo-Saxon literature.
4) Saint George, in the town of Silene, Libya beheaded a dragon in the public square after luring it in transfixed on his spear.
5) Marco Polo on his travels through Asia and the island nations of the south Pacific recounted seeing dragons of all sizes and often ones that were menacing and fierce to look at without being in fear.
6) The Aztecs had a god named Quetzalcoatl that was a feathered serpent, worshiped around the first century B.C.

Even in the Bible there are mentions by Job of giant "Behemoths" whose physical description matches those of a dragon or dinosaur. Revelation 12:7-9 accounts Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon, and the dragon and its angels fought back, but in the end the great serpent Satan was hurled back to the Earth and his angels with him.
Isaiah spoke several times in verse about fiery flying serpents that sound a lot like dragons too. Daniel also spoke of the Babylonians worshiping a great dragon.
So what we are told is that dinosaurs lived for around 100 million years and died out somewhere about 65 million years ago. We are also told that dinosaurs were stupid creatures with miniature brains that were dumb and slow. Human beings however have had significantly less time on the planet, but yet we have created art, mathematics, genetic engineering, and unparalleled architectural feats of engineering. Why are we so arrogant to think that we are the pinnacle of evolution?
Think about this, reptiles are the ONLY animals on the entire planet that continue to grow for their entire lifetime. To prove this, just look at the Galapagos turtles. They live for over 200 years and are HUGE, about the size of a bathtub. If that exact same animal lived for another 300 years, let's say, for example, it would be the size of a CAR!! The same could be said about ANY of the other lizards and reptiles on the planet. Look at the komodo dragon.
There are biblical accounts of people living for 500, 600, and even 900 years old, as well as stories of behemoths, dragons, giants, burning bushes, and talking snakes... I mean if you're gonna believe THAT, why can't you believe that the dragons were just the modern ancestors of the later dinosaurs? Is it even so hard to believe that man in his arrogance and fear, like MOST other mythological creatures, probably drove them all to EXTINCTION!! We're doing it daily NOW as we tear down the rain forests, pollute the lakes, rivers, and oceans, and destroy the soil and sky with chemicals....
Also of note, it has been recently discovered near Glen Rose, Texas that there are fossilized remains showing both human AND dinosaur/dragon footprints side by side from the same geological time period.

There are depictions on temples in Cambodia that show humans and dragons/dinosaurs living together and on many a temple in Central American countries like Mexico. One of the well known artifacts they found was a carving of a stegosaurus onto the wall in stone. Here's the thing... I've heard the argument stated that they would have just dug up the fossils and drawn the picture... not likely. Even in today's modern museums, MOST of the bones for the dinosaurs that they have put together and on display are FAKE. People just filled in the dots with imagination trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle without the picture on the box and made the dinosaurs look fearsome and terrible... and the interest was peaked and profits were made... and the truth has been muddled over and lost, but now is re-emerging thanks to archaeologists and paleontologists.
The point I'm making is that without having actually SEEN the creature they would have had NO IDEA of how to make a carving into stone to look EXACTLY the way it was supposed to... but that's just chance, right?
Another thing to consider is the effectiveness of carbon dating and its accuracy. Samples that were once reported to be millions of years old, such as the dinosaur fossils are now being re-tested and found to be only about 16,000 years old rather than millions of years old. Don't believe me... do some research for yourself instead of just taking someone else's word for things.

My opinion is that dragons and dinosaurs are the same evolution, as diverse as their predecessors. I don't deny the idea that they also lived before humans, but the dragons undoubtedly lived DURING the time of humans. Many an epic tale has been told from all corners of the Earth about slaying the dragons and gaining lost hoarded treasures. Whatever you want to believe, as I have said before I encourage you to do your own research and not just be content with the story told to you by the church or political state. You can only learn so much on a public funded education... and they damn sure aren't gonna tell you the truth.
Ladies and gentlemen, this has been the Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. Truth. Acceptance.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Pelvic Massage

So check this out... today I wanted to share with you something of interest that I heard of the other day. I spent a few days researching and I think you will find humor in what I have found about the ancient art of pelvic massage, namely its use for the treatment of hysteria. This is the Quiet Mouse Strikes Back. Strap in folks... are you not ready to be entertained?

In our modern era we seldom think of the origins of things like medicine, science, religion, politics, etc. In our inter-woven web of life where EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED it is the duty of those like myself to inform  others of knowledge that has been overlooked or forgotten. This topic seems especially relevant as it can be dated back over 2000 years to the time of the ancient Greeks, talked about in medial papers by Plato and Hippocrates where it was theorized that women had a wondering womb "blocking passages, obstructing breathing, and causing disease".
First I want to say that hysteria itself is latin and is literally translated as hyst (uterus) ia (disease)... thus "uterus (or womb) disease". This of course was a very radical notion, but was treated by medical "professionals" for more than 2 thousand years until the invention of the modern vibrator.
So this apparent hysteria was often noticed in women that were sexually deprived such as nuns, widows, virgins, and occasionally the married woman. At one time it was believed that a quarter of all women suffered from this condition; that's 25% or 1 in 4 women... now THAT is kinda crazy... but then again who DOESN'T go a little bit crazy if they are sexually deprived. Bear in mind please that since the inception of the Roman Catholic Church, masturbation has been considered sinful... not sure exactly how the doctor manually rubbing it out was so much better, but yet the practice continued up until modern times. Apparently now we know why so many men wanted to be gynecologists... and here I was thinking that they just wanted to SEE some pussy... I had no idea that the women were actually going to the doctor to get off. I suppose it does make sense though because don't you really feel a great sense of relief when you have an orgasm? Is is so much different if done by self or by someone else? Oh and did I mention that it was quite a lucrative practice for this pelvic/vaginal massage as it is only minimally invasive, no chance of death, and a LOT of repeat business...

Let's keep exploring and see if we can find some answers.
Now it wasn't always a man's job to perform the vaginal or pelvic massage to those with hysterical paroxysm, often the job was done by a nurse or a midwife as well to treat symptoms that would later be diagnosed by modern psychology following the work done by Sigmund Freud such as schizophrenia, neuroses, epilepsy, anxiety disorder, and conversion disorder, among others. Hysteria seemed at one point to be a kind of catch-all diagnosis for a whole slew of undefinable medical disorders for women. So the doctor or midwife would manually masturbate the woman either internally or externally to orgasm to relieve the patient of her ailment, whatever it may be.
Toward the end of the 1900s mechanical vibrators had been invented to replace the demand on the physicians time where the patient could then "self soothe" the hysteria at home rather than take up the doctors precious time. There has been the use of dildo's since pre-New Testament biblical times, but the modern advent of a mechanical device for masturbation was a profound invention that blossomed and women did not have to feel bad about rubbing one out or fear of being judged due to alleged mental illness... after all, doctor knows best, right?
Now let's go back again a tad bit because I want to re-emphasize that in older days sex was used more as a means of procreation and since the days of the Romans, up until the 1960's, free love wasn't that popular for a long time. Sex was generally OVER once the man put his penis into the vagina and blew his wad like the "Little Engine that just couldn't keep it UP"... and this misogynism went on for a really long time. In my opinion "hysteria" (no longer considered a proper medical terminology) was caused by the fact that only about 50% of women can get off by penis insertion alone. Half of women NEED some sort of external stimulation that at the time was NOT being provided by willing husbands, as they were only interested in their OWN sexual satisfaction... why not would the women then seek out assistance from medical expertise? It has really only been in the last hundred years or so and especially after the women's lib. movement that men have taken an interest in the female orgasm, beyond the doctor's office and in the bedroom, I mean.
Now I want to talk about the modern era of masturbation. In some circles, often highly religious ones, it is still deemed "sinful" for a woman or man to self-pleasure stating that it is only the sexual act between a man and a woman that is acceptable. I beg to differ in this opinion, however, because most of those same religions look down on contraceptives as well. Beyond the fact that religion WANTS more babies to be born so they will grow up to throw money into a VERY LUCRATIVE pot... it would seem that hitting bulls-eye every time you wanted to have sex and having a baby would kinda suck... especially for the woman. For modern women who are busy in the work force and have less than stellar time to pick and chose among the rabble of unshaven miscreants, metro-sexuals, homosexuals, and dumb jocks... it is acceptable and understandable to have BOB (Battery Operated Boyfriend) as a stand by.
I seek to re-emphasize as I have in past blogs that there is NOTHING that replaces sex. However, it is healthy and natural to seek out self satisfaction... especially if it will relieve mental illness, lol.
Here is an example of what the first mechanical vibrators looked like.

Modern vibrators come in all kinds of shapes, sizes, and colors all the way from pocket pleasure to KING KONG, like the ones you see in porno. Don't worry if at first your man is intimidated by BOB, but in TALKING and getting to know one another sexually with your PARTNER, he will loosen up and learn to appreciate BOB as a supplement to an already otherwise healthy relationship. Even if you don't chose to use them in your bedroom, one cannot deny the rich history of the story of the pelvic massage all the way to modern vibrators and their epic rise to modern CLIMAX.
So my fellow horn dogs, slut puppies, and equal opportunity masturbaters... GET OUT THERE AND GET SOME... PLEASE YOUR WOMAN DAMN IT! You don't have the doctor to do it any longer for you... MEN, it's time to step up and please your woman. Find the clit and the g-spot... you'll be a hero for some lucky lady. For now, this has been the one and only Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Respect. Reciprocation.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Lies, Blame, and "I'm sorry"

Hey there all you out there in internet-land, welcome to my blog. It's been a couple weeks, I've moved, things have settled down a little bit and I am back. I've had some time to think about a lot of things and I would love to share them with you. Give me a few minutes of your time and I think you'll not regret it.

Why do we lie to one another? Why do we blame others for our own problems and insecurities? And why do we have to get a non-sincere apology, like "sorry you're getting fucked over"? It's not just politics either, the very core to the problems we have as a human species lies within each and every one of us: man, woman, and child alike. It occurred to me earlier today in what I refer to now as "epiphanies" that people don't want to know the truth because often enough just knowing too much can force change. Change, my friends, is INEVITABLE, and is not something that should be feared because if we look around us, the answer is simple enough that even a child can figure it out... but I'll get back to that in a moment.

Lies and blame are really not very different, after all it is just simply put a deflection (that is a mask) away from the truth of insecurity, fear, and guilt.
It is unfortunately HUMAN INSTINCT to LIE, CHEAT, STEAL, and BLAME. We learn to do so at an early age when faced with the fear of reprisal or negative consequences, usually for our own actions, but we lie to avoid imagined pain, not knowing that the pain caused by the deceit often far outweighed the original action that could have easily been avoided by telling the truth. One lie compounds upon another and the truth gets stretched to transparency ultimately as it always does. It takes a lot of effort to keep a lie going. It takes little effort to tell the truth and accept the consequences for behavior, both good and bad. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. It's one of the simple laws of physics, but that is often where the truth is most often found... in plain sight. Kids do these things because they don't want to change for fear that they will lose something if they relent and learn to be smarter, wiser, and stronger in mind and body than just basic human instinct.
If it weren't for human instinct, then why else would we have these problems as a species? That's because we all have the ability to do these things like lie, cheat, steal, and blame others. But on the flip side of the coin, we also have the simple ability to love, learn, and be happy. These three things might seem cliche, but then again it is the simplicity of this that is so understandable to a child. It is only as we grow older do we seek complexity and confusion. It seems almost a social standard that we respect complexity but yet look down on ancient knowledge that even a toddler could understand. How can this intricate matrix of mass lies, blame, cheating, and theft teach you or I ANYTHING that we are supposed to know about not only ourselves, but the world we live in, the universe, the soul, and the meaning of life?
We are lied to by parents, politicians, friends, religious figures and we even lie to ourselves to avoid the truth because deep down, even though we know that change is inevitable, we still will go to extreme measure to try to avoid the inevitable... we lie to avoid pain. We cause ourselves pain to avoid the despair of aging, loss, and many of us die with regret because of these behaviors...
Insincere apology has been raised into us as a species as well, now living with generations of people so eager to be sorry... and for what. Was something done wrong? Yes and no. I think that many people are cursed with regrets, fears, and guilt for past offenses, and have a hair trigger response to apologize even when he/she never did anything wrong in the current moment.

You can say whatever you want to justify ANYTHING you want to. You can lie to yourself and everyone else, but eventually it will come down to just YOU and the MIRROR. Can you face the REAL YOU? Do you even know who or what you really are?!? If not, why? While you've been living a lie in a world based on an illusion and deception; while you've been robbed of your money, time, and future... what have you got to show for all of it? Fear? Guilt? Hatred? Anger? The things we lie about, blame others for, and cheat and steal to take things... all to impress people who you don't even like... but is it just a reflection of that the feelings you feel in others are the SAME feelings of how you see yourself? It takes one to know one, so if you see traits in others it is only the traits that YOU possess yourself.
It starts at an early age. That is why it is so important for us to teach our children what is REAL, like the feeling of grass between the toes, the bond of family and loved ones, and the good feelings of telling the truth and helping others, rather than cheating and stealing to get STUFF... life feels a lot better when you've actually done it right and earned it. Heed not the advice of false idols that are obsessed with materialism and greed... All the STUFF in the world will not fill the void in the hearts of those who are an empty shell of a human being. And being busy doesn't mean that you are actually doing something important. Don't confuse expenditure of effort for a purpose driven life. Make goals. Tell the truth... ALWAYS! Take responsibility for your deeds, actions, and words... and if you apologize... make it sincere, that means you have to actually feel like you did something wrong. If you don't feel that way... don't apologize... but don't be a dickhead either.
Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts and feelings. This is therapeutic for me... so please feel free to comment, befriend me... I am open to personal questions as well, if ever anyone needs to ask me anything I will do my best to answer. We are growing together, you and I as writer and reader... we don't always have to agree and I don't profess to know everything... I know a bit about a lot, let's just say... It is the wisest man who can admit that he knows nothing... This is the one and ONLY Quiet Mouse.
Peace. Love. Truth. Respect. Self-acceptance. Tolerance. Freedom.

American Conservatism

Once we recognize that Libertarianism is essentially neo-feudalism, and that it is now the dominant conservative philosophy of the Republica...